Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire's Breath ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“But you see,” Akito said, “you don't have anything to do about it. She's going to die, and she'll die while I'm in her, taking pleasure in place of her life. It doesn't concern you, since you don't concern anyone. Understand? Now shut up, and stop talking. I don't want to waste any more breath on a piece of scum. Get out of my sight!”
“No!” Kyo yelled, and with that, he lunged at Akito.
Tohru screamed when Akito forcefully shoved himself into her, and again when Kyo lunged into Akito, which yanked him from her. Kyo winced, hearing her pain. What happened after that, Tohru as unaware of, for she had passed out from the pain.
Tohru woke to feel water slowly dripping onto her face. She looked up to find that it was Kyo crying.
“Kyo,” she asked, “what's wrong?” Kyo's eyes suddenly snapped open, and Tohru felt herself drowning in a tight, yet gentle hug. She looked at him quizzically, and brushed the tears from his face. She wondered why he was crying. Was he sad that she woke up or something? She gently, yet sadly, cupped his face.
“Kyo,” she asked, “what's the matter? If it's so bad that I'm awake, why don't you just call Yuki or `Hari in to do the job for you, since they seem to enjoy it so much?” She turned her head slightly, sensing movement in the corner, and pushed herself into Kyo when she realized that it was Yuki and Hari. Then, she cocked her head when she saw them flinch again from her fear of them.
Out of nowhere, a dark haired figure swept into the room. It glanced around the room, taking in the situation. The sight of the four people in the room brought interest to the figure. This interest finally settled on Tohru, and the eyes widened at how pale, thin, and deathly she appeared to be.
“My flower!” Shigure exclaimed, “What have they done to you, for your health and radiance to fade like so?!”
“Shigure?” Tohru inquired.
“Yes, Tohru?” He replied.
“Shut up.”
Shigure blinked at the blunt command, but just brushed it off.
“How can I?!” he exclaimed, looking at her indignantly. “You expect me to just sit here in a little corner while you waste away into nothing, and do nothing about it?!”
“Well, what can you do,” she countered, “drink my blood like the others did? Shigure, don't put up an act with me anymore. I know why you let me stay at your house. You were just using me as your personal Souma blood bank! I've been naïve for too long with you. It's time I toughen up and stop trusting everyone that I meet. I have to stop trusting, or it'll be the end of me!”
“But don't you see?” mocked a voice from the doorway “You are at your end, and you can thank your newfound `family' for that!” Akito looked down at her in disgust. “I can't believe that you were actually a virgin before I took you. I had thought that with you living with all guys, you would've whored yourself out by now, or at least just gotten it taken from you. Never thought you would've lasted this long in without something happening. You must be that revolting to them.” Akito shrugged off the last comment as though it were just a small thing that was to be expected.
“Don't you dare talk to me like I'm something that's so below you. At least I don't rely on the blood of the innocent to survive! You are filth! Vile! Disgus—“ Tohru's head snapped back, as Akito smacked her. She just gave him a defiant look, and spat the blood in her mouth at him, which only served to anger him further. He snatched her up from Kyo's lap, not paying any heed to her cry of pain and protest.
“And don't you dare speak to me as though you are above me, you little slut! You are nothing! Nothing, you hear?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Why else would your dear Yuki and Hatori be so willing to attempt to drink you dry? The answer is obvious: because you're worthless, whore.”
Tohru looked at Akito with an unreadable expression on her face. “You poor thing,” she said, “having to rely on people's pain to live, even if you have to make lies to cause it. You're hopeless. I don't care if I'm hopeless, as long as I've got hope. At least if I have some hope, then I might be able to become something, unlike you, always doing your best to be the vengeful beast; bitter because of you're fate.”
Akito eyed Tohru with hate, and flinched when she suddenly leaned over and hugged him. His flinch, however, soon became a smirk. Tohru, unfortunately, was unaware of that. He suddenly turned her in his arms, so that he had an easy path to her jugular. Tohru gasped at the sudden movement, though she tried to hide it. Akito smirked at her futile attempts.
“I have had enough of you're insulting me to my face. You will be alive no longer. I feel no need to delay you're death even further. Why delay the inevitable?” Upon stating his beliefs, he lowered his head to her neck and drank. The other Souma's were frozen in shock, and only snapped out of it when they heard Tohru cry out as Akito readjusted his grasp on her.
“No!” Kyo exclaimed. “You can't have her! I won't let you!” And with that, he managed to snatch her out of Akito's grasp. However, he didn't make it to the door before Akito caught up with him.
“You have no right to order my around, scum.” Kyo didn't have time to react as Akito swung his bony hand at the back of his head. Kyo crumpled, leaving Tohru defenseless. Akito smirked at her, and the rest of the Souma's before putting his hand to the back of her neck, and pulling her throat to his mouth.
Soon, she fell from his grasp, pale as paper, limp as a doll; dead.
Kyo woke up an hour later, to the feel of something cold and heavy laying on him. He blinked his eyes to clear his vision, and felt a low growl grow in his throat when he realized what the cold, heavy object was. Tohru. A very dead Tohru lay on his chest with no breath entering or exiting her lungs. There was no slight rise and fall of her chest, and she was much to pale to Kyo's liking.
The past events suddenly rushed back to Kyo's head; Valentine's Day, White day, Tohru's `present', Tohru's many close encounters with death, Yuki and Hatori's betrayals, Tohru's rape, trying to help Tohru escape, …Tohru's death.
As Kyo was thinking, red spots began to enter his vision. Soon, his whole vision was red, and he could only think of Akito, the pain he caused Tohru, and how he must die.
Kyo vision cleared, and he became aware of the fact that he was being restrained and that something wet dripping from his mouth. He licked his lips to try to figure out what it was, and almost gagged.
“What did I do?” he rasped. “Whose blood is this? Who did I kill?” He felt the restraints tighten against him, and realized that hey were arms. Then he realized that it was Hatori, who was laughing an odd sort of laugh.
“You did what we were to scared to do: give Tohru justice. You did to him, what he did to Tohru.” Hatori smiled at Kyo, and smile devoid of humor, but with a sad joy in it. “You killed Akito Kyo. You killed Akito.” With that, he enveloped Kyo into a hug, as tears fell down his cheeks. “I loved her too, and yet…I was frozen. I couldn't stop him. Yet, when you were on rampage against Akito, if I had wanted to, I could've helped him. I was able to move. I am disgusting. I can't even try to help to preserve innocence. She's right. I am a monster. A monster.”
Kyo turned in Hatori's grasped and gave Hatori a hug. “No, Hatori. You were frozen in fear. You were able to move when I `went on rampage against Akito' because you didn't care about him. With Tohru, you did. We all did. But even though we all did, she's still dead. She's dead. Hatori, we killed her. We killed her.” They stood together in an embrace, for they understood each other on some ground.
“Yanno, we'll hafta give her a funeral.”
“Ya. I know. We will.”
After the service, the Souma's all stood before her grave. At the same time, they all chorused (excluding Rin, who had run away again, and Akito, for he was dead--and wouldn't have apologized anyways), “Tohru Honda, we all apologize for bestowing upon you, the vampire's breath.”
They had been standing in silence for a couple of minutes before the Yuki stiffened.
“The rats are talking.” He said, glaring at them when some of them snickered. “They're saying that they can hear something inside of the coffin.” He paused again. “Like something scratching at it, trying to get out. Like something's alive in there. Oh my god. They're saying that the lid is moving; that something is moving the lid off of it. She's still alive!”
They quickly went to the edge of the grave, for they had yet to fill it up with dirt, and saw the lid come off. They gasped when they saw Tohru stumble out…or was it Tohru? Something about her was different. She seemed…inhuman… she seemed like…a vampire.
All right people, this series is over. I dunno when my next series is gonna start, but it could take some time, or little at all. Depends on how much homework/time I've got. Oh, and how much motivation I get, too. So, go to that lil button on the bottom of the screen and review. Tell me what you think. Don't be afraid to tell me if you don't like how fast it ended, how it ended. I'd understand. I've read many fics that ended in a way I hated, but think of it this way. She gonna be able to do more things with them now *wink wink* Oh, and by homework/time, I'm talkin bout high school. I'm a freshman. I'm takin Geometry (sophomore level class) honors, English I honors, Biology I (once again, sophomore level class) honors, and History of Western Thoughts (COLLEGE level class, this time!) honors. Oh, then I'm takin keyboarding/ word-processing first semester, and Business tech 2nd. This year is gonna be SOO fun for me… cuz after all, I am SOO organized! … I'm gonna die… anyways, lift up my spirits by givin me reviews! They heal everything!!! Oh, and you know like, somewhere near the beginning of the summer, I told you about my finger? Well, that nail broke in the inside that day, and well, it's coming off now. I've got about half of it off. The other half still has to let my finger go. I think I'd better shut up now, before my authoress' note becomes longer than my story! lol! Anyways, REVIEW! Oh, and if u wanna talk to me, I'll be online at like 6:30a - 7:30a Central time. On Yahoo! Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger, my screen name is PrincessFlame91. Oh, and once I get the time to download it, on MSN Messenger, my screen name will be Uh, ya, well, REVIEW!!!