Full Moon Wo Sagashite Fan Fiction ❯ As The Tears Fall ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was a dark night. Shadowed clouds were drifting across the sky, covering the stars and even the moon—a full moon tonight.
Meroko Yui was sitting on the roof of a tall building, looking up at the sky, searching for the moon. She wanted to find a piece of comfort somewhere, just one little piece—but there was none to be found tonight.
A chilled wind blew into Meroko's face, but she didn't even notice. Her thoughts were elsewhere, and the weather was the farthest thing from her mind.
On the sidewalk below, a couple of teenage girls were walking side by side. One of them said something, and the other one burst out laughing.
A sad little smile came onto Meroko's face, and she chuckled softly.
“What is there to laugh about tonight?” she asked quietly, shifting slightly. In her mind, she answered her own question.

“I'll be with you always,” Takuto said to Mitsuki. “I'll always be with you…and always protect you.”
I will be the one to prevent your death!”
And then, with all hesitation thrown to the winds…
I love you.”
From her hiding place behind the tree, Meroko's eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. She felt numb. Cold and numb.

Mitsuki and Takuto stood in the ocean, with Mitsuki sobbing violently over Takuto's shoulder. Takuto held her, his eyes closed.
Still floating behind the tree, Meroko tried to keep the tears inside. They were swimming in her eyes, fighting to be let out, but she refused to let them go.
Beside her, Izumi's hand reached for hers. Without the slightest change in expression, Meroko turned to look at Izumi. How long had he been here? Had he heard everything? Did he know exactly why she felt like crying?
His eyes told her not to cry, that everything would be all right. But Meroko's tears had other plans. They streamed silently down her face, and she did nothing to stop them, because for once her life, she truly wanted to cry.

Meroko had to hold back tears again at that memory, which had happened only a few hours ago. The pain was still fresh.
Meroko had known Takuto for a long while—almost from Takuto's first day as a Shinigami, which had been about two years ago. Over time, she had fallen in love with him. Her blind faithfulness to Takuto, her love for him…it had all been swept away so fast. Now Meroko wasn't sure what she felt for him anymore. Part of her still wanted to love him, but part of her wanted to destroy him.
How can I be surprised? It always ends like this…It always falls apart in the end. First with Izumi…and now it's you, Takuto…
But why does it always have to end like this? Why? Am I ever going to find love that's real?
Then Meroko remembered something she had said to Takuto once.
What if we became Shinigami...because we were given a "chance," and not as a "punishment"...I want to believe, too!”
Meroko laughed softly. It was not a happy laugh.
“I was wrong. This was and will always be an endless and eternal punishment.”
Meroko glanced behind her. Izumi walked up to her, looking concerned.
“I've been looking for you for over an hour. Are you alright?”
“No,” Meroko replied flatly. Izumi could probably sense her pain a mile off, so why bother lying?
The concern etched on Izumi's face deepened. “Can I sit with you?” he asked.
Meroko shrugged. “I don't care.”
Izumi sat down next to Meroko. The two of them were silent for a few minutes, then Izumi spoke up. “Are you alright?”
“Didn't I answer that already?” Meroko snapped.
Izumi brushed a strand of hair out of Meroko's face. “Meroko,” he said softly.
Meroko turned away. “What did you come here for?” she asked harshly. She wasn't in the mood for Izumi's games.
“I'm worried about you,” Izumi said. “After…what happened earlier…” He broke off. There was no need to continue.
“That?” Meroko closed her eyes tightly. “What makes you think I care about that?
Izumi turned and gently pulled Meroko backwards so that she was resting on his chest. He moved a finger to her face and traced it along her cheek.
“Because you're crying.”
Meroko blinked. She hadn't even noticed that tears were falling from her eyes again. She lifted a hand to her cheek and lightly brushed at a tear. She swallowed hard.
“…Maybe you're right, then. Maybe I do care.”
Izumi sighed. “Meroko…”
Meroko gave a wild cry and shoved Izumi away. Izumi fell backwards. He got up slowly, looking stunned.
The tears were sliding down Meroko's face faster than ever, and her voice sounded choked, but it kept getting louder and louder.
“Maybe I care that the one I love doesn't even care about me! Maybe I care that I fell into the same trap with Takuto that I did with you!”
Her hands clenched into fists, and she began shaking.
“Maybe I care that everything is falling apart! Maybe I care that nothing ever goes right for me!”
She was full out sobbing now.
“Why is this happening to me? Why does everything have to happen to me?”
Izumi swept Meroko into a tight hug, as if he thought he could absorb all her pain and sadness and get rid of it with that embrace. Under other circumstances, Meroko might have considered protesting, but tonight, she just sat there and cried over Izumi's shoulder. She cried because she knew that Love had tricked her yet again. She cried because she had fallen in love again, despite her promise not to, and she cried because she felt miserable, betrayed, and alone.
Meroko suddenly felt something hit one of her shoulders. Something small and wet. It felt like a raindrop, but it wasn't raining.
Suddenly she realized what it was.
The realization just made her cry harder, because she knew that it was a teardrop that had hit her shoulder, and she knew that for the first time in her memory, Izumi was crying too.