Full Moon Wo Sagashite Fan Fiction ❯ Incarnate ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3
Both adults stood amazed at the ferocity of the child. Quietly, Takuto headed for the door. While closing it behind him, he stopped to say good-bye.
“Good-bye, little boy. I hope I never see you again. I'll see you at home, Mitsuki.”
When the door closed behind him, she fell to her knees. Breathing erratically, Eichi turned to face her.
“Are you alright?”
She looked at the floor and closed her eyes in pain. Facing this boy meant facing everything that had just happened. She didn't want to believe that this child made her tremble in his arms. She didn't want to believe that her own boyfriend, Takuto, was accusing her of child molestation. She didn't even want to believe that this boy looked just like Eichi of so long ago. His voice filled her ears, soft and gentle, like her dead Eichi.
“I didn't mean to hurt you so much that you can't look at me.”
Without opening her eyes, she whispered, “It's not your fault. It's mine. So, please…just…go back home to your parents.”
She couldn't see his reaction, but she could hear the heartfelt pain in his voice.
“I…don't have parents or a home to go to. I'm an orphan.”
The same tears that she had stopped before flowed again. Her eyes opened to look at the little boy who stood before her. He was an orphan, just like Eichi, just like her.
His gentle expression hardened for a moment, “Please don't feel sorry for me. I am happy at the orphanage.”
She couldn't stop crying. He didn't go near her.
From his distance, he asked quietly, “Are you crying because I'm an orphan…just like your past boyfriend? Do I remind you so much of him?”
In disbelief, her hands went to cover her sobs long enough to ask, “Are you really just six years old?”
He stood straight, “Yes.”
She couldn't figure out if she wanted to run into his arms again or run out of the room. Looking at him through teary eyes, she saw a little boy standing there with his hands in his pockets. Really, she wanted to walk over to him and wrap her arms around him, just to see if she could sense any feeling of being with Eichi again. But, she didn't want to hurt two men she loved so much for her own selfishness. Wiping at her eyes, she stood up and her voice shook as she spoke.
“Little Eichi, let me give you back your shirt. It's dry now. Run along now and make sure to listen to my music.”
Anxiously, he shuffled his feet, “Can I see you backstage again?”
Forcing a smile, she answered, “Of course, just make sure you have a backstage pass.”
He looked at her and crossed the distance between them.
“A backstage pass to see you?”
Backing away, she soon felt the wall behind her. The tears threatened to spill again. Did he have any idea how much she was holding back to save him? The shaking of her knees caused her to fall on them. Now that they were at the same height, he saw the waves of emotion that broke against the shorelines of her eyes. Sighing, he raised his hand to touch her hair. Her breathing was uneven, as his fingers ran through her hair. Her own fingers found themselves touching his face, burning every crevice into her memory. When he backed away, she felt the cold air of loneliness between them. Almost crying out for him not to leave her, she wondered if she still saw Eichi in him.
That must have been it. She was having a hard time seeing him as anyone else but Eichi. She was using him to replace a love that was dead and gone. Trying to stand on her own two feet, she headed to the dressing table and handed him his shirt.
“Here, it's dry now.”
Two small hands reached to take the article of clothing and put it on.
“I apologize for mistaking you for someone else and spilling water on you. In return, I'll give you a signed copy of my album.”
He headed for the door, without looking back.
“Thank you for drying my shirt, but I better head back before I am considered missing.”
Watching him leave, she held herself and wondered if she did the right thing.
Before the door closed, he turned around and smiled, “Now that I have met you in person, Full Moon, I love you even more.”