Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Completion ❯ Burning Heart ( Chapter 2 )

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Hey there. Here's Ch. 2.
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA. If I did, the English voice over for “Conqueror of Shambala” would be Vic Mignogna, not Jesse McCartney.
Burning Heart
Staring out the windows, her blue eyes reflect the light, I wonder if they reflect my thoughts?
Peering through my soul and my burning thoughts of lust for her.
Her hair is the color of the Sun and hangs naturally, I would want it no other way.
My eye follows her every movement from her getting up to getting a drink or just brushing her hair.
She completes me.
My heart burns for her touch, her voice, her compassion.
I yearn for her.
I may be helpless now, but eventually I will repay you, somehow, someway.
I will repay you with my love and passion.