Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Leaving Reality ❯ I'm Where now? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: I'm where now?
“YES!!!!” I shouted, bounding out of the school. “Last day of school before Christmas break. Two weeks off baby, yeah!!!” My best friend Brittany covered her face in embarrassment. “Feiona, will you stop shouting. People are staring.” Grinning, I hopped onto a concrete block and threw my arms out. “Come one, come all. Come see the extremely obnoxious girl. A member of your very own Star High School.......Feiona!!!!” All the students laughed. After four years of my antics they were used to me by now. Bowing, I jumped off the block and entwined arms with Brittany. Shaking her head, she allowed me to drag her to my pride and joy, my baby.... my car. A jet-black Honda CR-V with silver flames running from the back of the front tires to the rear bumper. The black interior was also over come by flames. The seats were covered in black seat covers with blue flames. Heck even the steering wheel and floor mats had blue flames on them. Hopping into the car, we sped off to The Japanamie Nation, the hang out for Japanese Anime fanatics to come together and watch anime or read manga. Yes I, Feiona Avalon, am one of the most crazed fanatics of them all. I've seen everything from Dragonball to Yu Yu Hakusho. I am majority obsessed with at the moment, Full Metal Alchemist. Pulling into the parking lot, I reached into the back and grabbed my Inuyasha mailbag that was full of all my mangas. As I stated earlier, there is no better place to read manga but here.
Upon entering the building we were bombarded by anything and everything Anime. Pictures, shirts, books, plushie's. If it has anything to do with any anime, it was here. Saying bye to Brit, who was into the mushy lovey-dovey anime, I strode over to the slightly violent anime. When I got there I almost squealed. Full metal Alchemist was on!!!! Running over, I jumped into to the first vacant seat I saw. “Watch it, Avalon.” Michel, a fellow FMA fan, shouted as I almost landed on him. Sticking out my tongue, I turned to the TV. About halfway threw the second episode, I noticed that it was a little too quiet. Looking away from the TV I gasped when I saw that I was the only person in the room and I swear to Bob that this place was full like ten seconds ago. “Hello!” I shouted, jumping as my voice echoed back at me. “Hello!! Guys this is soooo not funny!!!” I got no reply. I was now officially scared out of my mind. Where in the name of Hades did everyone go? Taking a deep breath, I started my exploration of the abandoned building. On the counter at the juice bar there lay half empty cans of coke, half eaten sandwiches and numerous mangas. All the TV's were still on as well. It was if everybody but me vanished into thin air.
Suddenly all the TV's shut off at once. Covering my mouth, I muffled my scream. Screaming now was not the best idea. What if there was a serial killer or rapist or...I slapped myself in the head. Think positive girl. The power just went out that's all. Sighing, I relaxed my tense muscles. See Feiona, its not that bad. Walking towards the juice bar, I vaulted over the counter and grabbed a Cherry Coke. Taking a large gulp out of it, I let the recent events run threw my head. Brit and I left school, came here, watched TV then everybody disappears. Hearing a click, I slowly turned to see the TV I was previously watching switch on. Gulping, I slowly inched towards the TV. Bending down, I hit the power button only for the TV to stay on. Blinking, I repeated the action getting the same result. I was about to pull away when the screen started to shine even brighter. Me, being an idiot, inched closer towards the set. Reaching out a hand, I lightly touched the screen and a bright light encircled me, temporarily blinding me.
After the light dimmed, I had the feeling of falling. Opening my eyes, I looked down to see a city about 170 feet down and coming closer. I did what any sane person would do in this situation. I screamed, and loudly. Clenching my eyes shut I waited for the impact of my body against the ground but it never came. Cracking open an eye, I looked behind me to see a suit of armor holding me above ground. Tilting my head to the side, I gazed at it. Why did it look so familiar? Then it clicked. “OMG!!!!” I screamed. “Your Alphonse Elric!!!!!” Overwhelmed by the shock of seeing a character in my favorite show, I fainted.