Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Military Branch ❯ chp.5// Ladies Washroom ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Jeez, I haven't written in sooo looongg… Sorry guys.
I would like to thank Hiya24 for reviewing so much- you have been an awesome incentive. Lotsa thanks also to MangaGirl for helping me with my other fanfics.
I love you guys- Review to tell me you love me too. <3
“We're looking for Isabella tucker.” I informed a man. He looked at me a second, before jabbing a fish he had been cutting up at me accusingly.
“Oh no, you aren't with the military, are you?” He growled, and I looked surprised. I glanced to Ed, and he gave me the look. It read plainly: `Lie'
“Of course not… We're…umm…relatives!” Was THAT my bright excuse? Edward had a look that would murder. One thing to be glad for- Looks don't kill.
Alphonse just shook his head at his brother.
“Well, okay. She isn't at her house anymore, I'm sure.”
“Yes, we've already checked. She wasn't home.” I explained, and Alphonse offered a nod to back me up.
“Then she's probably at the library- in the study room.” The man said, and I nodded.
“Thank you.” I smiled politely, and set off in search of the library.
Valenstown wasn't huge- we found the small library in a matter of minutes. As my companions and I jogged up the steps, a kitten mewled from the side of the road. Alphonse paused, gave Edward a baleful look, and said, “I'll be in …just gimme a second.”
I shrugged and continued. Edward followed me, but continually shot Animosity filled glares to his brother. I huffed at him, matching his indignation.
Why… stuck in a library with HIM of all people. The Edward-Fiend…
I brushed past him idly, my mind now completely focused on all of the books. This place must have been about the size of central's library- give or take a few rooms. No wonder this place was such a tourist spot! My gaze trailed over the couches to one side, the study tables littered with notes- all the way to the private rooms at the end of the library- around a football field away.
I shot a nervous glance to Ed- but he seemed unfazed by the monstrous size. He padded in, waving to some, feeling right at home.
For a kid who had spent the last half-year on the street, I was a pretty skittish person. Whenever someone strayed too close, I would cringe away, earning a few baleful looks and muttered reprimands. I found my self-walking besides Ed, trying to position myself with Ed in between me and anyone who was too close.
Finally, we reached the far end, Where Edward promptly threw open the first door he could find.
It happened to be a ladies washroom.
Without so much as glancing at the sign, he obliviously=sly strode in.
And a livid Edward came hurtling from the washrooms, ramming into you. I whacked him over the head, tut tuting with one finger wagging in the air. The two of us were a tangled heap on the floor, Edward blushing furiously, and you scolding him.
Of course, Alphonse found us in this position.
“Hasty, are we?” Came a giggling voice from behind us.
And there stood Al.
Screaming with laughter.
The look we shot him would have slaughtered him and left him bleeding on the floor if looks could kill. And If Al could bleed.
XD I had a little too much fun writing this.