Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Neighboring Emotions ❯ Give Me A Leash! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Give me a leash!-chapter 6
Three days ago, Elina's father attempted a human transmutation. He sent her through the gates and used his own life as the price.
“Eli…wont you eat something…it's been 3 days and you haven't eaten anything,” said Winry. Eli got up from the couch, “I'm going outside.” Before Winry and Pinako could protest, she had already shut the door.
Elina laid on the grass in the sun. she could still clearly remember everything so clearly, even the fear and terror she had felt. She suddenly realized that when that `thing' activated the transmutation circle, it clapped it's hands. Why would it clap it's hands? She thought. She brought her hands to her face and looked at them. She then clapped her hands… “hmmmm.” She used her hands to push herself up but as soon as her hands touched the ground, it shot up out of the ground like a giant column. She realized she as sitting atop a giant column of dirt. “[she chuckled] so…this is the truth to alchemy….or one of them anyway.” She clapped her hands once more and placed them on the side of the column. The column sunk back to its original place. She stared at her hands once more. She ran back to the house smiling.
“Granny Pinako! Winry!” they came running. “What!? What!?” “…I'm hungry!” Elina said with a smile. Before she knew it they had brought her a lot of food. So much they thought she wouldn't be able to eat it all. “goodness child slow down!!!” said Pinako. Elina seemed as though she hadn't even heard her. She just kept stuffing food in her mouth. Pretty soon she had finished what look to be six course meal! “One thing is for sure…you and Ed have the same eating habits.” Said Winry. “Hey Winry….[winry looked up to eli] …what did Ed and Al lose…for attempting a human transmutation?” Winry and Pinako looked at Elina with surprised expressions. “How did you—“ “Please…just answer…” “Well…Ed lost his right arm trying to bring his mother back…Al lost his entire body, but due to Edward's quick thinking….he managed to sacrifice his left leg to save Al's soul…he secured to a suit of armor…” “We replaced Ed's lost limbs with automail.” Pinako finished. “I see…” So that's who they were referring to back then she thought to herself. “in that case…I am leaving…” Pinako looked at her eyes filled with worry. “What are you talking about?...you can't leave…your only a—“ “child….i am going to look for Ed and Al…after what happened to me…I know that they must be lonely…” “but why?...i mean…what reason do you have…other than that?” asked Winry. “Because…my father was the one that did the transmutation…he was the one…that shot me…saved me…tried to kill me…and gave his life for me….he told me to trust him…I did and know I can do alchemy without a circle…he told me that he would be proud of me no matter what I chose to do with my life…as long as I tried my best…well…until now…I didn't know what I wanted to do….but I now know that I want to become a state alchemist!” Shock over took the faces of Winry and Pinako. “But you will be forced to—“ “I don't care!!!...if I can find Ed and Al that way….then I'll gladly become the military's dog!!” “I see your determined.” Said Pinako. “well…we will have to send word to you uncle the colonel…that you will be coming.” Pinako said with a smile. Elina felt joy over take her sorrow stricken body. She hadn't felt it in a while. She had almost forgotten what it felt like.
Central. A place full of military personel. A place, where she would hope to find her two friends, could be with heard with the clammer and bustle of city folk. She walked to the main military office and asked for colonel Roy Mustang.
“ummm…Colonel” “Yes Fuery.” “Sir…there is a young girl here to see you…she claims to be your niece.” Roy almost kicked his desk when he heard those words. “Well send her in!” Fuery almost ran into the door, he ran down the hall and escorted the young girl into the office. He stood dumbfounded. She looked all grown up, yet it hadn't been that long since he had seen her. She was wearing her trademark orange tank, but the shorts changed to a pair of cargo capri's, army green of course and the sandals went to a pair of boots.
One look at Roy and her blood began to boil. He had the look of a scared puppy on his face once he saw her expression. “umm…hello munchkin.” “You Liar!!!” “what do you mean?” “you knew what Ed and Al did a year ago…you knew everything!!!...you even knew my mom died!!!” “…I'm sorry..” “your sorry?....thats not gonna bring my mom or dad back!” her eyes began to well up with tears. Roy was shocked to hear her father was included among the deceased. “you father?....so he failed….” “See….[beginning to cry] you even knew about that!!!” Roy gave his niece a hug…or as much a hug she would allow. She was still angry with him, but she still loved him, it was her uncle after all. “…why are you here Eli?” she moved away from him. “I want to become a state alchemist.” Roy couldn't believe what he was hearing. “what?...why?” “because…I want to find Ed and Al…unless you know where they are?” “no…but you are going to far…I mean what would you fath—“ “don't talk to me about my father….the last thing he told me was that he believed in me...and that I should trust him….he told me to walk through those gates Roy…I did…and now…I can do this…[she clapped her hands and touched the desk …the desk was transmuted into a horse, Roy was amazed] …he also told me that he would be proud of whatever I chose to do with my life….and this is what I want to do…and don't tell me that I cant because I am too young…I already saw the bulletin outside…Ed past the test…hmph, the `Fullmetal alchemist' huh?...thats gonna go to his head.” Roy didn't know what to say. “why should I?” Elina only looked at him with the same determined eyes that brought her here. “Tell you what…if you can beat me in a state alchemist `practice' battle, then I will allow you to try to become a dog of the military.” “Deal.”
To Be Continued………………….