Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp.5 //The Figure in Black ;; Enter Guilt ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N Okay, lets get going… -rolls up sleeves- that last chapter took WAY longer than I thought. Thank you for the reviews, guys! Please, keep on with them, and don't loose faith just because the chapters take a while to finish. <33 thanks guys, I owe you one!
Ugh… It looks like these italics are permanent! I AM REALLY SORRY!!! I can't seem to fix it. Just please bring your self to read it.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~(-Almost succeeded in being silent at this part-)
/~Ed's POV~\
Ed groaned, finally stacking the last plate into the cabinet. It had taken way longer than expected… women. Ed scowled, dropping the dishtowel onto the floor, and looked around for Al. Ed was in a foul temper, and Al (being smart) had left on a walk, leaving a note on the table. Ed wondered how he could have missed the large suit of armor leave. The clinking at least would have alerted him… but no. The printing WAS Al's though, done smoothly and in no rush. Ed sighed, picking it up to read it, though he already knew what it said.
“I've gone out for a walk. Nii-san, please leave me be. Just because I'm not here, doesn't mean that you don't have to finish the dishes. Winry would be mad. And you know Winry when she's mad. I'll be back before you know it, maybe before you even get to read this…
You're Brother,
Ed finished reading it aloud, and sighed. He set the paper back onto the table with a muffled thump. He couldn't help another sigh, contemptuous as it was. Why was Al always like this… ever since he had taken up residents inside the steel that encased his soul? It was like looked at him through glass, these days. He could always see him, but never being able to initiate contact… the hand holding of when they were smaller had been outgrown. Or was Al just disengaged from his brother?
Ed looked around, and the house seemed emptier than his own had felt. Well, maybe not. He had burnt the latter down any ways… there was no turning back, to an empty home or not. Then a thought struck Ed. Like a ton of bricks… Were was Taka?
Ed Raced down the hallway, throwing open the door to the spare bedroom. He had left Taka here. Surely he would still be there. But a plummeting feeling arose in his stomach as the door gave way… revealing an empty room… and an open window.
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina was rooted to the ground. Icy fear crept up her neck, banishing any thought of running. In fact, that very fear was pushing all thought from her mind. All that she could manage was `I'm going to die…'. Ed and Al where both back at the house. No matter how loudly she screamed, they would never hear her. This new threat standing in front of her was already stepping towards her. Winry was helpless behind Akina. Both of them were helpless. All that either of them could do…was watch. As if from someone else's eyes.
The Boy Darted towards Akina, snatching her up in his arms. Akina couldn't move. It couldn't register in her mind that she would be dragged away by this boy… away from her home. From her childhood memories, as terrible as they where. Winry opened her mouth to scream, but it lodged in her throat. She choked it back. Finally, as the boy turned away to make escape, she realized what was going on. She snapped back into reality, and lunged forward. Winry staggered, and grabbed a fistful of the boys hair. She uttered a choked “Stop!!”
But the boy merely sighed.
“You human females are really annoying. Why don't you fight? Pulling my lovely hair won't change a thing, darling.”
He tugged his hair out off her hand, and in a sweep of black, we bounding up into the trees. Winry gaped. Nothing humanly could move that fast. Then again, nothing humanly could, at will, change its physical shape to resemble any other living things… Winry shivered and looked up, to see that the boy… no, the THING had left. Nothing in sight. All that remained was the image of that creature, gripping her friend… Akina… Winry set her jaw, turned on her heel, and began to run She had to warn Ed and Al… they were in danger…
How could she have foreseen this? Winry dodged through the trees, raking her bare arms on branched and driving through thorn bushes. Suddenly, this forest seemed dark and sinister. That monster lurked around every corner, ready to take her, too. That boy… would he haunt and hunt her for the rest of her life? What did it want…? What did it see in kidnapping Akina? Ransom? …Or something more? These questions flitted through her head, not giving her time to think. They crowded her, suffocating her in wave after wave of blackness. Darkness… eating away at her soul. The fear…was it always there? Only awakened now. Without knowing it, Winry finally bounded out of the forest, skirted the rose bush, and ran into the house. Skidding to a halt on the front porch, she threw open the door.
It was Empty.
/~Al's POV~\
Al strode through the streets, feeling subconscious of the stares he was receiving. After all… not many times do you see a seven-foot tall suit of armor walking down the street. He saw clothes stands, Bakery stands sporting pastries, even some jewelry stands. Al looked curiously at the stand. A small, ruby red one stood out from the rest. It was small and delicate, and yet the details were carved neatly and surely. It reminded him so much of Akina… Al smiled, and dug into the pocket of his cloth…thing. He pulled out his wallet, and leafed through the sen he had there. He had just enough to buy the ring. Finally, after some haggling, Al placed the ring in his pocket, turned on his heel, and strode back towards the house. Funny how things like that worked out… Al sighed, turning a corner. Now… where was Akina's house again? Oh yah… just a few blocks from here.
Clack, clack, clack. Al turned around. Those footsteps…they where in no rush, but stealthy. Apparently, as stealthy as they come, as Al saw no one in sight, just a dusty road. Al swiveled again; intent on catching whom ever was following him. Finally, after seeing nothing but the now deserted stands, he continued on his walk, wary of every twisting shadow. Al hurried his pace, until he was trotting along as fast as he could muster, without running. He could hear the echoing footsteps, and yet this person was nowhere to be found. Like dust in the wind… It was there, but he couldn't always see it. Finally, the house came into view, and Al was ready to break into a flat out run.
Risking a sideways glance over his shoulder, he saw the meekest flash of black hair.
/~Ed's POV~\
Ed dropped from the window, landing silently and the balls of his feet. Slowly, he slipped into the shadows of the forest. Where had Taka gone? The grass flashed under his feet as he gained speed. He could tell were Taka had stepped by the broken forestry that made a steady line to the core of the forest. Slowly, the trees grew denser, populating most of the space. It grew harder and harder to slink through the trees, and trail grew broken, and scattered. Ed had stare hard at the trail, picking out the signs. He knew that he was wasting too much time. Who knows what would have happened to Taka?
Finally, all the signs and signals grouped together, pointing to a clearing. Already it was past noon, and the sun was shining directly over head, pointing right into the clearing. Ed could see the faint silhouette of a person, standing smack in the middle of the clearing. It was… a figure, cloaked in black. The figure's face was shadowed over by the hood. He seemed to be waiting for something…or someone suddenly a loud noise sounded from the forest. Ed gaped.
Envy Darted into the clearing…Akina in his arms. Akina looked deathly pale and frightened. She was gripping her scarf, as if it where the thing that would save her from Envy and the new threat; the man that was in the middle of the clearing. Envy came to a stop In front of the figure, and smirked, as If all of his plans where slowly coming together. But Ed noticed something more.
Envy's ouroboros tattoo was glowing deep purple.
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina and Envy had rocketed through the forest at a break neck speed that seemed to have taken forever. All that Akina could do was look forwards… and hope. Hope desperately that her life wasn't on the line. But as they blasted into the clearing and came to a halting stop, Akina felt that here deepest fears had just come alive. In the middle of the clearing stood a tall man. She could tell that He was male, as she had caught a brief glance at his face. A strong set jaw, a long face and blonde stubble that hinted he was at least 18 or 19. Akina gripped her pink scarf. The material reminded her of her mother, and it gave her some fleeting comfort.
The boy that had been holding Akina dropped her roughly, letting her roll away from him. But Akina's thoughts weren't on escaping, and somehow he knew that. She was too fixated on the man in front of the strange, green haired boy. He lifted his hood, throwing it onto his back. Akina saw that he was, indeed a man, with long, light blond hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She watched as he drew a long, curved scythe from his cloak, letting it glimmer in the light of semi-noon.
“Hello, Envy.”
The man said, the hint of a smile on his tightly drawn lips. The boy that had taken her, Envy, smirked back to the man. He flipped a strand of green hair from his face haughtily. That action would have been comical, had he not done it so seriously. The man looked grim as Envy replied.
“Hello, Guilt.”
Awwww… poor cliffy-haters. <33 what ever, I'll get going on the next chapter… soon enough. Don't worry, I'm as hooked to writing the story as you readers are to reading it, so expect a lot more for me. I have a goal of at least a thousand words per chapter. Okay, PLEASE REVIEW!!!