Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ Chp.9/// Wooden Horse ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N Oh dear, my updates have become UNBELIEVABLY slow. Its hectic torture, because
I'm in just as much suspense as you are, and
I haven't a clue how to write it!
Disclaimer: Once again, I own nothing. None of the characters are mine except for Guilt. Taka and Akina are both Muffin's. I just write…
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (Yes, you, oh line, ARE MY INSPIRATION!)
/~ Al's POV~\
Al shivered, refusing to contemplate what he would have to go through at night. At night, when all of the night animals come out, trying to blend into the usual background noise of the day. But it's not the same. It seems like nothing is the same anymore, not when you live life like this; like every little things counts, as the thing that keeps you here could fade or be washed away at any minute.
Edward was asleep in a chair pulled up to the bed, snoring. Winry, in almost exactly the same position, had collapsed into a couch, probably at the thought of making another automail arm for another egotistic boy. Al sighed, but stopped short when he saw a tremor run through his brother.
Ed was crying in his sleep.
/~ Guilt's POV~\
How could he have let this happen? None of this was ever supposed to happen… if he had ever been truly paying attention, this would probably not have happened. Oh, if only… Guilt ground his teeth audibly, his scowl deepening when Envy chuckled humorlessly. The Thing that lay on the ground moaned something pitifully, and Guilt felt his heart clench. She had been his only human contact… in over fifty years. Guilt would forever be in his teens, and yet people had somehow avoided him like a plague.
Somehow, she must have saw through the mask of his words, maybe eve saw him as possibly more than a friend… Guilt shook his head abruptly, snapping off of his train of thought. Envy was searching the pockets of his skort. What he drew out made Guilt freeze.
Bright, glistening Red stones.
Guilt gaped unwilling, and his every particle- the make up of his essence, was willing him towards those red stones. It must have taken Envy a long time to keep himself from eating the red stones there and then. Guilt almost shook his head. Now was not the time to start to admire Envy- He had to do something about him before he could touch that thing- and taint her.
Suddenly, out of apparently no where, Guilt whipped out his scythe, and made a show of running towards Envy, yelling. Envy grunted, moving away so fast that he dropped the stones. Guilt whirled, grinning, and attacked from underneath. Envy jumped, swung around and hit Guilt in a backwards punch. Guilt dropped, and spun, the boot of his heel taking Envy down in one sweep. Envy landed on his back, flipped, and in seconds was back on his feet, grinning, catlike. As Guilt took a second to recover, Envy dug into the same pocket that he had pulled the red stoned from, a drew a small wooden horse.
Guilt froze.
He could move, the effects of the item weren't in effect due to the fact that he wasn't in contact with it. But the pure shock on having that item in Envy's hand sent a wave of shock and terror through Guilt's entire frame. His senses buzzed in reaction to the sudden adrenaline. He had to get away, Even though the thing that used to be Akina was standing less than a few feet away, and his heart ached to help…it.
Envy suddenly pulled back his hand and chucked the small wooden horse towards Guilt. He dodged it as if it where a bomb, only regaining his footing once he had slid safely to the other side of the clearing. Envy Hurtled towards him, his teeth ground at his loss of advantage. Guilt jumped, and he was into the trees and out of sight in a half a second. Envy growled, and returned his gaze to the New Member. Yes, the new homunculi. Guilt knew as well as Envy who this was. Her name burnt him worse than any flame.
/~Edward's POV~\
Edward jolted from his sleep. He clenched his fists, and looked around the room. His brother rose from his seat by the bed, hurrying to his brother's side.Ed turned to him, and the fire that burned in his topaz eyes nearly lit his brother's soul aflame. Apart from the burning Embers that had sparked the action, there was deep guilt, and remorse that cut deep. Ed winced at his next thought even before he had the chance to voice it.
“Brother…do you remember what happens… to the remains…of a …human transmutation?” Ed winced again, though much more noticeably, as if for his brother's benefit. Al froze, suspended in mid air, though his bulk didn't allow the movement any grace. His glowing eyes widened, and with a clank he dropped to the floor.
Al murmured, his voice a dull whisper, upon realizing exactly why the homunculi had killed her.
“I shouldn't have…why did I…?” Al couldn't form coherent words, and the tears where already forming in Edward's Amber eyes.
“Al, I'm sorry.”
“NO! It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Akina…” Al moaned pitifully, but his shaky legs still allowed him to stand. Ed stood too, questions flitting across his features. A sudden outcry resonated from the guest room, and Ed pitched forwards first. Al broke into a run behind him, though quickly catching up. They reached the room at the same time, the dramatics exaggerated as the skidded to a halt.
The silhouette of a cloaked figure was outlined in moonlight against the window. Winry was laying on the floor, her back to the ground, staring up in horror at the man standing in the window. Taka's face held a similar expression; his was also a mask, twisted in terror. Edward gave a guttural choking sound, and Al would have been gaping had his facial expression allowed it.
Guilt stood in the doorway, hand on his scythe, his other outstretched towards the boys. Everyone in the room was frozen, the scene imprinted on their minds. Guilt's statement was calm, resonating with authority, but the meaning there was clear.
“Rage await.”
Cheap ass inspiration…only hitting me at 11:30 PM, when I have to get back up out og my nice warm bed, lug myself downs stairs, wait for my cheap ass computer to start… Oh well, I got the chapter done. You can tell that I'm working in a type of cycle, alternating between Fics as I update on each. Ah, well, R&R!