Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp.14// Peck on the Cheek ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N Sorry that I'm so late in updates, guys. I just got back from the hospital. ='(
And now Ill be telling you what every author will tell you at this point in time-
Time to re-animate my disclaimer!
Disclaimer: I own ABSOLUTLY NONE of the original full metal alchemist characters.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (…?)
/~Rage's POV~\
Rage blinked at Guilt, and he nodded his head to her. She turned to the two young boys seated across the table, who where murmured something unintelligible. She cleared her throat loudly.
“So it can be done?” She asked, and the youngest Elric nodded.
“We can do it. But there is something weird…” He was gazing at the page, trailing off and murmuring a series of incoherency.
“What?” Rage asked, slightly impatient.
“One paragraph has been torn out of the bottom of the page.” Edward answered, tracing his finger along the torn section.
“ I and Edward are trying to figure out the missing component, but we aren't having tons of luck. It could be anything!” Alphonse muttered in frustration.
Guilt pursed his lips, and Rage was almost sure that he had a hint of a smile on his face.
/~Winery's POV~\
Winry stood from the table, disregarding the gloomy mood that had befallen the group of teens.
“Rage, where did you keep all of the blankets? We have to make enough beds for everyone… all of the hotels are closed at this hour.”
Rage caught on quickly, getting up and darting to the broom closet. She rummaged about, and a look of frustration touched her features.
“I'm not sure that we have enough…” Rage murmured, pulling two blankets from the closet.
“Taka can sleep in his own room. Winry will have to be with him.” Rage said thoughtfully, and Edward growled from low in his throat.
Guilt looked about. “Did you guys get a dog?”
Ed continued his angry growling at the `Taka fiend'
Al laughed. “I don't think Ed will allow those two to be alone, I guess he'll be in there, too!”
Ed and Winry both flushed an awkward tomato red. With an over exaggerated sigh, Edward nodded. Winry made a small, surprised noise, and quickly went to sit on another couch.
Guilt just laughed.
“Rage will have her own bed, and I'll be in there with her. The homunculi will be wanting to get their claws on her, so I guess Al will be, too.” Guilt mused. (A/N- notice how there's a love triangle in both rooms, ne?)
“I don't think that any one should be in my parent's room. No one's gone in there since they died.” Rage sighed, a pained look crossing her face. Guilt anchored himself in his seat, though it was visible that he wanted to comfort her. Al just looked away, not wanting to see how close she and Guilt had become.
“Lets get to our rooms then.” Rage sighed, moving to stand up. Guilt followed her to her room, and Al trailed him. Winry and Ed looked at each other, an awkward silence ensuing.
“You don't have too look after me like that, you know.” Winry whispered. She was afraid that if she spoke too loud, the silence would be broken. Edward looked away.
“I can't let the homunculi get you.” He said simply. Winry gazed at his for a half second, before doing something very un-Winry like. She crossed the room, and gave him a simple kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you” she said, and walked to Taka's room.
Edward was left all alone, feeling shocked; with only the ticking of the clock reminding him that time was still moving.
/~Rage's POV~\
Rage tripped into the sunlight, cursing her clumsy nature. Sadly, it had followed her from her previous life. She nearly reprimanded her self for tripping over her own two feet. She moved to dust herself off, when something glowing caught her attention. She moved into the cover of trees, curiosity smothering the screaming in her head to retreat.
She came face to face with Envy.
A small gasp escaped her lips, and she stumbled backwards. Envy grinned a surprisingly impish grin, twisting to allow her an unobstructed view of his glowing symbol- the one on his thigh.
With a squeak, she pulled away.
“If you want your symbol to glow, too.” Envy said coyly “You eat these”
Rage shrank away from his hand, even though the stones pulled at her like a lure. She steeled herself, choosing not to gift him with her conversation. Instead, she merely pulled her lips back in a halfhearted snarl. She yanked herself away from the stone's presence, and spoke.
“ Envy, you can't tempt me with those. Please leave.” The coldness in her voice spoke volumes. Envy growled.
“That bastard has you in his grasp, doesn't he!”
Envy snarled at Rage, taking a menacing step forwards. He was obviously trying to intimidate her. He needed some form of control.
“No.” Rage spoke softly. Envy stopped dead in his tracks.
“No. You can't control me any more! I'm done with you! Get out of my mind, and get out of my life!” Rage was speaking louder with each word, and finally she was yelling.
“Why.” His Question was simple.
“Guilt.” Her answer wasn't. “He has protected me, and know, he's given me the courage to stand on my own. Me and guilt are stronger than you!” Rage screamed. Envy's smile turned into that of a grimace.
“Father will not be pleased.” With that, Envy melted into the shadows.
It's so much longer! @_@