Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ AUTHORS NOTE Please Read ( EndNotes )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

There will be No more Fanfictions, updates, Reviews, or e-mails. Kiki is having her computer Taken away. Sorry for inconvenience. I'll miss you all (Especially you, MangaGirl XD) I thank you all for your Great reviews, It really helps an author who's Writing. Thank you.
Also, Akina, Guilt, Kael, Taka and Iriko thank you too. You didn't get a chance to meet Rina, Kael's Old fiancé, but I assure, she would thank you too. Or blow you to bits with her evil alchemy. XD Same difference.
Thank you all, I had a wonderful Time on media miner. =') -Is all teary Eye'd-