Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Dawn of a New Beginning ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Fushigi Yuugi belongs to Yu Watase, Flower Comics,

Pioneer Animation, Bandai and anyone else I forgot and couldn't

remember off of the top of my head.


The young woman sighed and put the down the book she was reading.

Running a hand through her honey colored hair which fell to reach her

waist, she let her gaze fall to a desk piled high with scrolls and

notes she had made. "There is just no way I'm going to be able to

finish this before the next battle. Who would have thought finding

information on an old necklace could be so hard!" she muttered to

herself with a sigh. Getting up from her chair she wandered over to

the window.

The late afternoon sun shone down on the villager's cottages and

freshly plowed fields, the summer harvest already picked and stored

for the coming winter. The gardens inside the protective outer stone

walls shown in a radiance of color tinged with gold. A neigh from the

stable's drew her attention. Her home manor of Rosethorn boasted one

of the largest and finest stables of horses in all of Delika. The

woman leaned forward on the sill of the window resting her arms on

top of it. The clang of metal against stone drew her gaze down to her

gold arm guards. The guards where the only sign of the woman's

status. Traced in three circles were the symbols for her name Satura

Mel'si and her rank of tenth level warrior-mage, (The highest rank

one could obtain in any magic area in Delika.) a crossed pair of

hands with a bloodied sword were combined to form the last circle.

One of the other circles held a pair of hands, one with a wisp of

white smoke coming out of it, the other hand held a wisp of black

smoke. This symbol stood for one of the most rarest combinations in

magic- life and healing magic in one person. Life magic was the most

dangerous magics in existence. The ability to grant life or death was

a heavy burden to bare for anyone. Satura was often conflicted about

having it. `Too often it can be misused.' she thought. Her name was

written in Delikan script.

Satura finally left the window and returned to the desk. `There has

got to be some way to stop this war!' she thought to herself. The war

she was referring to had been going on for over two years now, but

her own country had yet to feel the effects. A wizard named Meriso

had world domination and power on the brain. "What is it some sort of

mental defect?" The mage muttered to herself. She then remembered how

another dark wizard named Tenkou had tried to take over the Terran

(earth) Realm and the Animal Divinity Realm. One of the god's mikos

had along with three of her live guardians and the spirit forms of

the other four defeated Tenkou.

Satura out of curiosity had taken it upon herself to see just what

those people looked like. She also knew their names and pasts as

well. She was very acutely aware that the red-headed seishi named

Tasuki had a very genuine, but still hidden love for his miko. The

miko, Miaka Yuuki, however was completely oblivious to his feelings.

Miaka loved the reincarnation of her seishi Tamahome, Taka Sukanami

or at least seemed to love. Satura had noticed that the romance

seemed to be crumbling. The couple got into more and more arguments

lately. Satura watching, Miaka, as she wrote in her diary, the

mention of Tasuki's name kept popping up more and more.

"Hmm, I wonder..." Satura reached for the scroll which contained the

legend for the Lykolian medallion. The medallion was said for to be

the only thing that could save Delika, but for some odd and unknown

reason nobody had really bothered to look for it. `You'd think more

people would look forit, if it's supposed to be the only thing that

can stop that idiot. Satura though to herself, disgusted. So having

gotten very annoyed about the whole situation, she had undertaken the

search for it. The single scroll was the only information she could

find on it. The scroll, however, turned out to be the only

information she needed. Opening it she read:

Red phoenix in flight find a land asunder. A miko's duty she finds

she must take up once again. A bandit's desire, like the flame he

yields, will no longer be controlled. A mage, a wanderer, who walks

the divine path, will walk a new road. A warrior-mage who holds a

world's fate will call to those who share her fate. A bard, who no

longer walks the minstrel's path, will make use of shadows and

deceptions. Nyasha's Mark on the Druid will show the forest's


A guardian, a bond for the six who dare to find a broken treasure,

protector and friend, forever faithful will they be.

Satura stopped reading there. "Perhaps it is time for the warrior-

mage to gather four of the six." she said getting up and going to her

spell books.


"Tasuki no da! You just lost our dinner!" The monk named Chichiri

watched as a wolf, who had been hiding, came and quickly snatched up

the rabbit they had caught, after Tasuki had tripped over a rock

sending the rabbit flying. "AW! Dammit! DAMN ^%%$$@$# Wolf!" I don't

believe this!" Tasuki exclaimed. "Looks like porridge again na no

da!" ChiChiri said cheerfully, heading back to their camp site.

Tasuki groaned and followed, muttering curses as he went.


"Bye Keisuke! I'm leaving!" Miaka Yuuki called to her older brother.

She was on her way to he boyfriend, Taka's apartment. Miaka was

feeling apprehensive about it though, she and Taka were arguing more

and more. She didn't know why. She loved Taka, at least that's what

she told herself.

With a wave of her hand, Satura sent the package away in a whirl of

blue-green magic. "Won't be long now..." she said to herself.