Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ To see you smile. ❯ A peach is a peach is a peach. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Document Opened: 04/28/2007, 04:33am.
Authors Note:

Review reply:
To. Sarah.
First off many thanks for the reviews.==^-^==.
The reason I had them labeled as ooc was because I thought I may have had Sanzo coming off a little too soft.
And again many thanks for reviewing. Cookie for you.==^-^==.

For the 30_Smiles community at LiveJournal.
Theme/Prompt: 34: Empty the Pocket.

Pre-journey, No spoilers. Chibi Goku set before they met Gojyo and Hakkai.

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Sanzo was on his way to find Goku after he had been complained to that the boy had been stealing from the Merciful Goddesses peach tree again.

Sanzo gave an annoyed sigh. No matter how many times he told him to, Goku would not leave the peach tree alone.
Even with the use of the harisen on a couple of occasions.

He was just turning the corner when someone bumped into him, He managed but barely to keep from falling but however the other person had failed to do so.

"Ow." Goku had gotten up. "Hey Sanzo. I was lookin' for ya."

Sanzo crossed his arms."I could say the same."

Goku then looked a little confused.
"You were looking for yourself?"

Sanzo whacked him with the harisen after doing so Goku but his arms on head and replied that, that had hurt.
"Look Goku did you or did you not steal from the peach tree?"

"I didn't steal from it. Honest!"
Goku gave him pleading eyes that he was almost tempted to believe until he saw something sticking out of the boys pocket.

"Really. What's in your pocket Goku?"

"Huh. Oh, that. It's why I was looking for you."
He pulled out a slightly squished peach.
"Aw man it got a little smushy."

"Didn't you just tell me that you didn't take anything from the tree?" Sanzo was looking at him with accusing eyes.

"You asked if I had stole any. I went to the tree and asked but no one answered and then one fell and I got that one."

'And that must have been when one of the monks saw him. Though I doubt they would believe it.'
He lightly shook his head in mild annoyance.

"Well I did get this for ya since I heard you missed lunch but it got a little squished when I fell."
He looked a little disappointed before he immediately lit up again. "That's okay. I'll go get you another one."
He bounded off smiling with his newly self appointed task.

Sanzo could only lightly shake his head and then wonder if he had enough aspirin.

Authors Note:
I kind of like how this turned out.
Later people!
04/28/2007, 06:36am.