Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Fleeting Inspiration ❯ Eiri's Dilemma ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fleeting Inspiration
by Anna Sartin

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Eiri's Dilemma


When Eiri first suggested sending Shuichi to his parent's house for the night, Shuichi panicked. He felt certain that his lover was getting him out of the apartment so he could either skip town or throw his stuff out and change the locks on him. The past had taught him that whenever something bad happened to him Eiri's first reaction was to blame himself; and his way of dealing with it was to push him away. While he would chase the blond all over the globe if need be, the singer didn't relish the idea of doing so on crutches. Besides, he didn't want to play this game anymore! He thought their relationship has evolved beyond running away from their problems instead of facing them together! Terrified, he cried hysterically for twenty minutes, begging and pleading for Eiri to change his mind.

"What's so bad about visiting your parents?" the author asked finally. "You talk about doing it all the time but claim you never have the time. Why not now?"

"You're going to LEAVE me!" Shuichi screamed, tears streaming down his eyes as he latched on to his lover with a vice-like grip. "Please don't do it, Yuki! Please don't leave me!!"

"I'm not going to leave you."

"I don't believe you!"

"I need time to think, okay? And I need you out of here for awhile while I do that."

"I can go to Hiro's..."

"Hiro smokes. Besides, isn't he at work right now?"

"Well then I can go for a walk in the park or something!" Shuichi said quickly.

"On crutches? I'm sure the doctor told you to stay off your feet for a few days; any sensible physician would. Can you please do this for me?"

In the end Shuichi complied with his request, but only after Eiri agreed to come back and get him that evening instead of the next day. Despite his promise the boy still sniffled the whole way there and gave him the most heart-wrenching look of betrayal when he moved to get out of the car. His eyes were silently begging "Please don't leave me..."

"I'll be back later," the writer promised again, but he could tell Shuichi didn't believe it. He pulled the singer in for a kiss. "Six O'clock," he whispered in his ear, "I'll have a surprise for you then."


"Really. See you later."

. . .

After dropping Shuichi off Eiri headed straight to the hospital to gather information. He now fully believed that the powers that be were out to utterly destroy him and he was tired of submitting to the Fates' ill sense of humor. Whatever happened, he was not letting anything take Shuichi away from him. He'd come too far with the boy to lose him now. Nevertheless, he needed to know more about what he was up against if he was to combat it.

When he first arrived he worried that his lover's doctor would refuse to tell him anything, citing doctor-patient confidentiality, but Dr. Kamimura actually turned out to be quite helpful. Apparently Shuichi had talked about "his Yuki" non-stop during his examination and the man knew who the blond was immediately when Eiri asked if he could ask him a few questions regarding the health of Shuichi Shindo.

"He needs the most sanitary breathing environment possible," the doctor told him, after inviting Eiri into his office so they could talk. He explained that in addition to avoiding cigarette smoke, Shuichi also needed to avoid exposure a good number of other things including harsh fumes, pollution, damp weather and germs. "His lungs are extremely sensitive right now," the doctor explained, "Which makes him vulnerable to many different types of respiratory infections that could cause him serious harm. If his breathing environment is not improved his condition will worsen."

Eiri closed his eyes, trying to take everything in. What the hell was he going to do?

"I want to urge you to quit smoking, Uesugi-san," the doctor said, handing him a packet of information on the health risks associated with smoking. "For your own sake as well as his. Smoking harms nearly every major organ of the body, and being constantly exposed to second-hand smoke means that Shindo-san runs the same risk of cancer, heart disease and respiratory disorders that you do. Professional singers are encouraged not to smoke and to avoid environments where they would be constantly exposed to it."

"Kamimura-sensei," Eiri began slowly, silently reminding himself that the man sitting in front of him was not his doctor or an annoying relative trying to tell him how to live his life, but a person who wanted to protect Shuichi's health. So, as calmly and respectfully as possible he explained that while he knew it was in his best interest to stop smoking, he simply wasn't capable of quitting at this point in his life. Too much had happened; too much was still happening. He just wasn't ready.

"Then at the very least you need to refrain from smoking near Shindo-san or in any enclosed area where he will breath the same air. He is resolved to live with you, but as I said his health will slowly decline if his environment does not improve."

After twenty minutes of consulting with the doctor, Eiri headed to the psychiatry department to make an appoint with his psychologist. He had a feeling he was going to be seeing a lot of her in the future.

. . .

I can't do this... he thought as he pulled out of the parking lot. Did he love Shuichi? Yes, deeply. There had been a point in time when he could easily deny this fact to himself, but not anymore. The day he pulled the unconscious singer out of the hotel pool he'd lost that ability forever. But the bottom line was that he couldn't quit smoking. He wasn't ready and he wasn't sure that he ever would be. He stopped at a red light and rested his head against the steering wheel.

Now what?

Obviously changes needed to be made, Dr. Kamimura had made that abundantly clear, but what if Shuichi needed more than he was able to give? The boy needed a lot more from him than his willingness to start sitting in the non-smoking section of restaurants. This was going to take an ongoing commitment to put the singer's needs ahead of his own, and being unselfish was NOT one of the author's strong points. Part of what made their relationship click was Shuichi's willingness to ignore the blond's personality flaws, but he could no longer afford to be thoughtless.

My thoughtlessness could cost him his health and his career...

His entire apartment was filled with the smell of his cigarettes, and Dr. Kamimura had made it clear that it was not a suitable environment for Shuichi. So he was right back to where he started. Now what?

He snapped out of his musings a while later to the sound of a cop knocking on his car window. He also noticed for the first time the sound of honking horns. He rolled down the window.

"Move it, buddy!" the cop told him. "Why are you sitting in the middle of the road holding up traffic?"

Eiri looked behind him. In addition to honking their horns, the motorists behind him were shouting, swearing and shaking their fists at him. The person directly behind him was giving him the finger. Traffic was backed up as far as the eye could see. He REALLY needed to stop zoning out during red lights; this wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened. He stepped on the gas quickly and took off, before this cop could write him ANOTHER ticket.

. . .

By the time he got home the writer had come up with the beginnings of a plan. Based on Kamimura-sensei's recommendations and his unwillingness to give up either his nicotine or his brat, he'd come up with two resolves:

1. No more smoking in front of the brat, and
2. No more smoking in the house

The second was going to be a lot more difficult than the first, and it depended on how well he was able to carry out his plan. The first thing he did after escaping the cop was go the medical supply store Shuichi's doctor recommended and buy two expensive air purification systems. He then stopped at the first place he saw that sold beer and stocked up. He had a feeling he was going to need it before this was all said and done.

When he walked in the front door the smell of soup filled his nostrils. Tohma's hat and coat were in plain sight and his humming could be heard from the kitchen. Eiri cursed inwardly. He was in no mood to deal with his sister's husband today; he had too much to do. He walked into the kitchen to find his brother-in-law wearing his usual pink apron.

"Ah, Eiri! You're finally home. I've made some tea, and there's soup on the stove."

"Why are YOU here?"

Tohma laughed. "You seem to ask that question a lot. Mika-san misplaced her driver's license and I figured-"

"It's on the coffee table in the living room."

"I know, I found it."

"Then why are you still here?"

For a second Tohma actually looked hurt, but he quickly replaced his usual smile and replied, "Because I wanted to see you, of course."

"I don't have time for this, Seguchi. I've got to get this place completely finished by six-o'clock and-"

"Having company?"

"No. Now if there's nothing else you need-"

"I'll help you!" the older man offered cheerfully. "Like they say, many hands make light work!"

Seeing as Tohma wasn't going to leave, Eiri figured he might as well utilize his resources and put him to work. He needed to talk to him about a few things anyway. He handed Tohma the air purification system he was holding. "Fine. Go plug this in while I get the other one out of the car. And open all the windows."


~End chapter twenty-five~