Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Inspired ❯ Why do I feel... ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rating: PG-13.

Pairings: Ryu/Taki.

[]a character’s thoughts.

// //Flashback

Whew. This chapter came out rather fast for me.


Chapter 7

Ken looked at the staring match that was going on before him, feeling both exasperated and nervous. Ma-kun stared at Taki with a look that was somewhere between passive aggressive glare and mischievous smile. And Taki… Well if looks could kill, Ma-kun would be nothing more than a splatter on the floor.

[Why? Why am I always in the middle of these things?]

Ma-kun having the sense of humor he did always poked fun at Taki. Taki was an easy target, simple as that. Ken liked teasing the vocalist too, but unlike Ma-kun, he usually knew when to quit. The guitarist liked getting Taki worked up. He said it was a hobby much like picking up chicks. Not as gratifying, but close enough.

Of course, there were times when this “art” failed and no one was happy. It only took one thing, and once again Ma-kun had found the one thing.

/“Tachi? Spill the details. Did you do it?” Ma-kun smirked.

“What the fuck are you implying?” Taki sounded as if he had a bad case of PMS.

“Oh, come on, its not every day you do the horizontal limbo with a bonafide rock star.” Ma-kun elbowed him. Taki seemed to be at the breaking point.

“It wasn’t a date! And I sure as hell didn’t sleep with him!” Taki was getting very red at that point and Ken wasn’t entirely sure if Taki was flushed from rage, or possibly blushing.

“Oh, you got shot down, didn’t you?” Said Ma-kun.//

Yep, that had been the button. But, this time it didn’t seem Ma-kun had gotten the message. He had that look, like a cat about to pounce on a little mouse. Ken hated the tension and would’ve gladly stepped in, except he didn‘t want to die a gory death. Suddenly, he caught it, a flash in Ma-kun’s eyes. Ken held his breath. [Here it comes.]

Ma-kun stood up, stretching, a sure indication of his coming victory. “Fine. Be that way. Go around with your panties in a bunch.” He came over to Taki and leaned in closer, so that he was staring him in the eye. A malicious smile crossed his lips. “You’re just afraid. You’re afraid, because if it’s true, that makes you just like him...just like Shindou.”

Silence reigned in the room. Taki’s eyes flared and Ken swore to himself. Taki stood up, and instead of the expected outburst, he stalked out of the room as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him. The impact rippled through the room, causing the keyboardist to flinch. The fact that Taki didn’t say anything was actually scarier then the idea of him yelling. Who knew how fucked up things were going to be now?

“What the hell were you thinking?” Ken yelled, surprised Ma-kun was still alive after mentioning the name of Bad Luck‘s vocalist. In fact, Ken was seriously thinking of killing the blonde himself. Ma-kun looked at him out of the corner of his eye, in his typical, catty way.

“Just trying to get him to face reality.”

“By comparing him to the person he hates the most in the world?” Ken felt as if he was the only sane person left in the room at that moment. Which was normal for him, but still.

“It’s about time he got over that bullshit and faced up to his issues.” The guitarist snapped, sounding angry.

“Ma-kun...” Ken looked at him, astonished. Ma-kun was usually so calm.

“Besides, anger is the only thing that gets his butt into gear, even when it comes to romance. If I give him a push, the sooner he realizes this Ryuichi thing is for the better.” Ma-kun said with a chuckle. Ken stared at him, sweat dropping at the guitarist‘s change back his regular vain, manipulative self.

[That was your attempt at match making?]

Taki paced up and down the halls, trying to get his head on straight. [How could I let him get to me like that?] His breathing was hard and labored, as he tried to contain the rage.

[Just like Shindou? That disgusting little punk!?] He felt sick to his stomach, dizzy and weak. He collapsed against a wall, closing his eyes. [No, no, no, no, no. I’m not messed up, I’m not like him... I don’t like...] He sunk to the floor. His head was aching, the room was spinning, the start of a migraine. A warm hand on his back temporarily stopped the sensation..

“Are you alright, Taki?” He turned around to see… Ryuichi, staring at him, concern in his eyes.

“Shit.” Taki’s head hurt even more, causing his eyes to water, but he suddenly had the suicidal urge to laugh. He could feel the simple irony and the bitterness of the situation welling up within. “No, I’m not.” He managed to spit out. Suddenly a flash of blackness passed before his eyes. “Damn, I think I’m gonna black out.”

Ryuichi tensed up for a moment wondering what to do. Finally, he kneeled down and slide his arm around Taki’s shoulders. “Let me help you up.”

Taki wanted to shake him off, but he also wanted that warmth. The younger man settled for the warmth, letting Ryuichi lift him up, once again surprised at the man’s strength. He could feel Ryuichi leading him somewhere, but he couldn’t tell where he was going. It was as if he was once again caught in Ryuichi’s pull and was helpless to fight against it.

“It’s been... a long time since I had a migraine.” Taki muttered, feeling as if speaking was an effort, but for some reason, he wanted to. As if he owed to Ryuichi to explain.

“Don’t worry, I have place where you can lie down...” Ryuichi said, as he opened a door. He led Taki in, guiding him towards a couch and then helping him lie down on it. “I’ll be back with some aspirin. Do you want the lights off?” Hearing Taki grunt in response, he flicked off the light switch. Taki closed his eyes, wishing he’d blackout for real. Anything to avoid this pain, though the pain was keeping him from thinking those thoughts anymore… Well, a little...

He heard the sound of shuffling and someone bumping into things. “Hm, here.” Said Ryuichi, grabbing his hand and pressing something into them. Taki swallowed, feeling a mediciny taste in his mouth as he grabbed for the glass of water that seemed to be waiting in Ryuichi’s other hand.

“Is there anything else you need?” Ryuichi asked timidly as he handed over the glass of water. Taki merely sighed, wishing the older man would stop talking.

“No.” He closed his eyes, hoping he could fall asleep. The darkness was soothing, comforting. Yet, he could still feel Ryuichi’s presence. [I should be mad. It’s all his fault. But, it’s nice... that he’s here.] He could feel his mind drifting, sleep coming.

Ryuichi sat there, listening to the sounds of Taki sleeping. He wished it wasn’t dark in there. He would’ve liked to see what Taki’s face looked like when he slept. Was it blissful, like a child’s?

Ryuichi brushed his fingers against Taki’s hair gently, out of mere curiosity. Slowly he began to slide his fingers down to Taki’s face. Ryuichi stopped as his fingers grazed the younger man’s lips. He couldn’t stop unbidden sensations and thoughts from coming to mind.

[I wonder what he tastes like? Salty, sweet? Are his lips soft? Would it be alright if I kissed him?] Ryuichi knew he shouldn’t be thinking that, but he suddenly found himself leaning over Taki, until their lips were almost touching. He could feel soft breath from those lips and suddenly, Taki shifted in his sleep, unconsciously bridging the distance.

Ryuichi nearly gasped, then stifled it and leaned into the kiss, making it real. Of course, at that moment lady luck decided to throw him a curve ball. The lights flashed on.

“Ryu! There you are! We were...” Noriko stopped, taking in the situation. “Eh, I... see you’re busy...” She said, slowly leaving the room, then running down the halls at warp speed, giggling like a maniac. And then as if it could get any worse…

“Eh, what were you doing?” Ryuichi turned around, in dread to see a very awake Taki.

“Well, it’s a really funny story...” Ryuichi said, trying to smile disarmingly, even though he knew he was probably dead.

To Be Continued...

Now that the cat’s out of the bag...

Please read and review...I love reviews...I like knowing that people actually read the story and that they like it. Plus, I could always use advice and suggestions...

As for the room Ryuichi took Taki to...I’m assuming Tohma would’ve given him his own private space. Probably well furnished and everything. Probably a bathroom, running water.