Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: A Very Groovy Christmas ❯ Turkey, Rave flamed. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: A Very Groovy Christmas
By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.
All songs are copyright of their respective owners
No infringement is intended

It's Christmas! (Almost) And I've decided to break format for a second and write a Christmas themed tale to get us in the mood. Whether you're a fan of Rave or not, this should warm your heart, or at least make you laugh at some characters expense.
Obviously, if you are a reader of the Rave manga, you should know most of these characters, but as a warning, this may have spoilers for some volumes. Read with care! But otherwise, just enjoy and give reviews. It's the only Christmas present I need.

Couplings: Haru x Elie, Musica x Cattleya, Let x Seria

Cattleya looked in amusement around the living room. When it came to the annual task of putting the Christmas tree and the various decorations, it always took her hours, most of the time spent placing tinsel and stuff on the walls. This year, all the decorations had been put up in about forty minutes. And she hadn't lifted a finger. It was all thanks to the curvy bundle of energy known as Elie. As she watched the girl in question fiddle with the angel on the tree, she wondered if all that Etherion energy within her had an effect like a caffeine boost. Since yesterday afternoon, Elie had been on her feet constantly.
Cattleya thought back. It was only yesterday that Elie had asked the innocent question "Cattleya, can I hold a small Christmas party here?"
She had said yes, but before she could say, "Only a small one." Elie had hugged her tightly, screamed "Thanks!" then bolted out the house at high speed, astoundingly running across the snow to the ferry to the continent. When she had returned, she arms were laden with food, decorations and nibbles. She had spent the rest of the day cooking the meals, then cooking the meals again with Cattleya's help after she had ruined them all. There was still the turkey to prepare, and Elie was determined to do it herself.
Cattleya sighed. The prospect of hard turkey wasn't promising, but the party was. Elie had said that she would invite all the friends who had helped her and Haru in the quest to find the Rave stones. And that included Musica.
Cattleya giggled to herself. She and Hamlio -she loved the annoyance on his face whenever she used his real name- had been going out a few times since Haru had introduced them, and so far, Musica had proved to be such a great partner. Kind, respectful, and yes, that perfect bod of his. But she felt that their relationship was going a bit slow and was rather shaky, especially whenever Musica snuck glances at other girls.
But this Christmas, she had a plan. A plan to truly cement the relationship. She sniggered again as she pictured Musica's possible reactions.
Her attention returned to Elie, who was now examining the tree. "Elie, take a break will you. You've been on your feet for ages."
Elie spun round to face her. She looked tired, but determined. "No way Hose! I still have stuff to prepare. The party's tomorrow you know."
"Sit!" Cattleya ordered. Resigned, Elie slumped onto the sofa next to the ebony-haired girl. Cattleya handed her a cup of tea.
"You need a rest Elie. All the stuff you have to do can wait till tomorrow."
"But I don't want to leave everything to the last minute." Elie whined. She quickly drunk her tea.
"Why is this party so important? I mean, its just a gathering of all your friends. Its not the end of the world."
Elie looked at her with wide eyes. "But it is important. It's the first time all of us who battled Dark Bring will be in one room. It's my first proper Christmas since I lost my memories. I want it to be special." She sighed. "I want it to be perfect."
"The perfect party is impossible." Cattleya laughed. "I mean, something is sure to go wrong. It might be small or big, but something will go wrong. It's Murphy's Law."
"Well this year, Murphy can kiss my ass!" Elie jumped up and gave a determined pose. "This will be the best Christmas party ever! Now if you excuse me, I have things to prepare."
"Like what? You've cooked most of the food, the decorations are up, you ordered in some drinks, the house is cleaned. What more is there?"
Elie stood with a confused frown, then she snapped her fingers. "The turkey still needs doing. And I have to rent out a karaoke machine."
"Karaoke? No way!" Cattleya protested.
"Relax Catt-chan. You'll sing beautifully on the night. And my voice will be fine."
"Its not my voice I'm worried about." Cattleya didn't want to think about what all their guests would sound like.
Elie sauntered into the kitchen. "Lets see if that turkey's thawed out..."
The next sound was " KYAAAA! GET YOUR HANDS OFF THOSE!! OUT! OUT!!"
Haru and Plue ran out of the kitchen, followed by an angry Elie. Both the Rave Master and his servant appeared to be chewing food. Haru swallowed, and spun to face Elie.
"Oh come on Elie-chan! It was just one mince pie..."
"Those are for the party tomorrow! If you touch them again, I will smoke you!" Elie shouted.
"Chill out. I'm sorry, alright?" Haru pleaded. "We won't touch the food. Right Plue?"
The small white creature nodded. Elie looked at them both sternly.
"Alright then." She then gave Haru a sly look. "In fact, you could help me out, Haru-maki."
"I thought you didn't want my help."
"Trust me, you have just the tools for this little job." She smiled. "Please get Rave and your sword."
Not wanting to incur Elie's wrath again, Haru rushed upstairs, and returned with the legendary stone and the Eisonmeteor. He followed Elie into the kitchen.
Plue looked at Cattleya, then back at the kitchen with a concerned look on his small head. No doubt he noticed Elie's stress as well. Cattleya patted his head.
"You're right. She does need to relax." A grin formed on her face. She looked at the Rave Guardian. "And I know just what will work."
A few minutes later, she walked into the kitchen holding Plue. She noticed the room now seemed very warm. Her eyes locked on Haru and Elie hunched over the cooker, and they widened when she saw what they were doing.
Haru had used Rave to transform his sword into the Blue Crimson mode. The sword had split into two smaller swords, one flickered with a chilly, ice blue light, and rested on the counter. The other sword, which broiled with a red light, was giving off the immense heat in the kitchen. Haru was wielding this sword, and holding it against the frozen turkey. Steam rose from the heated bird. Elie looked on with great concentration, while Haru looked bored.
"You know, when Resha Valentine created Rave, I doubt this was the use she had in mind."
"Just keep thawing." Elie ordered.
"Elie." Cattleya called.
"What?" She snapped. Her face then softened into a goofy smile.
"AHHH! He's so kawaii!!"
She referred to Plue, who sat in Cattleya's arms wearing a small Santa suit. Elie scooped him up and hugged him to her chest.
"Yikes." Haru smirked. "I'm wearing a cute costume to bed from now on."
"I thought you needed cheering up." Cattleya smiled. "Now finish this bird and then you do nothing else for the rest of the day."
"Okay." Then her face went blank, as if she had stumbled on an idea. She put Plue on the counter. "Costumes... Ha! Brilliant!"
"Costumes! We'll all come to the party in fancy dress! Costumes!" Her grin grew wider. "It'll be great fun!"
"Oh man." Haru sighed. Plue moaned.
"Sounds alright to me." Cattleya replied, her mind already envisioning Musica in a sexy, swashbuckling outfit.
"Just let me call everyone and tell them the change of plans. Haru, keep thawing!" Elie ran out and picked up the phone. She extracted a list of numbers from her pocket and studied it.
"Lets see.... Musica, Griff, Ruby, Let, Seria, Angela, Ethan, Soladio, Remi, Kiriko, Matesu..." She began calling her friends.

Over at the Sliver Rhythm Silvershop, Musica was busy working away behind the counter, wrapping gifts for the massive line of customers waiting for him, and nipping into the back workshop to pick up more rings and jewellery. He wiped his sweat-covered brow, utterly exhausted. He glanced over to see Griff bantering on the phone.
"No, we are out of those rings.... No, we can't get more before Christmas... Look, I don't care if you need it to make up with your girlfriend... well maybe you should have cheated on her in the summer instead of Christmas!" He slammed the phone down, then shrugged at his boss. "Honestly, people are so inconsiderate."
Musica gritted his teeth. "Would you mind getting out there and helping me serve? They're killing me out there!"
"Okay okay!" The blob followed the silver master back to the counter, and a crowd of demanding customers.
So it was no surprise that they didn't hear the phone ring, and a message from Elie recorded on the answering machine.

In a small apartment, a man trained relentlessly on a large punching dummy. He took a few seconds to stand and compose himself in front of the foam figure. He clicked a stopwatch on his wrist, and in an instant, the dummy was hit with a flurry of punches and kicks, each expertly aimed to hit where it would hurt on a real person. In about five seconds, the dummy was hit about twenty times, then Let stopped. He checked the watch and frowned.
Not fast enough.
He decided to relax for a while, and walked over to the couch adjacent of his training area. Sitting in a crouched position, he was about to go in a meditative state, when the phone on the side table rang. Grunting, he picked it up."
"Hello?" He replied gruffly
He winced. That voice could only be Elie.
"What do you want?" He sighed.
"Don't be like that. I just wanted to tell you that there's a change of plan for the party. You have to come in a costume."
"I never said I'd come to the party."
"Oh come on Let! You have to!" She whined.
"No, I don't."
"What's your problem with being social? You had no problem being around us when we were looking for Rave."
"Actually, Haru and Musica annoyed the hell out of me, and I had fantasies about killing Griff and Ruby in their sleep."
A beat, then "Oh, you love us really. And besides, there'll be plenty of girls there to mingle with. I know Seria and Remi will be there..."
"Please Elie." Let protested. "I'm not really the social type. I feel awkward at these things."
"Then you have the perfect excuse to come. A big party like this is just what you need to get over that awkwardness."
Let rolled his eyes. Didn't anything faze this woman?
Her voice turned softer. "Look, I obviously can't force you to come. But please come. It won't be the same without you there."
Let sighed. "Alright. I'll visit."
"GREAT!!" She shrieked down the phone. "See you tomorrow!"
Let hung up and leaned back onto his seat. He looked around the apartment. The living area and kitchen were decorated in a spartan fashion, just all the things Let needed to get by. But now, it seemed very empty.
He reached toward the table and picked up a small photo frame. It contained a picture of him and Julia, just sitting by a tree in each other's arms.
Life had never been the same since that fateful day she had vanished from his life, taken by Demon Card. Since then, his opinions and feelings had always remained inside himself. He had told himself he did so because he felt the others wouldn't understand his pain, but really, he wanted to drown in his sorrow, focus it into anger to defeat Demon Card, kill his nemesis Jigen and gain vengeance for Julia.
But even after he had done that, it seemed he was unable to bring his true feelings out. He knew he wanted to love again, but finding a girl, that seemed impossible. There were many, but none seemed to have that understanding, kind nature that Julia had.
The only ones that came close were Elie and Seria, and Elie was obviously more armoured with Haru.
Seria. It had been a while since he had seen the blue-haired mermaid. He had admired her determination to fight against Demon Card despite her weakness on land, yet still remained polite and trusting.
He looked around the bland room. Maybe it was time he stopped being such a killjoy and got to know people better.
"No point waiting for New Years before making a change."
He hopped up, and headed for the shower, his mind already plotting possible costume ideas that would scare the hell out of Haru...

The plane flew low through the night sky, the clear skies allowing it to go faster than normal. Through the window, Seria could see the inky black sea below, coloured with a few dark blue streaks from the light from the moon. This plane felt terribly stuffy. She longed to just dip into the cool waters, and just swim slowly, her muscles easing off. But she figured the sea might be freezing compared to the lake she lived in. And mermaids hate the cold.
She snuggled into her woolly blanket, the mind on the upcoming party Elie had insisted she attend. She knew it would be nice to see her friends again, as well as some others who had helped Haru in his quest. Even though she had a slight resentment towards Elie for getting together with Haru while she still had a crush on him, it would be interesting to see how she fared with her memories back. She was wondering if Musica still had his airship, if Ruby had gotten any richer, or if Let was still a hunk....
She sighed. Now matter how much she denied it, it was true. She had fallen head over heels for Let. She adored the man even more that she had Haru. There was such a mystery around him, a man who never spoke of his private life. And yet, during the quest, he had revealed things about himself, such as the death of his girlfriend.
Many saw Let as aloof or a major badass. But Seria could see the truth. He was a hurt man, scarred by a bad past, and not wanting to bother anyone with it in case they were hurt and didn't understand. But she did understand. She just wanted to help and be gentle with him, as he had sometimes with her.
She looked out the window again, seeing the land getting closer. She hoped he would be there. He wasn't a big fan of parties...

Speaking of parties, in a large bar in Punk City, a small gathering was taking place in the function room. A large number of people came to the bar for drinks and either rejoined the loud party, or went to a table to talk to friends or relax and enjoy the music. Only one table had a single person on it.
He seemed very out of place, his scowling face contrasting with the many jubilant faces around him. And that was before you took in the fact that he was seven feet tall, had pink, slimy skin, muscles like tree trunks and pointed ears.
Ogre gritted his teeth as yet another classic Christmas song was played next door. Why the hell did people play the same stupid songs every year? Couldn't they come up with new ones? Or just ban them entirely? He swigged the beer he had bought, annoyed that the quiet venue where he had sought peace was now rowdy. But he didn't have the energy to find another bar. So that left just drinking this beer, blocking out the noise, and just stewing in his own juices.
God he hated Christmas.
What was the point? For the entire month of December, everyone acted in the most annoyingly charming way, You couldn't walk down the street without some idiot grinning at you. This whole notion of friendship toward his fellow man... it made him feel ill. Only today, at least three people had gone right up to him to wish him Merry Christmas. He would have smashed their faces into the pavement, but that would have defeated the whole object of coming to Song Continent. He was a wanted man everywhere else, but here, no one knew him.
She sighed. Right now, he wished his friends in the Onigami were still around to join his lament. Even that twerp Doryu would be good company right now. He was sure his old comrades would enjoy a good drink and laugh with him now. He suddenly felt rather lonely, but that soon turned into resentment as he thought about how the downfall of the Onigami had come.
He gave a small laugh. He had imagined that if the Onigami were defeated (and at the time, it seemed a ridiculous idea) it would be by some gigantic army. He had laughed at the thought that back then, three pretty boys, two girls with bigger boobs than brains, and an assortment of stupid animals could stop him and his minions.
He had seriously underestimated them.
Orge leaned back and sighed. The Onigami had been totally shattered. Doryu was dead, and the others were scattered all over the place. He hoped they were having a better time than he was right now.
He sipped the drink, and glanced casually around the bar. He noticed a short, stout creature, similar to a penguin, but wearing a red jacket and bobble hat enter and sit at a table. Ogre sighed in disgust. Why the hell did people let stupid animals in these places...
He looked at the penguin in closer detail, noticing the cheery manner it displayed.
"Nah. Couldn't be the same one who was with that Rave chump..."
The penguin was then joined by a blue coloured blob with skinny arms and feelers for legs. It was carrying a large cocktail.
"Holy crap! It IS them!"
His eyes never moved as he watched the duo.
"Hi Griff! Poyo!" The penguin yelled. The blob gritted his teeth.
"Haven't you got that stupid voice impediment fixed yet?"
"What voice impediment? Poyo!"
Griff sighed. "Look, what did you want? I have better things to do."
Ruby sat up. "Did you hear that Elie's party is now a costume party?"
"Really? Huh, must have missed that in the invite."
"Yep. But I'm not sure what I should go as, poyo. I don't want to look silly."
Griff eyed Ruby's bobble hat critically. "Yes, we wouldn't want that." He sipped his drink.
"Well don't worry old pal. Griff is here to save the day. Course, there'll be a small fee..."
"Great! I'll have more style than Haru, poyo! He'll be so impressed when I turn up at his house."
"He'll be surprised for sure..."
The two hopped off their chairs and walked into the crowd. Ogre mulled over the information he had heard.
Haru Glory, the man who defeated Onigami, lived near here? The man responsible for breaking up his group?
Ogre had always wanted to get back at the Rave Master for what her did. And now, it seemed he had a chance to do so. But a simple beating wouldn't do...
His brain began to formulate a plan. An extremely vicious and devious plan. With a smirk, he picked up his now empty bottle.
"Better watch out Glory." He smashed the bottle in his hand. "Christmas is about to be cancelled."