Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest ❯ Evil Intent: The Great Escape ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest
By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.
No infringement is intended

The third chapter, and at last, we see a proper fight scene. Calm your bloodlust, this also advances the plot somewhat
www.tokyopop. com

He is there again. Standing at the cliffs, the world around him as blank and colourless as a hastily drawn comic. Except for the girl who stood at the edge, vibrant
in a yellow dress and light hair.
He moves toward her, and then the ground shakes. He is thrown off his feet, as pillars of earth rise up in front of him, massive blocks and spikes of dirt, which stand between him and her.
He has to get to her, no matter what.
He jumps up and pushes against a pillar. He springs toward the next one, and pushes of that to the next one, leaping higher with cat-like reflexes he didn't know he had. He keeps jumping, looking up toward the sky...
Until finally, he leaps over the highest point, and falls back down to the ground, landing on his feet.
She is still there, looking out to sea. But she seems farther away than ever.
He moves forward. There is a searing pain in his foot. He looks down. The ground has turned into lava...

Conscious returned slowly to Haru. One by one, his senses returned in blurs. When his eyes were better enough to see, he noticed that they were no longer at the restaurant. Now he was in a room covered in wood panelling.
He jerked upright in surprise, and the memory of what had happened hit him. He jerked his head to the side, realising that was all he could move. His blurry vision saw Elie sitting in a chair, her arms tied behind her. Anger flared in him. Whoever did this was gonna pay.
He heard voices at the other end, and straining his vision, saw four figures conversing with each other.
On the right, two men, one a tall, skinny rat like figure, the other a hulking mountain of muscle, were shouting at the others, a tall, slim woman with light blue hair, and a tall, lithe man with a shock of yellow hair.
The skinny man wore a black overcoat, and his slicked back hair and large ears made him look more like a rat. As he shouted at the tall man, his companion, a gigantic figure dressed in lederhosen and a green shirt looked on in mild interest. The woman, her stern face betraying that she was not interested in what the men said, picked at her dark blue dress.
But the tall man looked the most striking. Wearing a navy leather jacket with armoured shoulder pads, with similar ones on his trousers, he immediately gave the impression he was a man to be reckoned with. And that was before you saw the large sword hanging on his back. Haru silently gasped at the design. A large curved blade, set in a wooden hilt that was carved to look almost organic. Oddly, he got the feeling he'd seen that sword before somewhere....
He listened in on the conversation.
"... I'm telling you Helix, bringing that kid here was a mistake." The rat like man shouted to the swordsman.
"He is her friend. I'm sure he must know something that could be of use." His voice was extremely deep.
The giant spoke up. "You know, Willis might be right. No guy walks around with a sword like that unless he's any good at it. Have you seen the size of it?"
"You know what they say about big swords..." The woman chuckled.
The man known as Helix shot her a look. "Well, just relax. There's no way he can cause much damage with all of us on guard. And once we're finished with the girl, we'll dispose of him."
Haru gulped. Things were looking bad. He then heard a soft voice. "Haru?"
Turning round, he saw Elie shaking her head in confusion. Her eyes widened.
"The hell? Where are we?"
The four turned and walked toward them. "Ah, you're awake. Good. I don't want to be here longer than necessary."
Elie went ballistic. "Who the hell are you!!? How dare you ruin my date!! Can't a girl enjoy a dinner in peace!!?"
She jumped in her seat, her hands bound behind her and her legs tied to the chair.
The swordsman snickered. "Our humble apologies. But you see, Miss Elie, we need your help with a small.. translation problem, that only you can solve."
"And if I refuse?"
"You'll notice we didn't actually ask you." Helix unsheathed his sword, and cut the rope binding her legs to the chair. He then grabbed her collar and pulled her up roughly.
"Willis, keep an eye on this fellow, will you? If madam here is uncooperative, I'll tell you if you can shoot him."
Elie's face paled. "No, don't." She pleaded. "Please, he's done nothing to you."
Helix pulled Elie along with him toward the door, followed by the woman and the big man. Willis sat down on a chair and pulled out a handgun.
"I swear, if you harm her... I will kill you." Haru growled.
Helix looked over his shoulder, and snorted in disbelief, before leaving.

"What is this all about, huh?" Elie shouted as she was strong-armed into a small room with a desk and chair in it. She was shoved onto the chair, and the woman pulled out a large curved blade from her dress. She held it expertly, and looked at Elie with dangerous intent.
The massive man spoke. "I've got some things to do. Tell me if she comes up with anything."
"Not staying, Tower? This could be interesting."
"Yeah, interesting. Like a scab is interesting. Just let me know okay?" Tower replied sarcastically. He walked out.
Elie cried out. "You're Demon Card, aren't you? Some losers who think they can resurrect Dark Bring." She stared at them in spite. "Well get this! That demonic piece of crap was wiped out ages ago. Without it, you're nothing!"
She looked defiant, but then Helix chuckled. "Demon Card? My dear..." He leaned in closer. "We hold more power than that 'demonic piece of crap' ever could. But then you would know that, wouldn't you?"
Her face changed to completely confused. "Are you mental? I've never seen you freaks before in my life!"
Helix unlocked a small drawer in the desk, and removed something wrapped in cloth. "So you really do have no recollection of your past life." He smiled wistfully. "Ah Lina, you did know what you were doing."
Elie was losing all patience with this idiot. But she was also intrigued. Who was this Lina?
Helix unwrapped the cloth, to reveal a leather-bound book. It was tatty and worn with age, but the gold text on the front still shimmered in the light. It was written in the ancient text, but as always, she just had to look at it, and it would 'click' in her mind, allowing her to read it as if in English.
'Tobias Lenden's diary' was inscribed on the cover.
"This exercise is simple." Helix said. "You read this book, write down everything in English, you and your date live."
Elie was utterly shocked. How had these goons gotten hold of a book of the ancient text? She was begging to read it, but knew that if they wanted to know it's contents, then it couldn't be good news.
"And if I don't feel like it?" She crossed her arms.
Then the swordsman unexpectedly slapped her across the face. She cried out in agony. She turned her tear filed eyes to the man.
"What you just felt is nothing compared to what I'll do to you and your friend. Now start!"
Before she had felt wary of these people. Now she was terrified, mainly thinking about what they would do to Haru.
She grabbed the pencil and opened the book. A musty smell was released from the worn pages. Lines of rune like writing covered the page. Wiping her eyes, she began reading.

June 16, 2998

This marks the start of my new journal. The first thoughts. I wanted to do this earlier, but settling into Rashada town was a harrowing experience. Apart from finding enough currency to buy living quarters, the townsfolk were extremely wary towards me. I guess they were not used to out of towners. Heh, if only they knew.
But now, my current life is stable. It may be simple compared to home, but I have a deep sense of belonging here. I have made many good friends, including Shiba, the town joker. I wouldn't laugh too much though. He has some considerable skill with a sword...

Elie's eyes widened. Shiba? Wasn't he the old man who gave Haru the Rave in the first place? The one who had fought Dark Bring fifty years ago and accidentally caused the Overdrive explosion? Why was he in this book?
What she had thought was mere small talk by the author now seemed more interesting. Taking notes as she went, she continued...

June 20. 2998
Today, a gang of madmen attacked the town. At least, that's what the people thought. But I knew who they truly were. The Diemen. This was my first encounter with the ones who had made the lives of my people utterly miserable, and as such I was eager to get into the fray. Shiba was especially impressed. I had never taken much interest in his fights before.
We fought tooth and nail., but they were tougher than I could imagined. Then suddenly, a woman rode up from nowhere on a tanchimo, and sliced the fiend's heads off with nary a flicker. Shiba was shocked, and so was I.
She got off and introduced herself. She was about 18, our ages, and the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. Slim yet strong, with hair a colour I'd never seen before, somewhere between blonde and brunette, and the stunning amber eyes... I'm getting aroused just writing about her. And her name... Resha.

Elie gasped.

Haru struggled once again at the ropes keeping him bound to the chair. Even though his strength was augmented by the Rave power within him, he still couldn't do it.
Willis watched him struggle in amusement. "Try all you want, Kid. Those ropes are coated in molecular metal. A knife will cut through it easy, but it's invincible against brute strength."
Exausted, Haru flopped back onto the seat. His worry for Elie was growing by the minute. What were they doing to her?
He looked around the barely furnished room. The only items in here were a battered couch, where Willis now sat, and a table, on which Elie's belt and ton-fas were laid. There didn't seem to be anything he could use to cut the ropes though.
He signalled to the skinny man. "So, you mind telling me what all this is about?"
The man sneered. None of your concern, kid. Your little friend there is just going to make history for all of us."
"How so? Somehow, I don't think she'll share your ideas. You haven't been good party guests, that's for sure."
"Oh, I'm sure she'll see things our way."
Anger rose within him. "You do anything to her, and I'll...."
Willis furrowed his brow. "Why are you so concerned about her? She your wife or something?"
He was surprised by the question. He snorted. "No! What gave you that idea? She's just my friend."
In response, Willis laughed for several minutes, then looked at the boy in total disbelief.
"Are you serious? You only see her as a friend? Come on man! Have you looked at her? Biologically speaking, a woman of her height should not have a rack that big."
"Don't talk about her like that!" Haru spat.
Willis shook his head sadly. "Idiot. I'm going to the toilet." He moved toward the door.
Haru grinned. "You know, when I get out of here, I'm gonna kick your ass first."
Willis chuckled. "Yeah, like I'm real worried about some reject from a RPG who doesn't appreciate a woman's finer assets."
He left the room, locking the door behind him.
Haru gritted his teeth in frustration. What a jerk. He truly appreciated Elie's looks. It was all he could do not to stare at her when ever she wore her outfits. Her chest, her legs, her face...
He mentally slapped himself. "Get a grip. We've got to get out of here!"
Unfortunately, that seemed impossible. The only items he could possibly use were the ton-fas and there was no way he could hop over and grab them before the thug came back. He huffed. This would need a miracle.
Then suddenly, he heard a clang. Looking in the direction of the noise, he spotted a small heating grate. Something appeared to be scuttling around behind it. Then the thing hit the grate, knocking it over. His eyes lit up.
"Plue!" He exclaimed as the creature jumped up to hug him.
"Listen, can you get me out of here?"
Plue nodded and climbed over the chair to Haru's hands. Using the sharp end of his nose, he cut through the ropes. He repeated with his feet.
Haru got up, rubbed his wrists, then picked up his friend. "You my friend, are the ninth wonder of the world."
Willis' voice was heard. "Hey, who you talking to?"
Haru gasped, realising his mistake. Plue then jumped out of his arms and positioned himself next to the door. Haru didn't know what he was doing, but knew he still had to look trapped. He sat back down and placed his arms behind him.
Willis walked in. "I heard you talking to someone kid." He eyed the boy suspiciously.
"What, I can't talk to myself? It would be the most stimulating conversation I've had all evening." Haru taunted.
The suited man cracked his knuckles. "I'm supposed to get word from the boss man before I start beating you, but I guess he'll miss a few bruises..."
At that point, Plue charged from his hiding place, took a running jump... and stabbed his nose into Willis' buttocks.
Seizing the moment, Haru ran towards him and delivered a punishing uppercut, knocking the man out.
He looked over the prone body. "Told you I'd kick your ass first." He smirked.
He then turned to the sounds to Plue straining with something. The creature was dragging the Eisonmeteor out of the duct.
"All right!" He grabbed the weapon, and inserted the Rave, as he had done several times before.
He held it high, and willed the magic power within him and the stone. The sword glowed a bright white light, it's shape turning into that of a thinner blade with blue carvings on the hilt. The Silfarion mode. Now he possessed the power of super speed.
"Now its your friend's turn."
With Plue perched on his shoulder, and the ton-fas secured on his arm, he ran out of the room and down the first corridor.
Praying Elie was alright.

At first, she hadn't wanted to read it. God knew what these weirdos wanted out of this book. But the more she read, the more she got into it. She couldn't help it. Just about everything she wanted to know about Resha was here.
Tobias Landen, whoever he was, had written just about everything about Resha. Her likes and dislikes, how he had learnt about her past life and hobbies. How the two had gone exploring around the world with Shiba, That they had seen Shiba off after he had somehow gotten hold of Rave and begun his quest to stop Dark Bring. That Resha and he had eventually fallen in love with each other, and gotten married. She'd liked those pieces the best.
But it was uncomfortable to read with Helix constantly looking at her translation, checking to see she wasn't faking anything. Elie was smart enough to know this guy would not be fooled.
Several things kept confusing her though. What did Tobias and Resha mean when they had referred to 'their people'? It sounded as if they were part of some cult, the way they talked about 'meeting the elders.' And who were these 'Diemen' they kept fighting? It was very strange.
She came to the next instalment, noting that the date was a few days after the massive Overdrive explosion. The result of the battle between Rave and Dark Bring.

January 03, 0000
I don't think I'll ever get used to writing the date like this. But along with the death and destruction, it's a burden I'll have to carry. Resha and I were again helping out with the relief efforts. Everyone is coping bad with the destruction, Resha especially. Despite her training, she still gets highly emotional. I can't blame her. It's all I can do not to cry myself.
I can't stop thinking of Shiba. He would have been there, at the very heart of the Overdrive. He would have died instantly.
At least I can take heart knowing he went out bravely, defeating the worst evil known to man. The damage was horrible, but nothing compared to what would happen if Dark Bring still existed. I'm still thankful the Diemen never got their hands on it. I sudder to think.
The Diemen are still around of course, but right now, they can take a back seat."

Elie almost cried. The emotion put in the words was almost overwhelming.
"Oh Tobias, if only you had known that Shiba had lived. At least you can rest knowing Rave is in good hands." She thought to herself. She turned to the next page, and gasped.

January 5, 0000
Today, I found something to keep me going. Resha has announced that she is pregnant. To say I'm elated is an understatement.
Naturally, She wants the child blessed at the temple, so tomorrow we're going there to stay for a while. I think we could do with the vacation. However, due to the recent devastation, we'll have to take a different route...

Elie had only just gotten her head around the fact that Resha had had a child, when Helix grabbed her shoulder roughly and pointed towards her notes.
"This temple. Where is it?"
"Calm down. It hasn't said yet." She complained. Her mind was racing. It was obvious this temple was what these thugs were after. But why? She was about to continue reading, when she stopped.
A sensation was building up within her. She wasn't sure what, but all this talk about Resha seemed to stir something within. A tingle was surrounding her body, jumping from nerve to nerve. Her vision started to blur slightly. She heard Helix's rough harsh voice.
"Well? Get on with it."
"Wait, I.."
She yelped in pain as Helix grabbed her hair and pulled her into his face. Looking directly into his eyes, her vision of him started to waver. It was getting harder to make out his face.
"You tell me where that temple is NOW!" He spat viciously. His eyes seemed to blaze red.
Then Elie saw to her horror, that his eyes WERE red. Her vision was still blurry, but she plainly saw Helix'x face fade away to reveal the visage of a giant insect, complete with mandibles and multiple eyes.
"AHHHHHH!!!" She squealed in fright, jumping away from his grasp and falling over the chair. She scooted away from him into the corner. She could hardly breathe, the fright within her grasping her tightly. She had to force herself to look up when she heard Helix approach.
She blinked. His head was human again. He looked at her intently.
"So, you can see us for what we really are." His eyes, now normal still gave the girl chills as they bored into her.
Suddenly, the door exploded into fragments. As Helix and the woman turned to the noise, they were thrown into the air by some invisible force, and hit the wall hard. Elie closed her eyes and curled into a ball, fearful of what would happen next.
In the darkness, she trembled. But them she felt a familiar presence. One of warmth and kindness. It was the best way to describe it, but still she was fearful to look.
"Elie! Are you all right?" A gentle voice asked urgently. She opened her eyes, relieved beyond belief that it was Haru staring at her. His face was etched in concern. Plue sat on his shoulder, looking worried himself.
With a wail, she threw her arms around him, thankful to have him near. Now, she knew he could save them from this horror.
Haru held her tight, trying to comfort her. "Did.. did they hurt you?"
She trembled. "A..A little. But Haru, it was horrible. They.. they're not normal!"
Haru looked at her fallen tormentors, laid prone on the floor. Anger burned within him. He was tempted to wake them up and knock them out again for doing this to his friend. He stared closer at the swordsman. That feeling that he had seen this man before was still there...
"What do you mean, not normal?" He asked.
He saw she was still shaken, but trying to keep a straight face. "I looked at him, and then my eyes went weird. Then... He wasn't human."
Haru was confused, but now wasn't the time to press for answers. "Tell me later, right now, we need to get out of here."
He tossed her the ton-fas. As soon as she had her familiar weapons in her hands, she instantly lost her fright, doing a quick twirl with the guns before taking a pose. "Alright! Lets go! I'll lead the way."
Haru always marvelled at how she reacted to a crisis. Even when the worst happened, she always managed to regain her happy attitude and take on trouble head on. It tended to inspire him to do the same.
They were about to leave, when Elie gave an "EEEP!" and turned around, picking up the diary.
"What's that?"
"Something very important." Haru then watched her lift her dress up to reveal her skirt. He got a glimpse of a toned belly before she shoved the book into the waistband of her skirt.
The two and their creature friend exited, unaware that the woman had just woken up, and was now reaching for a radio.

Running around the wood lined corridors looking for an exit, Haru and Elie finally found a corridor with had several windows. Looking out, they saw that the building they were in was set in a Cliffside, overlooking a waterfall. Below them, the waters cascaded down to a large pool with a deafening roar. Farther down, one could see a river, and next to that, an old lumber mill.
They had barely absorbed these details though, than a sound like the stomping of several boots was heard. Looking down the corridor, Haru gasped at the sight of several armed guards jogging toward them. He turned around, only to be met with the sight of more guards. They all held machine guns aimed at the two.
"Who the hell are these guys?" Haru said aloud. At first he thought it was a small gang, but it seemed this was bigger than he could handle.
Elie grasped the handles of her ton-fas. "Haru! Duck!"
He only got a second to hit the floor as She swiftly took a sideways stance, aimed her guns in both directions, and pressed the triggers. Screaming a war cry which only just sounded above the whine of the guns, she spread her fire, the hot plasma bursts knocking over the soldiers and sending them falling over each other like bowling pins.
Looking in both directions, she was delighted to see all the soldiers were out like lights. She ceased firing, twirled the guns in her hands and smoothly dropped them back in their holsters. Haru raised his head and grinned.
"Nice one."
Elie smiled. "Thanks. You okay?"
As Haru got up, his eyes locked on something a small distance away. "For now."
Elie looked at where he was looking, and paled. Helix and the girl were standing only a few feet away. The man clapped.
"Very impressive, the both of you. But now, this little game comes to an end."
The woman bared her knife. "We'll have some fun first though."
Haru placed himself in front of Elie, the Silfarion readied. "Just try it."
Helix stepped forward. "Hold back, Gala. I want to try this fellow out myself."
He pulled out the magnificent blade, making Haru realise all the more that he had seen this man and his sword before. But where...?"
He concentrated on his opponent. Both men stood transfixed in battle stances, staring each other out. Elie hardly dared to breathe. Plue waited in anticipation.
Helix made the first move, twisting the point of his sword towards Haru and thrusting it toward him. Haru deflected the blow, but Helix instantly brought it to a new position and swiped again. Again Haru blocked, the Rave power giving him superior speed and the Silfarion being able to cut the air at the speed of sound. Helix moved fast, his blade darting in and out like a rapid chisel, but always deflected by the Rave Master's weapon.
Sensing a break in Helix's attacks, Haru hopped backward and unleashed a small sonic boom from the sword. The wave of sound travelled along the floor. Haru expected his opponent to be knocked over, but instead, Helix noticed at the last second and nimbly flipped over it.
"He is good. Better go on the offensive." Haru thought.
He charged forward, swinging his sword at the man. But he was surprised when the blade connected with something invisible.
He jumped back defensively, and looked I astonishment at Helix. The man was whirling the massive blade around his wrist like a giant cathrine wheel, creating a shield. His face showed no effort whatsoever, still in a sneer. Haru blinked.
"I have seen that move before! Arrgh, but where?" He thought.
Shouting loudly, he charged again, slicing and thrusting the sword as fast as possible in the hope of getting a shot in. But every time, the blade was knocked away and Haru got no closer. All the time, Helix still had that annoying smile.
Haru eventually gave up and put space between them, trying to think of a strategy. But this fighter was like nothing else.
He'd battled several of Dark Bring's toughest warriors, but no matter how strong they were, Shuda, Lance and the others had fallen due to flaws in their techniques or their own arrogance. But Helix seemed to eclipse them all, and was still keeping his cool.
He watched as Helix held the sword higher, clicked a switch on the handle, then flicked the sword to the side. To his astonishment, the blade and handle folded and disconnected due to hidden levers, and the hold thing rebuilt itself into a massive scythe. The swordsman held the reformed weapon expertly.
Elie watched Haru's face register to surprise, then it shifted to that cunning grin he had. She clasped her hands, hoping that he could defeat this seemingly invincible man.
"Nice trick." Haru said coolly. Then he grasped the handle of the Silfarion tightly, and again willed the energy of the Rave again. The blade shone a bright, blinding white. Everyone shielded their eyes. Helix squinted just enough to see the boy's sword spilt into two.
The light disappeared, and Haru was holding two swords, one glowing with a flickering red light, the other a blue light. Blades of fire and ice.
Helix smirked. "Impressive. Shame you won't have a chance to try that out."
Elie raised her brows in confusion, then jumped in shock. During the fight, loads of guards had piled into the corridor and surrounded them. Their guns glinted menacingly in the pale light. Haru stood still, his eyes darting around trying to spot a way out of this predicament.
"Just give us the girl and the book, and I promise your lives."
Elie shivered from his tone of voice. But Haru stepped closer to her. "Over my dead body."
"That can be arranged. But if you think you can take all my men out.." He then reached into his pocket and produced a small card. He threw it at Haru, who deftly caught it. Looking at it, all he saw was a red cross.
"Think of it as a contract. My promise to you that I will finish this fight."
Elie watched all the colour drain from Haru's face. Haru never got nervous around an enemy. It was as if, in that instant, the card had meant something truly horrible. He looked at Helix in disbelief.
"You... it can't be you.." He breathed.
Elie stepped closer. "Haru, what are we gonna do?" She whispered. She felt Plue jump onto her shoulder, looking for some comfort in this situation as well.
Haru turned his head to her. "Hold on to me and don't let go." He silently instructed. She did so, hoping he had some kind of plan.
Before anyone could react, Haru clashed the swords together and fired a blast of fire and ice at the large window. It shattered, the explosion taking out a good chuck of the wall. Then, lifting Elie and Plue onto his back, he broke into a run and leapt out of the hole he had created, and fell down toward the waterfall.
Looking out, Helix and Gala watched as the three disappeared into the churning waters.
She whistled. "Damn. He had a serious death wish."
"Hopefully, he still has, or we can call this mission a write off." Helix crossed his arms in thought.
"And just how are we going to find her again?" She demanded.
The poker face remained. "Why don't you just concern yourself with finding out who that kid was? I'll report in."
And he walked off past the bemused guards. Gala sighed. The master was going to hate this.

A figure watched from the clifftop. His eyes never left the river that left of from the waterfall.
He saw the man pull the woman up from below the surface, then swim downstream, pulling her gently along.
"Elisha.... He said to himself. "Being guarded by the Rave Master..." He smiled. The first part of his mission was complete.
Now he had to hope the Rave Master could keep her from Helix.
"Just a little longer Elisha...."

Elie felt supremely comfortable. She was floating in what felt like warm water, with a strong arm holding her gently at her waist. She sensed no danger, only great security from the presence close to her.
"Wait a sec." She thought. "Didn't I just escape some psychos by jumping into a waterfall?"
She opened her eyes and realised that she was in water. Being carried along by Haru, who swam with Plue comically sitting of his head.
"Haru?" She gasped.
He slightly turned his head to her. "Hold on. We're coming to the shore."
Elie breathed out in relief. After that ordeal, this felt like heaven. She relaxed again, enjoying the sensation of the gentle water.
Finally, they reached a beach, and crawled onto the sand before collapsing. Haru gasped for breath, Plue panted, Elie grasped the book, relieved to see it hadn't gotten too wet. The leather binding had done its job.
She turned to Haru. "Just how did you get into college? Cause I can't see why they'd want someone as crazy as you."
"Hey, we got out, okay?" He scanned the surroundings. Hilly grassland was all around, save for a small town in the distance.
Elie looked at his stern expression. "Haru, do you know who that guy is?"
He was silent for several seconds. "Yes. And right now, I wish I didn't."
Elie hadn't seen him this upset since the day he had reunited this his father. "Who was he?"
"Shiro Gear. I can't believe it was him." He replied absently.
She frowned. "For the people who don't have memories, could you tell me who Shiro Gear is?"
He turned to her. "Shiro Gear was one of the greatest swordsmen and adventurers ever. His bravery and sword skills were known all over the land. He was my idol." He looked crushed. "I'm surprised you havn't heard of him. He was famous for defeating bandits in one-on-one combat. If he couldn't finish the fight, he'd give them a card or contract, promising to finish the duel later."
"What happened to him?"
"Six years ago, he went on one of his travels, and was never seen again. Everyone assumed he had died or gotten lost."
He was silent again, still trying to get round the shock of seeing his hero.
Elie touched his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to find out like that. You'll be okay?"
He forced a smile. "I'll try. But right now, lets find a phone and get the police on those guys."
Elie jumped up. "No, we can't. They'll be gone by now. And who's gonna believe Shiro Gear kidnapped us?" Haru watched a look of horror spread on her face. "They're probably on their way to the temple now!"
"Excuse me, temple?"
Elie thrust the book into Haru's face. "They wanted me to translate this book. It's the diary of Resha's husband! And it mentioned something about some hidden temple, which they want to find!" She spoke excitedly.
Haru aborbed this information then replied "So, what's in this temple?"
"Beats me. But it can't be good if those thugs want it. I've got to get there now!"
Haru blinked. "On your own?"
Elie looked surprised. "Well, sure. I mean, this is the best clue about Resha I've found in ages. This could lead to my past. I can't just leave it."
Haru saw the determination in her eyes. For the first time in ages, she had the answer to her mystery in her grasp. Something he was unable to do the first time they had travelled.
And now she was able to find out, he wanted to know too. He felt that despite their friendship, her hidden past made her distant to him. Now she could be a proper person again, just as they both wanted.
"I'm coming with you."
Haru spoke louder. "I said, I'm coming with you. You can't go it alone. You'll need my help."
"But Haru, your college..."
"I think I can go unnoticed for a couple of days." He smirked. "I mean, how long will it take us to get there?"
She calculated in her head. "About three, four days I guess."
"Great. If we hurry, we can stop those gits and I won't miss school."
She looked at him, concerned. "You don't have to come with me. I can manage..."
He stepped closer to her. "I want to Elie-chan. I want to make sure you get your past back."
Smiling, Elie grabbed him in a great hug. "You are the best friend ever."
Then she picked up the book and let Plue jump in her shoulder. "C'mon. Lets get some supplies."
And off she ran towards the town. But Haru didn't follow at first. He felt confused. That hug from Elie had felt... Really good.

Back in Punk City, Cattleya sat on Musica's couch, clasping and unclasping her hands nervously as Musica talked on the phone. Griff placed a hand on the woman's knee to try and reassure her.
She watched as Musica slammed the phone down. "Damn! They still haven't found them."
Catt trembled. Musica saw this and sat down next to her. He took her hand.
"Try and calm down. Haru's a tough kid. He's probably kicking their asses as we speak."
"I k..know, but still..." She was unable to finish. "Who would want to kidnap him?"
Musica rolled his eyes. "Sheesh, where do I start? Demon Card might be gone, but there are still plenty of people who would want revenge. But even they would be foolish to go up against Rave."
Catt nodded. Just then, a beep sounded near the workbenches from Musica's laptop.
Griff frowned. "Strange. Who would send an e-mail at this time of night?" He skittered over to the laptop and opened the file. His eyes widened.
"Over here! It's from Haru!"
"Haru?" Catt exclaimed as she ran over.
"Yep. And he sent it fairly recently as well."
They all crowded around the computer to read the e-mail.

If you got this, then I'll assume Cattleya is there as well. Elie, Plue and I are all okay. We managed to escape safely
I'm writing this from an Internet café in some place called Rouge Town, where we ended up. I just needed to tell you that I can't come back. Not just yet anyway.
These men that snatched us, were after Elie. I just got in their way. It seems that they want something that only Elie knows the location of. We don't know what this thing is, but I've got this gut feeling it can't be good.
Elie is determined to find this place though, and I can't let her go alone. Don't be angry with me, but I know that we have to find this place before they do.
I hate having to tell you like this. Musica, please look after my sister. And Sis, I promise I will come back in one piece and in time for school.
All my love, Haru.

Musica sighed. "Haru, you moron. You could at least wait for the rest of us."
He then looked at Cattleya, who was shuddering. Musica held her shoulders.
"Don't worry. Haru's the Rave Master. He and Elie will pull through." He assured.
She looked at him with tear filled eyes. "Bu..But what if something happens? He almost died defeating Dark Bring!" She wept louder now. "I can't lose him! He's the only family I have."
Musica felt his heart break at her sadness. He knew Haru never wanted to hurt his sister, but this was more than he could bear.
"I'll find him."
She wiped her eyes and looked at him. "What?"
"I'll head out there and see if I can catch up to him. Make sure he's alright."
"But how will you get there in time?"
He grinned. "I see Haru neglected to tell you that I was the captain of an airship for a while. I can still ask the pilot for a lift there."
She stood up, staring at him. "You'd do that for me?"
"Haru's my friend. He wouldn't leave me in the lurch, and neither will I."
She touched his arm. "Then go. And please, make sure my brother is alright."
He nodded. "You can stay here the night if you want. I'll be back soon."
She smiled. "Good luck."
He took one more look at those bright eyes, before heading out the door. Catt waved him goodbye.
He was down the lamp-lit street when Griff spoke up from his shoulder. "You've got quite a thing for her, haven't you?"
"I don't know Griff, I..." He stopped when he realised Griff was on his shoulder.
"What are you doing here?! You should be back home!"
The blob crossed his arms. "And let you go by yourself? Who knows what dangers are out there? I'm coming for the ride.
Musica sighed. Griff was adamant. "Oh come on. It'll be like the old days. I still know some shanties to sing when we get to the ship..."
Musica made a mental note to flush Griff down the toilet as soon as possible.

A fully dried Haru exited the camping store. Leaving his jacket in the bag he now carried, his clothing consisted of casual trousers and a white shirt. Not exactly the best outfit for exploration, but it would have to do.
He looked at Elie who sat outside playing with Plue. She had taken off her dress to reveal a pink tank-top and short skirt. Haru always wandered why she always choose such skimpy clothing when they had adventured before. She never acted as if she was trying to flaunt her wares to anyone. She always acted as normal. It had gotten so He and Musica had gotten used to being around her, but whenever she had put on a bikini, it was a minor triumph not to stare at her.
Like he was doing now. But she looked beautiful as always...
He shook his head. What was wrong with him?
She looked up at his approach. "So, what did you get?"
"Just the essentials." He fumbled through the bag. "Blankets, a tent, a portable gas burner, the usual."
"Great! We might as well.." Then she stopped, realising something. "Did you just say A tent? Not two?"
"It was all I could afford."
Her face went white. "But... we'll have to sleep together."
Haru hadn't thought of that. But he shrugged it aside. "So? I think we're mature enough to sleep in the same tent."
"What do you mean by that?" Elie asked.
"Well.. uh.. you know." He replied, a bit confused.
Elie rolled her eyes. "I bet historians are writing right now, 'a year ago, the evil Dark Bring was defeated by a thick piece of plankwood named Haru.'"
"Hey! Just for that, you're getting a kick up the arse." He laughed.
She stuck her tongue out at him. "You'll have to catch me first!"
She started running, with Haru in hor pursuit. They continued this game of tag for several minutes, before Haru tackled her to the ground. She rolled away from him, gasping for breath, then noticed the sky.
"Wow, it got dark quick."
Haru stood up, brushing himself off. "Yeah. I'll get the tent ready."
They walked towards a forest just on the outskirts of the small town. As they walked, Haru felt happier than he had for days. The doldrums that had been following him had done. And it all seemed thanks to his long lost friend. He glanced over at her. It really wasn't a surprise. Elie could cheer anybody up.
They reached a lake nestles in the tall trees, and Haru set the tent up next to a rock face. Elie looked at the small tent, unimpressed.
"We have to squeeze in there?"
Haru crawled in, while Plue stretched out at the entrance of the tent. "Well, its this or sleeping in the cold. Take your pick."
Inside, He settled under a blanket, and would have gone straight to sleep, if Elie didn't rush in at that moment and grab a share of the blanket. She squirmed trying to get comfortable, knocking Haru with her elbows.
"Brrr, its cold."
"Hey, stop shoving." Aharu complained. The two tussled against each other for a while, each determined to get their space.
Eventually, Elie huffed. "This is stupid. Lets just get to sleep."
She stopped moving, and just lay still. Haru became aware that Elie's leg was pressed against his. The sensation was one he wasn't used to, and so he gently turned over to his other side. He jumped slightly when he realised Elie was staring at him, her mouth curled in amusement.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"Oh, you just look so cute when you're flustered."
He blushed. This being so close to her was really unsettling. Yet at the same time, it was reassuring. He looked into her amber eyes again.. They were drooping, trying to fight sleep and stay open.
"Haru... can I ask you something?" She yawned.
"Uh...sure Elie-chan.." He breathed.
Her eyes started to close. "Why..." She tried to get her voice out before sleep claimed her. "Why do you call me chan..."
Then she nodded off. Haru smiled, and settled under the covers.