Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest ❯ Revelations: The Light Rekindled ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest

By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.

No infringement is intended

Thank you to all the Rave fans who take the time to read and review. I appreciate all your feedback.
This chapter deals with Elie's parents, who are addressed in the manga briefly. I hope you feel this sticks to the original story well. I've messed with the backstory of Rave quite a bit in this, and I prey it comes off well.


"Let me see if I get this straight." Griff addressed to Ricter. "Fifty years ago, a spaceship crashed here with people who look like humans, but can tap into the 'life force' of the planet…" He wagged his fingers. " Which they use to generate magic and grow wings to fly. You hid your spaceship, called it a temple, mingled with society, and waged a secret war with some evil parasitic aliens. Resha Valentine created the Rave because she was the 'Hikari' and could make her own magic, she married that Tobias fellow, and gave birth to a girl named Lina, who is Elie's mum. Now Elie has found the temple, and is being chased by a parasitic alien who inhabits the body of the late warrior Shiro Gear."

Griff took a breath, and Ricter replied "Yes, that's the gist of it."

Griff looked at him crookedly. "You ever consider getting into the anime business? I mean really, that's a hell of a plot you got there. It could be the next Dragonball."

Everyone gave Griff a withering look.

"You can hit him if you want to." Musica said. "Really, I don't mind!"

Ricter just shrugged. "I see Mr Kato is one of those who only believes what he sees. Rest assured, his mind will change once we get there."

"How long is that?" Ethan called from the driver seat, swerving to miss a rock.

"Not long. Turn left here."

Griff cast another glare at Musica for a second, then asked, "So, you guys still hang out at this temple? Can we expect your pals there?"

Ricter's head bowed. He sat silent for a long time, as remembering a bad event.

"I regret not." He said in a low voice. "Those who lived there are now dead, and the rest of us are scattered all over the land. No one has been in there for many years."

"Oh." Griff looked uncomfortable, knowing he'd opened a painful can of worms.

"There's no one there?" Haru breathed. "Elie-chan's all alone?" The thought did not comfort him.

"She'll be safe. The security system there is rigged so that only those of my kind can enter." Ricter replied.

"But still, why is there no one else there. What happened?!" Haru said these words harshly, his fear for Elie's safety rising. Then he saw the hurt in Ricter's eyes. He knew that look. The look of a man who had tried hard for something… and failed.

He'd seen that look in the mirror a lot, after his father's death.

"That is… if you want to tell us…"

Ricter straightened up. "No, I should continue." He waited for everyone's attention. "Now doubt you're interested about Elisha's mother, Lina….."

Elie looked around at the new scenary she had been dropped into. She was back in the small town again, a large grassy park in the centre to be exact. The houses now looked more modern and packed together. Familes sat for picnics, children ran around happily. She gave a small smile at the scene.


She turned toward the direction of the call, and saw a small girl with auburn hair running across the grass, with two familiar people trying to keep up. As she reached Elie, she turned around and called to her parents.

"Come on slowpokes!"

Elie stared at the child, knowing she wouldn't be seen. She found it hard to believe that she was looking at the girl who would be her mother. Despite her age, She looked like the Lina from the photo she had seen. And she also looked so much like her mother. She looked up at Resha and Tobias approaching.

Suddenl;y, Resha stopped running, and put a hand to her head, as if she was overheating. Then, she collapsed to the ground.

Lina squealed in horror and ran back to her parents. Elie followed her, wishing she could help, but then rembering that none of this was real.

Tobias helped his wife up into a sitting position, as she opened her eyes and got her breath back. Lina hugged the woman tight.

"I'm sorry Mummy! I didn't mean to tire you out." She sobbed. Resha kissed the top of her head.

"It's not your fault sweetie." She soothed. "Your old mum's just getting more clumsy in her old age."

"You're not old." Lina said.

"Gotta agree with her there." Tobias chuckled.

He helped her to her feet. She shook herself off, then regained her smile. "Well, who fancies ice cream?"

"Me!" Lina cried.

Tobias lifted her on his shoulders, and the three travelled toward a vendor. Elie smiled at the scene.

It seemed really nice to have a family. Maybe one day, Haru and she….

She shook her head in disbelief. How on Earth could she have thought of that? She hadn't even told him she loved him yet!

Another problem to worry about. But she turned her attention back to the family. Remembering what Tobias said in his diary, and the age of Lina, this placed her about five years after the Overdrive Explosion and the battle between Rave and DarkBring.

Where was Shiba now? It seemed sad that he wasn't here to see Resha's happiness.

Suddenly, she found herself standing on the edge of a cliff. She jumped in surprise, away from the edge, and fell on her butt. Getting up painfully, she saw that in was now dusk, and they were very far from the town. The sea roared beneather her, as it clashed and broke at the base of the cliff.

No one else was around, save for two women facing the sea. She peered closer. One was Resha, but the other was not recognisable. Elie stepped closer, rather enjoying the feeling that she could spy on them unnoticed. She could see this new woman was only slightly shorter than Resha, but looked rather similar, with shoulder length hair.

A child, about fifteen years old. The similarity of the two meant only one thing. She had to be Lina, but older.

"I'm scared Mum." Lina spoke softly.

"Don't be." Resha said soothingly. "This is natural to us, it cannot harm you. Once you get over this fear, you'll feel silly you were ever worried about it."

"I know, but still…."

Resha took her daughter's hands. "We'll do it together, alright?"

Lina nodded. She still looked scared, but she closed her eyes. Thw two bowed their heads. Elie watched, wondering what was going on.

The two began to glow that unearthly white fire again. Their Ki, as Elie knew it now, flared around them, bathing the ground around them with light. She watched closer, wondering if they were doing some sort of spell, when it happened.

From Resha's back, a pair of curved objects began to materialize from thin air. They expanded and became more solid. Elie gasped. They were wings. Large, bird-like wings covered in white feathers.

Elie rubbed her eyes, feeling the visor under her hand. Even with all she had seen so far, this had to be impossible.

To her great shock, she could see the same thing happening to Lina. Another set of similar wings appeared, almost glowing with their white feathers in the light around them. Elie was in awe. They looked utterly beautiful.

"The Ki can do that? I…. can do that?"

Resha opened her eyes and smiled. "See? Told you you could do it."

Lina looked behind her, and gasped at the sight of the angelic wings now attached to her. She tenetively reached for the tip of the left wing, and stroked the feathers.

"They're real!" She cried out happily. She leapt for joy, the wings shaking.

Her mother restrained her. "Take it easy." Lina looked at her. "It takes a fair amount of practice before you can take off in the air. It's not like you can just take off…"

Lina jumped in the air…. And stayed there. Her wings began to flap in a gentle motion, causing her to hover. She smiled down at her mother, who looked on in slight annoyance.

"It's not hard Mum. You just have to think it and…" She ascended higher, and then broke into a slow loop, before darting off into the night, leaving a slight white trail behind her. "WHEEEE!"

Reha sighed, and rose into the air herself. "Honestly, no paitience that girl…" She mumbled, before flying after her daughter.

Elie watched the two fly off. She sat on the grass, still astounded at what she had seen.

For as long as she had had it, the Etherion had been a curse to her.

Now, through all she had seen, she realised that once she could harness it, it could do more than just attack people.

It could do anything.

Suddenly, the scene shifted again, and Elie found herself on the cold floor of what looked like a hospital corridor. She hopped up, surprised at the sudden shift. If this kept up, her stomach would churn.

She turned round, and spotted a door behind her. She looked through the small window. And then her stomach DID turn.

Resha lay in the bed asleep, looking extremely pale. She breathed gently, her chest barely moving. Tobias was sat in a chair next to the bed, the only furniture in the room apart from a few machines and monitors. His eyes never left her.

Elie stared at the scene, horrified. Was she sick? What was wrong with her?

She opened the door and walked in. A cool breeze whistled through a lare window in the left wall. Suddenly, there was a fluttering sound, and to her surprise, Lina appeared at the window. Her father got up, opened the window, and allowed her in. The wings on her back flapped about for a bit as she entered, before they faded away like mist at her command.

She turned to her father. "I got here as soon as I could." She glanced at Resha. "How is she?"

Tobias looked at her with infinit sadness. "The doctors have tried everything. But it's hopeless. There's nothing anyone can do."

Lina grew angry. "No! There has to be something! Maybe I can heal her. I know how to do it!"


"We can't just give up!" Tears were in her eyes. "I refuse!"

A soft voice broke through. "Lina…." Resha called plaintively.

Lina rushed over and knelt at her mother's side. "Don't worry Mum. I'm sure I can do something…."

Resha reached out and touched her daughter's face. "No love, you can't. This is something even the Ki can't cure. "


Resha sighed. "It's just my time. It's just fate. We have to accept that we tried, and were unable to change it." She leaned up slowly to look Lina in the eyes.

"It's not goodbye forever. I'll still be near you…. just not as close as I am now."

Lina sobbed. Resha put her arms around her.

"Promise me Lina. Promise me you'll for far and have a happy life. You'll get married, have kids…. This isn't an end."

As Lina cried, Elie turned away, tears in her eyes. Why was this happening?

Why was she watching her Grandmother's death?

Haru looked at Ricter with sorrowful eyes. "Man. Too bad."

"Yes." The man said quietly. "She was one of my closest friends, next to Lina."

"That does suck." Griff said rather soberly. "Can you imagine that happening to you?"

Haru and Musica glared angrily at the blob.

"I'll shut up now."

"Good. Then I'll continue." Ricter sounded a bit more upbeat now. "Eventually, we all got over the loss of Resha, though as you understand, we all missed her terribly. And although Lina never truly got over it, she was determined to get on with life. So she enroled in the local high school in the nearby town. It was there she met Elie's father…"

Elie now found herself outside a small school building. She wiped her eyes, still upset about Resha… her grandmother's death. On a small level, she found it rather strange. The woman had died many years ago, before she was born, and yet seeing her there…

A large group of students advanced up the steps to the entrance of the building, and Elie spotted a now 17 year-old Lina, in a pink top and jeans.

At least she seemed to look alright.

She followed her into a classroom, and leaned against the wall as Lina sat down with the rest of the class. A bored looking teacher picked up a role call sheet.

"Okay…. Joe Axwell… Milly Smith…" He read off all the names, while the students replied in their own way, some raising their hand politely, others just crying out "YO!"

When Lina was called, she sat in a world of her own for a few seconds, not noticing."

"Lina Lenden!"

"AHHHH! Here!" She jumped up and shot up her hand. Some students chuckled, and she sat down embarrassed.

The names continued, then she heard a familiar name.

"Kayana Hion."

A girl with long dark hair raised her hand. Elie saw that, despite being younger, it was the same woman she had met back at the casino in La Razza. Her eyes never moved from the person sitting in front of her. A tall boy with messy brown hair in spikes, clad in a leather cut-off jacket and jeans.

"Very nice." Elie smiled. Then she hit her head. "No! You love Haru dammit. HARU!"

The teacher called the last name. "Joey Valentine."

The boy raised his hand. At that point, Lina suddenly fell backwards and off her chair.

The class looked at her and laughed. She tried to cover her blush.

"Are you all right, Miss Lenden?" The teacher inquired.

She hurredly set her chair up. "Sorry sir. Won't happen again." She giggled nervously.

The teacher nodded, and began his lesson. But all of Lina's attention was on the boy ahead of her.

So was Elie's.

"That's Joey Valentine?" She goggled. "Good Lord! I was lusting after my own Dad!"

Elie waited around until the first class was over, then followed Lina out into a food court. The girl looked around for something at first, then spotted the man she saught.

Joey and Kayana sat together at a table, Kayana talking about something, Joey trying to look as interested as possible. But he seemed rather uncomfortable. Lina stared at him for a while, as if trying to figure out a puzzle. Elie watched as she walked up nervously to the two.

"… and my friends Valerie and Hilda just LOVE hanging out at the coffee place down the road." Kayana could be heard saying.

"That snoby, elitist place not far from here? Nah, not my scene." Joey replied, bored.

Kayana gripped his arm. "But you must see it. I insist."

Joey was now looking nervously around for a way out, when Lina politely coughed.

"Excuse me. You're Joey Valentine, right?"

The boy looked at her and smiled. "Yep. And you're Lina. The jumpy one."

Lina blushed. "Listen, I know this is a bit odd, but could I speak to you in private?"

"We were having a conversation…" Kayana rebutted.

"Nah, it's cool." Joey replied quickly. "You make it sound like its important."

Kayana looked at Lina coldly. "Oh alright. I'll see you later, then!" She walked off, blowing Joey a kiss.

He waited until she was gone, then gave a massive sigh. "Thank God! I thought she'd never leave. Perfect timing."

Lina looked at him oddly. "I thought you two were getting along fine."

"Hell no." He protested. "She's one of those vapid types who just want to hook up with the new guy for posterity. I've been to a lot of schools. I know their type."

Lina leaned closer. "So what type am I?"


"What type of student am I?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I've only seen you jump like a startled rabbit."

Lina frowned. "Ha ha funny. If you're going to make jokes…"

"No no. do continue."

Lina clasped her hands nervously. "Tell me… you've never seen me before, right?


"You've never heard of my family?"

"No." Joey narrowed his brows. "I'm starting to classify you as a nutcase. What is this about?"

Lina covered her face with her hands. "I'm sorry. It's too weird. It's just… you have the same name as my mother."

Joey stared. "Your mum was called Joseph?"

"No. Valentine. My mum was Resha Valentine before she married my dad."

Joey's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh right! That is freaky."

"I know." She looked at him tenderly. "I just had to see you when I heard your name. I don't know why, but I had to."

"Well, I'm glad I got the opportunity to meet you." He gave a crooked grin. "And I promise, I'm not your long lost brother."

Lina giggled at the joke. As Joey got up, she spoke. "Can we meet again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." He grabbed his bag and began to walk away. Then Lina called again.

"Wait! So what's your classification of me now?"

Joey looked thoughtful for a second. "Cute, I guess."

He walked off, leaving a crimson Lina.

The scene changed, and Elie looked up at the building where she was now. She smiled with glee.

A casino!

She was about to go in, when she remembered she was still in this fake world. She scowled, thenlooked around for anyone familiar.

Kayana and Joey stood in the small plaza area before the door, wearing cold weather clothes. They both wore excited expressions.

"Man, the biggest casino in the state." Joey whistled.

"I know! And all day to mess around in it!" Kayana jumped.

At that point, Lina walked across. Joey spotted her, and called "Hey Lina!"

She looked up, and waved at the two. Joey signalled her to join them.

"So, where you two going?" She asked.

"Trawling the casino, of course. We're gonna hit it big." Kayana replied excitedly. She held on to Joey's arm.

"Oh right." She looked at him sadly. "Well, I'll leave you to it." She started to leave.

Joey stopped her. "Wait, you can come with us."

"WHAT?!!!" Kayana shrieked, then returning to her normal tone. "But this was just for the two of us." She glared at Lina icily.

"But it's more fun with a group. Come on."

Kayana sighed. "Fine, but I'm not partnering with her."

Joey gave a smile. "So, you coming?"

"My Dad would go mad…" Lina started. But then she looked deeper into his eyes. "But I guess one visit wouldn't hurt."

And with that, Joey led the two into the building. Elie followed, staring at Kayana the whole time. She seemed utterly different from the friendly woman she'd met in La Razza. This younger version seemed determined to keep Joey to herself. Odd, but maybe they became friends later on.

Inside, Lina looked around confused at the flashing lights and loud noises. Joey gave a laugh.

"Never been in one of these before, have you?"

"No." She squeaked "Have you?"

"Please!" He gave a triumphant pose. "I've been in every casino in this continent. I've seen the best and the worst!"

The girls looked sceptical.

"Really!" He gave a weak smile.

Sighing, Kayana walked up to a roulette table and placed a bet. Lina followed Joey up to another table.

"Hey, there's a spot here!" The dark-haired girl called, indicating the seat next to her.

"I'm just showing her the ropes." He replied. Kayana gave a huff and returned to her gave.

Lina trembled as she looked at the spinning wheel. "I don't know about this. I'll just find an arcade…"

Joey knelt down to look her in the eye. "There's nothing to worry about. I'll help you. At least play one spin."

"Oh… OK." Lina smiled. She seemed reassured by Joey's words.

Lina handed the cropier some cash, and was given some chips. When she asked Joey what number she should pick, he took her hand and guided it toward number 23.

She blushed as she spun the wheel.

Their eyes rolled to watch the rotation of the wheel, and as it slowed to a stop….

"Holy crap! You won!" Joey shouted.

Lina looked in disbelief. But indeed, her number was there.

"I WON!" She screamed, jumping for joy. He grabbed Joey and hopped with glee. IwonIwonIwon…"

"Easy!" He waited for her to calm down. "Try again! Or we could try dice."

She realised what she was getting into. "I don't know. I don't want to get addicted…."

The scene swapped to outside the casino, and Elie was in time to see a delirous Lina stagger out, her arms laden with cash.

"KYA HA HA HA! Look at all this fabulous moolah!

Joey and Kayana followed her, looking rather bemused.

"Humph! Well, not bad for your first go." Kayana said coldly. She then stared at Joey with doe eyes. "Will you give me a walk home?"`

"I guess." Joey shrugged. "Let me get Lina a taxi home though."

"Oh she can look after herself." She pointed at the euphoric girl.

"I won't be long." Joey walked over to Lina, leaving a steaming Kayana.

"Fine! Forget it! You can walk home!" She stormed off.

Joey snickered. But then he noticed Lina looked upset.

"I didn't mean to spoil your date."

Joey looked surprised. "Nah, that was no date. We were just hanging out. I think she took it a bit too seriously though."

She smiled. "I though you didn't like her type."

"Well, I figured I should give her a chance, see if she got any better." He chuckled. "Apart from all that money we won, a waste of an evening."

"Well I think that was nice of you, giving her a chance." She hugged her pile of money. "And thanks for showing me how to play. Look at all this cash! I'm coming back tomorrow to double it!"

Joey frowned. "I wouldn't. Just as it's easy to win, it's easy to lose. Plus, these places tend to turn you into addicts. You should only go in moderation."

"You sound like you do this a lot."

"I've been in plenty of casinos. My dad's in the army, so we move around a lot."


Suddenly, she stood silent, as if unsure what to say. "Um…"

He smiled. "Need a conversation piece? Why don't you tell me where you came from?"

She jumped slightly. Elie understood why. How could she tell him about where she really came from?

"Oh, just a bit out of town."

Joey hailed a cab. "That's it?"

"Pretty much."

As the taxi came over, Joey opened to door and helped her in. "Well you gotta come up with more than that. Otherwise, it'll be a boring trip home."

He sidled up next to her in the seat. She blushed.

"I'm kinda secretive." She squeaked.

"Cool. I love a mysterious woman…"

The door shut, and Elie watched the taxi speed off. She smiled. Romance was… had been in the air.

A few more scenes occurred, each one depicting Joey and Lina spending some tme together. They talked about their pasts, allowing Elie to see just what her late parents were like.

Joey had had plans to enter military college and become an engineer, and Lina wanted to be a dancer. Would she see them achieve their goals?

A lump formed in her throat. She remembered that all this was just a memory.

She had seen her parent's graves.

She watched as Lina stood outside the school. Various banners read "VACATION! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!" She was fidgeting, and kept looking at the entrance.

Finally, Joey stepped out. He smiled at Lina, but she looked sternly at him.

"What's up? School's over! Three months of R and R ahead."

Lina looked to be in tears. "Joey, is it true you're leaving?"

Joey's head lowered. "Yeah. Dad has to relocate to Rabarrier. Plus, he said he could get me a scolarship there."

"I see." Her voice shuddered. Joey knelt down and touched her shoulder. She looked at him.

"I don't want to go. Really, I don't. But I can't miss this chance."

Lina's eyes suddenly set in a determined look. "Then I won't miss this chance!"

And she darted forward, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Joey's eyes bugged out in total surprise.

She parted lips, and looked at him with total tenderness. Joey could only bibber. "Wh…wha?"

"I love you Joey. " She said in a quiet voice. "You're the one who makes me feel whole." She leaned her head on his chest.

"And I don't ever want to lose you."

Joey reached behind her and hugged her closer. "Niether do I."

They kissed again, more passionately this time. As he looked in her eyes, he smiled. "Maybe I can ask Dad if you could come with us."

"Fat chance." She sighed. "You go to your new school. I can always visit. I just want you to have the best in life."

"I'll forsake it all, just to see you smile."

Elie sighed as she watched the scene. What passion and trust had existed between her parents.

Would she ever feel the same? Would Haru be a loving partner to her?

She felt ashamed all of a sudden. She should have told him….

Looking up, she saw the scene had changed again. She was now in a grassy field, the sky slowing growing darker as the night set in. The sun had not set yet, and peering farther, she could see the stone plateau that blocked the way to the temple.

The sound of a car motor diverted her attention, and she spun around to see a small, battered car come to a stop. Joey and Lina got out. Lina wore a 'Symphonia College' sweatshirt, Joey in his usual jacket and jeans.

He looked around. "Damn, this is really far out. I don't even know where we are." He looked at her. "What is this about?"

Lina stepped closer and held his hands. She looked extremely distraught. "Joey, I brought you out here… to tell you something important."

Joey's expression changed dramatically. "Oh man. You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

She gasped. "No silly!" She hugged him tight. He looked down at her, a confused look on his face. He heard her now shaking form.

"It's just…. I'm about to take you to meet my father."

"That's it!?" Joey laughed. "Please, I'm sure he'll like me. I'm not THAT bad."

"But I'm also going to reveal something to you." She focused on his eyes. "Something that will change your whole perception of me. Something so drastic…." Tears came to her eyes. "That you won't want to be with me."

Joey looked at her, shocked. He held her tighter. "Don't say that. I don't care what this change is. I will still love you." He then took a worried look. "Just er… how big is this thing of yours?"

Lina didn't reply. She stepped backward several feet. Joey looked even more befuddled.

Then the white light glowed around Lina, and her wings extended from her body. She flapped then slightly, and began to hover in the air.

Joey's jaw dropped, with a considerable THUMP as it hit the ground.

Lina then hovered over her love, grabbed him under the arms, and hoisted him into the air. He screamed in horror as she carried him in the air toward the plateau.

Elie jogged across the ground, trying to keep up with the airborne pair. They reached the entrance of the plateau, and landed. Joey was immediately leaning against the wall, and panicking.


Lina immediately held him. "Calm down! Calm down!"

He stopped hopping around, but his breath was still ragged.

"What the… hell…. You can… fly?" He wheezed.

"Yes." She replied calmly. "I 'll explain more in here." She reached into the invisible barrier, and pulled it open. Then she took Joey's hand and let him through the tunnel.

Elie followed, and they all emerged in the wide area surrounding the temple. Elie could see several Tenshi doing some exercises. Some were flying in the air. Lina waved to someone in the distance. A few seconds later, a now grey-haired Tobias landed next to them. His wings vanished, and he embraced his daughter.

"So." parting and looking at Joey. "This is the man who swept my daughter away. Pleasure to meet you son."

Joey collapsed.

Tobias sighed. "No offence love, but maybe you should have broke this to him gently."

"Break THIS gently?!" Lina gasped. She tried to help her love up. "Please Dad, don't be hard on him. I get the feeling… he's the one for me."

As the two lifted Joey's prone body away, the scene faded away, to later on in the night. Elie could see Joey, now conscious and sitting on the grass some ways from the temple.

He looked calmed, but still had that look of amazment in his eyes.

Lina walked out the temple entrance, carrying two cups of hot drink. She sat down, and handed him a cup. He looked at it, and smiled.

"A gang of advanced aliens from beyond the galaxy drink hot chocolate?"

Lina batted his arm "Duh! We like all the food here." She sipped her drink. "We may be from space, but those of us born here on Earth, feel more human than Tenshi."

She looked at him, trying to read his expression. "How do you… feel about this?"

Joey stretched. "You mean, about knowing about a race of secretive aliens, or about dating one of them?"

"Well both." She looked timid, as if expecting he would turn her away.

He looked at the temple. "Well, I think it rules. I mean come on! I've just found out about aliens. It's like a manga story come to life!"

"It's a bit more boring than a manga really.." She replied quietly.

"I was freaked out, but being here, I see these people are just pretty normal folk. Save that they fly of course."

She grinned. At least that was out of the way.

"As for you." He reached behind her, held her shoulder, and pulled her closer to his form. "What I said before still stands. Whatever planet you're from… it's the person I fell in love with."

He leaned down and touched her lips with his own. She relaxed in his embrace. "Although…" He snickered. "It does help that you have a cute butt."

"You!" She playfully whapped him on the head. Then she smiled even wider.

"Thank you. I thought… telling you this might scare you away from me."

"I think I was more scared than you though." He laughed. "All through the trip here, I thought you were gonna tell me you were pregnant or something."

He continued laughing, then saw his love's face sadden. "What's wrong?" He inquired, sipping his drink.

"Errrr…." She trembled. "That was the other thing I was going to tell you."

Joey froze.

"I'm pregnant."

Joey spat his chocolate out. "Wha….. WHAT!!!?" He leapt to his feet. "Bu… but how!?"

"Well, I imagine it happened that time we got frisky in the back of your car…"

"No, I mean…. You're not human. I am." He knelt next to her, looking into her eyes for understanding. "Is it possible?"

"There's never been a child between a tenshi and a human before." Lina spoke softly. "And I know for sure I'm pregnant."

She took his hands and placed them against her belly. "I guess it's a miracle."

They were silent for several minutes, just taking this development in. Then Joey smiled. "Well, next morning, I figure I'm gonna have to get you an engagement ring."

She gasped. "Really!!?"

"I'll never leave you alone Lina." He said with emotion. "Plus, your dad will kill me otherwise once he finds out."

She hugged him tightly, and Elie looked on tearfully.

Suddenly, they disappeared, and Elie found herself back in the corridor where she had seen Resha give birth to Lina.

"Man, don't I get to see any weddings?" She said aloud. She wondered why she was so determined to see weddings all of a sudden.

Peering through the window of the door in front of her, she could see Lina in the pain of childbirth, with a doctor supporting her, while Joey held her hand.

Elie blinked. "Weird. I'm watching myself being born." But weird as it was, it also felt comforting. At least she knew for certain now, she had parents.

Minutes later, Elie entered the room and watched the couple as they both held the small baby. Watching the child was truly bizarre. It looked like any other baby, and yet.. she knew it was her.

"What should we name her?" Joey softly asked.

"How about… Resha? After my mother?" Lina replied.

"I dunno… this has to be something… unique. Cute. Like her."

"Agreed." She racked her brain. "Resha… Lisha!"

"Elisha!" Joey finished.

"I think we have a winner." She smiled and cuddled her child closer. "Welcome to the world, Elisha Valentine."

"Oh that's so sweet!" Angela gushed. The other males looked at her oddly. Griff made gagging noises and demanded insulin.

Ricter just smiled. "And well, after that, I became good friends with Joey and Lina, and offered to teach Elie some techniques with her Ki once her powers had emerged. She lived a fairly normal life after her parents moved to Oaklands and Joey secured a job in the military police. But after a while, It became apparent that her powers were developing faster than anticipated. "

Haru's eyes widened. "You mean… Elie is the Hikari?"

"Exactly. That's why it was imperitive to keep her safe."

Haru blinked. Now it all seemed to be coming together. But questions still lingered.

"But… what happened to her parents? Why did she lose her memory?"

At that moment, Ricter's eyes suddenly went glassy. He stared into the middle distance, not saying a word. He remained still for several seconds, unnerving everyone.

Haru stared carefully into his eyes. They bore a look of deep regret, of wishing that the past could have been different, of knowing something had happened that was irremovable.

He'd only seen that look in his father's eyes.

"Hey! He asked you a question." Musica said. Ricter rose from his reverie.

"I'm sorry…"

Haru leaned closer. "This is where things get bad, isn't it?"

"Yes." Ricter replied gravely.

Elie found herself back in the house in Oaklands. She hugged herself with glee. No doubt this was where she would get to see her childhood, the life she couldn't remember. At last, she would have her greatest desire. And after that, she would have her second greatest desire… Haru…

The door opened behind her, and she expected to see herself as a little kid. Instead… a copy of her entered the room, and fell onto the couch.

Elie stared in shock. Why was she seeing this? What about her childhood? What was doing on? She rapped the headset with her knuckle, wondering if the disc had slipped.

She was diverted from her thoughts by a sobbing noise, and looked to see her double crying her eyes out. A feeling of dread began to form in her gut.

Just then, Lina entered, and rushed toward the distraught past Elie. She held her daughter and hugged her tight. Elie watched, wishing that someone could give her a hug herself.

"What's wrong, darling?" Lina soothed.

"I've been dumped again, that's what!" The Elie of the past wailed. "It's not fair! Just cause I wouldn't put out!"

"He's a fool if he thinks he can win your heart like that." Lina replied. "Don't dwell on it dear. He's not worth it."

"But he was so nice…" She looked up. "Mum, am I ever going to find a man for me?"

Lina laughed. "Of course you will. I'm sure there's some cute, sexy guy willing to sweep you off your feet."

The past Elie smiled. "I hope so. I imagine it would be hard to find a guy willing to put up with a half alien."

"You just have to believe. You will find love Elisha, I'm sure of it."

Elie smiled. "You were right there, Mum."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and two mem stumbled into the room. It was Joey, who was supporting the man known as Ricter. Both looked weary, and had blood on their clothing.

"What happened Dad?" Past Elie said with concern.

"Go to your room Elisha." Joey said sternly. When she didn't respond, he yelled. "NOW! PLEASE!"

As her past self left the room in confusion, Lina helped Joey lower Ricter to the couch. Then she held her husband. "What's happening?" She demanded.

Joey's breath was ragged, but he managed to continue. "I don't know… Me and Ricter, we were just hanging out, training, when all off a sudden, these guys pile in through the entrance and start attacking people."

"Diemen!" Lina gasped. "But how did they get past the forcefield?"

"I dunno… They just started attacking… killing… it was all we could do to stop them from getting in…."

"Joey…" Lina shivered. "Was anyone killed?"

"Too many…" Joey seemed to be going into shock. He held his wife tighter. "I'm sorry…. They got Alpine… and your father."

Lina stared in shock, and as despair descended on her, she broke into tears. Joey held her tighter against him. She wailed a sorrowful tone.

"Mum?" Past Elie ran down and immediately hugged her mother from behind.

The small family stayed there for several minutes, allowing Lina to grieve. Elie burned with rage.

Those Diemen. She'd heard all about them. Helix was one of them. How could they do this?

Her attention was diverted to the sound of quiet sobbing. To her surprise, it was coming from Ricter, who sat upright with his head in his heads, quaking.

"What's wrong with him?" Past Elie asked.

Joey swallowed. "They killed his wife."

Haru swallowed, looking distintly uncomfortable. "Oh man. I'm sorry to hear…"

"Please." Ricter raised his hand in protest. "I've heard enough of that for one lifetime."

His eyes were filled with sorrow. A look Haru had seen too many times. He glanced at his friends. All of them had lost friends and family to Dark Bring. All had suffered the heartache of losing a loved one. But on the whole, they had managed to overcome their sorrow and continue with life. It was hard, but it was possible.

"But it still seems to haunt him." He thought.

"Look, you can tell us all this later, when we find Elie…"

"No." Ricter straightened up, and looked directly at the Rave Master."You need to know most of all. You care for her the deepest."

Haru got flustered. "Well uh… maybe, but…"

"Cut the act Glory!" Angela laughed. "You've got it so hot for Elie, you're burning up!"


Ricter smiled. "But it is true. Your destinies lie with each other." He glanced upward. "Plus, I er… caught you talking in your sleep this morning."

Everyone laughed at that. Haru didn't mind. At least it seemed to lift Ricter's spirit.

"Really you can wait…"

Ricter looked at him adamantly. "I know I can't change the past. And maybe I can't face it yet. But at least, I can prevent the dark future the Diemen intend to bring here. Now let me continue."

"You were about to tell us how Elie lost her memory."

"Yes." His voice turned grave. "Sadly, I played a part in that….."

Elie looked around the room, the atmosphere now very subdued. Her past self had gone to school, and Joey had gone talking about 'getting the army on those freaks.'

That left Lina, and a now contemplative Ricter. Silently, Elie wondered how he looked so calm, after the events of last night.

Lina brought him some tea. "We can talk about it if you…"

"Please, no." His voice sounded weary. "I understand you want to help, but right now, I'm not important."

"You are to me."

Ricter smiled slightly. Lina sat down, looking anxious. "So, what happens now?"

"Well, the bad news is, this country is no longer safe for us." He sighed. "Even though we killed of those diemen who got into the temple before they coul relay the location to their superiors, they now know many of us are living in Oaklands, Symphonia and other towns."

He looked grave. "A few hours ago, I recived word that five different families were all slaughtered."

"Oh no!"

"They're hunting us Lina. Tracking us down. They don't know about the others who left the country, but they're determined to wipe out all the Tenshi in this area."

Lina shuddered. "Those…." She composed herself. "What can we do? Fight them?"

"I wish. They're impossible to find, the cowards." He clenched his fist in anger. "All we can do now is hide. I managed to get messages out to all our familes to flee the country."


"Yes. They should have mostly left by now." He sighed again. "It's shameful, but it's all I can think off to keep them safe."

"They understand. That's all they'll want, to keep their familes safe."

She shook again, and began to cry. Ricter held her shoulders lightly.

"Be strong Lina. Our people have suffered worse."

"I know." She sobbed. "But… it's like our community, the one our ….forefathers made for us, is breaking apart. I mean…. We might never meet at the temple again. Our familes might never meet.again ever. Will we forget our true way of life?"

Ricter looked her in the eye. "You remember your mother right? What it was like whem she was alive, how she taught you to use your powers, how she loved you?"

She nodded.

"Well, I will always remember our friendship, and to me, that makes her just as alive as she was before. The same with…. Millia. As long as our pasts, our memories are remembered, what we lost can always be with us."

Elie was touched by the speech. He was right. Her parents were gone now. But now she had seen their lives, how they had loved her… she would hold that memory tight. And they would be with her always.

Lina smiled. "I know you're right. But I still can't help but worry for the future." She clasped her hands nervously. "Elisha.. her powers are getting stronger. I have to believe it now. She is the Hikari, like Mother was."

"I know. And that makes her the most precious of all. We've taught her how to control her Ki, but she still has yet to experience the full extent of her powers. And if the Diemen or Dark Bring get a hold of her, they'll just use her as a weapon."

Lina's eyes widened with horror at that prospect. "We can hide her…"

"I know, but even that might not be enough." He sat straight, and gathered some breath. "I've been meaning to talk to you about a way to protect Elisha that would keep her completely hidden from enemies for a long while." He held her hand. "You've been practicing in your telepathic techniques, havn't you?"

Lina just stared at him silently for several seconds. Ricter then said. "Ah, so you have."

Elie stared. Her mother could transmit thoughts into people's heads? That was impressive.

"We'll need them for this." He beckoned her to come closer, then whispered in her ear.

Elie ws about to move closer to listen to them, when Lina jumped back and looked at Ricter in horror.

"That… that's monstrous!" She yelled. "How on earth could you think of such a thing?"

"I wish I didn't have to." Ricter said wearily. "But it may be the only way Elisha can be truly safe."

He looked in her eyes. "At least consider it, if there is no other choice."

Her anbry glare softened. "Only if there is no other choice."

Then Joey walked in. He looked around at his wife and friend. "Are you two okay?"

"Coping." Lina wrapped herself in his arms.

"Listen. I've been talking to the military police. They say they've located one of the murderers who got those families. Tomorrow, I'm gonna join them and see if we can capture them."

Lina's eyes widened. "Joey no. Please."

"Don't you want vengence? They killed your dad."

"And if you go, I might lose you too."

Joey held her tight. "It'll be just like my normal job. I'll be careful. I always am."

"I know you are, but still…"

"She warrants a point." Ricter spoke. "This could be a trap."

"That's the risks of the job."

He was silent for several minutes, lost in thought and concern for his wife.

"Ricter… if anything happens…. I trust you to look after my family, okay?"

Ricter's eyes narrowed determidly. "You have my word."

From the side of the room, Elie watched the scene with a feeling of dread. She knew this scene from the diary. What Lina had written in the last few pages…

The scene changed again, and Elie found herself in her bedroom The room still looked the same as she had seen it in Oaklands Turning around, she saw Lina sitting on the bed, wearing what looked like the headset Elie now wore on her head, which allowed her to see all this. Lina was silent, her eyes shut in concentration. The headset made a soft whirring noise. Finally, she took it off, and blinked, her eyes looking tired. She took a disk out of the machine, then placed it in a small black book, attached to a teddy bear by a thin thread. She hid the book, and placed the teddy on its place on the dresser.

The door opened, and the past Elie walked in. Noticing her mother, she sat down next to her, and looked in her eyes.

"We're going to have to leave soon, aren't we?"

Lina nodded sadly. "They know where we live. It will be a mattr of time before they get here."

"I wish Dad was here."

Lina seemed to choke on her words. "I know." Tears came to her eyes.

Elie found herself sinking to the floor on her knees. She was shivering. Something bad was going to happen

And somehow, it involved her mother's death. Fear clenched her heart, and she began to shiver.

Lina stood up, and took the Past Elie's hands, beckoning her to rise. She stared into her eyes.

"Where are we going Mum?" She asked innocently.

Lina shook. "Where you're going, I can't come with you. But you'll be safe."

"No!" Past Elie grasped her mother. "Please! I don't want to be alone."

"You wont be alone. Ricter and his friends will look after you."

"But I want you. Why can't you come?"

Lina sobbed slightly. "I can't." Past Elie started to cry, and her mother touched her face. "But I promise this. Whether I'm alive or not, I will always watch you. If you let yourself believe, you, me and your dad will always be together.

Past Elie gave a small smile. "You mean it?"

"I mean it." She held her in a hug. "But whatever happens to you from now, you have to be brave. You have to keep going and never give up."

Past Elie nodded. "But, what's going to happen?"

"You don't need to know." Lina looked in her eyes. "Just remember, no matter what happens, I will always love you."

Past Elie was sobbing now. "I love you too."

Lina took a deep, shuddering breath. "Now close your eyes, and think good thoughts."

Past Elie did as she was told, and Lina placed her hands on her daughter's temples. Elie peered closer, wondering what was happening.

Lina began to glow as her Ki was charged, and in a few seconds, the glow focused on her hands, and then transferred over to surround Past Elie's head.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, Then the glow disappeared, and Past Elie appeared to waver on her feet, as if drugged.

Then she was alert, looking around the room rapidly. Elie could see a fearful look in her eyes.

Past Elie focused on Lina. Then the words left her mouth.

"Wha….where am I? Who are you?"

Elie collapsed fully on the floor, the eyes wider than ever. Her mind could hardly get around the revelation revealed to her.

Lina grabbed Past Elie's arms. "Listen to me. This is important. You must go to Rabarrier immediately. Go to the port and take the fisrt ship the Rabarrier."

Past Elie looked even more confused, as Lina placed a ticket in her pocket.

"Go straight to the port and take the first ship to Rabarrier. Once you're there, look for a man named Ricter. He'll help you. Do you understand?"

She nodded mutely.

"Good. Now you must go now." She hugged her. "I'll be with you always. I love you."

Past Elie turned toward the door. She took a few steps, then looked back at the crying Lina.

"I'll do it… but please… who am I?"

"Go! Please!"

Past Elie ran out the door, frightened by the woman's tone. Lina sat on the floor crying.

"Goodbye… little angel…"

And then the world tured to black.

Elie waited for a few seconds, then felt for the headset and removed it. She was back in that small room in the ship.. no, temple.

She shook with a mixture of anger, confusion and infinite sadness. She sank to the floor again, tears spilling from her eyes.

Everyone stared at Ricter in shock. Even Ethan had stopped the camper when he had heard.

Haru's mouth gaped, hardly able to believe his ears. He found his voice.

"Are you telling us…. That Elie's mother ERASED HER MEMORIES!!!!?"

"Actually, she just locked them away in her subconscious. "

Haru now shook with rage. "And you actually suggested she do that?"

"It was the only way I could think of hiding her from the Diemen and Helix. All I had to do was get her out of the country, and she would be safe. Even if they had captured her, she would not be privy to her powers, and therefore, they wouldn't be able to use them."

Haru didn't seem to hear him. He just stepped forward and grabbed Ricter's shirt, pulling him toward himself. His eyes blazed.

"I hope you're happy you bastard. Thanks to your little scheme, she ended up wandering around, lost and confused and with Demon Card after her power."

He seemed to waver. "All alone…"

"Easy Haru." Musica warned.

"Please, don't judge me too harshly." Ricter said. "I never intended to lose her. My plan was that she would come to my hideout in Rabarrier, where I could hide her. The city hadn't been occupied by King and Demon Card then, and I figured it would be the last place they would look for her. Then, when all was safe, I would return her memories."

Haru released his hold. "Return her memories? How?"

"T he disk I assume you found in her house. It contains a recording of Lina's and Elder Alpine's memories of Resha…"

"Record Memories?"

"Yes, a device which can read the thoughts and images in a person's head, and record them onto disk. They can then be viewed at will."

"Like a movie?" Griff grinned. "Far out."

"Yes. But the disk also contained something else. The spell Lina placed on Elie to lock away her memories could only be broken when she heard a specific phrase. Once she hears it, her memories will return."

"But… Why didn't you?" Haru demanded.

"She never came to the house. I went to look for her, but she hadn't appeared at the station. And when I got to Oaklands, the town had been razed to the ground." He sighed and placed his head in his hands. "I should have looked after her better. Where she went. I don't know."

Haru glanced out of the window. He could now see a plateau in the distance. But his contentration burned in anger of another person.

"Those scientists… who tried to take her power before Sieghart met her… they must have found her first…"

Elie sat on her knees on the cold floor, her eyes cast down. She could hardly believe whan she had seen.

How could her mother do that to her? It made no sense.

And in the midst of it all, she still hadn't revealed her memories. She sank lower. Rarely had she felt so wretched.

She sat there for what felt like forever. All she wanted was an answer. All she wanted was some comfort.

All she wanted… was Haru.

Her head suddenly felt heavy, and as she rubbed her forehead, a massive bolt of pain struck. She cried out, but stopped when an image appeared in her mind…

What was happening? Why was she here? Who was she?

All of a sudden, she had no idea of who she was. As if just being awoken, she had found herself in a room with a woman telling her to go somewhere. She had the ticket in her hand now, as well as the name of the destination.

As she stood on the edge of the street, her brows furrowed. This didn't seem right. Why did that woman want to send her away?

She had to know. She had to go back.

She jogged back to the house, and was about to enter, when she heard a rough voice.

"Where is she?"

She looked in the window, and could see the woman kneeling on the floor. Surrounding her, were several men in armour, and a tall man with blond hair and a large sword in his hand. She looked at the woman in comtempt, but she stared at him defiantly.

"I'll ask once more. Where is your daughter?" He said with malice in his voice.

"You'll never find her." The woman said sternly. "And even if you were, she would be of no use to you."

"Oh I don't know. "The man smiled. "A girl with her power… she IS the Hikari ,right? A girl with her power would be quite useful to us. You wasted your time hiding her from us. Face it, its hopeless for your people… and this planet now."

She gasped. Were they talking about…. Her?

The woman retained her placid face. "As long as she is free, I know there is hope."

"Heh." The swordsman laughed. "Face it Lina. There is no hope. You, your precious Tenshi, and all on this planet will know our wrath. Your husband found out the hard way the price of crossing us. And soon, everyone will falll to their knees before us, even Demon Card!"

She shivered, the man's threats resonating in her head with venom.

He raised his sword, and pointed it toward the woman's head. Her face still remained calm. Obviously, she was not afraid of what would enevitally happen.

"But don't worry. You'll be seeing him soon. And your daughter should be close behind."

The sword thrusted toward her. She closed her eyes.

There was silence for what felt like forever. Then, painfully slowly, she turned and ran as fast as she could. There was no desination in mind. She just wanted to get away. The ticket fell from her hand.

She wanted to get away. Away from those evil men. Away from that horrible sight

She ran into the mountains until she could run no more. Her feet ached.

She lay onto the hard ground. Night was falling. She could hear fighting from the town behind her.

Then her world faded to black….

When she awoke, she felt herself being held upright. Looking around, she could see she was tied by her wrists and ankles to what looked like a table.

Even if she had wanted to test the restrains, she didn't have the strength.

All around her was black. She could see no floor, no walls, nothing that indicated a room. Just a black void around her.

She felt terribly scared.

A man suddenly appeared out of the darkness. She could not see his features, only that he wore a white coat.

"Please… help me…." She begged.

He didn't seem to notice her. He just looked her over detatchedly. "You're power is strong. More than I ever imagined. Stronger even than Rave…"

She blinked. Why wouldn't he help her? Did he put her here?"

"You will be of great interest… 3173."

Then he walked away, back into the darkness. She cried out, but he didn't hear her. Or didn't care.

Her head fell in despair. What could she do now?

She had gotten away from him.

Somehow, she had gotten away from him and his torture. Maybe he had tired of her, or just gotten careless.

But it didn't matter. She was free.

She looked out at the sun in the sky, glowing golden as it began to set. It comforted her. And yet, she was still troubled.

What would she do now? She didn't know who she was. What she was….

She stared at the sun, and a new resolve filled her.

She would solve the mystery surrounding her. She would find her past.

And she would…. Get some new clothes! This black stuff she wore was so yesterday. And those new Love Believer clothes looked so cool…

Elie clutched her head. All at once, a million images filled her mind, coming at such at a speed, it was impossible to focus. As she fell to the floor, pictures flashed by her eyes….

Playing with her parents…

Sailing and splashing by a beach…

Running through a forest with mother…

Learning to dance…

Watching her friends leave town…

Entering school…

Meeting a boy…

Being left by a boy…

As this continued, her body was covered by the white haze of Etherion, seeming growing brighter in the space between her shoulder blades. She felt like she was on fire.

Unable to take the immense heat her mind began to grow dark. As her eyes closed, and before darkness claimed her, one word escaped her lips.


"Here we are."

Ricter exite the camper, followed by the others. Haru looked up at the large plateau."

"Its in there?"

"No. Through here." Ricter approached an opening in the rock. He looked at it quizzically. Haru was about to ask what was wrong, when….

"OWWWWWW!" Griff cried out, rubbing his nose. "I just walked toward it, and something hit me!"

"A force field." Ricter replied. "You can see it if you look carefully."

They glared and squinted, and indeed, Haru could see a faint blue energy surrounding the entire rock, save for an opening.

"There's an opening."

"I know. Only a Tenshi can break through the barrier. Its attuned to our Ki." He frowned. "What worries me is that she left the door open for anyone to walk in. We should be careful…."

He stopped when he saw Haru bolt down the opening and down the tunnel, Plue close behind him.

"Wait you fool!"

Musica shrugged. "Ah, he always does that."

Ricter frowned. "Just be on your guard."

The group stepped through the opening and down the dark tunnel. They emerged into the valley, finding Haru and Plue looking in awe at the temple.

Ricter gave a small smile. Angela gasped, gripping Ethan's arm. Griff stood silent for once. And Musica just stood with a slight sense of awe.

"Wow. You were right." He breathed. Then he glared at Griff. "I cannot believe you forgot your camera."

"Hey, I remembered it! You just didn't want to go back and get them…"

"Would you two please stop bickering?" Angela seethed. "Hey Haru, wait!"

Haru was rushing toward the entrance door. His friends followed, Ricter walking at a slow pace.

Plue transformed into his super form, and trotted to his master, who was now beating on the door trying to get in. Frustration was etched on his face.

"Master, calm down."

Haru looked distraught. "But she could be hurt."

Ricter arrived and placed a consoling hand on his shoulder. "I said she would come to no harm, and I promise you that. She must have come through the barrier, and is now inside the ship."

Ricter stepped up to the door. Pressing his hand to it, it smoothly opened. "It shouldn't be too hard to find her."

"You're not coming?"

Ricter gave a sad, far away glance. "I think it would be best if I stayed out here and guarded outside."

Musica frowned. "Any particular reason you don't want to go in there?"

"I just get this feeling of unease, that's all. I would feel better if I was here to make sure we are not surprised."

"If this is some sort of trick."

Haru gripped his friend's arm. "Just let him, okay?"

Ricter gave Haru a thankful look. Haru understood. This was the place where his wife and friends had died. No doubt, he could still not cope with the pain of his loss.

"If it makes you feel better, one of us should guard the place with him."

Ethan pulled out his Elemental Blade. "I'll stay. I can check this place out later."

"I'll stay!" Griff cried. "No way I'm risking my ass in there."

"But you don't… I mean… you would'nt have a…." Ethan stuttered for a while, before deciding to drop the question.

Haru held his sword, and placed Rave in the hilt.

"Well, lets start looking."

A fair distance away, hidden by a grove of trees, Kady watched Glory and his friends enter the temple. Only the blob thingy, the new person, and the green-haired man remained. He seethed, remembering what that guy had done to him in La Razza.

"Helix! They're here!" He hissed toward his comrades.

Helix looked up from his sword, where he had been examining the hilt, which on closer inspection, held several tiny stones of different colours, embedded in the design. Gala got to her feet, and Willis rubbed his hands in glee.

"At last. Looks like this is finally gonna pay off. I'll be the greatest gun runner ever once I get ahold of the weapons in there."

Helix just glanced at him disdainfully. The group walked silently out of the trees, moving closer to the far side of the temple to avoid being spotted. As they moved, Helix got his first good look at this new arrival to Glory's group.

His eyes shot open in surprise for a second, then narrowed to a sly glance.

"So old friend, fate brings us together again." He breathed to himself.

"You say something?" Kady asked.

Helix didn't reply, his mind imagining the tremendous battles that would follow.

Haru stalked through the dark corridors of the temple… spaceship slowly, taking in all the detail he could. He wasn't that impressed by the architecture. Once you got past the bizarre, futuristic design, the place was just like Musica's airship or the ships owned by Demon Card. His attention was solely on finding any glimpse of the woman he loved. He'd tear this place apart if he had to.

Responing to his unbidden thoughts, Rave glowed and the sword transformed into Runesave, the sword which could cut through any material. He was surprised, usually he had to concentrate to get the blade to transform.

"I know what you're thinking Master, and I wouldn't suggest it."

Haru was slightly surprised, he'd forgotten Plue was behind him. He slowed down so he could walk alongside him, and reverted the sword to Eisonmeteor.

"Sorry." He blushed.

"It's alright. My thoughts have been wandering too."

It hit Haru that Plue was now in the place where he had spent time with Resha and Shiba, all that time ago. Now doubt memorie were beginning to surface for the Rave Guardian.

"Hey Plue… do you remember this… from your life with Shiba?"

There was silence, before "Yes I do. It's all coming back to me. I would spend ages here and in the gardens either watching Master Shiba train or playing with Resha or the other children here…." His voice trailed off.

"This was such a nice place before."

Haru patted his friend's head. Even though he looked like a majestic beast now, the compassion and innocence of his puppy like normal form could still be seen in his eyes. E wanted to console his friend, but right now, he didn't know what to say. This was a delicate situation, and besides, his mind kept straying to Elie-chan…

He kept thinking back to when the two had been together on their quest to find Rave. He had thought that only a friendship had existed between the two then.

But when he thought back to certain events, he realised that sometimes, that friendship had, if only for a short while, turned into total affection.

The time he had thought Sieghart had killed her, and he had held her and willed her to come back. When he had saved her from Doryu's energy cannon, and she had cried in his arms. Those times when they had been alone after a fierce battle, and they hadn't spokena word to each other, just enjoyed being with each other.

Those times, he had felt comforted by her presense. And proud to have someone like her near.

Why hadn't he noticed it before? Before she had left after the fall of Dark Bring? Maybe he could have realised it sooner…

"Master!" Plue's voice sounded alert. Haru followed his gaze toward an open door. He couldn't read the alien writing next to the door, but could see a table in the room… and something laying on the floor next to it.

He crept slowly forward, until he was close enough to peer into the room. He could now see the black table fully, and the odd devices that lay in top of it.

But it was the being laid out on the floor that held his full attention. All he could see of it were a large pairof white, feathered wings, which formed a cocoon over whatever possessed them. The wings would have probably reached six feet if extended out, and were covered with pristine, serated feathers.

His eyes stared for several minutes, he was taken aback by the sheer beauty of the wings. He finally returned to reality, knowing he had to figure this out. Was this another creature like Plue?

He signalled for Plue to stay back, and crept nto the room, legs bent at the knee. He hobbled toward the being, and tenetively touched the wing.

It felt like satin under his fingers. It was a delight to just stroke it. H affirmed himself, his mind racing at what could possibly be under these wings. Gripping it tighter, he gently lifted the wing.

His breath stopped as he saw what… who lay underneath, now exposed to his eyes. It was the last thing he'd been expecting…. Yet also all he had been looking for.

"Master. What is it?"

Haru stared at the lithe girl the wings were attached to.

"Its Elie-chan."