Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest ❯ Final Showdown: Haru Vs Helix ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest

By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.

No infringement is intended

Ah, chapter ten. I'm sorry if you had to wait, but life has been rather busy for me, so writing tends to take a back seat. But at last, the story's big battle scene in here. Enjoy, and please send any reviews.

Haru stared in amazement at the girl who now lay peacefully on the floor before him. She lay on her back, the white wings extended flat out behind her, her auburn hair cast around her head like a halo. She didn't move, her chest moving slightly with breath. He could hardly believe it, but it was true.

It was Elie, no mistake. She really was a Tenshi, like Ricter said.

And she looked absolutely beautiful.

He couldn't believe he had never noticed it before. Sure, he knew she was amazing looking. But her looks had been overlooked by her infallible happiness and wonderful compassion. That was what really drew him to her. But to see her like this… so serene and vulnerable…

"How could I have ignored her for so long?" He thought. "Dammit! Why didn't I see it sooner?"

Images flashed through his head. When he had held her and protected her from Sieg Hart. When he had comforted her when Lucia had tried to hurt her in Symphonia. And that day almost a year ago when she had left, and even though he had pushed it back, he had felt terribly lonely.

He gently lifted her body closer and cradled her head to his shoulder.

"Never again." He whispered. "I'll never leave you alone again."

Plue sat and watched the tender scene in polite silence, but eventually, he spoke. "Master… is she alright? She's very still."

Haru's expression turned to horror when he realised he hadn't checked if Elie was hurt. Looking her over, there was no injury on her body, but she seemed very quiet. He wondered if the machines in this room had done something to her. Gently, he shook her, trying to see if she would wake. He watched her eyes for any movement.

"Elie… Elie-chan… please wake up…." He held her tighter. "Please! I can't lose you now!" He pleaded desperately.

"So um, you do any cattle mutilations? Crop Circles? Abductions?"

"No, no and NO!" Ricter replied loudly. The blue blob known as Griff was beginning to get on his nerves with his annoying questions.

Ethan watched the two in amusement. "Just ignore him. It's tricky, but you can do it."

"I'm just being friendly!" Griff retorted. "It's not often you meet a guy from space. I just want to know him better."

Griif looked up at Ricter, to see him staring into the distance.

"Oh come on, don't ignore me…" Griff jumped in fright as Ricter swiftly drew out a long sword.

"We're not alone."

As those words left his mouth, a wall of fire suddenly erupted around them. Searing heat made them recoil, then the wall moved back to surround the grassy land around them. Ethan stared at the blazing barrier.

"This is… Elemental magic, like mine."

Shapes began to emerge from the fire. It parted like a curtain, allowing Helix, Gala, Kady and Willis to walk through unharmed. Then it closed up again.

Griff started to shiver. Ethan readied his sword. But Ricter just stared at them calmly. Willis aimed his gun at them.

"No sudden moves, you!"

"Ricter Breeze." Helix spoke, his voice resonating in the air. " We meet again."

"Indeed we do Helix. Or is it Shiro Gear now?"

"It's still Helix." The swordsman grinned.

Kady looked befuddled. "Eh? Shiro Gear? What is all this? And who the hell are you?"

"I am the guardian of this temple. And I will not allow you to desecrate the resting place of my people."

"People… what the bloody hell are you on about?!!" The hunter turned to Helix. "You not telling me something?"

Willis glared at him with contempt. "You moron! Can't you see? This is an alien craft!!"

Kady stared at the building. "You're taking the piss…."

"I'm not! This is what I've been waiting for! The weapons inside there will make me the richest man alive." He grinned manically. "Finish them off Helix! Lets get the goods!"

Helix and Gala shook their heads. "You disappoint me Willis. You're just like every other human on this planet. You never see the bigger picture."

He stood before the skinny man. "Let me give you a better view."

In a movement too fast for the eye to see, Helix thrust the sword into Willis's heart. As he pulled it out, Willis fell backwards. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Helix calmly wiped blood of his blade with a cloth. Ethan and Griff stared in amazement. Ricter remained passive. Kady stared in horror.

"You… you…."

"He was a liability Kady. Now, if you would be so kind as to apprehend these men…."

Kady leaped over to Ethan and Ricter, and aimed his gun at Helix. "Bugger YOU, you sick freak!"

"Kady, need I remind you your contract states…"

"Screw your bloody contract! I'm not working with a murderer!" Kady snarled. "Even I have morals!"

He glanced behind him, and caught Ethan's gaze. The tall man nodded, showing that he would help him. Kady smiled.

"Oh Kady." Helix said. "I had high hopes for you. I was planning to ask you to join our little organisation. But now…" He bared the sword. "I guess you'll have to join your friends here. To the grave."

"We'll see about that." Ethan willed magic into his sword, and it transformed into the fiery blade Magma Flare.

"It all started here Helix." Ricter's wings appeared, and a white light surrounded his sword. "It'll end here too!"

Elie found herself in a white void. All around her, was nothing but blank, empty space. She sat down on a non-existent floor, trembling in fear. First had come a searing pain in her head, then a warm, pleasurable sensation had washed over her. She had then presumably fainted, then found herself… here.

"I just want this to end." She whispered, for no reason other than to hear some sound. "I don't want to be alone…."

"You're never alone, Elisha." A sweet voice called softly over the air. Elie spun around, and stood stunned. There before her, were her mother and father, smiling at her.

She blinked, wondering what was going on. Then she remembered something Haru had told her. After they had buried his father, he had said he had seen Gale Glory in a dream, and he had told him about the Memory of Stars…

Was this a dream? She took trembling steps toward them.

"Mum… Dad…. Is that… really you?"

"Well, sort of." Her father shrugged. "It would be rather complicated to explain, but we had to see you one more time."

He moved forward and before she could act, hugged her tight. At least he felt real.

"I missed you sweetie. I'm so sorry I couldn't stay. I should never have left…"

"You… you were just trying to help me and Mum…." Elie gently patted his back.

"You've become so beautiful, just as I thought you would." He let go, and motioned to his wife.

Lina moved up to her. "I'm so proud of you Elisha. I've seen all you've done, in helping the Rave Master in his quest."

"Elie smiled at the praise. It felt so good to hear her mother's soothing voice again.

"And I'm so glad you were brave enough to come all the way here." Her eyes looked teary. "I… I'm so sorry I had to do that to you."

"You mean… erasing my memories?"

"Yes." Lina held her tight "I didn't want to do it. I knew it would be hard for you, even with Ricter's help."

Elie patted her back. "It's okay. I don't hate you for it. I saw why you did it…"

"I guess you saw everything else. It must be overwhelming for you."

"Yeah." Elie breathed. "I had no idea I was that important."

Elie stood silent for seconds as she thought of what to say next. This meeting of her parents, whether it was real or not, had to be about her powers and her memories.

She could remember now. She could look back in her mind and recount visions of her childhood, her happy life before the tragedy had started. She wanted to just sit and remember it all with her parents. But she knew she couldn't. As much as she wanted it to, she knew this was just a dream.

But they looked so real…

"Wh… what should I do now…. I mean… I have this power for a reason, right?"

"Yes." Lina said, seriousness in her voice. "Though I wish it wasn't so. I cannot tell you much, but I know our enemies, the Diemen, are plotting their takeover of this world. "

"But, they can't be as big a threat as Dark Bring was, can they?"

"Maybe not now, but they are planning to gain power. They have the potential to rule the earth, if they are not stopped. They hold greater power than anyone can understand, and if they are not stopped…."

Elie thought about all her past battles with Demon Card, how enemies like the Orashion Sais and Doryu had wrecked untold damage on the land. How they had hurt Haru and all her friends. She had never hated anyone more. And now these Diemen wanted to carry on as before.

"I'll stop them! I help beat Demon Card, I'll stop them!" She proudly proclaimed. Though inside, the idea of taking on this heartless enemy scared her.

Lina gave a small smile. "I knew you would. You always wanted to protect your friends, just like your dad."

Joey smiled. "I know you can beat them kid. With you and the Rave Master together, you'll be unstoppable."

"Rave Master?" Elie blinked. They knew about Haru?

"You thought we didn't know about how you feel for him?" Elie blushed.

"Your power is the same as your Grandmother Resha's. It is linked to Rave, so you are linked to the Rave Master's soul. Ultimately, it is the two of you who must save the world, just as you stopped Dark Bring."

Elie let her mind's eye cast back to Haru. No wonder she had felt so close to him during their adventures. They had been destined to be together.

"You, you really think I can do it?"

"Of course you can." Lina smiled. "You have your friends, the man you love… and we will be with you always."

Elie sobbed. "I wish you were still here."

Joey and Lina both held their daughter. "As log as you hold our memories, we will never leave you."

Elie hugged her parents tight. Then she heard what sounded like her name being called. She looked up, and could hear a familiar male voice shouting.

"Elie…. Wake up Elie…."

"Haru…." She gasped.

She looked at Joey and Lina. "Goodbye, angel…" They began to fade…..

"Elie…. Wake up Elie…. PLEASE!!!!" Haru yelled, holding the girl's limp body tighter. Memories of almost losing her to Sieg Hart flashed in his brain. At least then, he'd been able to stop him from killing her. Now something had happened to her, and he had not been there to prevent it.

"Please…." He choked out, as despair took him.

Then…. Her eyes opened.

Haru silently gasped. Having not seen her for so long, he had forgotten how bright her amber pupils were, shining almost like gold. She blinked.

"Haru…. Are you real? Are you really there?" She said weakly.

He gave a relieved smile. Relief washed over his body. She was okay. His world would not come to an end. She was still alive, and that meant he could keep going.

"As real as you." He said gently as he lifted her upper body upright. She stared at him, focusing on his eyes.

He had come. Despite leaving him, he had somehow found here. Come all this way, just for her.

She burst into tears and pillowed her face into his chest, as her guilt took her over.

"I… I'm sorry Haru!" She sobbed. "I didn't want to leave you! I just didn't want you to get hurt. You.. you could have…" She cried, believing that he could not forgive her for this.

Haru just stroked her hair. He felt bad that circumstances had led to this. She never deserved to be put through pain like this. She deserved to be happy, always.

"It's okay Elie-chan. I understand why you did it. I might have done the same. Just to make sure you were safe."

Elie looked up at his smiling face. She could see no anger or disappointment. Just relief and acceptance.

"Thank you."

Plue moved up and nuzzled her head. "I'm glad you're okay. Master and I would have been sad if we'd never seen you again."

Elie smiled. "I'm sorry if I worried you. And I would have come back sooner or later." She winked. "Can't get rid of me that easily."

"You look beautiful."

"What did you say?" She looked at Haru. Haru blinked as he realised what he had said with out thinking.

"Er…" He stuttered. "I..I meant your wings! Yeah, they look really beautiful."

"Wings….?" Elie felt behind her back, and jumped slightly when her hands came into contact with two feathered objects.

She slowly got to her feet, with Haru supporting her, and looked at the large table in the room. On the near-reflective surface, she could see two large feathered wings now protruded from her back.

"Oh my God….." She gasped. "I really am a Tenshi…"

A memory appeared in her head. It was of her getting her wings, and her mother teaching her how to fly…

Her father taking her to the racetrack…

Going to school and meeting her first crush…

Being dumped by that boy…

Learning about her people's history….

"I can remember…" She breathed.


She jumped up, sending feathers everywhere, and hugged Haru with joy. "I can remember! Everything!"

"You can?!"

"Yes!!! My full name is Elisha Valentine! My parents are named Joey and Lina, and Resha Valentine is my Grandmother! I'm part of a race of beings called the Tenshi! I went to High School…." She wept happy tears. "I can remember!"

Haru smiled and hugged her. This was the reason he had travelled this far. To find her, to look in her golden eyes and just revel in the joy and innocence that exuded from them. To enjoy her bright aura and cheerful attitude which could never be beaten. This was her true beauty. He'd seen it so many times before, but had never acted on it.

Now she was here, happy and safe, a complete person again. Now there was nothing to stop him.

Elie was now stroking her wings. "I can't wait to get outside and try these things out."

"You know how to fly?"

"Course I do, silly. I've been doing it since I was fourteen."

She seemed to be bouncing with excitement. Haru swallowed. If he had to say what he felt for her, now was as good a time as any. But already, his palms were sweating.


Elie moved closer to him, and gently took his hands. "Haru…. I want to thank you….. You… came all this way, just for me…"

Haru felt his breath was ragged. "I had to come. I couldn't just leave you."

Elie looked at him with a slightly bemused expression.

"You see… Elie-chan…. I.. I…

"HOLY CRAP! Elie, what happened to you?!!"

They all turned to see Musica standing in the doorway. Elie squealed with joy and ran over to hug him.

"Musica! You came too!"

"What, and leave Mophead over there to fend for himself?" He grinned. "I'm glad you're…." He glanced at the wings. "er… in one piece."

Haru moaned inwardly. He was glad Musica had come to meet her, but the moment… He sighed. He'd get his chance sooner or later. He watched as Elie explained things to Musica.

"…so now, I can remember my past and family."

"Yeah, this guy told us all that. You know a guy named Ricter?"

"Ricter!" She cried. "Ricter Breeze. Yea, he was a friend to my parents. He was gonna protect me." Her voice faltered slightly. "But we didn't meet, that day. Demon Card got me first…"

"He's outside if you want to talk to him."

"He is?!!"

"Yep." Haru grinned. "No doubt he can explain a few things to you."

Elie moved forward, but then stumbled.

"Elie-chan!" Haru rushed to her side.

"I'm okay, just a little shaky…" Before she could protest, Haru picked her up and carried her in his arms.

"Let's go." He said, a wide grin on his face. He walked out the room, then looked in confusion.

"Er… how do we get out of here again?"

Elie giggled and pointed down the corridor. He continued on, Plue and Musica taking up the rear.

She relaxed in Haru's arms, still not quite believing he was really here, that he had come all this way, just to make sure she was okay.

"I don't deserve you, after what I did…" She thought. "But you forgive me. And you came for me…"

"I love you Haru…."

Griff pulled himself from the temple wall where he had been swatted into only seconds ago. He had tried to whack Helix with a stick he had found, but had been hit back against the wall. He looked at the three people Helix was defending against. Kady had pulled out a bullwhip, and was lashing at Helix at a distance. While Helix tried to dodge the whip, Ricter and Ethan kept moving forward to strike with their swords. But even against these two, Helix blocked every blow and swipe.

Helix leapt into a back flip, and landed several feet from the three. The hilt of his sword glowed slightly. He waved the sword in a quick circular motion.

From nowhere, a powerful gust of wind blew, knocking the three back several feet. Ethan and Ricter landed on their feet, Kady wasn't so lucky as he flew into a tree.

"He's a powerful magic user." Ethan growled.

"Shiro Gear certainly could give you a run for your money." Ricter replied.

Ethan transformed his sword into a large curved blade with a blue hilt. "This blade increases the strength of my attacks. A quick rush attack might get him, and you can step in."

"Go for it mate." Kady weakly called.

The blade glowed brighter with a blue light. Ethan charged toward Helix, and swung the blade at him. Helix blocked, but as the blades connected, blue light flared up like erupting fire, and the impact forced the swordsman back. Ethan registered surprise in Helix's eyes.

But as he swung for a fatal blow, Helix blocked him again. And again. Ethan was shocked. He'd hit Demon Card lackeys with this sword and sent them flying, and while Helix was taking the brunt of the blows, he kept recovering and retaliating."

"Who… or what are you?"

Helix swept his sword low, causing Ethan to stumble back. Then he was hit by a blast of fire, which burst from the tip of the Rizion.

Ethan hit the ground, his clothes scorching. As he tried to get up, he saw Helix moving toward him, an evil grin on his face.

"You're a worthy opponent, but not the one I'm looking for…"

Suddenly the swordsman was struck by a bolt of energy and sent flying. Ethan forced himself up, and saw Helix on his side, his entire left body covered with ice.

Angela stood at the entrance of the temple, holding her magic staff.

"Word of advice pal, don't mess with my man!"

She and Ricter rushed over to held Ethan. Griff breathed a sigh of relief. Helix wasn't as tough as he appeared.

"Perfect timing as always." Ethan praised. Angela grinned.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed behind them, and struck Angela. She hit the ground, jerking in electric shock.

Ethan quickly tried to calm her body. Ricter just turned to see Helix there, steam rising from his body as the last of the ice melted. He glared at the trio with contempt.

Ethan managed to calm Angela down. The girl lay still on the ground. Slowly, he got up and pointed his sword at Helix, his eyes blazing with rage.

"Damn you." He said quietly. "I won't forgive you for this."

With a war cry, he rushed toward Helix. Lightning bolts rained toward him, but he deflected them all with his sword.

He was within swinging distance of Helix, when the swordsman outstretched his hand and a flash of fire burst out, striking Ethan. The Elemental User fell to the ground.

Ricter had watched from afar, hoping for an opening. But now it was him and Helix alone. His most hated enemy.

"Leave them alone! I'm the one you want."

Helix smiled. "Indeed. I hardly used my total power to take those pests down." He grinned, and readied his sword. "But for you and the Rave Master, I won't hold back."

"You won't get to face him. You've hurt enough people." Ricter readied his sword. "I will keep my promise, and protect Elisha."

Helix sneered, before his face went completely emotionless.

Griff gasped. Ethan, Angela and Kady were out for the count, and Ricter intended to take this psycho on alone?!! He did what he usually did in situations like this.


Haru felt Elie tense up in his arms. He glanced down to see her looking into the distance. Her eyes seemed distant.


"He's here." She burst out fearfully. She squirmed out of Haru's hold.

"Who? This Helix dude?" Musica asked.

Plue growled. "The hole in the force field. He must have gotten through."

Elie was already running down the corridor, her wings now folded behind her back.

"Damn! Come on. This time, we have to get him!" Haru yelled. The three raced after Elie.

Elie reached the entrance, and ran out onto the grass as the door opened. She froze as she spotted the battle raging in front of her. Haru, Musica and Plue also appeared, and stopped as they laid eyes on the two fighters.

Helix and Ricter clashed blades furiously, it seemed almost impossible to believe they could swing the swords that fast. Blurs of metal whirled in front of the two, constantly colliding as they tried to inflict a blow.

Helix reared back slightly to swing his sword, but Ricter flapped his wings, and flipped up and over Helix while he swung. Helix spun round to deflect the coming blow, and the two resumed their attacks.

Each swipe of their blades swung with deadly accuracy, the opponents matching each attack perfectly. Haru and the other watched entranced for a few moments, awed at Ricter's amazing skill. Haru then decided Ricter would need help, and began running toward the two.

Ricter advanced closer toward Helix, his blade still slashing. As Helix found himself with less room to attack, Ricter swung the sword back for a final blow. His mistake. Helix forced his fist forward and punched Ricter in the face, forcing him back.

As Haru ran toward them, everything seemed to be in slow motion. He saw Helix slash down his sword, cutting a bloody gash down Ricter's body.

Ricter fell to the ground, blood pouring from his body.

"NOOOOO!" He heard Elie scream.

Haru slammed into Helix, knocking him back. As Helix recovered from the blow, he looked at Haru and grinned.

"About time you got here."

Haru said nothing; he just glared at him with pure malice. He dropped the sword, and knelt down next to Ricter.

"Damn you…."

Helix just smirked. "If you're worried about your friend, then you should tend to his wounds. I'll wait."

He stood with his sword, still smiling. Haru glared for a few minutes more, then dragged Ricter toward the others.

"Ricter!" Elie dropped to her knees. "You're hurt!"

"I'll be fine…." He breathed. "Elisha… you look just like your mother…" He smiled. "I'm so glad we got to meet again."

Elie smiled. "Yeah… I remember you now… you were going to look after me, but I got lost…"

"Just fate I guess…"

Haru turned to Plue. "Plue, can you use your power to heal him?"

"I'll try master."

"Musica, you take care of everyone else."

"What?!!" Musica cried out. "You can't take on that guy on your own!"

"I beat Lucia, I can beat him!" Haru declared.

Musica stared at his friend. The determination in his eyes seemed to be stronger than ever. He could understand. Haru was fighting for more that just to protect the temple. He was fighting for Elie.

Haru grabbed the Eisonmeteor and begun moving toward Helix.


He looked back to see Elie, staring at him with hopeful eyes.

"I believe in you."

Haru smiled. Already, he could feel his confidence growing. As long as he could protect her… he would fight to the death.

He took the Dragon Esper from his pocket, and activated it. As the armour formed around his body, he prayed this would give him an edge over Helix.

He stood before Helix, the sword readied. Helix still looked nonchalant.

"Well, here we are." He spoke. "And this time, I know I'll get the battle I desire. Your last attempt was less than stellar."

"Yeah well, you'd caught me in a bad moment." Haru said coldly. "Tell me, do you really want to fight me so badly?"

"Of course." Helix replied jovially. "Don't you understand? You are the Rave Master. The greatest warrior of our times. People would do anything for that accolade."

"You want people to call you the greatest warrior?" Haru gave a crooked grin. "You idiot. Is that all you think about?"

He narrowed his eyes. "You're just like Lucia and Doryu. You don't care who you hurt, as long as you get what you want. You don't think about or even care about other people, just yourself."

"And your point is?" Helix just sighed. "If you had the chance, wouldn't you want to be the greatest?"

"I don't care!" Haru yelled. "I don't want to be the greatest warrior! I just want to be Haru Glory!" He gripped the sword harder. "I'm just wasting my breath talking to you."

"You've hurt my friends… you've hurt her….." His gaze took a sinister appearance. "If you try to hurt them again… I will destroy you."

Helix held up his sword. "Excellent. Just the type of anger I wanted you to tap into. But you know, you really can't beat me. To my knowledge, no one has beaten Shiro Gear."

Haru grinned. "Then you've already lost. Cause you aren't Shiro Gear."


"You're just a thing in his body. You might have his skills, but you'll never have his spirit."

"I don't need spirit!"

"We'll see."

The two stared each other out for a few seconds more.

Then they rushed toward each other, and their blades clashed together with an echoing clang. They glared into each other's eyes for a second, them recoiled.

Haru swung his sword into an attack, only for Helix to counter. Their blades clashed and smashed against each other rapidly, both trying to get a blow in but being deflected. Haru thrut the sword forward rapidly four times, each one knocked back by Helix. After the forth deflection, Helix dropped low and sweeped his sword round toward Haru's feet. Haru jumped into a back flip, dodging the attack. Landing, he gritted his teeth in anger. Helix seemed to be more cunning than ever.

But he couldn't lose. Now more than ever, he had to win. For Her.

Elie watched as Haru and Helix exchanged blows with the swords. The two swung their blades furiously, both evenly matched. She could see Haru's face etched in grim determination. She wished she could help him, but even with her new powers, she couldn't hold her own against a swordsman like Helix.

"Elie! I need your help!"

She spun around to see Musica dragging Angela away from the main fray. Ethan was wrapping up a wound on the bounty hunter that had been following them, and Griff was watching Plue, who was casting white energy onto Ricter. She realised that this new power of hers could help Ricter's healing. She took a step forward…

And stopped when she felt cold steel press against her throat.

Musica looked up to see the blue-haired woman who had come with Helix, holding her large knife on Elie's throat, and an arm around her waist.

He grabbed his necklace, and with a mere thought, it transformed into his favourite weapon, a large spear.

"Let her go." He said coldly.

"Hardly." She laughed. "She will be very important to our efforts."

Musica sneered. "I'd normally enquire about your plan, and demand you tell me everything. But you know what? I don't care!"

Gala smiled and held her knife in front of her, pointing at Musica. "Come on then. Let's see what you've got."

Musica pointed the spear in front of him, and charged toward the two, the spearhead aimed at Gala's head. He got to about eight feet away from her.

Gala waved her knife. And suddenly, Musica felt something hit the spear and knock it from his hands.

He stopped for a second, and was about to move forward again when he felt a stabbing pain in his arm. He jumped back involuntarily, and looked to see blood seeping from a gash on his arm. Gals still held the knife out, but she was still several feet away. What was she using to hurt him?

Gala was still grinning, when Elie decided she'd had enough of being her hostage. She thrust her elbow back into Gala's face, causing the woman to release her. As she jumped away, Elie spun round and aimed her guns. But nothing happened as she clicked the triggers. She scowled, remembering she'd used all the ammo trying to get Helix.

"But wait!" She thought suddenly. "I can remember my Tenshi powers now. Can't I use those?"

She closed her eyes, and let her newfound memories come to her. Images of family flashed, as well as images of her mother, showing her how to control the immense magic within her.

She opened her eyes and glared at Gala. A small smile came to her lips. The guns dropped to her feet. Musica looked on in wonder.

Gala's eyes raised as Elie extended her arms toward her, and a white light began to glow and flicker around her hands, like fire. The flames grew in intensity, until …


The glowing fire flew from her hands, and darted toward Gala like some burning wraith. Before Gala could react, it surrounded her, moving around her like a living being. Gala raised her knife in defence, but could not stop the white flames burning her.

Elie maintained her mental hold over the white fire, silently marvelling that she could do this so well considering she had only just remembered how to do it. The flames wouldn't hurt her too badly, just enough to stun her. Gala swung her blade to try and repel the flames, and as she did, Elie noticed that as the flames yielded to her blade, they also seemed to be affected by the space in front of the blade. Gala finally freed herself from the flames.

Breaking her control, the flames died down. "Musica, she's got an invisible blade!"

Musica, who had watched Elie's magic display in awe, got back on track. Now he knew what Gala was armed with, he could better prepare an attack.

"So you figured out my weapon." She called. "Too bad it won't help you!" Gala held the knife in front of her, like a bayonette, and charged toward Elie. Elie could only think of one way to escape.

She jumped up, flapping her wings. She instantly ended up about fifteen feet in the air, as Gala rushed underneath her.

Elie gasped as she realised she was flying. Then she wailed in terror as she sailed through the air and crashed to the ground. She had barely picked herself up when Gala rushed her again. Elie jumped again, flying through the air and trying to control her flight, but again, landing with a bump.

"Mental note. Practice using these things." She thought as she rubbed her sore rump.

Gala was about to attack her again, when a silver coil suddenly wrapped around her invisible blade. Musica wrapped the silver coil tight, then yanked the blade from her hands. She scowled, looking frustrated now she had no weapon. Her eyes narrowed on Elie.

She rushed toward her, fists raised, seemingly preparing to unleash some kind of martial arts attack on Elie. Musica's eyes widened when he saw that Elie was making no move to stop her.

As Gala got closer, Elie's body began to glow slightly.

Gala was now within striking distance, her fist darting forward to smash Elie in the face. But she was stopped.

Musica could hardly believe it. Elie had stopped Gala cold by grabbing her wrists. The woman struggled to get free, but Elie held firm. Her face showed only slight emotion.

Musica moved cautiously closer, wondering what she was doing. He got his answer when the glow surrounding Elie's body grew brighter. The white light seemed to give of a tingle of static energy even Musica could feel. Then the light surrounded Gala. The woman instantly began to writhe and shake, as if in pain. Musica ran toward the two, still with no idea what Elie was doing, but praying she was not trying to kill Gala.

Gala continued to shake, and howls of pain sounded from her. After a while the screams sounded like two voices, one sounding distinctly inhuman. Then, the unthinkable happened. A second body began to emerge from Gala's body, like a transparent form passing through her. The distinctly alien looking form left her body like a ghost, then became solid and fell to the ground. The light died from around their bodies, and Gala collapsed into Elie's arms.

Musica stepped closer, his eye never leaving the… thing that had left Gala's body. Staring at it brought a feeling of revulsion. It looked like some hybrid of human and insect. Its body was covered with grey-brown scales, and spines protruded from various places. The thin arms had large hands tipped with razor sharp claws. But the head… Musica tried not to look at the insectoid head and it's compound eyes.

"Boy…" He said weakly. "No wonder these guys need host bodies."

He turned to Elie, who now laid the woman a few feet away onto the ground. Musica knelt down. "Elie, what the hell did you do?"

"I'm not sure myself… I just knew…" She said distantly. "I just felt…. They can't take my magic. I can use it to force them out of their host bodies."

Musica nodded, still in awe at just how at ease Elie seemed to be with these new powers of hers. Since meeting Haru, he had been witness to many strange events, but this… this whole situation seemed utterly unreal.

The woman's eyes opened. She gasped for air, and looked at Elie with hopeful eyes.

"Is… is it gone?" She said shakily.

"Yeah…." Elie replied softly. "It's gone. It won't control you again."

"Th… thank you…" Then the woman's eyes widened. "LOOK OUT!!"

Musica looked up to see the creature Elie had removed in the air, energy gathering in its hands.

"MOVE!" He grabbed Elie and flung her aside, and was about to grab the woman when the energy blast shot forward from the creature. Musica dodged, only just missing the searing heat blast.

Hopping to his feet, he could see the woman looked badly burned, and was not breathing. He focused on the monster… the Diemen, which had landed on the ground nearby. Even through its compound eyes, it showed contempt.

"You killed her…." Elie said shakily. Musica glanced behind him to see Elie, staring at the creature with a look of horror.

The diemen spoke, in a guttural, rasping tone that sounded male, to Musica's surprise.

"Yes… and you shall join her."

"WHY?" Elie yelled. "Why kill her? She did nothing to you!"

"She was merely a tool, what I needed to survive on this planet." The alien rasped. "I thought she was strong, but it seems I was wrong."

Elie shook with rage. Musica gripped his spear harder. If this thing was the template of these dieman, he certainly had no problem with wanting to take them out.

"No one deserves to be a slave." He addressed to the creature coldly. "And we're gonna show you that the hard way!"

The diemen just snarled, and extended its sharp claws. It rushed toward the two.

Musica readied his spear. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Elie stepping forward. Anger clouded her face. Suddenly, she rushed toward the monster.

The two headed straight toward each other, seemingly trying to collide with each other. The diemen's claws glowed with energy. Elie was now moving faster, her wings seeming to propel her. The wings now glowed with their own light, leaving a trail of glowing energy that lingered in the air behind her. The two were only feet from each other….


Two blades made from white energy extended from Elie's wings, energy trailing from them. As she rushed past the diemen, they slashed the creature, and an explosion of white light sent it flying in the air. Elie stopped her run, and stood still, not looking behind her to see the diemen crash to the ground in a smoking heap.

Musica stared at the creature. Its now still body was now smoking from the magic attack. He winced. That must have hurt.

"Is it dead?"

He looked at Elie. She sounded tired, and upset. As if she felt sorry for having to kill it. He moved closer to try to comfort her.

"Yeah. But don't get upset. It was asking for it."

"But still…."

Musica shifted uncomfortably. This wasn't something he was good act. Haru was always better at making her feel better….

"HARU!" He turned his attention to the Rave Master, who was still battling furiously against Helix. Both combatants looked tired, but not about to give up.

"Elie, look after the others. I'm gonna help Haru!"

Elie nodded as Musica ran off. She was still shocked that she had killed the creature. In all her time.. she had never killed. She had hurt enemies, but never killed.

But for once, she could feel no remorse for the one she had just beaten. She stared at the body of the woman it had possessed, wishing she could bring back the dead.


Haru swung the red sword at Helix. He felt it strike something, and a burst of fire erupt from the blade. As the smoke cleared, he could he Helix had dodged him.

He advanced and swung the sword several times, each time connecting with Helix's sword. Yet despite the massive explosions, Helix was still unfazed. Haru hopped backward, and his sword turned back to Eisonmeteror. He needed a new tactic and fast.

Suddenly, from behind him, a blade attached to a long chain shot forward, and struck Helix, knocking him backwards. Haru looked behind to see Musica.

"Need a hand?" He called. Haru smiled gratefully.

Helix got up, and pointed his sword at Musica. "Butt out. This is our fight." A blast of blue energy was discharged from the blade. Before he could react, it struck Musica. Instantly, most of his body was encased in ice, leaving his head exposed.

"Musica!" Haru rushed over to aid his friend.

"I'll b…be alright!" Musica chattered. "J…just finish that son of a …. LOOK OUT!"

Helix charged up and swung the blade. Haru moved, but not fast enough. The blade stuck the shoulder guard Haru wore. He winced from the impact, but was glad he hadn't lost his arm.

"Impressive armour." Helix commented, stepping back to allow Haru space. Haru got up, ran to the center of the field, and awaited Helix's attack.

The swordsman grinned. "You won't survive this…." His sword began to glow red, and as he held it up, he yelled the words…


From nowhere, red, sharp looking needles rained from the sky onto the Rave Master. He screamed in pain as the needled pierced his flesh. He instinctively ducked and covered his face, but still, the splinters rained onto his back.

From her position were she was now helping Griff tend to the others, Elie gasped in horror as she saw Haru in pain.

"Please be okay." She prayed.

Kady winced as he watched the needles fall. "Bloody Hell! He doesn't have a chance."

"He'll win!" Elie shouted at him. "I know he will."

Helix stared at the prone Rave Master. "Please! You can do better than that!" He summoned the Crimson Splinter again.

But as the needles came within striking distance, Haru rose up, and swung the Rune Save sword. Helix was stunned to see the splinters harmlessly melt away as the sword touched them.

Seeing he was safe, Haru grinned. "Gonna have to try harder than that!"

Helix, now looking angrier, thrust the sword forward. The blade was covered in flames.


Haru transformed his sword to Blue Crimson and struck the flames with the ice blade. Instantly, they were snuffed out. Helix swung his sword around, and was only just blocked by Haru. The Rave Master hit back with his twin blades, striking the Rizion with blows that caused bursts of fire and ice to flare up whenever the two struck. Helix reared back and brought his sword down swiftly. Haru clashed Blue Crimson together, stopping the blade in its tracks.

As the two struggled against each other, Haru stared into Helix's eyes. The man's cold stare was still there, countered with grim determination.

"You should just give up, Glory." Helix taunted. "You're just a rank amateur."

"At least I learnt how to fight!" Haru retorted. "All you did was steal Shiro Gear's skills!"

The two leapt apart from each other. Haru was starting to get weary, yet Helix showed no signs of stopping. He had to finish this now.

The sword transformed into Silfarion. Haru rushed toward Helix faster than the eye could see. The blade glowed blue as he reached Helix in just a second.

"HIGH SPEED EDGE!" He slashed the energy-driven blade in a series of super-sonic motions. In a few seconds, he had slashed about fifty times. He expected Helix to take the full brunt.

But as he stopped, he saw that Helix was unharmed. His horror rose when he realised Helix had held his sword in defence and deflected every blow.


Before Haru could react, he was struck in the chest by a blast of fire, and flung several feet away.

From their positions, Elie, Musica and the others watched in frustration, knowing they could not help him.

Haru lay on the ground, pain racking his body. The flames from the blast were gone, but his clothes were still smoking. He felt hot from the flames surrounding the area, and in agony from the beating Helix was giving him. He just wanted to sleep

But an image was stuck in his mind. An image of Elie, smiling and innocent His thoughts turned to her. He had gone through this whole quest for her, realised he loved her and gone on to find her. And she was in danger, as was his friends, and he was not about to lose her again.

"For you… Elie!" He yelled in his head.

He grabbed the Eisonmeteor, and used it to force his body up. Panting for breath, he could see Helix standing several feet away. To his left, Elie and the others. He glared at Helix.

"Amazing!" Helix called. "You can stand up after that? I thought I was using all my power." He sneered. "I have many more tricks to show you Glory. A shame you won't live to see them all."

"I won't give up!" Haru yelled.

"You still think you can beat me?" Helix's voice dripped contempt. "Give it up. You're no longer the greatest swordsman in these lands! I am!"

"Idiot! He thinks his taunts are gonna stop me? Now I'm really pissed!" Haru thought angrily. He was about to attack…

When something Helix had said earlier struck in his mind.

"Excellent. Just the type of anger I want you to type into."

"You are the Rave Master. The greatest warrior of our times. People would do anything for that accolade."

"I know I'll get the battle I desire…"

Haru now realised it. Helix was enjoying this battle. He wanted the challenge of defeating the Rave Master, and was aggravating him to make him attack. He knew Haru would never give up. The taunts were just to anger Haru into attacking first. Such was Helix's commitment to becoming the greatest warrior.

A small grin adorned Haru's lips. He now had a way to get past Helix's defences.

"Alright pal. Lets see just how bad you want to kill me."

He relaxed his hold on the sword. "Okay, you win Helix! I give up!"

"WHAT?!!" Elie cried out in surprise

"WHAAAAT?!!" Musica, Ethan and Angela gasped.

"Oh you are bloody kidding me!" Kady moaned.

"Master?" Plue asked.

"Oh, crap!" Griff exclaimed.

Helix looked at him oddly. "You what?"

"You heard me Helix. You're right; I'm not good enough to beat you. I quit. I'm just gonna take my friends and get out of here." Haru began to walk toward the others.

"Haru, what the hell are you doing?" Elie yelled. He couldn't seriously be giving up. He NEVER gave up. He couldn't let Helix get away with all this.

Then she saw it. Haru gave her a small, sly wink of the eye. She relaxed slightly. He had something up his sleeve, but still, she hoped he would be okay.

"What are you doing?!" Helix demanded. Haru stared at him.

"You heard me. I give up. I'm not gonna get myself killed in a fight I can't win."

Helix looked utterly surprised for a second, but he regained his composure. "You can't leave. I'll kill your friends otherwise."

"I can defend them from you. But I'm not gonna fight." Haru could see Helix's face begin to contort in anger. He turned his back to him and continued walking.

"You coward! Stand up and defend your honour!" Helix yelled.

"I've got better things to defend." Haru called back.

Helix was now visibly enraged. "Damn you! How dare you disgrace me!"

"Oh get a life. Some of us have better things to do!"

Haru held the Eisonmeteor in front of him, so Helix couldn't see it. "Come on, take the bait." He thought. "You want me so bad, come and get me."

Helix had had enough. He wasn't about to let this boy make a fool of him in his finest hour.

"DAMN YOU!!" He bellowed. He charged toward Haru, sword raised.

"HARU!" Elie screamed as Helix rushed toward him. Haru didn't move, he just tightened his grip on the sword. The sword glowed, and transformed into a green-black blade with a white cross design and spiked hilt. Elie recognised it as Melforce, the sword of wind. A calm look remained on his face.

Helix was now only a few feet away. Elie could see the rage in his eyes.

"Haru! NOOO!"

Green energy began to gather at Haru's feet. As Helix came within a foot of cutting his head off, he pointed the sword toward the sky.


In an instant, a massive twister of wind rose up from the ground at Haru's feet. It swept around him; it's strong gale blowing in every direction. The strong winds picked up Helix like a rag doll.

Haru stood firm in the eye of the storm, his hair being fiercely swept back, the sword still in the air. The blade of Melforce glowed again, and green bursts of scythe-like energy were discharged rapidly. Driven by the wind, they ripped repeatedly into Helix's armour, as he was taken higher into the air.

The wind died down, leaving Helix hovering in the air. Elie expected him to crash to earth, but Haru wasn't done with him yet.

With the wings of the Dragon armour, Haru ascended into the air until he was level with the dropping Helix. The sword turned into Silfarion.

"HIGH SPEED EDGE!" The blade cut the air, and Helix, at lightning speed, rocking Helix's body. The force of the blows seemed to suspend him in the air.

"BLUE CRIMSON!" The flames of fire and ice appeared again, cutting into Helix and leaving smoking cross-shapes on his chest.

Finally, Haru hovered back, holding the swords aloft. They joined together for a second, and then formed into a new sword. This one had a more curved shape, and glowed with an unearthly light. Elie gasped at the sight of Million Suns. Haru swung the blade down.


A blast of pure light shot out of the sword, striking Helix and slamming him hard into the ground. The Rizion went flying, and landed with the point embedded in the ground. The flames Helix had cast around the area had died away.

Haru landed, the Dragon Armour fading away. He leaned on his sword as he caught his breath. His eyes focused on the smoking body of Helix. He didn't appear to be moving. Haru hoped he hadn't caused fatal damage, but was also extremely pleased he'd finally gotten the better of him.

"Haru!" He was tackled from behind and hit the floor. He looked up to see Elie had run into him, holding him tight.

"I knew you could do it!" She cheered. Haru blushed slightly, the feel of her body next to his was comforting… and arousing. He gave his usual grin.

"Heh, you didn't really think I was gonna give up, did you?"

"No, but still, you did give me a fright."

Haru's arm secured itself around her waist. She took his other arm and helped him up. His arm stayed were it was on her waist.

He could hear the others cheering. "Good one mate!" "You the man, Haru!" But his whole attention was devoted to Elie. Her amber eyes focused on him, projecting awe and admiration. He felt slightly odd receiving this much attention from one person. But it was her, and he felt proud to have defended her.

"Gl….Glory." A deep voice cut through the air.

Haru and Elie spun round, to see Helix standing up. His clothes were still smoking, and scars criss-crossed his body. But the anger in his eyes was obvious.

"I'm not finished yet Glory."

Haru immediately stood in front of Elie. "Just give up. You're beaten."

"I will not!" Helix yelled. "I will kill you! And I don't need this body to do it!"

Helix's eyes closed, and his body began to shudder. And as Haru watched, a transparent figure began to emerge from Helix's body, like the one Elie had seen exit Gala. Helix gave a final scream, before the creature was fully out, and solid. The body of the warrior collapsed to the ground, leaving the creature standing. Haru glared at the creature, knowing this was the true appearance of Helix. The real being that had killed Elie's mother. The creature snarled, then spoke in a rasping tone.

"I will kill you in my true body, in the old ways." The claws extended from its fingers.

Haru got ready for an attack. But he never expected Helix to rush at them at the lightning speed he did. He barrelled into the two with the force of a speeding train, sending Haru, Elie and the Eisonmeteor flying in different directions.

Elie picked herself up, slightly dazed from the strike. She hadn't expected the emancipated creature to strike so hard. She swiftly looked around to find Haru…

And froze in horror. Haru lay on the ground, pinned down by Helix as the monster clutched his throat. Haru was struggling against the alien, but Helix was too strong.

"Die, Glory!"

Elie could see that Haru was desparately trying to survive. But what could she do. She was too far away from him to reach him in time, and she couldn't fire her magic, she could hurt him.

Then she saw it, a few feet from her, embedded in the ground, was Helix's… Shiro Gear's sword, Rizion. She ran to it, grabbed the hilt, and pulled it up. For a large sword, it felt surprisingly light. But she concentrated on one task.

"HARU!!" With all her strength, she flung the sword toward the struggling duo.

Haru was beginning to slip into unconsciousness from Helix's stranglehold, when he heard Elie yell, and caught a flash of metal in the corner of his eye. There was a thud as the sword landed next to him.

Focusing as much as he could, Haru slowly reached out for the sword. He could hardly concentrate from lack of oxygen, but somehow, he felt his hand touch the handle. He gripped it hard.

With all his remaining strength, he pulled the sword toward him, then with a loud war cry, thrust the edge into Helix's chest.

The creature stopped abruptly as the blade cut into his flesh. He looked down, and Haru believed that the insect eyes showed surprise. Helix stood up, the blade sliding from his body and falling to the ground as he moved away from Haru. The Rave Master gasped for breath as Helix clutched his bleeding chest. He fell to his knees.

"How……" He croaked. "You…. are only…. Human…….."

Then he collapsed, gasping his last breath.

Haru shakily got to his feet. He was still stunned that he had killed the alien, but felt only pity for Helix. His obsession with being the best warrior had cost him his life.

"What good is it being the best, if you're not alive to enjoy it?" He thought.

He felt Elie run up and wrap her arms around him. He looked in her eyes, pleased that she was all right. Her amber eyes were damp, but looked relieved.

He gently stroked her hair. He felt safe now she was with him, and he wanted her to feel the same. He spoke softly.

"It's over. You're safe."