Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest ❯ Aftermath: Reconcil ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: The Tenshi Quest

By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.

No infringement is intended

Haru held Elie for a few seconds more. He was exhausted, but wasn't about to show it to her. She needed his support. Then…

"Ricter!" Remembering the striken man, Haru turned and raced toward the others, Elie following close behind.

Musica had been freed from the block of ice, and looked none the worst. Ethan and Angela were on their feet again, their wounds bandaged. Kady sat watching, his eyes still filled with disbelief. Haru and Elie ran past them, to reach Plue, Griff and Ricter.

Haru kneeled next to the man. His breathing was ragged, and the cut on his chest looked extremely infected. Haru turned to Plue, the creature's eyes filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry Master, I tried all I could.. but…"

"What do you mean? Can't you help him?" Haru demanded.

"He's been trying." Griff spoke up. "But for some reason, the wounds aren't healing."

"Helix must have enchanted his blade, so the wounds are resistant to my healing magic."

Elie gapsed, Haru's eyes widened. "So we can't…. NO! We have to keep trying!"

Elie knelt down. "Maybe my power can…."

Ricter grabbed Elie's arm. "No."

"No?!" She said in disbelief. "I have to heal you! You'll die otherwise!"

"It's too late." Ricter's voice, though raspy, was still calm. "The magic has done it's work. Even if you did remove it, I cannot recover. I'm done for."

"No, its not over!" Haru shouted. "We can save you! We've got Etherion!"

"It may have saved you once. But this is darker magic. And not even Etherion can stop death."

Elie was now sobbing. "No….. Please!" She gripped his arm. "Please! You're the only link to my family!"

"You have your memories back. That is enough… surely?"

"Well…." Elie could hardly speak, sorrow clouding her mind, She just wanted this to have never happened. She could not believe this man was willing to die. "I… I don't want to be the only Tenshi left!"

Ricter's hold on her arm was gentler now. He looked at her with warm eyes.

"You are not alone. There are still others of our kind around the world. Whether you choose to find them is up to you." He smiled. "But ultimately, it is not about what race you are, or what kind of being you are. It doesn't matter if you are an alien or not. It is you, your personality, your soul, that makes you whot you are."

He coughed, blood spurting slightly from his mouth. Hary supported his head.

"You needn't be afraid of being alone. No matter who or what you are, there will always be someone who cares for you. As long as you accept their love, and return it in full, you can achieve anything.

Elie smiled, and cast a look at all her friends. They had travelled all this didtance just to help her and Haru. She felt honoured they had gone to all this trouble. Her gaze rested on Haru. The man who kept risking his life for her, who gave her kindness and compassion, even when she felt she didn't deserve it.

Ricter gave out a loud groan, and his body twitched. "Hang on!" Haru yelled.

"Uhhh… Haru…. Please look after her….." Ricter gasped out. "Elisha…. I can rest now… knowing… you're safe. Li…Live your life."

He held her hand tighter. "Promise me that you'll fulfil your mother's wish, and just be happy."

Elie nodded, tears pouring form her eyes.

Ricter directed his eyes into the sky. "Millia… I'm coming back to you……"

His eyes closed. Haru felt his wrist. Sighing sadly, he rested the body onto the ground.

"Sayonara… Ricter Breeze."

Elie quietly sobbed. Musica, Ethan and Angela sighed and cast their eyes downward. Even Griff and Kady looked mournful. Plue sat down, his eyes cast in sadness.

Haru got up. The exhaustion from the fight was beginning to set in. But he couldn't rest now. A good man had died helping him. He had to pay the proper respects.

"We… we should dig a grave.. for him… We…" The last of his strength left him, and he collapsed. Elie yelling his name was the last thing he heard…

Haru awoke. As he slowly got up, he looked up at the sky, seeing it had turned to night. How long had he been asleep? He had never felt more rested. For the first time in ages, that dream had not come to him.

"But why should it? I know what it was telling me now." He thought. "That even after all that time apart, I love Elie, even if I denied to to myself."

That thought stuck in his mind. He loved her. She brought happiness to his life, and he wanted to return it to her. But even so… did she feel the same for him. She liked him… but was that enough? The notion that she might not return his affection scared him.

"Master." He heard Plue's voice next to him.

"Plue. Are you okay?" He asked, noting the animal's eyes looked morose.

"Don't worry about me Master. It's you we're worried about. You took quite a beating from Helix, and were quite exausted. By the way, your fighting was amazing. I had no doubt you would win."

"Thanks Plue." He remembered what happened to Ricter, and his smile faded a little. "Too bad it wasn't enough. I should have been faster…"

"I'm to blame Master. I should have healed him better." Plue replied bitterly. "If I had tried harder, he would still…"

Haru patted Plue's head. "Let's not blame ourselves, okay. We tried our best."

"I suppose." Plue sighed. "Oh, we did what you said, and made a grave for Ricter. There is also one for Gala and that thug."

"Great…" Haru wished no one had died in this adventure. Not even a gangster like Willis had deserved what had happen to him.

"Helix… what did you do with him?"

"It was very strange. After we dug the graves, we went to fetch the Diemen bodies, They had just…. Melted I guess. There was nothing left of them.

"I guess they need hosts for their bodies to survive on this planet."

"Oh Master, that reminds me." Plue said. "Shiro Gear. He's alive."

"He is?" Haru was surprised. After his assult with the swords, he'd had little hope Helix… the body he inhabited… would survive.

Shiro Gear… his idol….

"He's resting now. And he is no longer under the Diemen's control."

Haru looked around him. A distance behind Plue, a large campfire had been made. A few feet away, Ethan sat ending to Angela's wounds. Shiro Gear lay next to them, asleep under a blanket. Musica was watching Kady and Plue engage in a game of poker.

And next to the fire, staring into the flames, was her. The girl he'd fallen for. He could not make out her features in the shadow's the fire's light played on her, but somehow he knew, she was not happy.

He stretched slightly, and pushed himself to his feet. Getting up, he could see fresh bandages on his body. H e wondered if she had put them there, if she had felt his body. He wondered what her tender touch would be like.

"Master, you should rest…"

"So I'll rest next to Elie-chan. Besides.. I think she needs me."

He walked toward her, slight pain still residing in his chest as he moved. As he passed the others, he gave them a small wave. Musica grinned and nodded, perhaps pleased hat finally, Haru was doing something about his romantic problems.

He sat next to Elie, the heat from the fire pressing on his skin. He noticed her wings were gone, and that her eyes looked emotionless. He sighed, partly feeling sorry for her, partly just to announce his arrival.

"Hey." She looked at him and gave a weak smile. The flames made the amber in her eyes brighter, like some rare jewel. For a moment, Haru was breathless. How could any woman be that beautiful?

"Elie-chan…." His tounge left him. What could he say to make her feel better, after today? "Er, are you feeling okay?"

"I've found out I'm some kind of half-alien, my friend died, yeah, I'm fine." Her voice had a slight bitterness.

Haru winced. This was going wrong. "Look I.. er… I'll give you some time alone." He was about to leave, when Elie touched his arm. He looked at her face. Her eyes seemed to plead with him.

"Please stay."

He could hardly argue. He sat down again. The sad look on her face was heartwrenching. He just wanted to hold her, tell her how much he loved her and make her smile again. But he knew that no wasn't the time for romance. She had been hurt from the events of the day, and he had to be careful.

"So um…. What's it like, being a Tenshi." He moaned inwardly, wishing he'd come up with a better opening line.

"It's alright." She gave a small smile. "You don't have to worry about me like that. I mean, so I have wings and Etherion. It's no different to being a mermaid like Seria, or a Dragonman like Let. I have strange powers, but I'm still me."

Haru smiled. At least her origins were not affecting her. And she was right. Now matter what she was, it was the person within that he had fallen for.

"So… you're okay?"

"Sure… I'm okay…." Her voice was trembling now. "I…I'm alone now….b…but I'm okay…alone…."

She burst into tears. Instantly, he reached for her and held her to his chest. Her tears were warm on his bare chest.

He couldn't help but remember a time ages ago, after his father had been buried. He had cried at the unfairness of it all, the fact that he no longer had a father. And Elie had been there to comfort him. To let him know he had someone.

As he held her shaking body, he mind went in to directions. One where he felt Elie's pain, and silently cursed Helix and the Diemen for doing this to her. The other felt Elie's presense close to him.. it was warm, and comforting. He wanted to hold her like this forever. But not if she was crying.

"You're never alone." He said gently. "You'll always have us."

"Will I?" She spoke. "I could lose you just like I've lost my family."

Her head rested against his chest. "It was just so cruel… how Helix got rid of them….."

"I know." He said quietly. "It sucks. I look up and wish my dad hadn't gone the way he did. I know he was trying to save me, but…

I still think it shouldn't have happened."

He sighed. "It still hurts. But you have to get over it. I wasn't about to live a life of grief. I might not have saved the wold otherwise."

Elie silently listened, slightly amazed that the normally dopey, carefree Haru could be so serious, yet so comforting.

"The night after he died, I saw him in a dream. Least, I think it was a dream. That was when he told me to find the Stellar Memories. But he also told me… that as long as I hold him in my heart, he can always be with me. The same as my mum."

He smiled down on her. "That's what you got to do. Just remember all the good times you had with your parents. It won't be the same… but it's better than forgetting them altogether."

He shrugged apologetically. "Sorry. I'm not really good at this sort of thing…."

"It's okay." She replied. "You're helping."

"I wish I could do more."

"This is okay…." She edged closer to him. "Just hold me."

And for half and hour, he did just that. He held her close, but gently, occasionally stroking her hair, just to assure her. He looked down on her, taking in every detail about her. Even now, it still seemed incredible that she could exist.

But his mind was on other things. "I can't tell her now. She's still hurt and confused. I can't confuse her more, I just need to wait.. until I know she's feeling better…."

He felt annoyed that he would have to wait even longer to reveal his feelings… but she was worth it.

"Haru…." She spoke.


"Thanks. I feel better now." She shuffled up slightly so her face was level with his.

"You sure?"

"Yeah…." She gave a small smirk, but it didn't seem to lift her spirits. "You're right. My parents… they gave their lives just so I could live. They wanted me to have a good life."

She looked up to the sky. "I saw them… in something like a dream. They said I should live my life how I wanted."

She sighed and leaned against Haru. "I know my people can never have the community they had before. But I have to move on. I can't live in the past."

"But then….." Her voice shuddered. "I don't know what to do in the future either."

Haru blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I've never thought about anything else in my future except finding my memories. But now that I have them back… what do I do with my life?"

That certainly stumped him. The question had never occurred to him either.

"I mean, should I try to find the other Tenshi? Should I fight the Diemen? How can I fight them?" She looked at the feet. "I don't even have a place to live."

Haru looked at the sad girl next to him, wondering what he could do to cheer her up. The idea then struck him, and a wide smile hit his face.

"You can live with me."

"What?" Elie face rose up to look at him in a confused manner.

"I said, you can live with me. I have a spare room in my house. You're welcome to have it."

She was stunned. "Haru…. That's so…. I can't."

"Sure you can." Haru held her shoulders. "Please Elie. I won't mind having you around, and I'm sure my sister won't either. Please, don't refuse just because you feel you have to do things on your own. I want to help."

One look at his tender eye were all that was needed to convince her. She hugged him tight.

"You are so good to me… what did I do to deserve you?"

He grinned again. "You were just… you…"

Elie leaned against him, her eyes closing.

"He wants me to live with him… maybe… he does…like me…."

She fell asleep. Haru gently got up, and laid her down on the grass. He brushed a hand through her hair.

"You get some rest… angel…" He said softly.

Getting up, he saw Plue sitting nearby. "Elie's coming to live with us Master?"

"Yep. She's getting the spare room."

"Funny. I thought you humans were meant to tell a person you loved them before letting them live with you."

Haru chuckled. I guess so. But I can't tell her yet. She needs a bit of time… time to feel better."

"Just make sure you do tell her. It wouldn't be nice to make her wait."

Haru nodded. "Hey, is Shiro Gear alright? I want to talk to him."

"He should be. How come you want to talk to him?"

"I dunno. Just to make sure he's alright. Besides, he is a legend."

He walked over to where the man was lying on the ground. Haru felt nervous. This was Shiro Gear, one of the greatest warriors ever. The man who had inspired him to learn to fight and protect Cattleya. Plus, there was the fact that he had been controlled by evil not long ago. Would he attack? He crouched down, Plue sitting nearby, waiting in case his master needed him.

Shiro Gear's opened, and he noticed Haru's presense as he propped himself up on his elbow. "Glory…"

"Yeah, its me. Do you want something to drink?"

Shiro lifted his hand and looked at it, as if seeing it for the first time. His eyes were wide and blank.

"He's gone…"

"Helix?" Haru grinned slightly. "Yeah, he left your body. His mistake, I took him out easily.." He stopped when he saw Shiro was shuddering, and tears running down his face. His hands covered his face.

"Thank God…. He's gone…." He mumbled.

Haru looked at the man, saddened to see a great warrior reduced to this. How long had Helix controlled his body and used it for his own ends?

Shiro rubbed his face. "I apologise. I did not mean to look foolish."

"It's okay." Haru put all the hero worship aside, This was a man who needed comfort. "I can understand your reasons. I can't imagine what it was like… being controlled."

"Not… pleasant." Shiro gasped out. His eyes appeared haunted. "God, it must have been six years ago. He took me completely unawares. But the worst part… was that I was still there. Though my conciousness was pushed away, I was still there, and could still get impressions of what was happening, could still see what was going on. That… thing. The atrocities he did."

"He looked at the Rizion sword. "Helix was a monster in every sense of the word. He was totally obsessed with getting rid of anyone he thought was insuperior. He would attack towns, kill innocents….. Everytime someone came to challenge him, I preyed that they would be strong enough to defeat him. But for six years, he was unbeaten. Until you came along."

A slight smile came to his lips. "I was quite impressed. For someone so young, your skill is magnificent."

Haru blushed. "Ah well, I try."

Shiro sighed. "If only I had tried to resist him, none of this would have come to past."

"Look, don't blame yourself. It was him who tried to kill us, him who killed Ricter. You're not to blame."

"Maybe so, but the fact remains that I was used for their terror campains." He stared at his hands. "Their blood will be on my hands, always."

Haru swallowed. "You know, there are lots of things I wish I could have changed. Like… when my father gave his life to save me. I blamed myself for a while, for dragging him into my troubles. But I knew that he wouldn't want to to blame myself. He would have told me to get on with my life. And also…" He grinned. "I thought of you, and how you always strived to fight, no matter what got in your way. You never gave up, and whet it comes to it, neither will I!

Shiro smiled. "I'm glad I have managed to inspire at least one person."

"Thank you. I just hope… I can aspire you to get on with your life."

"You have done that just fine."

He glanced over at the fire "You should be with her. She will need her knight."

"I'm hardly her knight." Haru mumbled.

"I could see the determination in your eyes. You fought for her."

"Well, yeah, but…."

He then noticed Shiro had fallen asleep again. Sighing, he plodded back to Elie, and gently laid himself down on the ground next to her. His arm crossed over to hold her.

Maybe he was no knight.

But he had an angel to defend.

"Come on guys! I know you can move it faster than that." Elie said gaily. "I thought you guys were tough."

She followed Haru and Musica as they carried a large metal trunk slowly down the corridor of the temple, towards the exit. Plue sat on the trunk.

"You could help you know." Musica grunted.

"And miss seeing you two get all hot and sweaty? No chance."

Haru flushed slightly at that. The two friends managed to get the trunk outside. Haru blinked in the morning light. Nearby, Ethan, Anglea, Kady and Griff watched them dump the trunk on the ground. Shiro Gear was farther away, looking a bit distant.

"Careful!" Elie cried.

Musica wiped his brow and flung open the trunk, throwing Plue into the air. "What crap have you got in here anyway?"

"It's not crap!" Elie shoved Musica aside, then looked tenderly inside. "They're some things I found in the rooms where everyone lived. These are my mother and father's things, and some things of Resha's, and just some Tenshi stuff…."

"Oh man, I'm sorry." Musica apologised. He and the others looked into the trunk. At the bottom were several old books, a viewing device like the one seen in the memory room, and a pile of disks for the device. Placed nearer the top were some folded up dressed and clothes, a photo portfolio, and several items made out of silver and metal. Haru recognised some jewellery in a box, some small sculptures, and a few bladed weapons.

Elie reached in, and picked up a small photo. It was of her as a child with her parents. She looked at it sadly.

"At least, I can keep a part of my parents, and my people with me."

Musica hefted out what looked like a short spear. When he waved it slightly, it extended out to about six feet. He stared at the stylized spearhead, a shape he could have never concived, let alone crafted with his skills.

"They certainly knew their weapons. These are some impressive pieces."

"I know. But I like these best of all." Elie took two blades out and held them out. They were narrow shards of crystal, about three feet long, with metal blades inset in the sides. At the end were two handles, and Elie held them in the same manner as her ton-fas.

"Nice huh? And I think I can use these with a bit of practice."

Kady eyed them, "Yeah, very nice. Would fetch a nice price in Punk Street…." He reached for another blade, but Elie slammed the lid shut.

"Don't you dare! Some of these are heirlooms! And I won't have you disgracing my family's memory."

"Easy!" Kady trembled. "Have a heart miss. That arse Helix didn't pay me."

"You should be lucky you get to leave here alive." Ethan spoke. "By the way, you remember our deal…."

"I know, I know, I won't say anything about this place." He chuckled. "Doubt anyone would believe me anyway."

"Good." Elie said. "I don't think any of the Diemen know where this place is, but we must be careful."

Musica heard his cellphone ring, and answered it.

"Okay, put her down just outside." He hung up. "Herby's outside with the airship. Lets go."

He and Musica lifted the trunk, and with Elie leading the way, they walked through the small tunnel leading back out of the plateau. As they left, Elie closed the forcefield.

"Stand back guys." Haru moved closer, got the Eisonmeteor out, and transformed it into Gravity Core. "Just to make sure…"

He stabbed the sword into the ground. The ground around him shuddered and shook, the force of his small earthquake causing a small rockslide to fall and cover the entrance.

Elie looked on as the shaking stopped, sadness in her eyes. Haru moved closer and held her shoulder.

"If you ever want to go back, I can clear the entrance." He said softly. She smiled.

A few seconds later, Musica's new airship, the Advent, flew into view, the crew waving from the main deck. It desended onto the ground, a hatch on the underside lowering to provide access.

"Nice!" Kady commented as he stepped onto the Bombay. "Don't suppose you could drop me as far as my van, could ya?"

Musica nodded as he and Haru hefted the chest on. Haru then walked over to Shiro. "Anywhere you want to go?"

Shiro looked at the horizon. "I would prefer to go alone. It's been too long since I went anywhere on my own. I would like to wander a while, forget all this… just to find my human side."

"I see. Well… I guess this is goodbye."

"Before you go, there are some things I must tell you." Shiro's voice turned serious. The group crowded closer to him.

"First of all, even though Haru, defeated Helix, one of the Diemen's top warriors, it doesn't mean their plans have stopped. While Helix controlled me, I was able to get brief glimpses of his thoughts. He came to this temple to retrieve something, I don't know what."

"A weapon perhaps?"

"Maybe, but I got the impression from him that the item he wanted was to be used for a much greater plan." He rubbed his eyes. "Sadly, I was unable to find this plan. I doubt even he was told."

"Lovely." Musica quipped. "Any idea where these freaks are so we could stop them?"

"I regret, I can no longer remember the location of their current base. They are always moving from place to place anyway. Top find them would either take some incredible luck… or you would have to wait until they came to you."

Elie shuddered slightly, and Haru moved closer to her.

"Guess we won't be trying to find them anytime soon."

"It would be hard, but ultimately, you will just have to prey they come your way. And while they few warriors as powerful as Helix was, their leader, a person named Tyrant, has untold fighting and magical prowess. It would probably take all the power you possess, maybe more, to defeat him."

"I hope so." Haru said. He raised his fist. "If this coward wants to hurt my family, he'll have to get past me first."

Elie blinked at that. Was he calling her… family?

Shiro smiled. "I have no doubt or your courage Haru." He lifted the Rizion sword of his back. "It makes me more proud to give this to you." He held the sword toward Haru.

Haru blinked. "Wha?"

"Rizion is now yours."

Everyone stared in shock. Haru couldn't speak. Rizion, one of the mightiest swords in the world, and he was giving it to him?

"You can't… I… I don't deserve this."

"You do." Shiro affirmed. "After all I have been through, I don't think I can bring myself to fight again. I just want peace. But this sword needs a warrior worthy of holding it. And I can think of no one worthier than the Rave Master."

Haru smiled wider, his confidence taking a flying leap. If Shiro Gear believed in him….

"I… I'm honoured." He took the sword. "Thank you."

Shiro smiled. "The honour is mine. I have no dount that when the Diemen do make their strike, you and Elie will stop them."

He picked up a bag he had prepared. "Time for me to leave. I wish you all good luck for the future."

As he walked off, they all gave him shouts and goodbyes. They watched as he walked off into the horizon,

"Think he'll be alright?" Musica asked.

Haru smiled. "Yeah. He just has a life to get back. A bit like us." He patted his friend's back. "Come on, lets go home."

"Hope you got a good excuse to give to your sister."

The group got onto the ship's Bombay, and it lifted into the air. As it flew away, Elie looked onto the plateau, at the place of her birth.

"Thank you mother, father… I've got my past back…." She looked at Haru, who was leaning over the side waving at Shiro. A smile adorned her face

"Now… I have to find my future…."