Gundam SEED Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hell Knows No Fury Like A Woman Scorned ❯ Crossing Glances ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SailorStar9: A new chapter up and no review
SailorStar9: Was about time I updated this fic. Anyway, this is Chapter 8. Read and review.
Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue. R&R and no flames. Flames will extinguished by a fire extinguisher.
Chapter 8: Crossing Glances

The next morning, Kira, Lacus, Murrue Ramius and Andrew Waltfeld were escorted to Merci's Head Office.
“Merci...” Kira blinked at his adopted sister.
The new ruler of the Sanc Kingdom nodded in acknowledgment.
“Reconstructing the Sanc Kingdom in less than three weeks, I'm impressed.” Andrew praised.
“Thank you.” Merci replied softly. “I was lucky that Uzumi Nara Athha retained most of the Kingdom's buildings, including this castle.”
“Your aides said that you knew of my assassination attempt.” Lacus voiced out. “How did you know of it?”
“I have my ways.” Merci replied, smiling.
Then, she turned serious. “Chairman Dullindal... he's a complex character.”
Kira nodded in agreement, “You sensed it too.”
Merci nodded, “Yes, I had planted some of my aides near him and they have uncovered something rather... disturbing.”
“Disturbing? How so?” Murrue asked, her eyes trailing to the girl who had gotten up from her seat and was walking to the large window.
“Chairman Dullindal has been planning something he calls the 'Destiny Plan'. I do not know the specifics but it is related to his passionate speech to the entire world about defeating the warmongering Logos, and creating a new world where war no longer exists.” Merci replied. “I think that this plan of his would implement a new world order where every human is given the role for which they are best genetically suited at birth. I'm sure this would fulfill the Chairman's ideal of perfect genetic determinism, as this should be the ultimate goal of all Coordinators. Under this theory, humans will no longer fight against others for things that they wish, since each person's destiny are predetermined at birth.”
“But that would...” Lacus gasped.
“Yes.” Merci nodded. “It would restrict human freedom of thought and action and that, should he succeed in implementing the 'Destiny Plan', the Chairman would effectively become a dictator. It's no different from the 'Great Purification' Neo-Queen Serenity has proposed.”
“The 'Great Purification'?” the other four chorused.
Merci nodded, “I'm sure all of you know of the Sailor Senshi and their battles. The 'Great Purification' took place after Wiseman attacked. After much deliberation, a decision was reached; to banish evil from all the peoples of Earth then-living. Neo Queen Serenity summoned the great power of the Ginzuishou and sent a wave of her sacred power over the surface of the planet, banning all feelings of violence and hatred from the minds of her subjects. Crime ended and peace reigned supreme.”
“In theory, it sounded like the perfect plan, but there was one problem, the children of these purified parents were not born with their parents' perfect morality, and like generations before, they were subject to hatred, fear and crime.” Merci continued. “What Serenity didn't know was that purification destroys a person's ability to distinguish good and bad. When there are no longer any distinctions between 'bad' and 'good', all things became good. And then, all things are loved equally.”
“Oh god...” Lacus gasped in appall understanding.
“What is your next step?” Kira asked, after some time.
Merci did not have time to answer when one of her guards knocked and entered the office.
“The press awaits your announcement, Princess.” the guard reported.
Merci nodded and excused herself.

Minutes later, the ruler of the Sanc Kingdom took her place at the long conference table as numerous cameras flashed around her.
“I am Princess Merci Peacecraft of the Sanc Kingdom.” she began. “The world is entering a new era and in order of peace to be attained, national boundaries should be eliminated as they create conflicts. Only by forming the World Nation can there be a future.”
“Excellent.” Unato Ema Saran applauded.”In order to achieve this goal, all those who oppose would be removed by the Atlantic Federation's forces.”
“No, that isn't right, Mr. Saran.” Merci objected.
“What?” Unato retorted.
“I will not ally my country with a country that unilaterally declared war and used nuclear weapons.” Merci told him.
“First of all, total disarmament is necessary.” she announced. “And I will set an example by disarming Sanc Kingdom from this moment on. Only then can the people live in the peace they desire. Moreover, we must declare that the era which weaponry controls everything is over.”
“But this will allow outsiders to threaten us.” Unato pointed out.
“The only threat comes from weapons, nuclear or not.” Merci rebuked. “If the rulers themselves do not put down their weapons, then the peace that everyone has been hoping for will never exist!”
“Curses! That woman!” Unato spat.
“For the sake of peace, the world must change!” Merci declared.
“Silence!” Unato protested. “There's no need for us to change, not when we've been following tradition for so long.”
“But I feel the Princess' opinions have more impact than yours, Prime Minister.” the newly-appointed Foreign Ambassador replied.
“Ambassador Valder.” Unato turned to look at the middle-aged man.
“If it's for the peace...” one of the more minor ministers voiced out.
“But, if we lose our army...” one of the generals from the Defense Ministry objected.
“That's the Princess for you.” one of the major ministers of the Trade Ministry nodded.
“She really is the great-granddaughter of King Peacecraft.” his companion replied.
They will understand. Merci mused.
“To all of the ministers present today, please listen to what I have to say.” she added. “In order for a new peaceful era, the world must change! I will announce this once more, for the formation of a World Nation, all factions, including the Atlantic Federation, must put down all weapons and disarm themselves.”
“Nicely put Princess.” Ambassador Valder applauded.
“Yes, why shouldn't we change for the sake of peace?” the Defense Minister agreed.
“She really is the Goddess of Peace.” the Trade Minister remarked.

In front of the television screen in Merci's office, Andrew laughed heartily when Merci's heartfelt speech ended.
“That sister of yours, Kira.” he turned to the teen. “is really something.”
“Total disarmament.” Murrue mused outloud. “She really is the descendant of King Peacecraft.”
“But if she totally disarms Sanc, what happens if the Atlantic Federation attacks?” Lacus asked.
“I will defend her and this country.” Kira promised.

On the Minerva, Talia and her crew listened intently to the Sanc Kingdom ruler's speech.
“Total disarmament...” Talia mused.
“Forming a World Nation.” Arthur interrupted her thoughts. “Do you think her ideals would work, captain?”
“There is truth in what she says.” Talia replied. “I expected nothing less from the 'Peacemaker'.”

Back on PLANT, Athrun was watching the direct telecast and was amazed by how much Merci had grown.
Total disarmament, Merci really has grown. Cagalli would never have done what she did, not under the pressure of the Sarans anyway. He mused.
A knock on his door alerted him and Athrun got up to open his door, only to find Yzak and Dearka outside.
He was literally manhandled by Yzak. Yzak entered into the apartment with Dearka and demanded what was going on. He informed Athrun that they were both busy and were pulled from the battlefield to provide escort service.
Dearka voiced his opinion, saying that because of the current situation, Athrun was not allowed to roam the city freely as a foreign citizen.
Athrun replied he was told he would have to have an escort to go out, but he had not expected it would be his former comrades.
As they left, Yzak threatened that if Athrun wanted to go shopping, he would never forgive him.
Athrun replied he only wanted to go to the cemetery because he did not get a chance to visit the PLANTs too often.
Once at the cemetery, the three of them laid flowers at the graves of Nicol Amalfi, Rusty Mackenzie and Miguel Aiman.
Yzak and Dearka told Athrun that ZAFT was making its move, and Dearka felt that the Alliance would not give up with their attempts to annihilate Coordinators.
Yzak wanted Athrun to come back to ZAFT and promised to help arrange things. He added that he and Dearka should have died long ago, and he mentioned something that Chairman Dullindal said about not punishing young people for fighting in the war because they had to carry PLANT's future. Yzak informed Athrun that he was still in ZAFT because it was the only thing he could do to protect people and carry on for his dead friends.

Back in the Sanc Kingdom, Andrew sent out a broadcast on a secret ZAFT radio channel to the Minerva. He informed Talia that they had to leave Carpentaria as soon as the Atlantic Federation dropped forces to Gibraltar and Carpentaria in response to Princess Merci's declaration.
Talia informed him that she would not accept messages from anonymous sources, and Andrew simply told her it was a message from the Desert Tiger under the Princess' request. Talia decided to depart from Carpentaria the next morning.

Back on PLANT, Athrun immediately requested a meeting with Chairman Dullindal.

SailorStar9: That's it, for now anyway. Read and review.