Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Eternal ❯ You Never Know Which Way the Wind Will Blow ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warning: Story may contain mild profanity and may provoke mild to moderate insanity.
Yasuo: Okay not really. Points to the insanity part But you can't blame me for wanting to put in a joke.
Yarisha: Hey we're back! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Coming up and tying in the plot as I help Yasuo write this is getting tough! >O.O<
Yasuo: It's true. Keeping the aspect and big picture of this story is kind of hard since we're including the plot of the true series, which is a complex mass of war.
Athrun: Yeah, yeah. Disclaimer, Koh.
Kohji: Yes, sir! Mock salute Disclaimer: Yasuo, the author (and living muse for Yarisha), does not own Gundam Seed or it's characters. They belong rightfully to the companies who purchase them and to Hajime Yatate and Yoshiyuki Tomino. Original characters do, however, belong to him, including: Kohji, Misota, and various other characters.
Yasuo: Well, so far the prologue was no problem. So naturally I'm slowly working myself into a writer's block!
Athrun: Stop trying to get out of writing, you slacker.
Kira and Kohji: Enjoy everyone!!
Italics = Thoughts
(A.N: …) = Author's Notes
*_* = End and Start of story
*~* = Scene change
Bold = quotes or semi important words/Intro
= End of Intro
<<<< = Scene change for one person
It's easy to tell who your real friends are. They're the ones that stab you in the front.
Year 70 of the Cosmic Era. Tensions are mounting between Earth and the Zaft organization, due to the Blood Valentine tragedy these tensions suddenly escalated into a full-scale war. It seemed a forgone conclusion that the Earth Forces with its superior numbers would be victorious, but these initial assessments proved to be false. Almost eleven months have passed since the conflict began, with no end in sight.
Industrial College, Heliopolis:
“These images show reports of heavy fighting on the South China front. Last week the ZAFT Army closed in at just three and a half miles from the spaceport. More news when we have returned.” The screen on the laptop showed GINNs, a Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter, coming in close to city on the South China front called Kaohsiung. Kira typed away at a program given to him by his professor, his eyes flickering between the laptop and the information papers; finally his gaze shifted back to his laptop. The screen closed automatically as he tapped a key on the keyboard. Kira was sick of hearing about the war. He was a sixteen-year-old youth, but his slight and slender figure made him seem younger for his age. His brown hair and light amethyst eyes gave him a slightly foreign look. He was always quiet and somewhat shy, and he kept to himself most of the time, but was a likeable person. Now, he sat alone at a picnic table, typing away at extra work he had to finish. Sunlight flittered through the swaying trees, and all around students were laughing and walking along. By all counts this was a normal college campus scene. Then of course you'd figure out that this was Heliopolis, a space colony located at L3 in orbit far above the Earth, and that beneath the grass you treaded on was an alloy frame three hundred and thirty feet thick, and even farther down was the great big vacuum of space. Heliopolis itself was vast at fifteen miles long and two miles wide; it was powered by solar mirrors on its surface that looked like long, thin petals of glass. Birdy, a gold and emerald robotic version of a bird, swooped down and perched itself on Kira's laptop. “Birdee?” It chirped with a mechanically engineered voice as its head clicked to the side. Kira chuckled at his most treasured possession. Every time he saw Birdy it brought back wonderful memories of the boy who built it and his better half.
Earth's moon colony, four years earlier:
Kira stared up at Athrun, fighting back the tears that stung the back of his eyes; because this might be this might be the last time he ever saw him. “I think father worries far too much,” Athrun told him quietly, his young voice was soft and self-confident. It startled Kohji from his thoughts and calmed Kira. “There won't be a war between the PLANTs and Earth.” Kohji wasn't so sure, they knew that, but Kira nodded solemnly; he trusted Athrun. Athrun sighed heavily. “But they told us to evacuate anyway, so we will have to go.” Kohji's head snapped up at that remark, and his stomach clenched as he willed back his tears. Kira looked down at the ground. Athrun and his parents were Coordinators, just like Kohji's family, but Kira was different. He was a first generation Coordinator, because his parents were Naturals. Although none of them completely understood the political reasons, it was obvious that their separation wasn't going to be avoided. Athrun smiled lightly. “Don't worry,” He encouraged gently. “You'll go to a PLANT soon, too, just like Kohji will in two months.” Kira looked up at both his friends' faces and smiled. Athrun continued, “Besides, I'm sure we'll meet again.” Kohji merely nodded silently, still not saying a word. Athrun was just about to leave before he turned back around and pulled a mechanical bird from his pocket and handed it to Kira. “I made it for you.” Kira smiled again and muttered a small, “Thanks.” He held the bird in his hands tightly and watched Athrun curiously as he walked over to Kohji, who was looking away. Athrun stopped right in front of him and waited a minute before throwing his arms around Kohji's neck and hugging him tightly, Kohji immediately responded. Before they could stop themselves both Kohji and Athrun began to cry over each other's shoulders. It was like a dam breaking and it caused a chain reaction with Kira, who had a hard time keeping it all back. “You jerk. You can't leave us here to wait for a war can you?” Sniffed out Kohji, stepping back. Athrun sighed heavily and shook his head he turned away with a wave of his hand and walked away toward a limo waiting to take him away, and as he reached the door he turned back. He glanced at the friends he'd become so close to and smiled lightly as he noticed they were holding each other's hand. “Kohji,” Athrun shouted. “Take care of Kira.”
“Kiiiraaaa! Any breaking news?” Kira jumped slightly as Tolle Koenig squeezed into the seat next to him and peeking and poking at his computer screen. “Hey, Tolle.” Kira greeted in a friendly voice. Miriallia Haw leaned over the taller boy's shoulder to look also. Kira shook his head and pulled the news screen back up so the three of them could watch as black smoke billowed up from large explosions, mobs of people fleeing through the streets, and rows of buildings being demolished as GINNs stormed the city. The battle was being held on Earth below, but for some reason the pictures made it seems so much closer. Last year the ZAFT Army started invading Earth from the large PLANT colonies in space. Everyone on Heliopolis, which was a neutral territory, watched with baited breath as the disagreement unfolded on the news, but since ZAFT and the Earth Alliance had been equal in power for so long, it was normal for these hostilities to occur. “Here at point-four miles from South China, the sounds of destruction boom!” A reporter shouted into his microphone, motioning to the scene behind him. “Great,” Tolle began sarcastically. “Only one week and China is already falling into ZAFT's grasp?” Despite how annoying Tolle could be, Kira enjoyed being around him and enjoyed the boy's honest and straightforward attitude. An adding bonus was that Tolle and Miriallia were always good company, no matter where they were, and they were his closet friends here on Heliopolis. “South China is sort of close, isn't it? Will Orb turn into a war zone? Will we be okay?” Miriallia asked nervously, glancing up at the boys. Tolle shrugged saying, “Sure we will. This is a neutral colony. It'll never become a war zone.” Kira frowned inwardly, while nodding at Miriallia. He thought the Tolle's optimistic outlook on the war reminded him a lot of Athrun. Kohji of course thought a war was inevitable. Athrun thought otherwise, but then again, Athrun had been wrong…
ZAFT Mechanics Collage, Hydra:
“Still looking for a family, huh, Misaki? That Bloody Valentine is still taking a toll after eleven months!” A tall mechanic shouted up a Kohji as he jumped from the experimental GINN. He smoothed out his sleeveless black shirt and blue jeans as he floated down from the cockpit in zero gravity. “Yeah…” He muttered. The mechanic shrugged and finished with a well-placed grin, “Ya know. I heard some rumors on the upper deck that there's a family of Coordinators looking for a second son around sixteen. Heard they we're real nice.” At that Kohji bolted from the maintenance and sortie floor as soon as he feet touched the metal ground, and headed straight for the upper deck. “Hope he doesn't figure out their looking for a second son to send to the ZAFT Army.” The mechanic grinned.
Kohji slowed as he entered the main level, everything was silent and a group of boys were lined up against the wall, a family passing by each one, looking for a perfect one. Kohji took up the space beside the last one and whispered, “So this the family looking for a second son?” “Yeah,” the red head answered back, his gray eyes shooting one of the other boys a look. “They're super nice but the downside is that they already have a son named Nicol Amalfi. That guy there is a one of the advisors sent form him.” The red haired pointed to said boy, his violet hair making him easy to spot. “Him!? The one who has a smiling face and purple hair that is now staring at… Hey!” Kohji shouted as the boy smiled at him nicely, and he quickly put his hand over his mouth as the family looked up at him. He looked down as a blush colored his face. “Smooth.” The red head joked as he punched Kohji's arm. Kohji shot him a look. “Ya know, Koh, the Amalfi are taking their time. We should spar to kill the time.” The red head muttered with an animated hand making his companion smirk. “Not to mention show off, huh, Ryouhei?” Kohji responded as they walked over to a sparring mat in the middle of the room. Ryouhei winked as he took the left end of the mat and pulled off his shoes. Kohji mirrored his moves on the right side and discarded his shirt so the former wouldn't be able to grip the cloth and possibly rip it. He dropped it beside the mat and grinned at Ryouhei saying loudly, “Ready, jelly arms?” Ryouhei snarled at him with a glare and shot forward, plowing Kohji backwards to the edge of the mat. Kohji kept grinning as he slow the impacted and dug his heel into the mat behind him so he wasn't pushed out of bounds. A dead silence hung over the lobby as everyone's attention focused on the boys. Kohji punched both shoulder joints of Ryouhei- who immediately cried out and let go -and jumped behind him. Ryouhei spun around and met him with a punch. “You're getting better!” Ryouhei yelled in excitement as he danced around Kohji. The latter stilled and followed his movements, his eyes darting to unoccupied parts of the mat. Ryouhei's grin flattered as he ran forward at him. Kohji flipped into the air, high above him, and came down hard with his elbow on an empty piece of matting, where his elbow connected with an almost invisible Ryouhei's head. He crumbled to the ground with a groan. Kohji sat, straddling his back with a triumphant grin. “You cheated!” Declared the downed Ryouhei with a choked voice as Kohji climbed off him. “Whatever. You just can't fight, Ryou.”
Kohji help him up and patted him on the back; they shook hands. “Well, I should've known you'd beat my double ganger trick one of these days. You're a worthy opponent, Misaki! Soon you'll be the…” “BOYS! What ARE you doing!?” Screamed the manager of the west block colony her green hair framing her angered face; both boys flinched violently and tried to hide behind one another. “How DARE you spar at a time like this! We have guest and here you are acting like immature brats!” She shouted at them as stood in front of them. “Ugh! You're covered in sweat too!! You could at least towel yourselves off!! I swear, why do I keep you two around!?” She continued to lecture them as the other boys in line snickered shamelessly. Kohji bit back a retort as she shouted something at Ryouhei about giving him bad ideas. “And you, Kohji Misaki Asuka, know better than this! You do this every time a family comes around! How do you expect to get taken in with the way you act, you little brat!” She turned back and screamed at him. “ENOUGH!” Kohji screamed in annoyance. The room grew silent once more as he advanced on the manager. “You know why you keep us here? I'll tell you! We're the best you've ever had. Ryouhei and me are the best freakin' programmers ever and we can pilot the GINNs better then most of the adults who designed them! Without us you couldn't do anything with those machines! I do this every time because those families that come aren't looking for a fighter… they're looking for some polite little snot nose spoiled brat who they can pamper. We both don't want a family like that. Ryouhei wants to fight in the war and I want to end it. Waiting here and engineering mechs for the war to continue on in a stalemate isn't getting anything done. You don't understand half the things I do so don't judge them.” He finished, shaking, as he turned and ran out the door, tears threatening to spill loose. Ryouhei glared at the manager and shouted a curse at her so loudly it echoed through the silent room. He looked back toward the door and sighed as he walked toward the family. “If you want a polite kid then the people in this line are all yours. If you want true fighters with talents beyond coordinator programming, Kohji and I are what you need. If you want someone who wants to end this war and make it so we all leave in peace pick Koh. If it's the opposite then pick me; Naturals killed both are parents. Here.” He flung a piece of paper in the air and the advisor stepped forward from the wall and caught it, opening it he cocked his head to the right. “It's his room number. I'm on call duty so I gotta go. Choose well, Amalfi family. Buh bye.” He walked away, entering an elevator and taking it to the top floor. The family looked at their advisor and nodded silently; he smiled brightly and took of running to the door Kohji had taken.
Industrial Collage, Heliopolis:
A team of ten ZAFT members approached the colony of Heliopolis in stealth, among them stood Athrun Zala. He and the other nine, dressed in identical airtight spacesuits, snuck into a large exhaust port. “Time, Zala.” One grunted as they slowed decisively. Athrun checked his watched calmly, its count down nearing zero. Beep. The monitoring device on the exhaust port suddenly cut off on time. Athrun motioned forward and the team slid inside the shaft, scattering silently to the strategic locations the plan stated, and planted a small black box. Athrun carefully set his timer with determination. The pulsing light from the display panel reflected in his deep emerald eyes. “Easy pickings.” A teammate grinned quietly as they readied.
“Calling approaching ZAFT vessels! You are in direct violation of your treaty with Orb! Cease your actions at once. I repeat. Cease your actions at once.” A communications officer ordered in the intercom he held over his face. Senior officers hurried into control room above the Archangel's docking bay as personnel worked frantically to prepare for the suspected battle. “Why aren't they slowing their advance?” One muttered quietly, his nerves on edge. Suddenly, all communication channels sounded out a deafening white noise that echoed throughout the room. “Strong electronic wave interference,” An operator shouted out, “emanating from the ZAFT vessels!!” Silence engulfed the room and each person felt panic rise. “Sir, this is obviously a hostile act!” A senior officer said, making ZAFT's intent painfully clear to everyone in the room. At the same time, a freighter the size of a diminutive building sped into Heliopolis's port. From its bridge, Lieutenant Mu La Flaga touched a communications screen and radioed into the control tower. Despite the electrical interference coming through, his voice was clear, asking calmly, “The enemy?” “Two ships,” the communications officer replied in a panic frenzy. “ZAFT. One Nazca and one Laurasia-class confirmed advancing toward us at top battle speed. Lieutenant, just before the interference hit, we confirmed the launch of mobile suits.” “What about the G recruits?” La Flaga asked immediately, his face showing a steeled expression. “They've arrived, sir, and should be ready to board.” “That's the first good news I've heard all day,” he muttered, relaxing. “Don't depart without me. I'm headed to my Zero right now!!” Mu La Flaga was a slim man with blonde hair, in his mid-twenties. He had roughly handsome features that gave him a commanding presence. His bravery was renowned as the star pilot of the Earth Alliance Forces.
“Come on, come on, come on!” He murmured repeatedly. His freighter flew into the hanger bay where the mobile armors we lined up. A mobile armor, which the Earth Alliance Forces had boasted an overwhelming number of, is a powerful one-man space cruiser. Unfortunately, they rarely served as a match for the ZAFT humanoid mobile suits. Mobile suits were designed specifically for the abilities of their Coordinator pilots. These suits could operate easily in both space and on land with the propulsion wings placed on their backs. The war and victory were hinged on the firepower of these modern weapons. As La Flaga's freighter entered the mobile armors, a corrupted radio transmission was patched through. “Mobile suits have infiltrated the harbor entrance! We can't possibly hold them back! There are two coming this wa -!” The radio went dead and in its place was the low drone of static interference. Cursing under his breath, La Flaga bent toward the intercom. “Captain! Get your ship out of there! They've gained control of the port. We're on our way out.” “Roger that, Lieutenant Mu La Flaga.” The Captain radioed back. La Flaga grinned as he thought of the job he was assigned with; he had to provide as an escort for the cadets stationed on the Archangel. “Time to show those newbies how it gets done around here!”
Outside, on the upper deck of the Morgenroete factory, a first class ZAFT pilot named Yzak Joule turned to his companions, lowering his high-performance binoculars. “It's exactly how Commander Creuset said,” he muttered with an icy tone to match his icy expression. Yzak was a great pilot but kept in constant competition with Athrun Zala. Athrun, for the most part, tried to avoid Yzak has much as he could. Next to Yzak, Dearka Elsman chuckled. “What, with the right amount of prodding they're sure to come out of their holes? These are Naturals, Yzak.” The team watched, as things became a frantic mass of chaos of the factory floor. Judging by the Naturals forced grins, Athrun could tell that their ZAFT battleships had been detected and caused the panic. They each watched as a chestnut-haired officer in a factory uniform shouted orders. She motioned to a trailer loaded with huge containers. “There,” Athrun said. “That's our target.” Yzak smiled darkly. “Naturals can be really stupid, huh? Underestimating us.” He pushed the transmitter button and waited beside Dearka. Athrun squatted beside Nicol Amalfi, fifteen years of age, his delicate features and polite up bringing belittled his incredible talents as a pilot. Athrun easily spotted his nervous gaze directed at the trailer. He comfortingly patted the boy's arm and gave him a small grin. Behind them, Rusty McKenzie teasingly jabbed Nicol in the back, whispering, “Do those mean ol' Naturals scare you? Awe, don't worry, I'll protect you.” Nicol and Athrun shot him a look. They were teenage boys, but because of what they were they had incredibly heightened abilities, they preformed their duties like adults. This mission would be no exception, even if it was against a group of incompetent fools. “It's time,” Athrun said calmly. All the counters hit zero, explosion rippled throughout the factory district, people and equipment were blown apart in the inferno. Before anyone could react to the sudden attack, secondary explosions tore through the wall. Debris and dead bodies littered the floor. Mobile suits broke through the port and descended on Morgenroete. The killing machines gouged buildings with rifle fire and crushed passing vehicles easily. To all the Natural officer's dismay, all hell broke loose. The new weapon convoy desperately tried to navigate through the chaos while countless vibrations rocked the transport station. Seeing the distinct advantage, the team moved in.
Running after the stranger without thinking, Kira left his friends to the factory workers. “Kira!” Tolle called after him. “Don't worry.” Kira shouted over his shoulder. He tailed after the boy all the way to the factory district before catching up. He finally grabbed hold of a slender arm, before an explosion blew through the hallway. The boy's hat blew off in the wind, revealing the feminine features and long golden blonde hair hidden in it. Kira stared into those defiant orange eyes, shocked. “You're a…a girl?” “Yeah. What'd you think I was, huh? Let's hear it!” The girl demanded, glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Kira thought sarcastically. He though she was a guy with the unapproachable way she carried herself back at the lab. An uncomfortable silence stretched between them, broken occasionally by the distant explosions. Ripping her arm from Kira's grip, she said, “Why are you following me anyway? Go back!” “That's easier for you to say. How will I retrace my steps?” Kira challenged, looking around at where they stood. The corridor had collapsed due to the blast. His mind racing, he grabbed her hand a started running. “This way!” “Let go of me, Jerk!” She demanded once more. “Jerk?” He murmured to himself questioningly, tugging at her hand to make her keep up. He looked back for a moment, surprised to see the tears at the edges of her eyes. He slowed slightly, loosening his grip on her. She sniffed, “I just never thought we'd get involved!” She stared down at the rapidly passing ground beneath her. “Everything will be, fine, okay? We've got to get out of here. If we make it to the factory quarters, we might just get to a shelter.” He interlaced their fingers and ran hard.
Athrun's team had infiltrated the factory and headed directly to the transport exit with determination. In the three trailers that were right in front of them were the first group of mobile suits the Earth Alliance had successfully created, strapped down. Zaft marksmen easily took out the Earth Force soldiers guarding the suits. Yzak swiftly leapt atop the rear trailer and ordered, “Destroy anything you can't carry. There are five mobile suits, and the other two must be inside.” Taking the lead, Athrun shouted up to him, “Rusty and I'll go and check it out. You secure these suits, Yzak!” He and Rusty headed toward the transport exit, taking out a few soldiers that they came across. “I'll leave it to you.” Yzak agreed. He turned his attention back to Dearka and Nicol. “If you're piloting one,” Yzak warned, “make sure to disable the self-destruct mechanisms right away!”
“We want this war to end. It isn't right that we can't accept the Naturals or vise versa. The family wants to adopt you because of what you stand for. Will you accept?” The advisor asked tentatively. “I've always wanted to be part of a family, ever since mine was destroyed, and one that shares my ideals is great. I suppose I will.” Kohji said smiling as he shook the advisor's hand. “Great, well pack your things while I get these forms filled out with the Amalfi family. Thank you, Mr. Misaki.” Kohji nodded to him, and began to pack his things and clothing. The man left the room silently; the only sound he made was the beep and slide of the automatic door as he stepped out and ran toward the main deck. Kohji sighed in relief. Finally he was going to be a part of a family that saw things as he did. Soon this wretched war would end and he could find his friends. Friends… Athrun and Kira. He missed them both so much. It didn't matter that Athrun had been optimistic and wrong about the war or that Kira didn't believe him when he said the war was going to happen. When he was with them both, he felt this feeling of belonging so strong that it engulfed him. Unfortunately, that was probably almost the only thing he could remember. Being away from them for so long, he could hardly remember their voices or tiny quirks that he knew them for or what kind of food they enjoyed the best; time had robbed him of that. “Sooner or later, I will see you all again. I swear it.” He promised to the air and fragments of his memory that no matter what misfortune befell him, he would.
Kira and the girl jogged along an upper passage that that opened into a large hanger bay. A thin catwalk stretched before them, several feet above the factory floor. Kira spotted the emergency shelters far ahead of them. He grabbed the girl's hand and ran toward it. Below them, a gun battle was in effect between the ZAFT and Earth Force soldiers who were all dressed in factory uniforms. What are Earth Alliance Forces doing in a neutral colony? Kira mused thoughtfully. The catwalk swayed dangerously as explosions roared near it. Barely managing to get to the other side where safety was sure to be found, Kira sighed in relief before looking up. What he saw rooted him in spot. Two huge mobile suits lay on the factory floor ahead of them. Their reflective steel armor gleamed in the fire and the four sharp horns adorning their heads deflected stray bullets. The suits looked completely different from their ZAFT counterparts, which had inspired them. The girl dropped to her knees by the walkway, striking the railway with her fist she shrieked, “Father! I knew you'd betray us all!!” Her words bounced off the walls and were amplified. Hearing gunfire, he tore the girl from the railing just as bullets sprayed against the wall and grazed the catwalk. Pulling he listless body for several feet, Kira used every ounce of strength he had to reach the entrance of the emergency shelter. He pressed the intercom, breathing heavily as the girl behind him stared at the floor silently. A male voice cracked through the speakers, “Is someone still out there?” “Yes!” Kira replied desperately. “A friend and me. Please - open up!” “Two of you!?” The voice said more than asked with exasperation. “Yes!” Kira said, glancing at where another barrage of bullets, that obviously missed their mark, clicked against the lower railway. No response came for a few seconds. Finally, “We're already filled to the max here. Shelter 37 is down the block on the left! Can you make it there?” Kira barely turned to glance at the path he'd have to take; he knew it was a dangerous one, going straight through the line of gunfire, but he could make - alone. “Please, just take my friend. She's just a girl!” A pause followed his request before the shelter door unlocked, its light flipping from red to green. “Yeah, okay, just her. Sorry, kid.” The door flew open and Kira immediately grabbed the girl and gently pushed her inside the chute. She broke out of her semi-trace and her brow furrowed in confusion. “What are you doing?” “I'm going to a shelter a block over,” he responded quickly and strained to push her inside as she struggled. “I'll be fine.” She reached for him once more, but to no avail as he jabbed the lock and the glass door slammed shut. She screamed wait to him as she was pulled down into the underground shelter. Eyeing the lock till it turned red, Kira stepped back. Finally, he turned and headed back toward the factory.
Yasuo: Cliffhanger! …I think. I'm not good at making people wait in suspense… (Bold places are to show where main characters started.)
Yarisha: Flipping pages ahead in the reference book Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Divergent Strike, by Lu Goto. But! Any true fan to the series knows what happens next our ( original to the series) main characters.
Yasuo: I stopped at him head for the factory because I thought this part of the story needed a chapter to itself.
Athrun: A warning though. This story is gonna cut through a lot of different parts as soon as the plot gets going.
Kohji: Wonder what Nicol Amalfi is like.
Yasuo: You know how hard it is to type his last name without spell check?
Yarisha: Rolls eyes So until the next chapter,
Yasuo: Winks See ya then, ladies. (Glares and gentlemen.)