Gundam SEED Fan Fiction ❯ Seed or Destiny? ❯ The beginning of something more? ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The beginning of something more?
Fandom: Gundam Seed/Destiny
Genre(s): General, mild romance (Kira/Yzak)
Rating: PG-13
Theme(s): #3- Interests, #4 - Curiousity
Author's notes: I'm writing this in a state whereby my mind isn't being coherent with me, apologize if the themes seems a little out of point ^^;;
Disclaimer: No, I do not own Gundam Seed/Destiny
Summary: Two pilots shared something interesting among themselves when they concidentally met up in a cafe...


Yzak Jule had been walking around the streets of ORB aimlessly, trying to find something interesting to occupy himself. Despite having the war being ended a few months prior, he still felt uncomfortable among Naturals. However, even with his unwillingness to mingle with Naturals; he had opted to head out for a walk. The idea of listening to Dearka rambling on his non-existent love life was getting on his nerves. Sitting through a matchmaking session is one thing, but to listen to another commenting on his private issue is another.

The worst thing was probably the fact that Athrun Zala, his fellow ex-team mates, having left ZAFT entirely and stayed on in ORB as a bodyguard to that tomboyish girlfriend of his, Cagalli Yula Attha, had been exceptionally interested in his love life recently. The latter had even gone to the extreme of teaming up with Dearka, with the intention of playing matchmaker to him. Having no intention to sit through another of such session, he had make up an excuse and left the two alone for some fresh air. He was just about to turn back and head towards the direction where the parliament house had been located, and where Cagalli had taken the initiative to house him as a VIP, during his stay in ORB. When his eyes landed upon someone familiar sitting by a window seat in a cafe, reading something, with extreme concentration.

That someone, was none other than Kira Yamato, previously the bane of his existence. For a while, he thought of walking off, pretending not having seen the latter. Somehow, his feet have another idea in mind. Before, he realized what he was doing, he had settled himself in a seat opposite to Kira, and ordered himself a mug of Expresso. He waited patiently for the latter to notice his presence, failing in doing so, he had cleared his throat awkwardly but loud enough to gain the other's attention.

Looking up from the book sheepishly, like a deer being caught in the daylight. Kira had flushed crimson, and apologized for not having seen him earlier on. Yzak waved off the apologies simply, for he took the chance to examine the other pilot throughly. Mentally noting the embarrassment the other pilot was feeling, Yzak smirked to himself. However, that was before he caught sight of how the latter's hand had shook when his eyes landed upon the book which the former had been reading up earlier on. Curious to see what could have been so interesting with that book, Yzak had asked.

"What was that book you're reading all about? You seemed pretty much engrossed in it before my appearance..."

Eyeing the latter from the corner of his eyes as Yzak pretend to survey the surrounding, while his hand stirred the coffee before taking a sip from the mug.

"Eh?" Kira's eyes widen for a moment before recovering himself. Fidgeting uncomfortably, he muttered something incoherently under his breath.

"Come again, what was that?" Yzak prompted, feeling truimphant of the fact that he'd caught the latter in such uncomfortable manner.

"Athrun's diary..." Kira muttered, before diverting his eyes to the ground in embarrassment.

Yzak's eyes nearly fell out of the socket when he'd first heard Kira's statement. The sheer thought that the other pilot might be reading someone's diary had never did occured to him before. Eyeing Kira incredulously, he couldn't help but asked.

"Did he give it to you personally or you'd simply took it without his knowledge?"

Kira would have melted on the spot if it's possible for him to do so, having been caught by someone while in possession of Athrun's diary was not going to be pretty. It's just worst that the someone who'd caught him just happened to be Yzak Jule, one of the coordinator whom held a grudge against both himself and Athrun.

"Well... I'm still waiting..." Yzak prompted when he received no response from the latter.

"He left it on the nightstand... so ..." Kira mumbled softly, but loud enough for Yzak to catch on.

"Aa... so you took it without his knowledge ..." Yzak mused, feeling impressed by Kira's action. He'd never thought that the other pilot might have some sneaky traits.

A grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he thought of the various means to blackmail Athrun, turning to Kira with an amusing glint in his eyes. He asked. "Mind if I take a look at that? I promised I won't tell..."

Kira stared at Yzak in shock, before nodding dumbly. Handing the diary over shakily, he settled for taking a long drink from his coffee mug trying to calm himself. He'd nearly choked on his coffee, when he looked up only to find a set of piercing eyes watching his actions.

"What!" he snapped, feeling self conscious.

Yzak remained calm, but was feeling amused by how the other had reacted around him. Placing on a mask of indifference, he stated coolly.

"Nothing... do relax... I'm not going to eat you alive."

"Oh..." Kira's mouth formed the shape of 'O' and fell silent.

The two pilots spend the remaining afternoon, reading up on Athrun's private thoughts and nothing but civil words were being exchanged. Meanwhile, a oblivious Athrun was still plotting with Dearka on the idea of match-making Yzak with someone suitable for the latter.


date started: 22/08/05

date completed: 22/08/05

date revised: 23/08/05