Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Outlaw Star Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Bounty Hunters, Outlaws, Pirates and Princesses ❯ The Final Kick Ass Battle or Freaky Fusions ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own these respective characters or settings. They belong to Pioneer, Sunrise/Bandi, and Fundimation.

Author's Notes Part One: Vegeta and Bulma are my favorite couple on DBZ with Mirai No Trunks and 18 being my favorite non-cannon couple. What I meant by "And Vegeta and Goku" wasn't in a romantic sense. I was meaning in a gruding friendship/brotherly manner. I'm not anti-yaoi, but I do not see Vegeta and Goku as a couple. That would be too weird. Besides, write them and break up the two lovely romances and marragies these two Sayans have? No way! Now, Goten and Present Trunks on the other hand . . . THAT holds possiblities.

Now, to the purple candle . . . There was nothing sexual in that, Dee-Chan. Duo's a witch and witches use a lot of candles for Fire. The reason that it was purple was because I associate Duo with the colors black and violet, ergo purple. Plus, purple is a color that means focusing and sobriety, something that Duo could use a little help with.

Third manner of business, the couples: Out of the SM/GW romances, Duo and Hotaru are my favorite. Death and Destruction. It's all right there. Besides, Hotaru is such an introvert while Duo's an extrovert along with the differences yet similarities, they make an interesting and loving couple. Heero and Hotaru could be neat too, but not on the scale of Duo and Hotaru.

Pairing anyone with Usagi, other than Mamoro, is just fucking wrong. Tuxedo Mask is hot, dammit! You've got plenty of the other scouts that aren't attached, so just pair them up with the G-boys! Plus, Usagi's too blonde to do well with any of the pilots. She'd annoy Heero to the point of killing her, Duo has Hotaru to keep him company (even though I do admit that this is the most likely of the Usagi pairings), Trowa's too distant, Quatre's too shy and submissive, and Wufei . . . He's Wufei. Nothing else needs to be said.

Bounty Hunters, Outlaws, Princesses, and Pirates

Part Nine: The Final Kick Ass Battle Or Freaky Fusions

By: Elf

"Shut up Vegeta. I'd thought you'd be happy to see me," the blue haired woman stated, facing the Sayan prince.

Vegeta stood there, the energy slipping as his hair returned to black and his eyes an endless onyx. His mouth dropped open as he stuttered, "Bluma?"

It was as if time had stopped. She hadn't aged a day, if anything, his beautiful Life Mate was younger than he had last seen her, as if they had just met. He wanted to go to her, pull out that infernal pony tail so he could see her beautiful hair float around her, and kiss her until she was senseless.

She frowned at him and snapped, "What?"

It was her. Only she would have the gall to snap at him like that. He walked over to her and growled, "Silence, woman."

"Don't call me Woman. My name is . . ." He cut her off with a kiss before she could finish her gripe. She tasted just as sweet and spicy as he remembered, their heat and passion just as strong as he had last held her like this. She clutched at him, trying to get closer as he growled in frustration.

Then he heard a familiar voice cheer, "Papa!" He felt arms like iron wrap around his waist and he looked down from his beautiful mate to see his Princess hugging him around the waist. "Papa!" she cried, burrowing her face into his chest, both blue haired women holding him tight.

He heard Duo snicker. He looked over at the human and glared. Duo threw up his hands in a gesture of surrender and smirked. Still, the boy had the audacity to giggle.

"Papa!" Bra cheered, hugging him.

"Princess," he choked, using his pet name for her. He lightly stroked her hair, not able to move or speak.

Bulma snorted, "Geeze, this is a rare moment, Vegeta not able to run his mouth."

"Woman . . . I've been to Hell and back for you and all you can do is patronize me?" he snapped at her.

She smiled softly and said, "It's good to see you too, Vegeta."

Goku, in all of his idocracy, stated, "They're immortal too, Vegeta!"

"How did this happen?" he asked, noting with some dismay that his voice was lower and softer than his normal arrogant tone.

Washu and Ryoko laughed in a frighteningly similar way. Washu stated, "Well, it was all part of my brilliant plan . . ."

"I gathered the Dragon Balls, wished Goku back, wished Bulma well, brought Bra back, then wished your daughter and wife immortality. So, a thank you would be well enough," the demoness replied smugly.

Tenchi, as always, had an uneasy look on his face. Vegeta always knew that the people of Juri were a weak lot. He warned, "Ryoko, don't get him angry! He can blow up planets without blinking!"

Duo cleared his throat and stated, "Even though this is touching and all, but what about Nine. You guys are so powerful, your wife and daughter are back, and we're all here because Goku wanted to make a new plan and all that's going on is a bunch of talking and making out."

"The only solution is to kill Nine. She's in a mortal body, she can die," 18 stated, crossing her arms.

"No!" Starwind and Goku snapped together.

Goku stated, "She's an innocent girl. We have to separate Nine from her body and defeat her like that."

Gene stated, "At last, a guy who's talking some sense."

"Well, how do you think we could do that?" 18 snapped back.

Washu stated, "Well, Duo's got the knowledge to do it."

Vegeta fixed his gaze on his son's friend. So did everyone else in the room. Duo frowned and said, "Sure, there are a bunch of spells that cover this sort of situation, but I don't have the power to do it."

"I thought that magic didn't come from you, but other sources?" Tenchi asked.

Duo sighed and said, "Wiccan and Druid both get their powers from Nature; Earth, Air, Water, Fire. We're sitting on a rock in the middle of space that's had most of its life leeched out of it by Nine. If we were on a planet like Earth, or better yet, Juri, I could gather more power. All magic is energy, change, and willpower. I've got the chaos down as well as the will power. Energy is something that I don't have."

Goku wagged his finger in front of the boy's face. Vegeta had to give Duo credit for the glare he fixed on the Third Class Baka. Goku chirped, "Two are always more powerful than one."

"Fusion? Are you insane? Who is he going to fuse with? Everyone here who even remotely practices magic is female. He can't fuse with a woman," Vegeta snapped at him.

Goku grinned in his annoying matter. "His knowledge with a Super Sayan's power."

"That's not possible," Heero stated as Bulma went back over to fuss with the boy.

Suzuka took his hand and added, "Heero's right. Duo has no Sayan blood in his veins. Where is he going to get this power?"

"I'm not fusing with him," Vegeta growled and glared at Goku.

Goku laughed, "Vegeta, we need Veggeto. You're fusing with me."

"I've agreed to no such thing," Vegeta growled, knowing that he was going to fuse with Goku. Still, he liked to see how far he could push the other Sayan's temper. The thing was, Goku didn't have much of a temper to begin with.

Ashia asked, "Who's he gonna fuse with?"


Bulma started, "Well when . . ."

"I know the general science of it, but what the hell are they talking about?" he snapped, cutting in.

Trunks cleared his throat and stated, "When two do the Fusion Dance, they become one being with both personalities and properties of both. It only lasts for thirty minutes, but when the fusion is done correctly, the fused form is insanely powerful and unstoppable."

Duo frowned and Trunks looked at him. Ashia chirped, "I think they want you two to fuse."

Vegeta glared at Duo. Duo frowned and said, "It's not possible."

"Vegeta, seems like our friend needs a demonstration," Goku stated with a twinkle in his eyes.

Vegeta's eyes rolled as he took the beginning pose for the Dance. Goku smiled and did the same. They moved in perfect synch with each other, preforming the steps with ease. Vegeta was actually looking forward to fusing again. After all, he was the dominate personality when they fused and he had Kakkarot's and his power at his disposal. Their fingers touched at their ferial cry and in an eye blink, Vegeta and Goku were gone, only Veggeto remained.


"What the fuck?" Duo asked in astonishment as suddenly, with a few very strange dance moves, there were two Sayans and then there was just one. It looked like to be a perfect cross between Vegeta and Goku. He had Goku's height but Vegeta's more streamline build. He had Vegeta's Christmas tree hair except for the few locks that fell into the Fused's face like Goku's did. He had the same angular features as Vegeta and the smirk held both Vegeta's arrogance and Goku's friendliness.

He looked over to Heero, trying to make some sense out of it, but Heero's mouth was dropped open, as was everyone's in the room except 18, Bra, Bulma, Trunks, and Washu. Gene babbled something and made wild pointing motions with his Caster. Ashia stood there, face vaulted as she silently stood there. Suzuka blinked twice, rubbed her eyes, blinked again before she finally said, "That was very usual." Poor little Jim stood there and said basically the same thing that Duo had.

18 chuckled and crossed her arms. Ryoko gasped, "That's uh . . ." Tenchi stood there, silently staring, his mouth wide open.

Trunks cleared his throat and stated, "That's Fusing. Two becoming One."

Washu chirped, "And that's what we wanted to do with you!"

Before Duo could say any smart assed comment, Bulma stated, "It's harder than it looks. It took Trunks and Goten a bunch of times to finally master it and Vegeta still managed to bungle it up sometimes."

"Woman, if we wanted you to talk, we would have asked you," the Fused Sayan stated, speaking in duel voices, both Vegeta and Goku's voices said the words, just at once.

Suzuka asked, "What do we call you?"

"Vegetto," he, they, whatever, answered.

Duo snapped, "And who the hell am I going to Fuse with, even if I said I was?"

"Me," Trunks stated simply stepping up to him.

Duo groaned and wished he had a chair to throw himself into. "Trunks, I'll weaken you severely and we'd get our asses kicked by Nine and the Pink Bitch and those wraiths. We can't do this," he protested.

The slap hit him unaware. He fell back, only to look up into a pair of familiar blue eyes. "Baka. I've never known you to back away from anything," Heero snapped, crossing his arms.

Duo blinked. It felt as if his cheek was going to throb off. Duo replied, "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Because you're being a baka!" Heero replied, sounding a bit pissed.

Bulma smirked and wiped her hands on a rag. She stated, "And he's fixed. Better than ever, I would say, right Washu?"

Washu looked a little miffed as she grumbled, "Sure, using the idea for Gero's own androids to fix his limbs."

Duo managed to choke, "Then if he's like 18, then why do Trunks and I need to Fuse?"

"Because you have the knowledge and I have the power!" Trunks shouted, moving over to him in a blur of black, blue, and lavender. He grabbed his shoulders and shook Duo hard. He snapped, "We're not killing Melfina. We're going to Fuse and we're going to save Hotaru. Got that."


Yes. Hotaru.

Duo looked at his Sayan friend grimly and stated, "Fine, let's do this thing."


18 frowned. She typed in the code to release her brother out of his status. Trunks, Duo, Vegeta, and Goku had gone into this room that Washu created where hours passed in a moment of this reality's time. She had told them to hurry, get the fusion down and get back here. Hotaru had bought them time, but not enough.

18 was worried for two reasons: Trunks had never Fused before and he was Fusing with Duo. Not that there was anything wrong with Maxwell, in fact she found the boy amusing, but she was afraid that it would change Trunks' personality. Something she did not want to happen at all. Then the fact that Trunks was going to fight almost alone.

She sighed as the capsule's door opened and 17 stumbled out, cursing furiously as he did. She stood up and tucked strands of her hair behind her ears. 17 smiled and said, "Hi Sis, wanna go have some fun?"

"Wanna beat up a bitch who's trying to destroy the universe?" 18 replied simply.

She was unprepared for Bra running up to them and shouting, "17! Please, please!"

17 suddenly looked nervous at the appearance of the Bulma half-Sayan look alike. The pretty teenage girl batted her long lashed blue eyes at him before she hugged him. 17 made a strangled sound, possibly looking for her father before Vegeta came in and blasted him into nothingness.

17 asked, "Sis, what the hell's going on?"

"We need your help, 17, please," Bra pleaded, tugging on his black T-shirt.

Heero stepped in. His new modifications had made him a match for them both, as if he was Android 21. Heero stated, "You'll get to cause a lot of destruction and there's a beautiful woman looking like an S&M freak who tried to kill your sister."

"I'm in. So, who do I have to kill?" 17 answered with his wicked smile.


Hotaru was in pain. Her wrists hurt from where Nine's hair held her in place. Blood oozed from scratches on her face, chest, arms, and legs, dripping down the black fabric of her clothing. The Black Hole looked smaller and wasn't sucking in as much energy, but that would soon change.

The hair jerked her up, sending fresh pain into her limbs. She cried out. Nine looked her over and stated, "The Mighty Saturn, fallen at last."

"This isn't over yet," Hotaru whispered, looking her in the eye.

Chibi Trunks floated over to them, watching with a distracted interest. He stated, "Who's going to save you? Your fucktoy left as did my father, the coward. You're dead, Princess." He reached out and caressed her hair. She flinched and looked away. "But, I'm sure that I could prusuade Nine to let me have you," he purred in her ear.

"Man, there's a thing or two I could tell you about being seductive," a familiar voice drawled as Hotaru turned around.

Standing there in the middle of circling androids 17 and 18 firing at the Shadow Wraiths was Duo. Duo and Trunks. Standing beside them was Vegeta and another Sayan that she didn't know.

"What the hell do you want?" Nine raged, her dark energy crackling.

Chibi looked as if he had seen a ghost. The other Sayan stated, "Goten would be disappointed right now, Chibi. He looked up to you, always had and always would."

"Goten has nothing to do with this!" Chibi raged, powering up to the third level of Super Sayan. "Neither do you, Kakkarot!"

"What of Pan? Seeing you sniffing at another's life mate like this? Or your mother?" Vegeta asked in his arrogant voice.

Chibi cried out, "Mom's dead, you egotistical idiot! Quit clutching at her memory and realize that!"

"Trunks Vegeta Briefs! Do you know how disappointed I am?" a beautiful blue haired woman stated, fire in her blue eyes as she stood beside Vegeta.

A younger version of the girl, except half-Sayan, stood beside her. She stated, "Yeah, Miari wouldn't let this happen to him!"

Chibi raged, "Do you think you could stop me? I have all the power I need from Nine!"

"Yeah, but you forgot one thing, son," Vegeta smirked as he and the other Sayan took a pose.

Chibi snapped, "You wouldn't."

"Sure we would," the other Sayan chirped cheerfully.

Then the two began to dance in perfect synch.


"How's this plan going to work?" Gene snapped as he blasted a Wraith with his Caster.

Heero smirked as he blew them from the sky, using the enchantments that Bulma and Washu had given him. He tore into them gleefully, slicing and blasting with as much precision as he had when he piloted Wing ZERO. He admired Suzuka's technique as she sliced into them with her bokken.

Washu and Ryoko were doing the same, except their swords were made of golden energy. Tenchi on the other hand was using The Lighthawk Sword of Juri, channeling energy and wiping the Wraiths out hundreds at a time. They were doing damage.

"Hey bitch!" 18 shouted as she flew to Wicked Lady, giving her a good solid punch in the head. 17 was beside her, chuckling insanely as they whittled and insulted the woman into nothing.

They were winning!

Heero Yuy smiled until the Black Hole widened and started sucking in energy and light at a disturbing rate. Suzuka gave a surprised yelp as she slid to the ground, trying to catch something with her sword as she was being drawn to the Hole. He flew down to her, fighting the pulling force, picked her up, and flew back.

He could see Vegetto and Chibi going at it full tilt, both in the third Super Sayan mode. Nine cackled and Hotaru screamed as the creature's hair tightened around her. He could barely make out Trunks and Duo, their hair wild from the sucking wind.

Then Nine shouted, "You cannot stop me!"


Duo smirked and so did Trunks. He asked, "You wanna bet, bitch?"

Hotaru's scream of anguish cut him short. Growling, he looked over at Trunks and snapped, "Let's do it!"

He wasn't too sure about it yet. They were only successful once, but wow . . . They took the pose and Duo took a deep breath. They whirled around in perfect synch and cried out, "Fusion!" Their fingers touched and . . .

They opened their eyes as one. Long, strait lavender hair floated around his face and was caught in a long braid down his back. He was dressed in a black tank top and cargo pants with a long black duster. A sword was nestled on his back. His huge, round eyes were a brilliant violet.

The part that was Duo took pleasure in the look of shock on Nine's face. The part that was Trunks prepared itself for battle.

Nine asked, "What are you?"

The Being smiled, a mischievous, arrogant smile splitting the angular yet elfin features. He answered in both Trunks' and Duo's voices, "We are Trushin! And we will defeat you!"

Nine squeezed Hotaru tighter and she screamed. Trushin pulled his hands together and shouted, "Death Storm!" His eyes bled from violet to aqua, his bangs stood up as his braid moved with a life of its own and turned golden. The violet energy cackled around them as they sent their first attack to Nine.


Chibi was sent reeling. Vegetto stood proud before him, his father and his best friend's father as one. The True Sayan. He was humbled by his presence.

Vegetto talked in both Goku's and Vegeta's voices as he stated, "Why, Trunks, why?"

He heard Nine scream as Trushin attacked, using both magic and Super Sayan energy to fight. It wasn't Pan that came to him. It was that fiend. He could see Pan shouting at him in disappointment and anger. He saw his mother and sister yelling at him from below.

Kami, he was a weakling.

He returned back to his normal form. Nine snapped, "Get rid of them! They've only brought you pain!"

"No. I've only done this myself," Chibi stated, looking at the True Sayan. He pushed his lavender hair from his eyes and cried out, "Father! Dad! Please! I'm so sorry, so weak!"

Then he fell to the ground, sobbing. He felt two pairs of feminine arms wrap around him as his mother and sister held him, his sister crying too. Then, finally, he felt his father land beside him, joining them as well. Goku looked on, chewing on his lip.

"I'm so sorry, Dad. So sorry," Chibi sobbed, feeling ashamed and lost.

Vegeta stroked his son's hair awkwardly as he stated, "It wasn't your fault. And we're together again."

"As a family," Chibi managed.

Bulma snorted, "Finally."


"Let her go," Trushin stated, advancing on Nine. They were winning. Chibi had rejoined them, fighting the Wraiths along side his father and Goku.

Hotaru cried out in pain. Trushin's eyes narrowed as the part that was Duo started to call on magic. Take back what was yours . . . Take your body back . . . Release the evil . . . Melfina, they love you.

"No!" Nine cried out as she screamed out in pain, tightening her grip on Hotaru. Trushin growled as he concentrated harder, chanting faster. He could feel Nine's hold on Melfina's body releasing, but he needed one more push.

Luckily, Gene Starwind appeared, tattered and bloody, holding his Caster. He stated, "Melfina, come back to me. Please."

"Gene!" Melfina cried out as she ran to him, back to herself again.

Nine was there, standing as a giant, shadowy entity. "Fine," the thing cackled, "I'll take Hotaru once more!"

"No," Chibi Trunks stated as he, his father and Goku walked upon the entity. "This ends now."

"Fatal Flash!" Vegeta snarled.

Goku brought his hands together and chorused, "Kamehameha!"

"Burning Attack!" Chibi shouted.

Trushin added, "Death Storm!"

The golden and violet power merged, cackling strait into Nine. In a brilliant flash, there was nothing. Nothing at all.


Heero smirked as light and color flooded the asteroid once more. It was as it was before Nine's attack. People looked lost and bewildered, but other than that, fine. He floated to the ground and smiled.

Suzuka wrapped her arms around his neck and stated, "They did it."

"I'm not surprised," Heero stated.

Suzuka said, "Any other man would be jealous that he didn't get to be the hero."

"I've been the hero enough. Let the God of Death take his turn," Heero replied, looking into her endless black eyes.

Suzuka cupped his face with one long fingered hand. She smiled and said, "Well spoken, Heero Yuy." Then, she kissed him. He blinked with surprise and shock before he kissed her back, relaxing into it.


Duo and Trunks fell from Trushin, becoming themselves once again. Trunks was surprised to feel 18's arms around him, holding him tight before kissing him. They pulled away, she snuggled her blond head on his shoulder and she pointed to his family. He smiled to himself as Vegeta and Bulma looked up at him, beckoning.

He wrapped his arms tighter around 18 and moved closer to Duo, who had been caught by Hotaru. Trunks shook his head. Duo looked as if he was about to faint. Heero set Suzuka down and landed beside them. 18 and Heero smirked while Duo, Hotaru, and Trunks smiled. This was his family now, even though he still loved this reality's versions of his parents and his new found sister, but he didn't belong in this life.

Still, it didn't mean that he was going to leave it entirely. He'd come back and visit, bringing his foster family with him. But right now, the most important thing was in his arms and his best friend was standing beside him with his brother beside him.

Trunks smiled and said, "We did it." Then he bent down to give 18 a dizzying kiss.


Duo was going to throw up. He was sure of it. Then Hotaru held him up, thanking him and sending kisses to whatever part of his face was open. He tried to respond but the whole Fusing thing really tired him out. Still, it was worth it to be in her arms.

Heero stated, "How does it feel to be the hero?"

"Something I could get use to," Duo mused, snuggling against Hotaru, "How come you never liked it?"

Heero shrugged and stated, "Didn't like the attention."

"Except from older sword wielding assassins. Like them with experience, don't we, Heero?" Duo teased as he looked over at the elegant woman.

Heero shrugged and stated, "I gave up being the Perfect Soldier a long time ago."

"Geeze, feel the emotion here," Duo replied, rolling his eyes sarcastically.

Hotaru tapped him in the ribs and stated, "Hey you, Heero's my friend you know."

"Well, Duo's my brother. He's entitled to it," Heero stated with a true smile.

Duo blinked and asked, "Is Heero Yuy smiling?"

"Don't you get it yet, Duo, you have that effect on people," Trunks chided as he finished his kiss with 18.

Duo frowned and looked around. He asked, "What now?"

"Life goes on. Evils needed to be right and justice needs to be served," Heero answered with a shrug.

18 tilted her head and answered practically, "And we need to make money."

Trunks rolled his eyes and said, "18, is that all you think about?"

"No, I'll show you that later," the cyborg replied with a wink, causing Trunks to blush.

Duo chuckled, "Go Trunks. Now, if you need any help, just ask."

"You won't be able to," Hotaru stated, pulling Duo toward her. He looked down into her violet eyes as she stroked his face.

"I'll go along with that," Duo murmured as he kissed her, long and hard.

One Year Later

On board the Shinigami Wing the Duo Maxwell was focused and intense. He was warping in and out of asteroid fields and nebula pockets with an almost reckless abandon. It was the greatest race in the galaxy and he was going to win. He'd be damned if Gene got that cup again.

"We're not going to lose, dammit!" he groused as he used his expert manerovering.

Trunks rolled his eyes and kept doing readings to give to Duo. Hotaru kept track of the race while 18 deposed of all obsicials. Heero had been taking care of the navigations as well, aiding Duo before the expert pilot got too angry.

However, on the Outlaw Star, they were taking this with ease. Gene Starwind would hail the SW and taunt the young pilot. Duo would only get mad and cut off the communications. Suzuka was secretly hoping that they would win so she could give Heero his constellation prize. He may be an expert at death, but the boy was still just an innocent. Something she was planning to remedy.

"Don't let them get a lead, Gene, we have to win," she stated, smiling.

Gene asked, "Okay, why do you care?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

On the outpost on the stylish space station watching the race, the president of Capsule Corps sat beside his sister, her boyfriend, his father, his father's best friend and his pregnant mother. Fred Lowe stated, "Gene's going to win, Mr. Briefs. You've blown your money on sponcering that ship."

Chibi smiled to himself as his pregnant mother stood up and wacked Fred with her purse. "I helped build and design that ship! It's not going to lose!"

"Plus my sister's on board," 17 stated with a sly smile.

Vegeta growled, "And my son."

Goku looked up with a mouth full of popcorn and chips. He grumbled, "And all the people who beat Mistress Nine's on board! And Duo's the best pilot in the galaxy! Still, Gene's pretty damn good though!"

Fred stated, "We'll just see about that."

Chibi smirked and replied, "Well, Mr. Lowe, lets make this more interesting. If Gene wins, I'll give you a full shipment of Dragonite. If Duo and his crew wins, you'll give me the same. Deal?"

"Deal," Fred stated with a smile.

"Now, the Outlaw Star and the newcomer Shingiami Wing are neck and neck! They're pulling to the finish line . . ." The announcer cheered.

Bra shouted, "Go Trunks!"

"You go son!" Bulma yelled, despite the fact she was eight months' pregnant.

"Yay Trunks!" Goku spewed food everywhere.

Vegeta got up and snapped, "Kakkarot! Keep your food in your mouth before I shove it in there!"

"Sorry Vegeta," Goku mumbled, looking down at his hands.

Vegeta rolled his eyes as the announcer went on and on. Chibi looked over at Fred who was dripping sweat. Bra was bouncing up and down, pulling on 17's hand and pointing at the black ship and the red ship.

Then, suddenly, the Ryo-Oh-Ki raced past them in a blur of pink and brown. Everyone watching gasped in shock. The announcer stated, "And in a giant upset, the Ryo-Oh-Ki won the race!"

Washu walked past them and stated, "And what if I win, what do I get?"

"Uhuhuh," Fred stuttered, pointing at the screen.

Washu turned toward Chibi and asked, "What about you, Mr. Briefs, what will you give me?"

"How about a kiss," 17 suggested with a smirk.

Chibi snapped, "And now I see why Miari doesn't like you."


"I can't believe that she beat us," Trunks sighed.

18 cried, "We lost all of that prize money!"

Heero said nothing. He only had a small smirk on his face. He'd be getting his constellation prize from Suzuka after all.

Hotaru stated, "Washu cheated."

"I can't believe Ryoko did that to me," Duo moaned as he dropped in his chair. Hotaru sighed and held him, kissing his head and whispering things in his ears that only made him smile. He looked up at her and asked, "How about we do a little fusing of our own?"

Hotaru smirked and replied, "If you're lucky."


"We lost," Gene moaned, banging his head on his control panel.

"To a space demon no less," Jim cried.

Ashia stated, "This injustice will not go unavanged! She'll know the power of a Kartal-Kartal!"

Suzuka only smiled. She'd be giving Heero his constellation prize after all.


"I think we showed them a thing or two," Tenchi chuckled as he relaxed in his chair.

Ryoko smirked and stated, "Wait until next year, we'll have them drooling in their seats."

"I don't know, Washu likes Duo a lot," Tenchi warned.

Ryoko smirked at him as her topaz eyes gleamed. She said, "But I'm her daughter. Just wait and see, Tenchi, we'll show those two who the better team is."

The End!

Trushin, incase you didn't notice, was a combination of Trunks and Shinigami, pronounced like Trishin. Dunks or Truo sounded sort of dorky to me and really didn't fit the Fused. You weren't exspecting that were you?

Sorry if it sounded choppy, but I wanted this story finished. I'm working on a vampire GW story called "Scythe Barer" that I wanted to devote more of my energies on. If you know me from my "A Shade Darker" work, well, let me tell you, this hasn't hit the tip of the iceburg.

Oh, you might wanna check out an orignal story called "Rythem Emotion" by Razorwinds Angel. It's on ffnet and I highly suggest it. Please review too, okay. Thanks, Elf!

Duo: Fusion!

Trunks: Fusion!

(They fuse)

We are Dunks!

Vegeta: Try it again.

Goku: More feeling into it.

Duo: Fusion!

Trunks: Fusion!

(They fuse again)

We are Trunuo!

Vegeta: Dammit! Duo, why don't you try Shinigami this time!

Duo: Fusion!

Trunks: Fusion!

(Again with the fusing)

We are Trushin!

Goku: There you go!

Vegeta: Now I wouldn't be embarresed to be out in public with you.

Trushin: Spell Blast!

(Fires at Vegeta, a giant wart grows on his head)

Trushin: Hehe, weren't exspecting that were you, Dad!

Vegeta: (Pawing at the wart) Damn you! Kakkarot!

Goku: What do I have to do with this?

Trushin: I dunno, he just likes blaming his problems on you. Here, let me fix that. Spell Blast!

(Wart vanishes)

Vegeta: You were lucky you did that. I was about to beat you senseless.

Trushin: Shure you were, Dad.

And that was what happened in the room that Washu made.

End! Don't forget to read and review!