Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Strange Trip ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my first fan fic using Gundam Wing. The writing is a bit rough but the story is quite cute and captivating. If you like the zaniness of Ranma and love teasing poor chauvinistic Wufei then you'll like this story. The tale takes place in an alternate universe where the Gundam boys head to a remote and isolated part of China then Japan where people have continue to live in a traditional and old fashion way of life. Along the way Wufei suffers from the misfortune of falling into the Jensuki (the sacred hot springs) in China. He becomes that which he most loathes, a weak woman. Rate PG13 this story is mostly fun no real smut although lots of insinuations.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and never will however I do enjoy writing fan fics although I don't make a penny off of them (truly). GW and Ranma are own by other people not me.


At the sacred Hot Springs in China the last of the Dragon Clan was practicing. Wufei Chan had convinced his fellow pilots to journey with him to China before they headed off to their mission in Japan. While he went to practice at this special training ground the group relaxed and enjoyed a bit of respite from their hectic schedules-later they would continue on to Japan for the mission. The group was staying at a hotel while Wufei made his journey to the springs. Wufei had booked a room but knew that he would be here training for as long as their itinerary and the weather permitted.

In each pool large bamboo poles rose from the streaming waters-great warriors would stand on those poles-their perfect balance testament to their strengths. Wufei concentrated and leaped onto one of the poles over a large streaming pool. He was concentrating so hard that he was unaware of the danger nearby.

"Sir you must not practice in cursed springs. These springs are very dangerous," shouted the grounds guide. His voice broke Wufei's concentration and Wufei perched precariously on the top of a wooden pole flap his arms valiantly but in vain.

"Whoa!" Splash!

"Oh, no you fall in spring of drown girl. Very cursed spring, 400 years ago a young girl drowned in that spring now whoever falls in that spring takes on the form of drowned girl..."

Our story begins.

Thanks for reading my prologue. I don't usually write comedies. In fact this is the only one I've ever written. Please let me know what you think.