Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Onna's Shouldn't Drive ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimers: I do not own Gundam Wing nor Sailormoon.

Normal Life


Sorry about taking so long to get this chapter out. I just had to do a project and stuff like that. Well anyway hope you enjoy this!

| Chapter 3: Onna's shouldn't Drive|

Serena walked out of the bathroom and rushed to the closet where her school uniform, which she got yesterday, was stored in (same uniform at what Relena wore in the series).

She rushed to her vanity and did her make up trying her best not to look down at her outfit. When she finished putting on her make up she looked at her whole entire feature on the mirror to see if her make up matched. While doing so she was disgusted at how her uniform looked.

' Why do I have to wear this thing?' thought Serena as she checked herself out with the uniform.


Serena partly jumped at hearing Rae's voice.

" I'm coming!" Serena shouted back. She dashed over to her desk where her white backpack with silver and pink lining laid. Slinging it over her shoulder she opened her bedroom door and shut it behind her as she ran down the stairs to where Rae stood waiting for her.

Rae was wearing the same uniform and had her red back pack with black lining slung over her shoulder.

" Okay, do you have everything with you?" asked Rae as she went over to the closet and taking out their light jackets.

" Yup! Lunch. Check. Books. Check. Profiles. Check." Serena answered as she rummaged through her bag.

" Okay let's go!" With that Rae put on her black trench-coat-like-jacket that ended at her knees. She went out of the house with Serena right behind her locking the door now wearing her own white jacket.

Rae and Serena got in their red BMW and drove off to their new school.


A boy with a long braid got out of the black convertible of his and got his backpack out of the back seat and slinging it over his shoulder.

Looking around the school grounds he put on his black shades covering his cobalt blue eyes that held mirth.

" Duo!" came a voice from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a boy same age as he with blonde hair waving his hand at him. A boy taller than the blonde was walking beside him with his light brown hair covering one sided of his face and defying gravity.

" Hey Quatre! Trowa!" exclaimed the boy identified as Duo. Walking up to the two and giving them each a hearty hug.

" …….Hey……" The tall boy greeted.

" When are you going to give up that silence thing, Trowa?" Duo asked the tall boy identified as Trowa.

No response came.

" Well all I'm trying to say is that it ain't good being antisocial! I mean how are you gonna get any girls?" Duo asked.

No response again.

" You are sooooooo gonna miss a lot of fun," Duo answered.

" So Duo how was your summer?" asked Quatre the blonde boy.

" Fantastic! All the babes in bikinis, playing volleyball……. walking…… running………. All the phone numbers……." Duo was now in dreamland.

Duo was sent out of his dreamland when Quatre started talking.

" What did you say?" Duo asked.

" Heero and Wufei are here," Quatre stated pointing to the duo who were walking their way to them.

" HEY HEERO! WUFEI!" Duo exclaimed at the top of his lungs.

" Hnn…." came the response from Heero who was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and black cargo jeans. With his hairstyle still the same way, untamed and wearing a black shades covering his prussian blue eyes.

" Maxwell……." greeted the black haired boy walking with Heero. He was wearing a white shirt with a red dragon on it, and wearing black cargo jeans.

" Nice seeing you guys again!" Quatre declared.

" So how was your summer?" asked Duo.

No answer came from the two.

" Oh boy! Lets just go!"

With that all of them started walking towards the school entrance.


" HEY THAT WAS OURS!" Serena screamed at the car taking their was-to-be-parking-spot.

" Ugh! We have to be faster next time!" Rae stated back in frustration to Serena.

" If there will be a next time," Serena stated.

Looking around the girls found a free parking spot.

" There's one!" Serena exclaimed.

" Where?" asked Rae.

" There beside the black jeep and you better hurry for I see another car heading for it," Serena answered back pointing at the spot.

With that said Rae floored the gas pedal and raced her way to the parking lot almost running over a couple of students on the way there.

Reaching their destination and winning the parking space, Serena and Rae let out a victory cheer.

" Yeah that's right! Turn your ass around!" Rae exclaimed as she watched the car turn around and go out of their sight.

" You know you almost ran over some people," Serena stated matter-of-factly.

" We'll just say sorry when we see them," Rae answered as she got out of the car and grabbing for her bag.

Serena did the same and got out of the car with her bag slung over her shoulder. They then made their way to the school entrance.


" Whoa!" Duo let out as he backed up as he watched the BMW speed pass them almost hitting him.

" They shouldn't do that, people could get hurt," Quatre announced as he watched the car park.

Still keeping their eyes on the car they saw two girls get out that looked to be the same age as them.

" Onna's shouldn't drive," Wufei retorted as he saw the girls get out of the car while walking to the school entrance.

" Hnn….." Heero stated still watching the girls from the corner of his eyes while following Wufei.

" Though they are hot!" Duo said while giving a low whistle.

" Can't you talk about anything else than girls?" asked Trowa walking with him.

" No way!" Duo stated.

" Duo……" Quatre stated as he shook his head at his hormone driven friend amusingly.



Well here it is! The third chapter! I know it is short but I just wanted to get this out.

Like it? Hate it? Should I continue? Or dump it? …………… R&R no flames please.