Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Getting Acquianted ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing nor Sailormoon!

A Normal Life


Here is the 4th chapter! Hope you like it! And yeah don't forget to review and such……. Also the reason I got this out so late is because my comp had a virus.

Well enough talk and let's get on with the story!

| Chapter 4: Getting Acquainted! |

Rae and Serena entered the enormous school and made their way to the office. They talked to the secretary who told them to sit for a while for Ms. Peacecraft was busy and would be with them shortly.

" Well how do you like the school so far Sere?" asked Rae as she settled her bag infront of her feat.

Serena looked at her surroundings:" Well it sure is nice looking and quiet different than the other schools I have seen,"

Rae nod to what she had answered.

" And it is more like a palace than a school," Serena finished off.

Rae looked at Serena and answered," It is a palace!"

" Oh!" Serena stated as realization dawned to her.

Rae shook her head at her friend's stupidity.

" I--" Serena was cut off when the door opened to Ms. Peacecraft's office and out came a couple of guys and a girl their age.


" Well I hope you guys have a great day," Relena said as she followed the guys out of her office.

" Same to you Ms. Relena," Quatre answered.

" Quatre I have already told you to just call me Relena, no miss or anything," Relena protested," Just Relena."

Quatre nodded in understanding.

" Well bye Relena!" Duo stated.

Relena nodded her head in acknowledgment and the other guys just gave her a grunt a silent nod and a "hn".

' Heero… We could never be more than friends, can we?' thought Relena as she saw them walk away and out the office passing 2 girls who were now keeping themselves busy with something, not making eye contact with the guys.

Wufei stopped in his track and looked back at the girls that were sitting on the couch.

" YOU!?"


' Uh oh!' thought Serena as she then started to rummage through her bag as if not hearing the outburst of the guy.

" Damn! Got caught!" Rae muttered as she cursed herself for not hiding her face well enough with the magazine.

" What's wrong Wufei?" asked the braided boy asked, as he looked back at the 5th Gundam pilot.

" They are the onna's that almost hit us!" the guy who was pointing at them known as Wufei said, pointing at her and Serena.

Rae lowered down her magazine from her face and looked up at Wufei with fire in her eyes.

" What did you just call me?" asked Rae in her most deadly of a tone that just meant trouble.

" Uh oh……." Serena stated beside her as she looked at Rae's state," You're in big trouble,"

" Hah! Like this weak onna could do anything to hurt--" Wufei didn't get to finish his sentence for Rae had thrown a punch at him in the gut.

" Why… You!" Wufei made a lunge at Rae but she sidestepped it, which sent Wufei to the glass cabinet that held trophies.

A loud crash was what followed next which lead to an unconscious Wufei on the floor with trophies and broken glass on him.

Rae gave a "hmph" and dusted her hands.

" Rae…. You shouldn't have done that!" Serena calmly stated," I mean he looked already bad and you have to make it worse?"

" Well that serves him right for calling me a weak onna," Rae said looking at Rae disgustingly as she grabbed her bag from the floor.

" But we were supposed to say 'sorry for almost running over you' not beat him up," Serena stated.

" OK.. OK…" Rae then turned around and looked at the boys who were dumb struck and looking at their pal on the floor not believing what they saw.


' Did Wufei just get beaten up by a girl?' was the thought that all crossed in the g-boys and Relena's head. While the secretary's thought was ' Why are not the guys nor Miss Relena doing anything?'.

Laughter was heard and everyone looked at Duo who was on the ground laughing as the situation dawned on to him.

Everyone glared at him except for the girl who fought Wufei who smirked at him. Duo stopped as he saw all the glares directed to him and stood up and acted properly after signing his appologies.

" I am very sorry about your friend here and I am really sorry about almost running over you guys earlier this morning," the girl that fought Wufei said sending all of them back to reality.

" Miss Hino! That was so uncalled for!" The secretary said as she stood up.

" Well it was his fault," the raven haired girl snapped back at the secretary.

" Why I--" the secretary was cut off by the blonde who stood beside Miss Hino.

" She is just having a bad day, I am sorry for the trouble they caused and she will be taking her punishment if necessary," The blonde answered politically.

" SERENA!!!!" came Hino's surprised response to what her friend had just said.

" Rae don't give me that look! You beat up that guy and you should be punished," the blonde girl with the weird hairstyle known as Serena answered back to her friend.

" Well then, I guess you should be punished too for not doing anything about the situation that got that stupid-excuse-of-a-guy unconscious!" the raven haired girl named Rae answered," And anyway, I just punched him once and he led himself to his cold situation on the ground,"

" So everyone here should be punished too!" Serena said back," I mean they didn't do anything. Right?"

Rae nodded.

" So there! That settles it! Everyone gets in trouble," Serena stated and then looked at the secretary," You too secretary person for you didn't do anything about this mess but just sat there!"

" Why--" The secretary was then again interrupted but by Miss Relena.

" No one gets in trouble," Relena answered," it was clearly shown that it was Wufei's fault by insulting these two ladies,"

" Yes Miss Peacecraft," The secretary stated," And Miss Hino, Miss Tsukino you may follow Miss Peacecraft in her office,"

" She's Miss Peacecraft?" asked Serena pointing at Relena.

Everyone in the room nodded except for Rae who was also asking that question in her mind.

" Well then ok!" Serena then looked at the guys at the guys who were now helping Wufei up who was now conscious," Umm……Sorry again about almost running you over and sorry Wufei for your predicament,"

Rae bid farewell to the guys and so did Serena and went in the office of Miss Peacecraft.

" That stupid onna! She got lucky," Wufei stated as he dusted himself off," Next time she will be the one on the floor,"

" You got beat bad Wufei!" Duo stated who just received a glare from Wufei.

" See Wufei not all women are weak," Quatre told him.

" Yes they are and the only way that woman beat was just because she got lucky and my guard was down," Wufei made an excuse.

" Yeah right," came Duo's response.

" Uh huh," Came Trowa's response.

" Hn…" was all Heero said before making his way out of the office.

" You guys we better go or we'll be late!" Quatre announced.

All the guys nodded and out the office they went and followed Heero to their class for they were all in the same ones. Wufei still cursed at the girl that beat him, and mumbled about being dishonorable to his clan and to nataku.


" Please sit down," Miss Peacecraft stated as she pointed at the seats in front of her desk.

Serena and Rae sat down on the chairs and directed all their attention to Miss Peacecraft.

" As I know you girls are new to this school," Miss Peacecraft started.

Rae and Serena nodded their heads.

" Okay so here are you schedules and your locker numbers." Miss Peacecraft gave them a couple pieces of paper," And here is your school map, so you girls won't get lost,"

" Thank you," Rae declared.

" Thank you and sorry about the event that went on out there Miss Peacecraft," Serena stated.

" That is okay Miss. Tsukino but you two may just call me Relena for I do also go to school here and are not different than you girls," Relena stated.

" Okay then you may call me Serena," Serena declared.

" And I Rae," Rae stated as she looked at Relena.

" Okay then have a nice day and I hope you feel at home here in Peacecraft Academy," Relena stated as she stood up," And if you have any questions you may ask me or the secretary anything about the school,"

" I have one question," Rae let out.

" Yes?" Relena asked.

" You are so young, yet you are the head of the school," Rae started," Why is that?"

" Well this place is Sanq Kingdom and I am the princess of this kingdom," Relena answered," and I am also the Vice Foreign Minister,"

" Oh…." Came the response from both Serena and Rae.

" You haven't heard of me?" Relena asked.

Serena and Rae shook their heads.

" No we haven't sorry," Serena answered.

" That's okay I was queen long time ago but still am the Vice Foreign Minister," Relena stated as she led the girls out of her office.

" Well thank you for everything Relena," Rae stated as she went out of her office followed by Serena.

" Goodbye!" bid Serena.

" Goodbye!" Relena stated.

She then watched the girls get out of the office and to their next destination. She closed the door and started to do all of her other work that was laying on her desk that had to deal with how to keep the peace and solving the other problems in other countries.


AN: Well here it is! Please review so I will know what you think of my story!