Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Behind the Facade ❯ "Nice to meet you, Heero." ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm ba~ack, with ch. 6! I just wanna say thanx for all the reviews, they mean a lot! Keep 'em comin', even if you hate the story! Just, if you wanna flame me, at least make it a constructive flame, please? Again, thanx to my beta-reader, Makoto Yuy, who is currently at a "loss for words"(meaning she's got the dreaded writer's block. Makoto: *bonks Angel* Hey! I'm doin' just fine! Angel: *rubs head* *grinz* Then how come you haven't turned out a story in over a month? Makoto: *sulks*), so if you could just spare a few minutes and go read some of her absolutely incredible stuff and badger her to put out some new stuff . . . *nudge nudge* ^_^ Also, you may be confused about Iria. Well, she decided to leave the GW universe when she was offered to live in the SM universe by Pluto/Trista(who offered that because she knew she would be a staple in Relena's life). All her father knew is that she was going somewhere safe, and she was going whether he liked it or not. *looks around* Clear? ^_^'


Behind the Facade
By Angel of Death

~~~CHAPTER SIX-"Nice to meet you, Heero."~~~


"Get going, Relena, or you'll be late." Richard reprimanded from the doorway of Relena's room, looking at the clock on her wall, which read 9:12 a.m. Relena was dashing to and fro, gathering the things she would "need" for her mission. The excitement of going on a mission hadn't worn off, even after two months. Iria, now 11, poked her head in through the bathroom that she and Relena shared, smiling fondly as she took in the scene before her. Over the years, Relena had become more of a sister to her than her other sisters back home ever had been, and she never once regretted her decision to leave until she became a qualified doctor with a PhD, which should take her at least until she was 18.

"Is she still getting ready, Grampa?" she asked, giggling. Richard sighed, rubbing his temples.

"What does it look like?" he said wearily, unable to hold in that smile any longer. He looked on fondly as his adoptive granddaughter dashed around the room. Finally, she stopped.

"I'm ready." she said breathlessly, throwing her backpack full of "necessities" over her shoulder. Richard nodded, motioning toward the door. Suddenly recovering her vigor, she skipped happily out the door and down the hall and outside to where her custom-made motorcycle was. Because Richard liked motorcycling and wanted Relena to be able to do it as well, he had personally built one just her size that was a bit easier to work than a full-sized one and could still go as fast as a normal one. Relena loved it. Grabbing her helmet, she snapped it on and climbed onto her motorbike. Giving Richard a thumbs-up, she threw in into gear and sped off, a faint dust rising behind her. Richard smiled as she disappeared from view and went back inside. He was amazed daily at how much she had learned, and how much of her she still managed to hold on to. Yes, he thought, I wouldn't go back and change my decision for the world. The moment he had walked into his office and shut the door, the vidphone on his desk beeped. Sighing, he sat down and pushed the "talk" button. Dr. J's face popped up.

"Is she gone?" he asked curtly. Richard nodded. Trista came into view on the screen.

"I'm ready to bring them. Should we come right to your office?" she asked. Richard nodded again.

"We'll be there momentarily, then." Dr. J said, terminating the link. Richard switched his off and started counting backwards. 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . A dark portal suddenly appeared in midair. A moment later, Dr. J hopped out, followed by a young boy a tad older than Relena, who had dark brown, unruly hair and piercing Prussian-blue eyes that held a strange emptiness. Richard was about to speak when the other scientists hopped out, also followed by boys about the same age as the one with Dr. J. Dr. J turned to Richard.

"We had expected to leave them, but our plans changed, and we had to bring them. We'll erase their memories later." he said, motioning to the five boys who stood in the center of the room. "But, to business . . ."


**KABOOM** The sound reverberated around Relena, who stood in front of/below the building that had just exploded. She held a small, black detonator with a red button in her hand, and she wore a satisfied look on her face.

"Mission: Accomplished." she said with finality. Life was so much more exciting and difficult now that she received missions. She liked it that way. She looked at her watch as the flames receded. 1:23 p.m. She smiled when she saw that she had finished hours early. They had thought it would take her a whole eight hours, and she had finished in three. Won't Grampa be happy! she thought happily, eager to report her accomplishment to Richard. Maybe I'll even get to . . . She cut the thought off, not daring to hope. Careful to cover all evidence that she had been there, she clipped her helmet on and hopped onto her motorcycle, speeding back to the Academy. She took the backstreets, as she always did, so that she would get back in roughly an hour. Against the wishes of her grandfather, she slipped the helmet off, allowing the wind the rush through her sandy-blonde tresses, the sun turning them to liquid gold. Her eyes sparkled like the ocean as she sped by in a blur. Life was good. The only thing that could make it better was a friend to share it with. A hint of sadness appeared in the aquamarine depths. Sure, Iria was great and all, but it wasn't the same as having a best friend. She sighed, snapping her helmet back on and returning both hands to the handlebars. It just wasn't the same . . .


Heads turned as Relena approached the Academy. All those under 18 watched her with grudging admiration and green envy. Richard wouldn't allow them to ride until they were 18, but he let her ride when she was 6. All those over 18 watched her with incredulous admiration tempered by just a hint of jealousy. Richard only taught them the basics, saying they needed to learn on their own while he perfected them, but he taught her every trick he knew. One thought rang throughout all their minds: What's so special about her? As she rode by, Relena met a few of their gazes, knowing exactly what they were thinking. What is so special about me? she wondered. Is it that I'm gonna be fighting in another universe? Is that it? But her thoughts were cut off as she coasted into the garage where all the students kept their motorcycles. She took off her helmet, hopped off the bike, and entered the cool building. She made her way to Richard's office, and was mildly surprised when she saw his "PLEASE KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING" sign on the door. Ignoring the sign(it was only her, after all), she opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind her. 11 heads snapped up and 22 eyes fixed themselves on her. She blinked.

"Dr. J, Doctors, I didn't know you were coming today. Why didn't you tell me, Richard?" she inquired. The chins of five boys who were standing in the corner farthest away from the scientists dropped. The boy with the scruffy brown hair was the first to close his mouth and look away, going back to leaning against the wall. Then, the one with bangs that covered half his face and the one that looked distinctly Chinese snapped simultaneously, quickly going back to the chess game they had been having on the floor. The other two, one with blonde hair and one with a braid, shook their heads(the blonde one blushing furiously) and went back to watching the chess match. Relena giggled, waving at them, before turning to Richard and the scientists, who were still staring at her. Richard paled just a moment before Dr. J turned on him angrily.

"I thought you said she wouldn't be back for another four hours!" he growled. Richard cringed.

"Well, I, um, I thought . . ." his voice trailed on. Relena watched the argument for a few minutes before shaking her head and going over to the five boys. She stood watching the chess match, and when the Chinese boy got stuck, she bent down and moved a piece.

"Checkmate." she said to the boy with the bangs. He met her gaze, a hint admiration lurking in the hunter green of his eyes.

"Good move." he said quietly, smiling slightly. The Chinese boy snorted.

"Lucky move." he said disdainfully. Relena frowned, dropping to his level.

"I'll have you know that I'm the current Chess Champion of the International League." she said proudly. Not giving him a chance to retort, she stuck out her hand.

"Relena Peacecraft." she said, introducing herself. The boy looked at her hand for a moment, then grudgingly shook it.

"Chang Wufei."

"That would mean I should call you Wufei, am I right?" she said. Wufei blinked, then nearly smiled.

"Yes, that would be correct." he verified. Relena smiled, then turned to Wufei's opponent.

"And your name would be?" she inquired offering her hand. The boy thought for a moment then took her hand.

"Trowa." he said simply. Relena then turned to the two boys now standing behind her.

"And you would be?" The blonde stepped forward first, smiling warmly.

"Quatre Reberba Winner." he said, shaking her hand. She smiled, but before she could turn to the braided boy he stepped forward and grabbed her hand, shaking it vigorously while flashing a characteristic grin.

"Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie. That's me in a nutshell." he said pleasantly. Relena laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Duo." Her gaze moved to the boy standing away from the group. Duo saw where she was looking and pointed.

"That's Heero. I dunno if you'll get an introduction from him. I had to practically hit him over the head before he'd introduce himself to me." he said, averting his gaze to the newly-started match. Relena stood there for a moment before casually walking over to where Heero was. Taking up a place beside him, she leaned against the wall silently, watching the on-going argument with him. A few minutes passed before she turned to him.

"Who are you with?" she asked. Surprised, he turned to her. He studied her for a moment before returning his gaze to the argument.

"Dr. J." he said, his voice deep and rough for someone so young. Relena nodded.

"So you're Heero, then. Richard told me about you. He said you were the only one who was as good as me." Heero raised an eyebrow, turning to Relena. She smiled. She had his full attention.

"'As good as you'?" he said questioningly. "What's that mean?" Relena grinned. Now she was on familiar ground.

"I'm already 5 levels ahead of where I should've been, and I've already got a brown-belt in 3 forms of Karate, am currently the 2nd place-holder of track for this Academy, 1st place-holder of swimming here, along with being an 8th level gymnast and a 10th level bulls-eye in target practice with any item." she said confidently, with only a hint of bragging. Heero raised both eyebrows at this.

"Exactly like me." he said, as much to himself as to her. Relena nodded.

"That's what Richard said." She waited a moment, then stepped in front of him and held out her hand.

"Relena." she said simply. Heero looked at her for a good few minutes before slowly reaching out to take her hand.

"Heero." Relena smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Heero."

TO BE CONTINUED(hmm....) . . .