Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Code Name: Angel of Death ❯ Base Found ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Code Name: Angel of Death

By: Moon Princess

Chapter: 1

Angel made her way to the computer room in the new Oz base. She gotten this far without being notices. Which isn't surprising since she the best of her comrades. Dr. J thought it was best to send her on this mission instead of the pilots. As to why she will never know. Finally she reach the computer lab, it didn't take her long to get the information the doctor need. She sends a virus through their systems.

As she made her way back to the exit she plant bombs along the way. When she reaches the exit a soldier notice her started to firer, she was able to avoid every single shot. She pulled out a dragger threw it at the soldier, was able to seek out of the hanger toward her bike. When she was leaving she activated the bombs and the base blows up as she was leaving.

Angel made her way toward the underground base the doctors were. She walked in as the doctors was talking with a lady with dark green with black highlight, about the age of twenty-five, wearing a white lab coat. Angel knew who she was right away. She was one of the scientists who help made the gundams.

Trisha was talking with Dr. J about letting her team help get the pilots out of prison since they were capture by Oz. But what they didn't know was that Oz has already located them was on their way to capture the doctors and who ever else was there.

Angel hand over the information, when a huge explosion shook the compound. Then out of nowhere Oz soldiers filled the room with guns telling them to lift their hands. Angel was able to sneak into the shadows, but not before Zechs Merquise saw her. He aimed his gun at her through the shadows said, "Come out or I will kill you." All his men thought he was crazy, until a girl step out of the shadows.