Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Code Name: Angel of Death ❯ Capture ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Code Name: Angel of Death

By: Moon Princess

Chapter: 2

Zechs took in the girl appearance, she was about 5' 6", and silvery blond hair kept into a braid that reaches all the way down below the knees. She has cold ocean-blue eyes void of all emotions. She is wearing black baggy plants with a silver tank top and a pair of black sneakers. She didn't show any fear, but instead gave him a death glare that could stop anyone in his or her track with fear.

Angel look at the officer, who was able to detect her, he had on a silver mask that covers most of his face. All she could see was his mouth and long sliver-white hair that reached just above his waist. He has on a high raking officer uniform, so he must be someone important. She had a feeling he wasn't someone to take lightly.

Zechs keep his gun on her told her to follow the soldiers she wouldn't be killed. He didn't know who she was but he had a feeling to keep an eye on her. He watched as the girl did as she was told, but still giving death glares to anyone whom looks at her.

Angel was lead into a van with the other scientist; she sat in the far corner with her arm cross over the chest and eyes close. She did notice the woman scientist was staring at her like she was curious about her.

Trisha was stock she was unable to know a head of time about the soldiers coming, as the scout of time you're supposed to know these things a head of time. But at least one thing good came out of this she found the princess. But was shocked to fine out that she was the one the doctors called Angel of Death. From what the doctors told her she was train from birth to become a solider. She was Dr. J's niece; she was a highly train assassin more so than his perfect solider. Her parents were assassin so therefore she was train in the same field even before he meet her at the age of five. Oz killed her parents when she was seven, so she came to live with Dr. J he finished her training.