Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Code Name: Angel of Death ❯ Meeting the others ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Code Name: Angel of Death

By: Moon Princess

Chapter: 3

Angel open her eyes once she felt the van stop. The soldier told them put their hand up in the air and not to tried anything. Everyone did as they were told expect Angel. The soldier was about to shoot her for not listening when Zech stop him.

Zech was watching very closely. He notices the young girl didn't do what she was told. He notices that the soldier was going to shoot her so he stops him. "Leave her be, I will take care of her. You take the scientists inside the compound," he told the soldier.

Angel was left standing with the officer from earlier, she wasn't sure what he was up too. But kept her guard up just in case, even though when does she ever keep her guard down. "Just exactly who are you and why do you work for Oz," she basic demanded.

Zech just smiled," my name is Zech Merquise." His smile disappeared and he said, "as to why I work for Oz, well that another story all to together." He continue watching her even though she couldn't see it he was quite interest in her. "What's your name and why were you there with the scientists," he asked with a polite tone.

Angel knew that was a command not a question, even though he asked the question in a polite tone. "I'm known as Angel to the scientists and the pilots," she said with monotone voice. She wasn't going to tell him her given name but her code name. "As to why I was there that is a different story all together," she said with a smirk.

Zech had a feeling he not going to get the information he wanted from her, so he motion for her to follow him. Which she did of course without a fight? He lead her to a prison cell, "get in and we stall discuss that issue again that I promise you my dear." Once she was inside the cell he lock it and left.