Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ To Trust and Love Again ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

`Italics'means a group of people is hearing the same thing.

* Italics *followed by<Italics>means only two people are talking to eachother telepathically. And if you see anything else in Italics it means a person is just thinking to themselves.

I still have forty minutes before I need to be back at school. Heero thought as he closed the door to his room and walked over to his bed. He sat down and as he laid down his thoughts couldn't stop thinking about a certain girl that appeared in his dreams a few nights and weeks ago. He closed his eyes to remember what she looked like, and found himself in a deep slumber.

~ Heero and Serena's Dream ~

"I have to sit in front of you?" Serenity said to Aires in a snotty voice.

Aires just looked at her and ignored her tone of voice, "I should be saying the same thing."

She stuck her nose in the air and waited for the food to come. She looked at her brother and smiled as her brother was keeping her niece entertained. Her eyes then fell on her best friends and saw how happy they were. She looked over at Shingnami and Saturn and held a giggled as she watched Shingnami trying to apologize for something he did. As she continued to observe her friends' own happiness, she was oblivious to a set of Prussian eyes watching her every move. Queen Serenity looked at her guests and held up a wine glass filled with white zinfandel. "Let us dine." She waited for her guests to start eating their dinner and her eyes happened to land on her daughter's meal, "Serenity!"

Serenity paused in mid-air, drool was beginning to form at the corner of her mouth as she was being stopped from her fine dinner. "Yes, Mother?" She asked her mother innocently.

"What are you eating?"

Serenity looked back at her fork and smiled at her mother, "German Chocolate Cake."

"You know that's supposed to be for dessert."

She took a bite and smiled as she allowed the sweet chocolate and homemade coconut frosting calm her nerves before she replied to her mom. "Yes, but the time I get done eating dinner, I won't have any room to eat this delicious dessert. That's why I'm eating it now, that way I can make sure I have room." She smiled her angelic smile before she took another bite.

Aires along with the other guests watched the petite princess devour the cake. Sitting across from her, he began to eat his own meal until he heard a smacking noise. As he looked up from his plate, he saw Serenity licking the thick frosting off her rosy lips. "What are you? Some savage beast that hasn't eaten for days?"

She swallowed her mouthful of cake and looked up at him, "I'm just enjoying the delicious dessert."

"Could you do it more quietly?"

She looked at him her - so childlike - azure eyes, "It's not my fault that the cake is moist and chocolaty."

Aires shook his head as he took a bite of his chicken leg and chewed gracefully and swallowed. "You apparently don't have any table manners even if the cake was dry."

She batted her eye lashes as she leaned closer to him, "Well, maybe you should have something sweet in your life every once in awhile to know why I like to enjoy every bite." Staring into his deep Prussian eyes and allowed a fistful of cake to smash into his face.

Wiping the contents of coconut frosting and brown cake from his eyes, he looked at her with a look that promised a payback. He stood up with stealth and splashed his contents of wine in her face, "Something to help wash down all the cake you devoured in five seconds."

Flaming red, she picked up her glass of wine and threw the contents in his face as well, "That's to cool you off!"

Aires kept his voice level and smirked at her, "I'm not the one raising my voice." He didn't see the looked of anger and hatred that flashed across her face, for his eyes were looking down at his lap with his meal covering his attire. He stood up and acted like nothing happened as he left the dinning hall with stealth and grace.


"Serenity, what are you going to do? Your mother and Aires' father is already talking about having you two wed."

Serenity wiped the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand as she looked at her best friend. "Mars, there is only one thing to do."

Curious to what her friend had in mind, she followed her friend, and cringed as she realized where Serenity was heading. War number twenty-nine is about to start. Aires five, Serenity 4? She sighed as she followed her hime.

"Aires, can you at least try to get along with my sister?"

"Me? She's impossible to get along with. I'm always wondering if she's going to be dumping another plate of food in my lap before a whole kingdom." Stumbling back from a pain emitting from his right eye, he looked up to see a steaming moon princess. "Dammitt, Onna. What was that for?"

Everyone else who witnessed the blow to Aires backed away slowly; afraid what might happen to them if they crossed her path. "You know exactly what that was for!"

Rubbing his eye as he continued to look at the girl his father was fond of, wondered what his father saw. Every time he was in the same room as her, all hell broke loose. A bright and cheery girl? Uh-huh, more like a bull-moose in a China closet. "No."

"BECAUSE, I have to marry you! That's WHY!"

Pushing the pain the small woman carried with the punch, he looked at and wondered when the Gods went against him. "You have a choice."

"No, I don't." She threw her hands up in the air and placed them on her hips as she continued to glare at him, "I can't ruin my friendship with Endymion or Mars. Besides, you even told me you want to claim what's rightfully yours!"

His glare matched hers as he knew where this was going. `Blame everything on him because nothing is going her way.' Well, two could play at this game, ne?

"Me? You have to do what ever Mommy wants. If you asked me, I never wanted to be apart of this and to see a spoiled Moon princess!"

"Me, being spoiled?" She stepped closer towards him so he could look into her soul. He could see a thunder storm slowly gathering and knew it would soon be pouring onto him. "What's this I hear . . . anything you want, Daddy gets?"

"No, but than again you think everyone else gets served on a silver platter."

"You don't even know me!"

"You don't know me!" He spat back and watched her turn around and run as fast as she could.

"You should go and apologize to her."

Aries turned around and glared at his friend. "I am not apologizing to your bratty sister, Quatre. End of story." He picked up his sword and walked away, leaving his friends and Serenity's court to talk about the small war that broke out.


He towered over her body as he saw her laying on the bench and eyes closed. He smirked as he kept his eyes on her. She looks like an angel when she's sleeping. He shook his head and stepped up closer to her sleeping body. Looking at the bench, he noticed the bench was carved from some form of rare jewel and knew it had to be uncomfortable. Slowly sliding an arm under her head, he slid the other arm under her legs and lifted the sleeping girl off the bench, and began to walk towards an area of trees.

She opened her eyes to see her enemy carrying her somewhere. Lost and confused, she began to kick and scream, and felt cold water wash out her cries. "ARIES!"

Coughing up water, he matched her anger-filled blue eyes, "What?"

Wringing out her drenched locks of hair and voice filled with anger as she continued to look into those lost-dark blue eyes. "You think you could just walk up to any girl and pick her up?"

"I thought I'd be a gentleman and move you to a more comfortable place."

"I was fine on the bench!"

"You were almost falling off." He began to walk closer to her and felt a small smile starting to grace his lips as he watched her flip her hair back. "You wouldn't have gotten wet if you didn't start to kick and scream like a mad woman."

"I wouldn't have kicked and scream if you would have left me alone."

"Then you would have been yelling at me for not stopping you from falling off the bench."

"I wouldn't be yelling if you would just leave-"


"What was that for?"

Aires began to rub his left cheek as he kept his eyes on her, and his voice sounding broken. "Just because."


"Thought you wanted it."

"The last thing I want from you is a kiss!" She watched him look down at the water and look up at her. Why did he have to kiss her? It went against everything she believed in - falling in love with someone like Prince Aires. She watched him give her a nod and began to walk towards the edge of the fountain. Her lips felt lost . . . her heart felt cold . . . and her soul felt alone. Could one kiss change the course of everything? Hiking up her drenched dress and began to wade over to her retreating prince. Hands length away, she quickly grabbed a hold of his cold yet warm hand, and looked into his lost and confused eyes. The two lost and confused souls didn't know what happened next, but they found themselves in a soul shattering kiss.

~ at the school ~

Duo was sitting in his desk while tapping his pencil on the cover of his notebook and his eyes staring at the back of Hotaru's head. She looks like the girl from my dreams. His eyes slowly drifted back to the ring he put on his left ring finger and back to her head.

*Shingnami, are you even back?* Duo dropped his pencil and is eyes widened as he heard a voice speaking inside his head. <Ho . . . Hotaru?> *Gasp. Duo?* <Hey, Beautiful.> *How? How can you be hearing my thoughts.* <Saturn?> Duo sat straighter up in his chair as he watched her turn around in her desk with wide eyes. <We need to talk, Hotaru . . . and now.> He quickly shoved his materials in his book bag and stood up, "Ready?"

Hotaru looked around the classroom and noticed their teacher hasn't shown up yet. "We can't leave yet.'

He grabbed her hand and began to drag her body with him to the door, "Yes, we can."

"Amara is going to kill you, Duo."

"We have more important things to worry about, Shi."

Mina began to approach Quatre in her philosophy class with a smile on her face. "Hi Quatre."

Quatre jumped in his seat and turned around with a nervous grin on his face, "Oh, hi Mina."

She sat down next to him, her voice filled with happiness and excitement, "Are we still on for Friday night?"

"Um, Mina . . ."

Her light blue eyes glanced down to the desktop and saw a heart shaped locket placed in front of Quatre. "Oh, I see . . ." she said as her cheery voice began to disappear.

Quatre looked to where he last saw her gaze and felt a pain of heart ache enter his soul. Gently placing a hand on top of hers, he gave a smile that was only for her, "Mina, we're still on for that date." His smile widen as he looked into her eyes that were filling up with tears, "In fact, I just remembered there's a homecoming dance next weekend, and want to know if you'll be my date."

Her eyes began to light up and her frown slowly turned into a grin matching his own, "You mean it?"

To prove his point, he held up her hand and gently kissed her knuckles, "With all my heart."

"Heero Yuy?"

No reply, not even a grunt indicating the presence of the person the name belonged too. The gym teacher, two Gundam pilots, and a guardian in disguise looked up to the spot where the body to the name usually sat. Empty. The gym teacher's soft brown eyes landed on the two Gundam pilots with a raised eyebrow, "Chang and Barton, do you know where Mr. Yuy is at?"

Wufei looked up at the gym teacher and shook his head. Trowa just sat there and said nothing. Lita, Amara, and Michelle all looked at the teacher and shook their heads. Lita speaking to her friends, "It's as if he never misses a class."

Wufei turned to the onna and spoke up. "As a matter of fact, weak onna, Yuy has never missed a class."

Lita turned around with a green fire blazing in her eyes as she looked at the man that crawled under her skin rather easily. "I AM NOT a weak onna!"

"Hmph. All onnas are weak."

Amara looked at him and began to pop her knuckles; Lita began to form fists and was ready to pulverize this annoying man; Michelle quickly placed a hand on Amara's upper thigh and gave her `the' look. Thwap. Amara looked over at a smirking Lita and at the prideful-Chinese man, known as Wufei Chang. She chuckled silently as she saw him rubbing his shins and giving her a Heero-look. "If onnas are weak, than why are you rubbing your shins, Wu-man?"

"Onna, that's injustice! Kicking a man in the shins and CALLING me, `WU-MAN' is INJUSTICE!"

Lita stood up from the bleachers and looked down at him with electricity floating in her orbs. Balling up her fists and a vein beginning to show on her neck as she looked into his dark eyes, "I'll show you INJUSTICE!"


"Rei?" A faint voice whispered out into a darkened room.


The person who called out for their friend began to move in the darkened and damp room to find their only life-link. "Rei?"

"A . . . Ames?"

"Thankfully, you're alive."

"Where . . . are . . . we?"

"I don't know." Ames said as her eyes were trying to find her comrade. Rubbing her forearms to stay warm as she sat on the damp floor and wondering if her other friends were alive.


~ Heero's and Serena's Dream ~

Aires looked down to his cape as he saw it being tugged by something. He smirked to himself as he saw a hand go back into a set of bushes. He looked back up to his friends and at the castle, "Excuse me, but I need to talk to Serenity about this arranged marriage."

"You mean, you two are actually getting along?"

He laughed at the question and looked back to his friends, "Are you kidding me? I swear she should be Hephaestus' sister."

Quatre laughed at the idea and shook his head, "I know what you mean, but unfortunately, she isn't. We'll see you around, Aires."

He gave his friends a nod and walked towards the castle. Glancing back, he saw them out of sight, and took a shortcut to the royal gardens. He felt his heart skip a beat as he saw his goddess looking into a pond with a moon lily tucked behind her left ear, and a bracelet made from some moon flowers adorning her wrist. "You wanted to see me?"

Startled, she dropped the other bracelet she was making in the pond. Crystal-blue eyes looked up and sparkled with laughter, love, and other emotions. "Yes."

She began to stand up but stopped as she heard his deep and rich voice speak up, "Don't get up, I'll come to you." He sat next to her and took a hold of her hands and gave each a kiss and a kiss on her lips. "You look beautiful, Ren."

She gave him a kiss back and gave him a smile that could make any rainy day go away. "Thank-you. Do you think they know?"

"Not a clue. We should be getting some form of a reward with our acting."

She laughed and curled up next to him and rested her head on his lap, "Aires, I've been thinking."

"That could be scary." He winced as he felt her pinch his leg and looked down with regret. "I didn't mean it, Ren."

"Just making sure. Aires, I want to see your kingdom."

"You don't mean that."

She sat up and looked straight into his eyes, "Of course I do."


Her cheery voice quickly changed to a tone that matched a cloudy day, "I need to get away."

"You have everything here."

She shook her head and placed her right hand on his left cheek, "I know, Aires, but I need to get away. Especially if I'm going to be ruling there, I want to meet your people."

He looked down at her and up at the blue marble in the sky - home. How long has it been? "We'll go."

Her eyes widen and her once depressed voice quickly changed to one filled with hope, "We will?"

"Yes. We leave tomorrow."

Wrapping her arms around his neck she gave him a bear hug and a kiss on the lips, "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Chuckling at her child-like behavior, he kissed her forehead, "You're welcome."