Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Under A Winged Moon ❯ Chapter Six: Among Friends ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Under A Winged Moon
Chapter Six: Among Friends
By MoonAngel

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GDA: Yada, yada, yada.
A/N: Yay! The gang will be starting College in the next episode ... hopefully ^_^ Anywho, this chapter is general, nothing special. No mind-blowing visions or such. Just te guys being guys, Relena being annoying, and Usagi being .. well, Usagi ^^
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Chapter Six: Among Friends
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Usagi woke to the sun's rays beating down on her from the open window. She steadily sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. She looked over at the clock on the tabel. Twelve thirty it read. "lunch time" she thought happily. She got out of bed and made quick work of the messed up covers. She discarded her pajama's and got dressed. She quickly ran downstairs, almost tripping, only to be greeted by six pairs of eyes, three smiles and one nod. She stopped dead in her tracks and smiled widely.

"Hi guys!" She said excitedly

"Hiya Usagi-chan!" Duo replied, just as excited.

"If I would of known you all were here, I would have gotten up hours ago" She giggled

Relena got up from her spot next to Heero and led her to the couch next to Quatre, where she sat. She smiled at Usagi and went back to her spot next to Heero.

"Oh don't worry about it Usagi! Besides, you're my guest, you should sleep in!" Relena said happily as she held on to Heero's arm.

"Thanks Relena-chan. If I were at home I would have been ran into the ground for being up late" She giggled.

"So where are you from Usagi?" Trowa asked, much to everyone's surprise.

"I'm from Tokyo .. Japan" She said reluctantly.

"That's interesting Usagi, since Japan was destroyed by the OZ Federation some three or so years ago" Wufei said as he glared at the young blonde.

"Yes, I know" She lied "I think you misunderstood my answer, I am originally from Tokyo, we moved some five years ago"

"Hn" Was all he could reply with.

"Anyways, what are you doing here, if I might ask" Quatre said politely.

Usagi's smile somewhat faded, as she remembered just what she was doing here. "Running away from my problems, I guess you could say" She said quietly.

"What happened Usagi-chan?" Duo asked quietly.

"I ..don't think it's something I should talk about" She said as she played with her shirt.

"It's alright Usagi, you're among friends here, but we won't force you" Quatre said as he patted the top of her hand.

That made her feel somewhat better. She thought for a moment. "I might as well tell them something ... but I don't like lying. I do feel the trust in them ..."

"Well, it all started a few days ago. I went to my friends place. And I heard them giggling. So, being naturally curious, I listened in. Only to find they were laughing at me. Drawing out all my faults." She looked down sadly, but continued. "Then she said she had gotten a letter from my boyfriend, who is in college. She said he wanted to .. to breakup with me. Then they teased each other about going after him ... by then I couldn't take anymore.. So I went home, wrote my mother a letter and left. I had also recieved a letter from my b ... my ex-boyfriend. I guess now ... it does make some sense"

"How does what makes sense?" Trowa asked curiously.

"His letters and calls, had gotten less and less frequent. I guess ... I couldn't believe that he would want to leave me.. It seemed like were together forever ... " She said as she trailed off.

"Oh, Usagi! I'm so sorry!" Relena said as she went to hug her.

"Hn, just like a weak onna, getting all upset over some weak emotion" Wufei said.

"I am not weak" Usagi shouted, half crying.

"Weaker than she is" Wufei said as he pointed to Relena.

The remark stunned everyone. Usagi got up, walked over to Wufei and smacked him across the face. Something no one has done, not even his best friends.

"I am not weak. You have no idea just how strong I am" She seethed.

"Oh really, we just got done fighting a war! People died, do you know what it's like to watch people die!" He shouted.

" I have seen death a thousand times over, and then some. You would quickly die if you were put in my shoes. I have been through too much, and it took all the strength I had not to die!" She shouted.

The shouted had since ceased, both standing there, catching there breath. Wufei glared at her with contempt. Usagi looked at him with sadness and compassion.

"What?" Wufei hissed.

"Have you ever died Wufei?" Usagi asked calmly.

"Would I be here!" He said.

"Then I guess I have one over you" She said softly.

"Nani???" He exclaimed.

She silently walked out of the room. She walked through the hallway, and up the steps towards her room. Once there, she crawled onto her bed and cried.

"What was that girl talking about?" Wufei said as he dropped himself onto the couch.

"I think she meant that she's died before ... but how... she's here isn't she?" Duo said with a puzzled look on his face.

Quatre sat down and thought to himself. His mind drifted back to the vision he had a few days ago. "Usagi" he whispered to himself. his body suddenly jerked back as he was dragged into another vision.

<><><><><><><>Vision&l t;><><><><><><>

"But brother!! I don't want to learn!! I want to go talk to Rei-chan!" The yound blonde whinned.

"Usagi, you need to know this. How ever are you going to protect yourself?" Said her brother.

"But Quatre!!! You'll be there to protect me!" Usagi exclaimed as she hugged her brother.

>The next night<

"Quatre, I think they are going to invade" Duo said.

"Trowa, find the others and assemble them in the great hall, we must talk to my mother"


>Great Hall<

"Are you sure son?" Queen Serenity said

"Hai, I feel it is drawing near"

"You're Highness, we need to act now. Gather men, make provisions!" Heero said as he sat down next to the Queen.

"There won't be time, there here!" Duo shouted as he threw open the door.

"Nani!! How can this be!!" Queen Serenity yelled.

"Wufei, find my sister and bring her here!"

"Hai Sir"


"Endymion! NO!" Usagi screamed as she watched her future fiance' being killed by Queen Metallia.

"I cannot take this" She cried as she drove the sword into her own heart.

"Usagi!!!!!!" Quatre yelled as he ran to his sister.

"Q.. Quatre ..." she said weakly.

"Sh, save your strength" He whispered as he wiped the hair from her face.

"I pray that one day we will find each other once more, and that we will .. live ... once ... more" She said as she drew in her last breath.

Quatre gently put his sister down. He grabbed his sword and went into battle. Screaming for the head of Queen Metallia.

<><><><><><><>End Vision<><><><><><><>

Quatre sat up and gasped for air. He looked around and recognized his friends, his court from centeries past. He got up and warly tried to get to the door. The others tried to help him, but he pushed them away, and made his way up the stairs to Usagi's room.

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Muahahaha. And you thought it was going to be a happy ending. I was going to have the next chapte be when they're in college. But I am going to wait for that till way later in the series, when they've all come back. Anyways, I don't know what happened in the manga, but I know Usagi kills herself using a sword. And I made up the part about Japan being destroyed by OZ. I mean, how else was I to initiate conflict between our two future loves?? Hehe. I worked especially hard on this chapter, so R&R and tell me what you think of it????