Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Dragon ❯ the prolouge, or why it isn't always that smart to blow up secret laboratories (not revised) ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shadow Dragon
A Gundam Wing/ Yu Yu Hakusho crossover

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, and, sadly, never will. *chibi-eyes watering*

Warnings: YES, this DOES have shounen-ai but there shouldn't be anything explicit so no need to get all excited over it =P lighten up people.... the particular pairings of this monstrosity would be Wufei-n-Duo and Hiei-n-Kurama... or Duo-n-Wufei and Kurama-Hiei *shrugs* we'll just have to see how it comes out, ne?

~*~ = flashback

/\/\/\/\ = different point of view

'thoughts' = person's thoughts


"Kuso!" Wufei cursed.

He was extremely mad... in fact, he was almost pissed off, which is a very dangerous thing. Wufei usually was very laid back, though few people were privileged enough to see him that way, and the most vile of curses and attacks aimed at him would just role off of him like water off a duck's back. However, this particular attack wasn't aimed at him, it had been aimed at Duo, one of the few people he considered as his friends, and to make it even worse it wasn't even a straight out attack. No, those idiot scientist had sent Duo on a mission to destroy a base that was rumored to be a testing ground for some secret project that OZ's scientist had been working on. Now that in and of itself wasn't so bad, Duo could just have taken Deathscythe and, as Duo would put it, 'blow those suckers to kingdom come,' but 'those idiots' had ordered Duo to infiltrate the base, see what was happening there, and *then* totally destroy the base. Thankfully Duo understood that sometimes even Shinigami needed backup, and had asked him to come with him.


"NE, Wu-chan."

Wufei started, he hadn't *felt* anyone coming! He covered his surprise quickly and answered, "What, Maxwell? And don't call me Wu-chan!"

His voice sounded curt with annoyance, which was a good thing because it would cover up the surprise he was still feeling. As he turned around, Wufei noticed that Duo looked almost... worried? That concerned the pilot of Shenlong because Duo never looked worried, not even when he was surrounded by a hundred enemy mobile suits that were out for his blood.

"Would you be willing to back me up on this mission the scientist sent me? .... it just doesn't feel right." Duo asked quietly, his eyes showing apprehension and uneasiness. "I don't want to ask Quatre or Trowa because they deserve some time together and you know they just got back from a mission, and... well... Heero," he shook his head, "I... "

"Duo," Wufei interrupted, "you don't need to tell me. Hai, I would be honored to fight by your side."

Duo, who had been staring at the ground, looked up at Wufei and sighed in relief, "Thanks, I really have a bad feeling about this one."


Well, Wufei thought, I don't think I'll be ignoring Duo when he says stuff like that again, look where it got me this time. He snorted to himself and mentally reviewed what had happened to get them in the position they were currently in. They had been able to sneak in and find the labs fairly easily, and that should have told them then and there that good ol' Mr. Murphy was about to come and kick them in the arse-end, but no, we thought that we had finally hit on some luck. It ended up being an ambush that was meant to capture or kill the pilot of Deathscythe. However, they had not taken into consideration that Duo might have requested backup. Wufei grinned a savage, feral grin. When the trap had closed behind Duo, Wufei had quietly crept up behind the nearest soldiers and silently killed them, dividing their forces. Wufei left to continue with the plan to destroy the base by setting the explosives in strategic places and setting the timer. Done with that, he decided to go back to where Duo had last been.

As Wufei ran back toward the control center, he stumbled and almost fell when he felt a tremendous surge of ki. His eyes widened in shock as he identified it as Duo's. When he got there, all he found were bodies. While most were dead, some clung to life tenaciously though they to would join their fellows sooner or later due to the bomb that he had set earlier. Wufei franticly searched among the bodies for Duo, praying to all the gods that he could think of that Duo was still alive. When Wufei found Duo, he froze in shock. The sight he saw totally blew his mind. Duo's clothes had changed from the priest outfit he usually wore. The clothes had a gauzy, ethereal look to them and were black with violet highlights. The black cloth seemed to suck up all the light around Duo, like the shadows were trying to hide him from sight. Once Wufei looked past the sudden change in clothes, he noticed something else.

Duo had wings.

They were black, leathery, and almost bat-like, though they reminded Wufei of something besides bats. They were almost like dragon's wings. His mind almost shut down at the ramifications of the particular observation that there were other Dragons out there. Maybe even other Fire-dragons, though he doubted that because all of the known ones, except for him of course, had been on L-5 when it had self-destructed.


While Wufei had been distracted by Duo, the scientist in charge of the project had been franticly been trying to get his associates to get his machine working while he was saving all of the data onto disks so he could rebuild elsewhere if he had to. It was his life's work, and the machine was almost complete. He only had to run some tests till it was completed and then he could have announced to the world, and more importantly, to OZ, that time travel *was* possible. However, the scientist had not brought into account that different dimensions could, and do, exist into his equations so there were several glitches in the program that he hadn't foreseen. Of course, this really didn't matter because this machine would only be used once, and even then it was an accident.



The sound of the base barracks exploding shook Wufei out of his shock. He bent down and picked up Duo. He had a little trouble at first on account of the wings, but he got the hang of it. As he rounded the corner, he came face-to-face with the base commander and his men... and they were all armed.... and the weapons were all pointed at him and Duo. This was not good.

"Well, well, what do we have here boys?" The mocking voice of the commander rang out softly. "It seems to me that we have caught us some terrorists, don't you agree?"

The men voiced their agreement, most smiling viciously at the thought of the two that had managed to kill most of their comrades at their beck and call.


This explosion was close enough to distract the soldiers for a second and that second was all Wufei needed. Almost without a thought, he sent out his dragon fire and incinerated the soldiers. When the fire stopped, all that was left of them was ash and some melted metal from the guns. Wufei looked at his watch and started cursing in every language he knew. He wasn't going to have enough time to get out if he didn't hurry. As Wufei hurried past the laboratory, Mr. Murphy decided to have one last go at the two by causing two things to happen. If they had happened separately, there merely would have been disastrous, but predictable, results. However, just as the timer on the bomb reached zero, the scientist finally got his machine working. The resultant explosion killed the scientist and literally blew Duo and Wufei into another world.


joy... well, the fact that I'm even considering to finish what I have of this fic can be blamed on Mel and Christy.... so far I have chapters 1-7 finished, and chapter 8 started.... you should be getting more of this later... hopefully...