Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Dragon ❯ ah, the wonders of bureaucracy... (not revised) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shadow Dragon
A Gundam Wing/ Yu Yu Hakusho crossover

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, and, sadly, never will. *chibi-eyes watering*

Warnings: YES, this DOES have shounen-ai but there shouldn't be anything explicit so no need to get all excited over it =P lighten up people.... the particular pairings of this monstrosity would be Wufei-n-Duo and Hiei-n-Kurama... or Duo-n-Wufei and Kurama-Hiei *shrugs* we'll just have to see how it comes out, ne?

Update: this isn't the real revised version, I just saw some things that were really bugging me about it, so I went ahead and changed them before the other version came back from the Beta-reader....

~*~ = flashback

/\/\/\/\ = different point of view

'thoughts' = person's thoughts

Notes: some of you were wondering why I'm not posting the other chapters... well, that's because I've decided to edit/revise them, so once they get back from my new beta reader, I'll be uploading a revised version of this...

Chapter 1

When Wufei woke up, he all he could see was red and green. When his eyes focused some more, he saw why. The green was from the leaves in the trees above him and the red was blood...... the last left him a little puzzled, where was the blood coming from? In the back of his mind he realized that he was probably in shock. With a groan, he sat up and looked around. He was in a clearing, with all sorts of plants he had never seen before surrounding him. Once he made sure that he was safe, he did a basic internal review for injuries. There were a couple of scrapes and bruises but the worst of his injuries seemed to be the cut on his head. Blood was freely flowing down from it into his eyes. He winced slightly, it was going to hurt like hell but he had to get the wound to stop bleeding. With a mental command, he sent a little of his flame to cauterize the wound. Once his vision cleared from the red haze of pain, he looked around again, investigating his surroundings. He kept getting the feeling that he was forgetting something...

As he looked around, he found an area of the clearing that was darker than the rest. When he went over to it, he noticed something in there. Something humanoid..... with a long auburn braid...... Duo....... well, at least he now knew what he had forgotten about.


Koenma looked up, annoyed, as his door burst open.

"What is it?" He snapped, his eyes narrowing.

"Boss! There's a *very* big disturbance in Makai!" the Oni stated, looking very flustered.

Koenma didn't even blink as he replied, "So?"

"It didn't originate in the Makai!" The Oni said, confusion joining the flustered look on his face.

"It didn't originate in the Makai? Where did it come from then?" Koenma asked, starting to look as interested as a toddler can look.

"We don't know," the oni said, "we're looking into it now, but we definately know it didn't come from the Ningen-kai or the Makai."

"Is that all the information you have at the moment?" Koenma asked, his eyebrows burrowing slightly in thought.

"We know where it occurred, sir," the oni answered.

"Okay, leave Botan and me a copy and then send her in when you leave. I want to be informed immediately when you get any more information." Koenma stated tersely.

With that the oni left, leaving him lost in his thoughts 'till Botan came. When Botan got there, she found Koenma staring at the reports on his desk but not actually doing anything with them. Botan quietly cleared her throat to get his attention.

"You wanted to see me Koenma-sama?" Botan asked perkily.

"Yes, I need you to gather the Tantai. I have a surveillance mission for them. I need them to find out what happened in this area to cause such a big disturbance." Koenma stated, still looking preoccupied.

"Hai!" She said, leaving. Then, pausing halfway out the door, she asked, "do you want them to stop by here for anything, or do you want me to just drop them off there?"

"Just drop them off, then come back here so that I can get information to them quickly if I need to," Koenma said absently, already back to working on the mountain of paperwork in front of him.

"Hai!" Botan chirped, then left for the Ningen-kai to get the team.


Geez.... I never quite realized just how short this is... oh well *shrugs* as soon as I get the revised version out, I'll upload it....