Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ [temp title] Beyond the Bounds of Earth ❯ Part Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

>> Begin Part Eight


NOTES: To 'Thomas' -- if you're still reading this, go back to chapter seven. I left a large apology at the top because I realize I fucked up big time with that and I cut the lines from the fic about them being femme. I'm sorry. My complete explanation is at the top of part seven. I feel like repeating everything I said cause I feel like I've made an idiot of myself and I feel like shit for it, too, but I don't want to make people keep reading these apologies and make an even bigger ass of myself. -_-;


Heero grabbed Duo's hand as they got out of his car and walked boldly toward the school.

"I hope we get a few classes together," Duo voiced.

"You are down for orchestra, aren't you?" Heero asked, squeezing his hand a little tighter as they walked through the doors.

People, to Heero's surprise, seemed not to even be paying attention. The people who did notice looked a little shocked or disgusted. Then there were the occasional few who were surprised, but only because it was Heero. There was no disgust in these people's eyes.

"I hope I am not too bad.... It would be embarrassing."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Duo. I'm sure you're fantastic. You're fantastic at everything else."

Duo blushed a little with his words of praise.

"Where's your homeroom?"

"I will show you. It is on the two hundred hall."

"Ah, okay," Heero replied, grinning. He was glad Duo had the same feelings on public affection.

Well, it was that or Duo was oblivious to some of the looks they were getting, which seemed impossible.

Duo smiled back at him.

"I am glad to see you happy."

"I'm glad to see you."

Duo stopped outside of room two-o-eight and Heero grabbed him around the waist and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Hopefully I'll see you today."

Duo nodded.

Heero gave him another quick kiss before bidding him farewell.

First period he had an Oracle class, which was unbelievably boring for a first day, not to mention the snickering and questions got to him a little.

Second period was Trig with Wufei. Next to Wufei.

Partners with Wufei.

"I knew you were a fag," Wufei hissed.

Heero glared. "I love him. Who cares?"

"I'm glad I stopped being your friend when I did."

"You dumbshit! I was the one who left you. Thank the good lord I did because I have better friends than you now."

Wufei seemed slightly offended.

"If you can even call them that," he spat.

"I can and I do." Heero smirked. "I think you'd find yourself happier if you found a man, Wufei."

Wufei was speechless -- but not for long.

"I'm not going to pick up your disgusting habits!"

"You sure, Wufei?" Heero asked. "You know you always found me attractive."

Wufei's head shot forward and he stared at the board.

Heero couldn't believe that he was right. It was an educated guess, but still....

Next period he had American Government and Economics and walked in to see Duo sitting in the back of the room, daydreaming.

Heero sat down in front of him and grabbed his hand.

"Hey," Heero smiled.

"Heero!" Duo cheered, immediately perking up. "I was afraid that we would not have any classes together at all...."

"You have orchestra next, right?"

Duo nodded, smiling.



Heero noticed the sudden change of direction the conversation took and how serious Duo's voice was.


"Some people are asking me very personal questions that I do not wish to answer...."

Heero immediately felt anger swell in his chest.

"What kind of questions? I'll pound the living fuck out of anyone--"

"No, Heero. You become just as bad as them."

"If they touch you--"

"No, they just ask questions. About me...about you.... About us, together."

Heero kissed his hand. "They don't need to know anything."

Duo smiled at his boyfriend. "No, they do not."


They had lunch together, along with Quatre, Trowa, and Cathy. Luckily Hilde was nowhere to be seen because Heero was sure he didn't want to confront her right then.

Hand in hand they walked to orchestra together. Heero insisted on carrying his books, although Duo told him that it was unnecessary. Orchestra, Heero thought, would be a haven for them because some many musicians were more open-minded than the rest of the population, if they weren't gay themselves.

But he was wrong.

Quatre was in the class with them, so they had him on their side, and a few others, but a majority of the class shunned them.

Duo seemed not to notice, so Heero tried to ignore it himself and just be supportive of Duo. He wasn't sure if Duo was truly naïve to the situation because he wasn't from this world, or if he was a step ahead and was just acting stupid so that Heero would think he was naïve. Either way was possible with Duo. He figured it was probably the latter of the two.

Halfway through orchestra, disaster hit it's highest peek when Heero and Duo were both called to the office.

Walking down the halls, Heero felt Duo grip his hand tight in assurance. Duo had nothing to worry about -- he wasn't from this planet. He didn't have parents who would beat him down because he was gay. Heero, on the other hand, did, and was unbelievably nervous and frightened.

Sometimes he hated the fact that Duo brought his emotions out for him to see more clearly.

This was one of those times.

"Do not worry, Heero," he spoke softly as they walked to administration. "I will always be here for you."

"I don't want to be hurt anymore...." Heero murmured, afraid his voice would show his fear if he spoke too loudly.

Duo stopped and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"This world is full of pain. It is a test. Whoever passes the test moves to the next level with more strength. Whoever fails, is destroyed. Destruction is a hundred times worse than pain, Heero. Destruction is torture because although there is pain, sometimes there is happiness and that is what you must hold on to," he whispered softly into Heero's ear, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Heero just held his arms around his waist, unbelievably grateful for Duo's support.

Duo pushed away a little and Heero understood that they had to keep walking, but he didn't want to keep walking. He wanted to stand right there with Duo in his arms forever....

Yet he managed to brace himself and with Duo's fingers between his, walk though the administration door and up to the desk.

"Someone wanted to see us."

The look the secretary gave them said plainly that she knew exactly what they were there for and agreed whole-heartedly with it.

Heero decided he didn't like that look.

Never parting hands, they followed her back into a room and sat down in two chairs in front of a neatly organized desk. The posters on the walls were those that Heero despised most. The ones that posted things like 'achievement' and 'accomplishment' that only ever succeed in making you feel like more of a failure.

"Mr. Ritchie will be with you shortly."

With those words, all hope was lost.

Heero was praying they would talk to one of the female administrators because women happened to be more accepting of homosexuality, but no, they had to have Mr. Ritchie.

"I'm so fucking dead," Heero muttered, longing to rest his head on Duo's shoulder and cry, but he couldn't. He had to be strong right then.

"No, Heero," Duo replied calmly, squeezing his hand tighter. "No. You will withstand destruction. I know you will."

"I'm glad someone has a little faith in me, because I don't," Heero answered, looking up into his beautiful boyfriend's eyes.

"Do not lose faith in yourself. You are a wonderful person, the world just dealt you a few injustices."

Suddenly the door was opened and they both turned to look at the tall man.

He crossed the room briskly after shutting the door behind him and sat down in his seat, look at the two boys crossly.

"This is your second time down here, mister Yuy," he spoke. "Last semester it was for a porn show, I understand?"

"Yes," Heero replied, "but I will stand by the fact that I did not plan that. Someone took the disks and replaced them."

The administrator sighed. "Let's not go back into that, shall we? You were suspended for a week, right?"

"Yes, but you were the one who didn't want to go back into it," Heero snapped back, wishing they would stop talking about the computer programming incident and just get this punishment over with.

"Right. Well, Heero, Duo, you seem to have caused quite a disturbance."

"Why?" Heero asked. "We haven't had sex in the halls like some of your resident straight couples do."

Mr. Ritchie glared and Heero felt Duo's grip tighten on his hand, telling him to calm down.

"You were 'making out explicitly in the halls', most people report."

Heero rolled his eyes, becoming angry now. "We were not. I had my arms around his waist and I pecked him twice on the lips, no tongue or nothing! Twice! Before homeroom. Then I held his hand. Oh, I know, that must be some kind of crime."

"I doesn't matter what you did, Heero, but you disrupted a large amount of the student body--"

"Well they shouldn't be! They should just suck it up and deal because I love him just as much as I'm sure you love your wife, if not more, and homosexuality is a real thing that people will have to deal with in their lives!"

Mr. Ritchie was glaring daggers and Heero glared back in defiance.

"I really hate to do this to you, Heero, seeing as you are one of the best football players we've ever had, but I'm going to have to call your parents and expel you for disturbing the peace and disrespecting me."

Heero blinked.

"Call my...parents?"

"They don't know about this homosexual joke yet?" he asked, disgust in his voice. "Well don't worry, they soon will. I'm giving you five days and Duo there three. He's certainly not as disrespectful as you."

"Wait! I want to talk to a councilor about this!" Heero demanded, hoping that maybe the councilors would be able to help him out. "This isn't your field of expertise! This should be confidential!"

Mr. Ritchie rolled his eyes. "Nice try. I would be quiet if I were you unless you want ten days OSS."

"Heero," Duo whispered and Heero turned to look at his love. "Heero, you should calm down. You are shaking."

Heero realized that he was indeed shaking in anger and fear. He felt Duo's other hand join his, holding his fingers tightly as Mr. Ritchie picked up the phone.

"Hello Mr. Yuy, this is Mr. Ritchie calling about your son, Heero."

Heero felt his face was wet and realized he was crying.

"Yes, he's in trouble."

He felt his stomach churn. He could almost hear his father's voice on the other end of the phone.... Adrenaline pumped through his body and he stood.


"Not only is he being disrespectful to me, but he has disturbed the peaceful atmosphere greatly once again."

Heero suddenly stormed out of the room, Duo at his heels and two female administrators behind him, commanding him to stop lest he be in more trouble.

He was sobbing silently by this time, tears running in rivers down his cheeks as he stepped into the bathroom, doubling over and vomiting into one of the grungy toilet bowls. The smell alone was bad enough to make one sick and it certainly didn't help the situation.

The female administrators didn't follow him into the bathroom, but Duo did and he stroked his hair, trying to be comforting as he watched Heero in pain.

He helped Heero to his feet and over to a sink, pulling out a few paper towels and running them under cold water as he wiped his forehead and cheeks and neck with them.

"Shh, Heero," he soothed, wrapping an arm around him to stroke his back. "It will be okay.... It will be okay...."

Heero's arms tightened almost crushingly around Duo's thin waist as he sobbed shamefully into Duo's neck.

"I love you so much," he whispered, "but I'm so fucking scared to go home.... I'm so fucking scared. Why can't people understand? Why are people so fucking stupid?" he asked of Duo, who he knew couldn't answer his questions.

Instead Duo was contented just to stroke his cheek and whisper his support in Heero's ear.

Though all too soon they were taken down by male administrators, forcing them apart and back up to the office.

Heero tried to clean his face with his hands as he glared rebellion back up at everyone.

He wasn't going to be taken sitting down.

They were both made to sign forms and given lectures and were held back thirty minutes after the bell rang for dismissal because of this.

Heero tuned out most of what was said to him and kept his thoughts on escaping the school and hopefully going back to Duo's house to cry and snuggle with him.

Finally they escaped.

"I have to take you to your parents, Heero," Duo announced. "I...I have to."

Heero realized this and decided that Duo was right and there was nothing he could do about it.

They climbed into his car in dead silence.

Duo pulled out of the parking lot and drove Heero to his house, parking in the driveway.

Heero didn't feel fear or anxiety or anything.

He felt completely numb, as if he wasn't really a part of everything that was going on around him. He was disconnected, detached. He couldn't feel a thing.

Even when he and Duo kissed, he felt nothing. He barely recognized the hands with opened the car door or felt his feet take the steps up to his house.

He opened the door and shut it.

A man stood there.

A man....

His father. That's right....

He stood before his father and blinked unsure of what to do next. He couldn't comprehend what to do next. He wasn't a part of his body anymore.

Even when his father took the first hit, he didn't feel it.

The second punch knocked him to the floor, but he didn't feel it. He didn't get back up. He just lay there.

He was already too broken to care.

He felt a shoe at his stomach and then he was sliding into the wall.

He realized that his mouth opened and that he was coughing, but it didn't connect, as did the shoe once more with his stomach.

He heard words being spoken, but they didn't make sense.

Nothing made sense.

He saw red, but why was it there?

There was something warm on his hands and arms. Sticky. What...what was it?

He felt so light headed....

He felt like he was floating away, being lifted off the floor.

Suddenly there was so much light and he was floating.

He heard a shrill cry. It sounded so familiar.... Oh, but it hurt too much to think. He was too far gone. Why did it matter? He was going to die.

He was flying. Flying through the air now. The nothing held him up and time seemed suspended.

Yet all to soon he fell and was met with the hard ground.

Maybe he didn't make it up to heaven.

Maybe he was in hell.

But did it really matter?

He was away.

It felt like rain. Tiny pin pricks on his skin.

He was gone. All he had to do was close his eyes and he would be away....

Slowly now....

He would be away.

It didn't matter anymore.

It didn't...matter....


The world was getting darker now. Everything spinning.... Lighter, then darker....

Not much longer.

Eyelids dropped over the stormy blue eyes rolled back in Heero Yuy's head.

>> End Part Eight