Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Lovely Mess ❯ Unforgiveable ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: A Lovely Mess
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam wing, nor it's characters. On the other hand, I do own Haruki, Akira, Umeko, and Hoshi.

Chapter five:unforgiveable

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Duo searched the street, soaking wet from the rain, looking for the right number on the buildings. The huge buildings.
' I have to do this.' He reassured himself. 'Surely she remembers what we had. She still loves me. Why else would she kiss me in that sort of situation? Oh, what a mess! What a lovely mess... ah-hah!'
Duo found the building and stomped in out of the rain.
" Excuse me, sir, do you work here?" The receptionist asked from her desk.
Duo looked over at her and blinked.
"" Duo said.
" Do you have a meeting?" The receptionist asked again.
Duo shook his head.
" Then I'll have to ask you to leave." She pointed to the door.
" Wait, I' to...pick up a friend who's supposed to be having a meeting here. Is there a Quatre Winner in the building?" Duo asked.
" Sir, I find it hard to believe that YOU would be friends with Mr. Winner." The girl mused.
" I know it's hard to think, but trying that hard to believe could be a good exercise for you." Duo shot back.
" Their meeting will be over in a few minutes. You can wait here," The girl grumbled before continuing on some papers.
" Thank you, miss." Duo smiled and went to a couch that was set up as a waiting room thingy. He sat down and looked down at his muddy shoes.
' What will I say when I see her again?' Duo thought to his shoes ' Sorry I kissed you. I didn't know you were engaged. Now, will you forget about Quatre, though he's taken care of you for years and move out of the mansion, which Quatre has provided you shelter and security in, and come travel space in a POS ship with me, even though I left and never came back and I'm not rich and I'm not as nice and I don't have good manner like Quatre and I'm not as organized as Quatre. And I'm not engaged to you, like Quatre. Damn you, Quatre. Damn you.'
Duo looked up as he heard footsteps. Quatre was walking towards the door, with a few people trailing behind him.
' Think you're so good with your suits and your important looking papers and your expensive cars and car keys with no key-chains, because you're too sophisticated...'
" Um, sir." The receptionist snapped him out of his thoughts and pointed to the door.
Duo looked up and at the door. Quatre had already gotten in his car and was now leaving.
" Oh Shit!" Duo got up and ran out the door.
" Have a nice day." The receptionist waved.
Duo shot her a glare before running out and after the moving car. It was too late. Duo couldn't catch up and then lost it in the street meshed in with all the other cars.
" Damn it, Quatre!" Duo shouted out loud.
BEEP!! BEEEEEEEEP!! Screeeeech...
A car screeched to a halt right behind Duo.
" Hey, watch it! Pedestrians have right of way, piss whistle!" Duo yelled, then turned around.
" Piss whistle?" Heero was in the car and had swerved to get Duo's attention.
" Heero?" Duo cocked his head.
" Get in." Heero said waving him in.
" What are you doing here?" Duo asked as he jumped in.
" Keeping you from doing anything stupid." Heero said and pulled into the road, heading the same way Quatre did.
" Where are we going?" Duo asked, looking around. The busy part of Japan was still foreign to him.
" Where do you think? We're fallowing Quatre, so you can talk to Haruki. That's what you were planning on doing, coming here, weren't you?" Heero scanned the road for Quatre's Mercedes.
" I thought you said you were keeping me from doing something stupid. Like, say, ruining a relationship, or something?" Duo rested his head on his hand.
" I think I'd know what's stupid in a relationship. I did manage to ruin a five-year marriage WITH a child. Don't question me." Heero swerved through traffic, tracking the Mercedes.
" I'm sorry, MOM! Good lord you've changed. You're still impossible to get along with, but more annoying." Duo sighed
" Yes. Well," Heero swerved behind a car just behind Quatre's. " It's hard not to gain emotion when you have a little girl exploding with it..."
" Hoshi. She's a cutie." Duo watched as the car turned. " He's turning."
Heero nodded and turned after a few other cars.
" So, you think you know about bad relationships. Then, why do you think you could help me get Haruki back with a good relationship?" Duo cocked an eyebrow.
" You came here to talk to them both. I'm making sure you don't kidnap Haruki or kill Quatre. Seems like something you'd do." Heero said
" Ouch." Duo shifted in his seat, impatiently.
" Will you calm down?" Heero glanced at Duo, then back at the road.
" I don't know why I'm so twitchy. Hmm. Could it be the fact that I'm about to talk face to face with the woman I've loved for years and the man I've hated since this morning? Naw, of course not. Why would that make me nervous, huh?" Duo rubbed his temples.
Heero grumbled as he pulled into the parking lot and got a parking space.
" Now, listen. I don't want you to go see them, just yet. They already know I'm here." Heero said as he turned off the car.
" What? Why do they know you're here?" Duo unbuckled.
" Quatre hired me as a body guard." They both got out of the car and closed the doors. " You don't think I'd come here JUST for you, did you?"
" Ever since I've come back, everyone's made me feel so loved." Duo joked. " I never knew you cared." Duo batted his eyes at him.
Heero gave him a small glare as they headed into the Hotel building.
" One more thing..." Heero started
" Daddy!!!" Hoshi came running out of almost nowhere, soaking wet in a little bathing suit. She hugged Heero's knees. Heero motioned with his head for Duo to go away. Duo raised his eyebrows, confused, then looked down the hall. Haruki was walking towards them. Fortunately, she was busy drying her hair, so she didn't see Duo slip away into a hallway, behind a plastic plant. Duo peeked around the corner as she came to a stop in front of Heero and Hoshi.
" We just went for a little swim. Quatre's back?" Haruki asked.
Duo saw she was wearing a white two-piece that didn't leave very much to the imagination.
" Yeah. Thanks for watching her." Heero said.
" No problem." Haruki smiled " It's nice to have some company around this boring hotel, right Hoshi?"
" Right!" Hoshi giggled " Especially in the elevator!"
Heero looked up at Haruki and she blushed slightly.
" Don't be surprised if you get glares from the bellhops." Haruki gave a small wave and a wink before she turned around and went to the stairs.
Duo watched her walk away until she was out of sight, then walked out from behind the bush.
" Hello Mr. Duo." Hoshi flashed a bright smile.
" Hey, kiddo." Duo smiled, then looked up at Heero.
" We better get out of here before we're spotted." Heero said.


" Hey Quatre, how was the meeting?" Haruki asked, wrapping a towel around herself.
" Oh, it was fine. The usual stuff." Quatre smiled at Haruki, who smiled back. " You want to go to a business dinner, tonight?"
" Sure," Haruki said as she grabbed some clothes to change in to after her shower.
" I've got a noon appointment, so I'm gonna have to head off to that." Quatre said, sorting through a few papers on the desk in their master suite.
" ...I thought we had plans for lunch with Heero..." Haruki glanced over at the busy blonde.
" I'm sorry, Haruki, but this is really important. You can go ahead without me." Quatre said, gathering his stuff.
" But, I really wanted to spend some more time with you, Quatre..." Haruki walked over to him.
" I'm sorry. I can't cancel this meeting. We'll go out tomorrow, just you and me." Quatre hugged her.
" Well...alright."
" Now, wish me luck." Quatre said and kissed her.
" Good luck." Haruki said and watched him leave.
She sighed and looked out the window.
" Well, it's raining, anyway..." Haruki bit her bottom lip. " I can still go with Heero..."


" So, why'd you bring the brat?" Duo asked, promptly getting kicked by Hoshi. " Oww..."
Heero smirked as he walked back in the room.
" Her mother wants me to spend time with her and Hoshi begged me to bring her." Heero handed Hoshi a juice box.
" So, when did you start the body-guarding business?" Duo asked.
" You'd be surprised what a guy would do for money, this is one of the better things." Heero said, sitting on the couch. Hoshi came and sat on his lap, happily sipping at the juice box.
" So, why are you helping me, really?" Duo asked, leaning back in his seat.
" I've made mistakes in my life that I'm still regretting. Things I wish I could have said, things I wish I could have done..." Heero looked out the window..
" Relena?" Duo asked.
Heero nodded.
But then, he looked down at Hoshi, who was still busying herself with the juice. Heero closed his eyes and shook his head, smiling.
" But, there are things that I don't regret. That I'm glad happened..." Heero smiled at Hoshi, and then looked up at Duo. " Never second guess your feelings, because they're there for a reason..."
Duo blinked, then smiled and nodded, looking out the window.
" Quatre's gone now. He has a meeting at noon." Heero said. " That's all I wanted you to wait for. Haruki and I were going to go to lunch, because Quatre's not here. You should come. Things need to be explained, but, Quatre doesn't need to be put in, yet." Heero got up after Hoshi jumped off his lap.
" Sure thing." Duo smiled and looked around, towards the door. ' to make my presence known...'
Duo got up and walked out the door.
" I knew you were going to do that." Heero grumbled as he pulled a drink out of the small fridge.

' What was the room number...? Heero told me it was the one right next to his, but which one?' Duo scratched his head in despair. ' oh...crap... just knock!'
Duo knocked on the door to the left.
No answer.
Duo knocked harder.
No answer.
Duo pounded on the door.
No answer.
He looked down at the door nob.
Duo banged his head on the door and moved on to the door to the right of Heero's.
This was it, the one that Haruki was in, and unbeknownst to him, was currently bathing in.
Duo raised his fist, slightly shaking. Was he really ready to do this?
'Remember what Heero said...' Duo convinced himself and raised his fist higher.
Then, in a few seconds, he tapped the door as lightly as he could.
" Well, no answer, guess no one's there." Duo turned around and started to walk away. " Too bad."
" Wait, wait! I'm coming!" Haruki hurried to the door and opened it, hearing the small knock and the mumbling, with her amazing ears.
She looked ahead of her, half expecting to see Heero or Hoshi, but never Duo.
" Duo!?" Haruki lost all sense of everything else.
' Damn! Just act cool...stay calm...' Duo told himself as he slowly turned his head.
" Hmm?" Duo gave her confirmation that it was him, but who else could it be with the dark clothing and long, braided, chestnut hair.
Suddenly, upon seeing Haruki, his eyes widened and he was frozen.
" What? What is it?" Haruki looked up at him.
Duo turned his head back around and covered his eyes with his hand.
" Your towel... you're..." Duo pointed and it took Haruki a few seconds to realize what he was saying.
She looked down. Her towel was starting to fall down to the ground.
" Eep!" Haruki quickly grabbed it up and around her nude body, then dashed behind the door and stuck her head out. " Duo...what...what are you...doing here...?"
Duo looked at her in the eye as he turned around.
" Maybe you should put on some clothes" Duo scratched the back of his head.
" One moment please." Haruki shut the door, leaving Duo alone in the hall again.
He chuckled to himself.
" It's like you to do something like that. You haven't changed." Duo smiled.

// Haruki and Duo walked down the dark pathway, still wearing the ceremonial clothes from the festival they went to. Haruki was carrying a candle in her hand. They had been told about a place where all the fireflies loved to gather in the spring. So, they were determined to find the beautiful sight, because Haruki had never seen fireflies before.
As they neared, they could see the glowing of the strange bugs. They were all gathered at one tree, making it look golden.
" It's so beautiful!" Haruki said, with excitement.
" I'm glad you like it." Duo smiled.
" I love it." Haruki turned to Duo and smiled back at him.
" I love you." Duo said
" Oh Duo..." Haruki blushed slightly as the gap between them started to close.
Suddenly, Duo stopped.
" Um, Haruki...?" Duo started.
" Yes, Duo...?" Haruki smiled
" You're sleeve is on fire!" Duo yelled.
" Hmm?" Haruki looked down at her sleeve, then her eyes widened.
" Uuaaaaaaah!" Haruki screamed as she began to beat on the small fire on her big sleeve. Duo soon joined in, until the fire was out.
" Here." Duo licked his fingers and put out the candle. " It looks a lot better without the light, anyways."
Duo and Haruki looked at each other and laughed.//

" What was it you wanted?" Haruki asked after letting Duo in.
" I'm sorry." Duo said, taking a seat on one of the couches as Haruki sat on a chair.
" For what?" Haruki asked.
" I'm sorry for what happened the other day. I didn't give you time to explain. I had no idea you and Quatre are...engaged... or, even involved. I swear I would never knowingly intrude on a relationship like that!" Duo said.
" No, Duo. You gave me more than enough time. I should have told you before we came to Earth. It's my fault. And I kissed you, knowing that I was betraying Quatre." Haruki looked to the side, trying not to face Duo.
" Can I ask you one thing?" Duo asked.
" What?" Haruki asked.
" Why are you marrying Quatre?" Duo asked.
" Pretty bold question of you." Haruki said and sighed. " When you were gone, he took care of me and he loved me for so long, I came to love him."
" Is that all?" Duo asked
" Of course!" Haruki snapped at him. " I love him, that's it!"
" What do you think would have happened if you came back and I was here?" Duo asked.
" I dunno... I guess I would have stayed with you, but... all roads lead to our destiny..." Haruki trailed off.
" Have you already decided your destiny? Do you know what it is?" Duo asked
" I know that I'm...destined with..." Haruki shook her head. " I'll take everything as it comes my way, I don't know where I'll end up..."
" Say, why don't I go with you and Heero today? We can talk about the old times just like friends." Duo smiled.
" I'd like that..." Haruki smiled, still looking towards the window.

## Duo and Haruki were walking through a deep, yet enchanting forest. There was a little red headed girl attached to both of their hands between them. They were a family walking through the forest, smiling. Suddenly a beautiful butterfly flew from behind them and sped in front. The little girl took off, out of sight. Haruki took off after the little girl, worried, running through the thicker growing underbrush. She noticed that there were more and more butterflies flying through the air as she ran, not finding the girl. Then, she ran through a bush, but didn't hit the ground on the other side. She fell forward into an endless pit of butterfly wings. She got lost in the lovely mess. Then, it all went black.
Three figures stood, lit up in the darkness. It was Duo, Quatre, and Haruki.
" I'm sorry, I can't love you like that again, Duo." Haruki said with a blank face. " Goodbye."
There was a hurt look on Duo's face at first that stabbed through Haruki's heart, but what happened next, haunted her. Duo smiled, but showed signs of sorrow.
" I've always loved you more than anything..." Duo shook his head and turned around. " But if this is what you want... I'll leave you forever...again..."

"...I can't love you..."


Haruki shot up in her bed. She rubbed her head and looked at her clock: 3:00 am.
' It's too early...' She thought to herself and looked over at the other side of the bed. Quatre was still asleep. Haruki slowly got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. She turned on the sink and poured some water into one of the little Dixie cups and swigged it down. She looked at the mirror.

*I can't love you...*

The words stuck in her mind like a parasite. She crushed her cup and threw it into the trash. She began to cry.
Frustration. The one feeling that caused Haruki to do the stupidest things. The things that ended up coming right back to her or ones she loved. Why, really had she said that to Duo?
She really did love him. She always loved him. But, she didn't want to hurt Quatre. She loved him, too. How much did she really love him? Did she love him enough to spend the rest of her life with him? Did she say those things to Duo because she loved Quatre so much, or was it a feeling of guilt for not loving him back for so many years? Saying that, did she even love Quatre, or was an illusion formed by pity? Why hadn't she felt any pity for Duo? The path she had decided to take seemed like the most righteous at first glance, yet, her heart was aching at what she had done.
But, as if lying to Duo to turn him away was not painful enough for him, what she did next out of her frustration, seemed unforgivable by all means.
She could have avoided it, she could have put it off a little longer to make the blow easier to take; she could have waited to work things out. But, she didn't. She became frustrated and did something stupid and unnecessary that she was sure would come back to her and all she loved.
" Look at the mess we made..." Haruki sobbed to herself, looking into the mirror. " Look at the...lovely mess we made..."


Duo growled as he watched the bad news on the television. Things couldn't be worse. He wasn't thinking in terms of the world, he was pouting in self-pity.
" Why do things always have to work out like this?" Duo asked himself for the millionth time since the events of the night before. He never even attempted to get any sleep, after all, what was the point of being well rested? There was nothing he had to do this day, that week, that year, his life.
" What's the point of living if I have nothing to live for?" Duo asked, feeling all the more sorry for himself and sounding all the more ridiculous. He started to slip into deep state of depression, until a news report caught his attention. There was a picture of Haruki and Quatre. Duo stumbled for the remote and turned it up.
"...On the lighter side of the news today, last night at a promotional dinner. Fortune Heir, Quatre Raberbra Winner, announced his engagement to this woman in the picture. Little is known about her, but her first name, Haruki, was mentioned several times at the dinner. She was also seen with Mr. Winner at several other events." Pictures popped onto the screen. " Their wedding is scheduled for exactly one week from today in the late afternoon. A select few reporters will be let in to take pictures but no cameras, including this station..." Duo turned the television off and sat, stunned.
" I... I was in another week..." Duo dropped the remote. " She... couldn't wait?"
'Come to their wedding. Just come to their wedding.' Duo remembered what Akira had said.
" Hmm. Well, if you're sure this is what you want..." Duo smiled, eerily. " I guess I will..."