Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Gundam Wing. God, it hurst to say that....

Authoress Note: Ahh!! It's been a while. Aw well, I'm still alive and working...if sick and working on something else (English homework). Blech.

Small note: all of Mommie's children have names that start with a 'K' sound, so if I confuse you, I'm sorry. Also, Chris is a real person, and all the little quirks you see here are REAL!!

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A Normal Life: Chapter 7

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"Hi, Mommie."

"And who are the friends you have with you?" she asked, leaning down to give Aiko a hug.

"This is Relena Darlian, and this is Duo Maxwell, whom we adopted this morning." He introduced them. "Relena, Duo, this is Mommie, or Rose."

"Great. Eight kids. You really should inform me of these things, you know?" she admonished. "'re uniform is over there by Catherine, Kaily, and Kyle. And you're friends have been drafted as pit crew." she informed him, to Duo and Relena's surprise. "And, as my newest child, I need to get you a Daddy, a new name, and everything else, but that can wait for the bus ride home."

"OK." Heero said, and walked over to where she had pointed, Duo and Relena trailing behind. Aiko had stayed with Ayame and Rose, and they were heading in the general direction of food.

Heero quickly greeted his friends, and then, in the middle of a crowded parking lot, took off his T-shirt and jeans, leaving him in a white tank top and boxers. (AN:Yay! No more spandex!) Relena eyes widened, as she admired him. Whoa!

Unzipping the brown garment bag lying on the asphalt, he pulled out the brown bottom to the uniform and put it on. Then he slipped on the white and gold outer jacket, and lightly kicked one of the girls sitting on the ground.

"Little help here?" he asked.

"Oh, ok." She stood up, and zipped up the zipper, and buttoned the final buttons. (AN: No hentai thoughts aloud here, the zipper I speak of is on the side of the jacket....and those things are impossible to put on yourself.) "There, all done." she sat back down and reentered the conversation they were having.

Just then, a younger looking boy in the same uniform walked by.

"Hey, you, Freshman, get my instrument." Heero ordered. (AN: Mwahahaha!)

"OK." the kid ran off to find it.

"Chris, be nice to Jan." One of the girls said, and went back to braiding another girl's hair in a french braid.

"No way, he's--"

"Shrimpy, and not capable of picking up your instrument, much less bringing it here. Go get it yourself." she cut him off, and sent him on his way. Meanwhile, Relena was admiring Heero in his band uniform.

"Chris?" Relena asked. "Is that your real name?"

"Nope, Mommie renamed me." he said, before jogging off, to soon return, lugging a giant piece of brass. He creeped up behind Duo, and blasted a low note right into his ear. The result was a satisfying scream.

"I still think the flute is more deadly." Crystal piped up.

"No way, my tuba will crush your little flute." Heero taunted her. She stood up, and looked down at him, which was hard to do considering she was at least 2 feet shorter than him.

"Oh really?" She picked up her flute, and held it as a sword. "Prepare to meet thy doom, Oh Evil Tuba Section Leader."

"Section leader?" Relena inquired, eyebrows raised.

"Damn straight!" he smiled at her.

"Oh, Duo, I'd better warn you now. Our family is...well, I guess the best way to describe it incest in the extreme. You'll see what I mean later." he said, a rather unnerving grin on his face.

"Oh, Mommie adopted him?" Kaily asked.


"Yay!! I got me another little brother!" she got up, and glomped Duo. "Oh, look, here comes Mommie!!" she squealed, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Letting go of Duo, she pranced over to Heero, and slapped his cheek lightly, her fingers gently pushing his face to the side.

A loud gasp was heard, and then "Kaily! Don't hurt your brother!" she yelled, while running over to them. Grabbing Heero's face, she kissed the cheek Kaily had hit. Kaily promptly hit his other cheek. Mommie promptly kissed it.

Relena noted the grin on Heero's face. She didn't like it. Not one bit.

Kaily the hit him on the lips. Rose just glared around for a moment. Then threw her hands up in defeat. She placed her palm over his mouth, and kissed the back of her hand. Kaily made no further move to 'hurt' him.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked, cocking his head at his 'little sister'. This resulting in everyone falling over laughing, except Relena.

I shouldn't worry about it. They're just playing. Relena thought. After all, she is his 'Mommie'. She probably treats all her 'kids' that way. I shouldn't be-- but I am! I'm jealous! Why? she frowned. She sighed, giving up. She hoped that

Just then, a slightly balding man walked over, yelling "Warm up area is over there, be there in 5 minutes, or you are at the mercy of your section leader!" With that, he left to inform everyone else, cries of "OK, Mr. B!" following him.

Heero plopped a white beret on his head, and gave another charming grin. "I love being section leader." he declared. "I gotta get going now, but like Rose said, you two have been drafted as pit crew. Just go over by the big white truck over there, and wait for someone to tell you what to do." Then, in a quieter voice. "Duo, I'm entrusting her to you. You've got a gun?" Duo nodded. "Good, see you then!"

Two figures raced up to him at light speed. "Daddy, daddy!! Good luck! You're gonna win, because you play so good, I know it!" Aiko encouraged him, accompanied by a sting of nonsense baby talk. "Ayame says the same thing!"

He put down his tuba and gave them both a hug. "You two be good while Daddy's playing. The Band Mommys and Daddys will take care of you, OK?" (AN: Band Mommys and Daddys are the parents of band members that go to the field shows to help. They wear yellow jackets, so you can always find them, and they are referred to as Mom or Dad.)

"OK!!" Aiko chirped, and Ayame made a somewhat similar sound. "Good luck!!" Relena's heart warmed at the display. She only wished Heero would show her the love he showed them. But, maybe he already was...she'd have to think about it.

"Heero! Good Luck!" she cried out, just as he started walking towards the warm up area. She waved over to him, and he waved back. The two little girls were called away by a woman in a yellow jacket. He waved to them too, and turned around and hurried to the rest of the band. The girls that were getting ready by Duo and Relena had pretty much finished up, and ran after him.

Maybe his is showing me the same love he shows them. I've done nothing to deserve it though. All I did was get shot, and almost-- she blocked the thought out of her mind, as she set off towards the truck.

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Dun Dun Dun! Now, what could that be about?

Once more, I'd like to apologize for taking so damn long to get this out. Please don't kill me!! Please!! *hugs*

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