Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Another Side ❯ Cobalt in the Shadows ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 3-29-03
(Another Side - Chapter Six: Cobalt in the Shadows)
rated: PG13 - language, content

Cobalt in the Shadows


Without conscious thought, Duo suddenly leaned forward and pressed
his lips against Heero's. The Japanese youth pulled back with shock,
cobalt eyes locking with amethyst. Duo desperately searched Heero's
face for some sort of reaction besides surprise, hoping against all
hope he would see something...

Slowly, Heero lifted his hand. Duo froze, thinking he was about to be
slapped across the cheek and, indeed, the hand went to his cheek. But
it was in a tender touch, fingers lightly caressing the flesh. Cobalt
sparkled with a soft smile as Heero gently returned the kiss.

Joy surged in Duo and his arms cautiously circled the other boy's
neck, and there came no resistance but a lengthening and deeping of
the kiss. Surely this was a dream and he would soon wake on the sofa
in the hospital! But no dream could create the silken feel of Heero's
lips on his.

"...Heero?" he asked quietly when the other boy suddenly pulled away.
Carefully, Duo moved his hands to Heero's shoulders and tried to
catch a glimpse to the lowered face. "Heero? What is it? What's
wrong?" Duo asked frantically, finally succeeding in getting a look
at the bewildered pain in Heero's eyes.

"When did you shoot me?"

"When did I shoot you?" Duo repeated, unable to actually registered
the words in the swirling mush of emotion he brained had become.

"I..." Heero shook his head, staring back down at the ground with
eyes haunted by lingering pain. "I just remembered... It startled

Duo's breath caught, "You remember...?"

"There was this girl yelling... you shot me. I was mad at you. I
think I... hated you?" Heero lifted his eyes, "What..."

"Oh, Heero," Duo made a reassuring sound and enclosed the boy in a
tight embrace. "That was a long time ago." As far as Duo knew, the
doctors had never filled Heero in on the more violent aspects of his
past, and Duo certainly didn't want to. "What else do you remember?"
he asked hesitantly, hoping...

"Just that," Heero replied, his voice a bit muffled as his head
rested up against the soft fabric of Duo's sweater. "It just flashed
at me. Why did you shoot me, Duo? I don't understand..."

Duo sighed deeply, not wanting to tell Heero that he was a trained
terrorist and assassin. He felt a twinge of guilt and, for the first
time, doubted his decision not to tell Heero about being a Gundam
pilot. But, that was dangerous information even this long after the
war and the soldier in him objected to giving so much classified
knowledge to... a civilian.

The memory was from when he and Heero first met. Duo remembered it
clearly; Heero was about to kill Relena and he had tried to come to
her rescue but she'd protected Heero... How was he going to explain
the complicated issues of being a Gundam pilot to Heero? He went for
the simplest way, "We were both soldiers once."

Heero was quiet for a moment before asking, "Were we not on the same
side, then?"

"Eventually, but not when we first met."

Heero pulled away from the embrace enough to look up at Duo's face.
"I'm glad we weren't enemies for very long," he said quietly with a
small smile. The smile brightened, "I remembered something!"

"I should thank you, then, for the memory," Heero continued, planting
a kiss on a stunned Duo's cheek. It only took him a few seconds to
recover from his surprise to return the kiss, but seeking the
Japanese boy's lips once more. Heero was almost sitting in his lap,
and Duo used one arm to draw the boy closer to him.

It looked like maybe no one would be sleeping on the couch tonight
after all...

----------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Later that evening, Duo thought it was just too good to be true. The
movie they were watching could be better, but at this point he would
be willing to watch just about anything. They were both laying down
on the couch, Duo leaning up against Heero's chest with his head
cradled in the crook of the other boy's neck. And Heero's arm was
curled loosely around his waist. And Duo was perfectly content to
surrender control of the television to Heero.

Heaven, in Duo's opinion, would be something like this.

After the movie ended, Heero suddenly asked, "What are we going to
have for dinner?"

Running a mental review of the scarce amount of food in the kitchen
through his head, Duo realized that, unless Heero had a secret desire
to eat the box of baking soda... "Uhm," he said instead, "well... do
you want to just order pizza or something?"

"Oh," Heero said, clearly disappointed.

Duo shifted so that he could look up into the other boy's face, "I'm
afraid there's nothing around here to eat..."

His face brightened as Heero sat up, "Do you want to go out to eat?"

"Out?" Duo repeatedly stupidly. Pizza was cheap, but he was saving
some money with the smaller apartment, and the costs of unemployment
had yet to make a dent in his savings.

"Yeah," Heero grabbed one of Duo's hands excitedly, "go out!
Somewhere that has a fancy name and candles."

"Candles..." Duo echoed faintly, not sure if his mind could handle
Heero Yuy suggesting a candle-light dinner... date? But Heero looked
so hopeful and happy with the idea, so how could he possibly say
anything but... "Okay!"

As soon as the words cleared his lips Heero was eagerly hunting
through his small suitcase of clothes. The scene was so surreal Duo
just stared at him for a moment before getting up and going for his
closet. After shifting through the endless array of casual clothes,
he found something remotely dressy and threw it on quickly.

True, a pair of black slacks with just a black dress shirt was
probably under-dressed, but it didn't matter. Duo didn't have the
money to go to a restaurant that required a jacket or tie, so Heero
would just have to settle for nice-but-decently-priced. Maybe he'd
get them some wine to pacify the situation.

Christ. He was going on a date with Heero. He, Duo Maxwell, was going
on a DATE with Heero Yuy. No matter how many times he told himself
what was happening was real, his brain just refused to believe.

He paused, wondering where Heero had gone to change clothes. The
bathroom was located next to the bedroom closet, and Duo could easily
see Heero was not inside. How embarrassing if he walked in a
semi-nude Heero! Okay, Duo wouldn't be entirely unhappy with the
situation, but...

Fortunately the mental debate was halted by Heero calling from the
living room, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, ready, where do..." whatever Duo was about to ask died as he
got a good look at Heero. Considering the boy's limited amount of
clothing, the outfit was startling. Duo tried to think when he had
ever bought such a thing for Heero and failed. He only recognized the
simple black pants, similar to the ones he was wearing. The shirt,

Locked by Duo's awed-gaze, Heero blushed slightly and self-consciously
smoothed the material along his arms. "Do you like it?"

"Heero... it's beautiful... where did you ever get it"

The shirt looked like silk and featured small rows of black
embroidery along the cuffs and collar, and the color was a deep, rich
hue that nearly matched Heero's eyes. Those eyes sparkled with silent
joy, and that, Duo knew, was ten times more beautiful than any shirt.
The material clung and flowed over Heero's body which, despite being
inactive for so long, retained the same lean muscle from the war.

"Quatre gave it to me, when he came to visit."

Duo made a mental note to send Quatre a very big thank-you note.
Through some effort he tore his eyes from Heero long enough to hunt
down his wallet and keys before leaving the apartment. One of the
neighbors, Duo hadn't bothered to get names yet, was standing in her
doorway just a few apartments over. Her eyes followed Heero the
entire length of the hall, but Duo moved closer and dared to slip his
hand inside Heero's. To his pleasant surprise, Heero glanced over
with a smile and squeezed the hand.

The young woman, disappointment clearly written on her face,
disappeared into her apartment. Duo resisted the urge to stick out
his tongue, but just barely.

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Stepping out of the restaurant and into the brisk evening air, Duo
gave a small shiver and folded his arms over his chest. The wind was
swift and chilling, somewhere during day he had caught a weather
forecast for possible snow. Neither he nor Heero had jackets or
coats, and the car was parked nearly a block away. The walk would not
be fun.

He stepped back into the sheltered doorway of the building and
dropped his arms, trying to look as if the cold wasn't bothering him.
"Hey, Heero, you wait here while I go run and get the car, okay?"

The other boy frowned a little and peered out at the busy streets and
bundled pedestrians, "Are you sure?"

"Sure! No sense in both of us getting cold, right? Besides, your
shirt can't be doing anything to keep the wind out, sexy as it makes
you look," Duo added swiftly before even realizing what the words
were. He flushed when it sunk in he had just called Heero 'sexy.'

Heero, however, beamed brilliantly and said, "Okay, I'll just wait
right here for you." He backed further into the entry way and stood
near the wall so as to not block traffic.

Unable to resist, Duo ducked in for a quick kiss before hurrying out
on to the sidewalk. It was still hard to grasp the concept that Heero
was... affectionate... towards him. Gently, his fingers brushed over
lips that had been against Heero's cheeks moments ago. A few of the
other diners in the restaurant had raised eyebrows at seeing the two
boys staring across the candles and into another's eyes, but Duo
accredited that to envy.

He walked quickly, partially to keep warm, but also because he was
eager to collect Heero and... Duo was not sure what the agenda for
the rest of the evening looked like. Did Heero have something in
mind, or would they just go back to the apartment and...

Duo's pace increased as his cheeks turned pink at the thoughts
running through his mind.

When he reached the car he fumbled around with his keys for a moment
before wrestling the door open. In contrast to his earlier haste, he
drove slowly out from the parking lot, taking time to calm a racing
pulse and curb the flush on his face.

Pulling up to the front of the restaurant, Duo glanced to the entry
way and then turned in full-out stare.

Heero was no longer standing there.

Trying to hold back the urge to panic, Duo got out of the car and
hurried up the walk. No Heero. Noting how the wind had shifted so
that not even the entry way was shielded, he assumed Heero must have
ducked inside to stay warm.

Weak-kneed with relief, Duo went back into the restaurant.

And looked around. And couldn't find Heero.

He went back to the table they had been at then searched through the
rest rooms and even asked the hostess at the front. She suggested
looking in the men's bathroom and told Duo he needed to move his car.

Fortunately there was an empty parking spot across the street Duo
quickly moved his car into before going back to the restaurant and
looking up and down the street. Where could Heero have gone? Could
someone have... taken him?

Duo quickly walked down to the intersection, all but pushing the
other pedestrians out of him way. "Heero!" he called, the shout being
swallowed up by the buzz of people and cars. "Heero..."

Turning, he started to walk back to the restaurant, this time walking
slowly and trying to unsuccessfully look in all directions at once.
He was getting numb from the cold and his imagination was running
into over drive, producing the most horrific of scenarios.

What if Heero was lying unconscious in an alley?

What if Heero had been taken by a gang of street thugs?

What if he'd gotten hit by a car... again, and...

And... Duo froze, head slowly turning towards the entrance of an
alley even though he did not want to look.

There, lying in the gloom. Stretched out along side a dumpster;
cobalt silk-clad back to the alley.

"Heero!" Duo shrieked.




Author's Notes: Aw, cliffhangers! I think I should be able to get
shapter seven done this weekend... It just depends on if I can
maintain happiness! eep. o_o Dar, I love you. Seriously; Daryll, too.
You guys rule. Rei, Ebony, for being my best friends.
All of you rock.
Yeah, so, cliffhangers. Just don't eat me! *goes back to typing*

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated!
copyright 2003 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
Email me to join my Update ML!
LSE - Violet Nyte (
shameless plug - visit my website for cool "shtuff"