Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Anything Would be Better Than Your Good-bye on a Bad Day ❯ The Party ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anything Would Be Better Than Your Goodbye on a Bad Day
Written By: Minako-hime and R.S. Xavior

Disclaimer: We renounce any ownership to Gundam Wing or any of it characters. They are owned by Bandai, Sunrise, and its respective creators. So please don't sue us because combined all we have are ten cats and two very annoying computers. Plus, we are not getting paid to write this.

Authors' Notes: This fanfic occurs sometime after the events of Endless Waltz. Heero has become Relena's bodyguard.

Chapter One: The Party

Relena sat in her room with Noin at her side. Relena sat in a chair with Noin fixing her hair like she had it when she became Queen. Downstairs there was a ball being held with delegates from both the colonies and Earth. Relena had waited for this day so she could finally tie up the loose ends in her work. She mentally sighed, and Noin continued with her as Relena began to space out in her world of thoughts.

Outside the room in the hallway stood Heero. He stood in the shadows so he would not be detected. Mentally he checked to make sure his gun was still in his back in case something happened. He was tense at the moment waiting for Relena and Noin.

Inside, Relena had closed her eyes as Noin continued preparing her hair. Relena was very nervous, remembering the last time she was abducted as she was speaking in Colony L3X18999. She was also nervous because she wondered how Heero would think she looked. Noin noticed that Relena was deep in thought and she had other things on her mind.

"What is it, Relena? You seem preoccupied..." Noin asked, a little concerned.

"I'm sorry, Noin. What is it?" Relena asked, opening her eyes.

"Is there something wrong?" Noin questioned, closing her eyes.

Noin did the final touches to Relena's hair and opened her eyes to make sure everything was in place. She smiled slightly at the work she had accomplished. Relena noticed that she was done and stood up out of her chair.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, Heero is waiting," Relena said, walking towards the door.

Noin sighed and followed Relena to the door. Heero outside tensed more as he heard movement within her room. He walked towards the door, standing on the other side of the hallway staring at it. His hand posed to draw his gun in an instant. He relaxed and removed his hand from drawing his gun when Relena opened the door with Noin standing behind her. He walked up to Relena, mentally sighing to himself.

"Ready?" Heero asks calmly.

Relena smiled a bit, trying to hide her nervousness, but she was unable to. She nodded in response to his question and said, "Yes." She smiled and held her hand out warmly. Heero nodded slightly, taking her hand in his own. With that, they started walking as he escorted her downstairs. Noin was not too far behind the pair. Relena tried to stop her tremors, but was unsuccessful. Even her hands trembled slightly as she tried to suppress her fear and nervousness from Heero. She was hoping that he would not have noticed. Unfortunately for her, nothing got past his senses.

"You are trembling. What's wrong?" Heero asked, facing her and continuing to walk.

"I'm... I'm just scared... going to this party ...It's not been long since my last abduction... only a year…" Relena answers, still trying to stop her tremors.

"Don't worry, because tonight they will have to get past me first," Heero replied, trying to calm her down.

Relena slightly tightened her grip she had on his hand. She stopped suddenly, causing Heero to stop and face her. She could not help but stare at his beautiful, wild brown hair. She then looks into his Prussian blue eyes. A silent smiled played within her.

"Thank you... I owe you so much…" Relena said with a slight smile.

"It's nothing," Heero replied.

Relena nodded. She tightened her grip more on his hand. Heero noticed this as they began walking again. He watched her closely from the corner of his eye. Relena tried to steady her shaking leg by bracing onto Heero's arm. Heero became a bit worried; she seemed like she was about to fall face first into the floor. Noin too had noticed Relena's shaking and unsteady legs. She got closer to them in case Relena fell backwards.

"Are you sure that you can make it down there okay?" Heero asked, concerned for Relena.

"Yeah, I am pretty sure," Relena answered, nodding her head and hoping to be reassuring.

"If you say so," Heero replied, still not quite believing her.

Noin tensed slightly out of her worry for Relena. They started to approach the banister. Heero looked to the crowd, quickly roaming through the faces for any signs of suspicious characters looking to hurt Relena or anyone else there. He spotted the other Gundam pilots and Zechs. He found Sally, Cathrine, Hilde, and Dorothy standing next to their escorts. They reached the stairs, and they began to descend them with everyone's eyes glued to them. Relena was notably cautious as she walked down them. Heero tensed as he noticed her unusual interest in watching her every step. Noin also noticed and tensed up more than she had. Heero looked to her face and almost gasped. Relena's face was really pale, and her effort to walk down the stairs was exhausting her further. Suddenly, she lost her footing and missed the next step. She began tumbling forward, trying to brace herself with her arms and her hair coming apart as she fell. She makes a faint scream as she nears the floor. Everyone in the room gasped as she fell. Heero managed to throw his arms under her and caught her inches before she slammed into the stairs below.

"You're pale; something is wrong," Heero commented, bringing her up in his arms to support her.

"Relena-sama, are you okay?" Noin asked, kneeling behind them.

"I don't know... It's... been like this all day..." Relena replied looking into Heero's worried eyes.

"Maybe you should see Sally. You are very pale," Heero responded, looking at her.

Zechs, who had been watching nearby, started running for the stairs. His worry was visible to all glancing at his face. He stopped in front of Heero and Relena and nods to Noin. He knelt down in front of them, concerned beyond his wildest beliefs for his sister.

"Perhaps you're right," Relena answered Heero.

Relena could no longer keep herself upright and surrendered herself into Heero's grasp. She was so out of it at the moment she did not notice her brother near them with his worried expression. Zechs's forehead creased as he began to ask his question.

"Is she okay?" Zechs asked.

"Relena...Oh no...Zechs, fetch Sally, quick…" Heero ordered as he noticed Relena going limp in his grip.

Zechs nodded at Heero's request. He stood up, and everyone stared at him as they all started to talk about what had happened. Zechs searched around for Wufei, knowing that if he found him, Sally would not be too far away. Relena moved to look up at Heero's eyes with fear.

"Am... I gonna be okay...?" she asked.

"Yes, you will once Sally sees you," Heero answered, trying not to upset her further.

Noin stayed by Relena, watching her worriedly, hoping she would be okay. At that moment, Zechs spotted Sally and started running towards her, pushing the crowd aside and calling her name. Relena and Noin stared at Zechs as he pushed the crowd from his path. Relena had a very tired expression on her face. Heero noticed this and looked at her with concern.

"Don't tell me you have been staying up for a treaty of some sort," Heero said calmly.

No matter what was going on within her body, Relena felt secure in Heero's grasp. Heero's eyes started to reflect his worry and concern, as she did not respond. He relaxed very slightly when Zechs ran up the stairs with Sally not too far behind him. They stopped in front of the pair. Relena looked up and smiled a tiny bit at her brother.

"Yes...And trying to organize this party and everything…" she answered Heero.

Heero knew that what she said wasn't all. Not only was she pale and trembling; she was much thinner than usual as he remembered. Once again, his muscles tensed; he knew something else was involved that she didn't tell them.

"Don't worry...I'm okay…" Relena said as she felt Heero tense up.

"I doubt that," Heero said to himself.

Sally knelt down in front of them, and Zechs moved to the side so as not to get in her way. Relena placed a trembling hand on Heero's arm, attempting to calm him down somewhat. This caused Heero to smile to himself. She was trying to tell him not to worry over her, but of course he could not help it. His muscles kept their tense state as he watched Sally examine Relena. The crowd was watching their every move by this point. Relena lifted her head and looked at Sally.

"It's really okay…I'm all right…" Relena said, hoping to calm everyone.

"Yeah I am quite sure of that..." Sally said very sarcastically. "Not eating right lately either, are you?" Sally commented, looking Relena up and down.

"I've been eating fine, Sally. Really…" Relena replied, looking up to Heero pleadingly.

"For some reason, I do not think you are telling the truth," Heero responded.

She gave up shaking her head, saying, "No, I haven't. She tightened her grip on his arm, attempting to make him relax. Heero inwardly sighed to himself. No matter what, he could never keep an argument with her because one way or another she would always end up winning. Relena then tried to stand up to show everyone she was okay, using Heero's arm to help herself up. Heero's eyes glowed fire when she tried to.

"I don't suggest you try that..." Sally cautioned her.

"I'm sorry everyone...for causing you so much trouble...You all know how...important the treaty and this party is to my career...And for all the other delegates and colonies..." Relena said, relaxing in his strong arms.

"Who cares about that when your health comes first?" Zechs said, motioning his hand for emphasis.

"I're right…" Relena responded.

And for all the other delegates and colonies...

Relena fell unconscious in Heero's arms, unable to hold herself upright any longer. Heero's eyes showed his surprise as she went completely limp in his arms. He looked worriedly at Sally.

"I think we need to take her to her room," Heero said.

"Yes, but her room won't be enough. She needs medical attention, immediately," Sally responded.

"You're right, Sally. Let's take her to the medical wing," Noin agrees, standing up.

"After you two," Heero replied.

Heero placed one arm on Relena's back and his other under her knees as he lifted her up. Sally and Noin headed off together. Zechs was behind Heero with Relena. His eyes were downcast and looking worriedly at his little sister. She had always been fragile, but never like this…

Heero's eyes were also downcast as he looked as the sleeping form in his arms.

"What's wrong with her?" Zechs asked.

"She is a workaholic, that's it," Noin replied.

"Someone had better inform everyone that the party will be postponed," Heero suggested.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. You need to be near your sister," Noin said, stopping and looking at Zechs.

"Thank you," Zechs said, nodding in return.

"No problem," Noin said, nodding back and rushing off to the ballroom.

Relena lay limply in Heero's arms, mot moving at all except to breath, and she was paler now than before. Heero noticed this and unconsciously he quickened his pace. They all finally reached the medical wing, and Sally found a room. She opened the door, anxious to get Relena in there. Heero gently set Relena on the bed. Sally set to work inserting an IV and hooking her up to a monitor. Heero and Zechs stood nearby in case of their needed assistance.

"We may have waited too long...This isn't good..." Sally spoke as she looked at the monitor with apprehension. This caused Heero's brow to crease in more worry. "Her breathing is way below the normal level, and it's continuing to decrease."

Both Zechs and Heero clinched their fists. At that moment, Noin walked into the room.

"All the delegates are notified and send their best wishes...Oh god..." Noin said as she stopped suddenly, looking at the monitors.

Zechs could no longer just stand there. So he did the only thing he could do at the moment. Zechs started to pace around the room with his hands behind his back. Noin caught him by the wrist and made him come to a stand still.

"It's not going to help getting tense..." Noin commented.

"You're right," Zechs responded, sitting on the floor.

"Relena-chan…" Heero whispered to himself.

"I'm going to run some tests to figure out what's wrong," Sally said, drawing some of Relena's blood and began walking out of the room.

Heero slowly walked towards her bed side, his eyes downcast and his face showing worry. Noin sat herself beside Zechs, silently fearing for Relena's life and for Heero's sake. Heero reached out and took Relena's hand in his own. He gave it a slight squeeze. Her hand rested limply in his, showing no strength or energy, cold as well. Heero shook his head, saying to himself that she was stronger than this. He bowed his head in a silent prayer to the higher spirits and the kami around him (1).

"Not now," Heero said to himself.

"Just as I thought...Relena's not been eating, and she has been not getting much rest, worrying about this party and treaty. Her blood sugar's really low, along with mild dehydration." Sally said, coming back in the room while looking at the test results.

"Will she be okay?" Zechs asked, and Heero turned his head to hear the answer.

"I think it would be best to keep her in her room with an IV and monitor to replenish her with nutrients…" Sally answered, trailing off. "But I'm pretty sure she'll be okay..."

"That is good hear," Zechs said as he and Heero relaxed a bit.

"She's going to need you to take care of her, though," Sally said, turning her eyes to Heero.

"Then could I have a room prepared for me?" Heero asked, nodding his head in response.

"I'll help him in any way I can. Of course, we are glad to have your help," Noin responded, standing up.

Sally and Noin left to prepare a room near Relena's. Relena's readings began going up, the nutrients and liquids beginning to take effect, and her hand tightened its grip slightly on Heero's nervous hand. Heero looked down at her prone form and squeezed his back.

"Relena? I think she is waking up slightly," Heero commented, a little shocked.

"" Relena spoke softly as her eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing only Heero's blurred and worried gaze.

"I'm right here," Heero replied, kneeling down to her eye level.

"I'm so sorry...I've worried you so much..." Relena commented.

"You couldn't help it," Heero answered.

Zechs smiled slightly, hearing his little sister stir. He slowly got to his feet and walked over to the other side of the bed. He pulled the chair in the room up to her bed and looked at her.

"Brother…I'm sorry...I should have told both of you...earlier…" Relena said, turning her head to see her brother.

"Let's not worry about that now, shall we?" Zechs added.

She suddenly became horribly dizzy again and tightened her grip on Heero's hand. Heero and Zechs looked at her with concern filling their eyes.

"What's wrong?" Heero asked.

"Everything's spinning..." Relena answered.

She closed her eyes tightly, trying to make it stop, taking comfort from Heero's warm hand. Heero used his other hand and began stroking her bangs from her face. He did this to try to comfort her some. She opened her eyes again, the spell having passed.

"I'm okay...No need to worry... " she said, smiling slightly at Heero.

"Hn…" Heero replied, nodding and half smiling.

"You know we are going to keep you in bed this time," Zechs commented.

"But I have so much to do..." she said, turning and frowning at her brother.

"You don't worry about that. I will get everything done," Zechs replied.

"You two...You both mean so much to me..." Relena said as she turned back to Heero and tried to get up.

"Oh no you don't. You are staying in bed," Heero responded, motioning her back down.

She responded by looking back up at him pleadingly, just wanting to give him a kiss, but she settled back down.

"This time we have a sure fire way of keeping you in bed," Zechs commented while smiling.

"You know what, Zechs? When I'm well, I will get you back for that..." Relena responded.

"I am sure you will. But it was not my idea," Zechs quipped, laughing.

"Did I embarrass you?" Zechs asked as she blushed, the color awkward on her pale face.

"Don't you think that's obvious...?" she asked as she looked up to Heero, trying to see his reaction to what she wanted.

"We will see if you can go against Sally's orders while I'm around," Heero replied, smiling and nodding his head to her question.

"Alright...I guess I'll have to stay in bed..." Relena said, pursing her lips as Zechs smiled broadly at the comment.

"Heero, your room is ready, and Relena, it's time to get you back in your room," Sally and Noin said as the entered the room.

"I'm not staying here...?" Relena asked, ignoring her brother's smile.

"No. I thought it would be best for you to rest up in your room. But that doesn't mean you won't have the IV and monitors!" Sally answered.

"I guess that spoils your fun, doesn't it?" Zechs added.

"I am so going to get you back..." Relena said, glaring at her brother. "Oh well...I'm ready…"

"How are we getting her upstairs?" Zechs asked.

"Wheelchair would be the best way. Heero, can you help me get her in this thing?" Sally said as she pointed to a folded one by the door.

Heero nodded in response and started walking over to the door. Relena followed him with her eyes. Heero carefully unfolded the chair and stopped it in front of Relena's bed.

"How do we get the machines up there?" Zechs asked.

"Elevator of course. Same way we'll get her up there." Sally answered.

"Ready?" Heero asked, looking to Relena.

Relena tried to sit up and pulled her legs around, leaning on the bedpost for support. She nodded uncertainly. Heero sighed as he walked over to her. He took her in his strong arms and gently deposited her in the chair. He walked behind the chair and took hold of the bars, ready to go.

"I won't let you do all the work, Heero..."Relena said, looking up at him.

"You will until you're well," Heero responded.

"Alright," Relena replied, smirking a little, and relented.

Zechs got up and looked to Sally and Noin. Heero waited on them to move the machines. Noin took one in hand as Sally picked up the other. They all went out the door with Zechs in front, leading the way. Relena closed her eyes, embarrassed after all the things that had happened, and she couldn't make herself look at Heero. After what seemed like an eternity's wait in the elevator, they made it to the desired floor.

"With one foul swoop, I've made him not trust me anymore! How could this happen? Especially to me?" Relena thought to herself.

"Well, here we go everyone. Be careful," Sally said, opening the door as they finally reached it.

Relena opened her eyes again, noting the familiar surroundings of her room, the same from how she'd left it before.

Sally and Noin set the machines down. Heero pushed the chair over to the bed and picked Relena up and placed her on it. Relena still seemed quite distracted, even though she was in her normal surroundings.

"Maybe we should give her a buzzer or something in case she needs something during the night," Heero suggested.

"Yes, that would be good. Do you want us to put the receiver in your room, Heero?" Noin asked.

Relena didn't even hear the conversation going on around her, absorbed in her thoughts.

"Yes, that would be nice," Heero answers as he looked at Relena, noting that she was in deep thought.

"Sally, do you have the equipment with you?" Noin asked.

"Of course," Sally responded, handing Noin the buzzer.

Noin headed out, motioning for Zechs to follow her, saying via her eyes that they should leave Heero and Relena alone. Zechs nodded in response and followed her out of the room. Sally followed suit and left the room after she set up the buzzer equipment in Relena's room. Relena, still deep in her thoughts, didn't notice them leave, and she still looks down at her hands clutching the blankets.

"You're worried," Heero said, placing his own hand over hers.

"Yes..." she said as she looked up at him, just realizing everyone else was gone, gazing up at his worried eyes.

"What worries you so much to space out?" Heero asked, notably concerned.

"I've lost everyone's trust... including yours...!" Relena said sadly as a single tear fell down her cheek, awkward on her pale skin that was slowing regaining color.

"No you haven't. What makes you think that?" Heero asked, reaching his hand out and catching the tear.

"...I was trying to make everyone think I was alright...Now nobody will trust me enough to let me do anything...Do you have any idea what I was trying to do when I tried to sit up back in the hospital room when I got so embarrassed?" Relena explained.

"No, but you made my heart stop and I..." Heero replied, shaking his head.

"What do you mean...? Do I really mean that much to you?" Relena asked, looking back up at him, slightly shocked.

"Didn't want to lose you..." Heero nodded in response to her question and finished his statement with his head downcast.

"I knew I'd worried you...but I had no idea it was that much..." Relena responded.

"That is why I didn't let you get up. I have never felt this way before for anyone..." Heero explained.

"I've never...felt this way before either..." She said, holding onto his hand more tightly as another dizzy spell came on.

"I am glad that I finally got to tell you," Heero said, lifting his head at the comment and smiling.

"Yeah...When all of this happened...I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tell you..." she said as the dizzy spell passed, and she looked up at him. "I was so scared..."

"You had me scared. That is why we shouldn't let something like this happen again. Promise me that next time you have a lot to do that you will ask someone for help. For my sake at least." Heero replied.

"I promise..." she smiled softly, the best she could give after such an ordeal.

"Now what were you saying about your trying to do something at the hospital?" Heero asked, nodding his head slightly and smiling again.

"I...I wanted you..." Her face reddens, again awkwardly.

She stared back down again at their joined hands, a little nervous. Heero's face looked slightly shocked as he tried to confine his blood from spreading over his cheeks.

"Are you alright?" she asked, looking back up at him, concerned. Heero nodded and noticed that some of his blood had managed to fill his cheeks.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have told you then…" she said as she felt the tears welling up in her eyes, wishing she could run away.

"Don't cry. I will make it up for you if you want." Heero responded.

"It's…it's only if you want to, though..." Relena replieed looking up to Heero.

"I am sure I do," Heero said, smiling sweetly as he leaned over her.

She puts both hands to her head as another, more severe dizzy spell came on. She closed her eyes, trying to blot out her surroundings as it came.

"Ahh... This dizziness..." she replied.

"It will pass," Heero said as his hand tensed, and he sat back down, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry...Why did it have to come now?!" Relena asked, frustrated.

"You could not help it," Heero responded.

Her hand found his, and she clutched it tightly, in agony. She moaned a little from the pain. Heero started to get up to fetch Sally. He was stopped as Relena tugged on his hand gently.

"Please...stay here with me…" she responded.

"As you wish," Heero answered, smiling.

"You really don't mind?" she asked as the dizziness lets up, and she opened her eyes again.

"No, I don't mind," Heero said, shaking his head.

She got up again, trying to give him a kiss. Heero leaned down to help lessen the distance between them. Their lips met, and she kissed him ever so gently. Her arms weakly wrapped around him, holding him close to her. He enjoyed the moment to his fullest delight and kissed her back as he gathered her closer with his arms. They finally broke, and Relena looked up to Heero, still in his embrace.

"Heero...I love you..." Relena spoke softly.

"Aishiteru, Relena-chan..." Heero responded.

"Thank you so much..." she said, continuing to hold him close, feeling his secure warmth. "I'll...always protect you..."

"And I shall do the same for you," Heero said, smiling at the comment.

She closed her eyes tiredly, burying her face in his chest. She softly whispered his name. Heero stroked her hair along her back, gently keeping her in his embrace. Without trying, she fell asleep, worn out from the night's ordeal, and her arms slowly unwrapped themselves from around him, and she fell back towards the bed. Heero gently lay her down and pulled the covers over her. He placed a small kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

"Sleep well, Relena-chan," Heero whispered as he closeed the door to the room.

She lightly breathed as she slept, totally worn out, still pale, but a lot more color in her skin than earlier. Heero silently opened and closed his door from across the hall and smiled as he got ready for bed. This was one night he would embed into his memory.

-To Be Continued...


This is the first time Minako-hime and myself have gotten together to do a fanfic. This is a joint writing thing because she does all the female characters, and I do the male characters. We would love to hear your comments and see what you thought of this chapter. We may do another chapter, depending on what we come up with.

(1) - We have assumed that since Heero is Japanese his religion is either Shinto or Zen. This explains why he prays to the higher spirits.