Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ As I Lay Thee Down ❯ Prolouge. (Meiying's Poem) ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing in which I write or may write about in this story unless stated otherwise; excluding the character 'Meiying' who is my own creation and is © 2001 Ryo-Realm! Inc. Second, despite rumors this has nothing to do with that whole 'dead wife' thing, that is untrue, just websites that want hits. Third…*snarl* Wufei is mine and anybody who gets near him *cough* Aimee, who has no grammar skills at all *cough* shall die a slow and painful death! Forth, yet again, hats off to my favorite musicians, Toby, Michel and Kevin if you ever do so happen to read this and a new musical inspiration, the Newsboys!

Note: This is set only months after Endless Waltz.

…Alas, my love…we say goodbye…as I look back on those few days…

...Deep in Korea…deep into the heart of the country, a place forgotten by time, where the sun shines at it's brightest and the cherry blossoms bloom early…

…And my, how they were like a dream…

There was a small village called 'Ryuuku.' It was a peaceful little town that had been blessed by salvation from the rages of war, and the people whom lived there just wanted to live simple lives without such fears. Yet despite this good fortune, the town was not to be sparred from war for long…

…Alas, my love…this very night…I wish that life could just stand still…

Little did anyone know, but in a very short time, a secret force's meeting would be held here. There would be discuss of MS designs and war tactics…Men and women would gather to speak of bloodshed as children played in the street outside their window…

…And in this moment…you somehow know…as my bones heal, my soul weeps…

…And the cherry blossoms bloomed.

You've changed in these mere few days…perhaps something inside of you has awakened…

Very important information would be at that meeting, information that could reshape the face of the earth. And thus, a beginning of the end…

…And even still…do you somehow know? That my spirit longs to flee the world…and stay here…with you, alas, my love.


'Forever!'…Part of me says…should I listen?

No one in the town knew of this yet, it was top secret information, kept away from the public. So that it was to be kept away from enemy ears at the same time…or so they thought…

No candle burning vigil can amount to the secret we keep.

Deep within.

Though darkness comes forth from the ground…

What we sow…is what we reap.

But until morning we shall hold our high our hands and head…

`Till the day we finish our work…

Because on the third day, he finished his.

So no one in Ryuuku knew of this…expect for one. A girl, a girl with power beyond any mortal's dreams...hidden deep within her soul…a power that she dared to share with another…
