Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Bless the Child ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
15 Jan 2002

Warnings: creation of religion, shounen ai, angst, prophecies, death, other
Categories: series
Pairings: 1+2/2+1, other
Feedback: please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. Only the idea of this fic, which was developed from it's inkling with the help of KwyckSylver and Hana (mostly). I own Leigha and any other created characters. I own the Crystals/Children/Opals, as they are my creation as well. The religion on Gideon, Faedium, the planet, and their God (simply called God as Christians call their own) are my own creations.

Bless the Child by Willow

"When Felling's Moon wanes in the night sky and Ithor's bosom is heavy with milk, a blesséd child unto God will be born. Marked will he be, with a stone upon his brow, as others of His blood are born. But unlike those not born under The star, the Second Son will he be. And as the first so shall he.

Innocent as only angels may be, he shall suffer greatly for the fate of Man. And when True Love is found in both -- Man and Child --, his fate then will he meet. For only then, will he know his purpose, and only then shall Man be saved.

Upon the hour of the Rise of the Dark, when Ithor's bounty withers, a cry shall ring out through the World, and all Man and Child will know God's Decree."

-- the profit Ganymede, upon his deathbed

Leigha gazed peacefully at the swaddled babe in her trembling arms. His baby brow sparkled with the opalline tear that marked the Children of God.

The Crystal woman sighed heavily, knowing the burden her newborn son would bare. "My babe," she whispered. "I must leave you now, but always will I be in your heart. May God guide you, my son born under Ithor, and may life be kind to you, as I fear it will not."

"It is time," a nun told Leigha, coming up to stand beside her at the window.

Leigha nodded, hugging her child to her breast before releasing the babe into the awaiting arms of the hooded nun. "Take good care of him?"

"Always," Helen replied, smiling as Leigha drew her cloak about herself and slipped away into the night. For a time, the blue eyed nun watched the horizon over which the Mother had disappeared. "May God protect you on your journey, Leigha ap A'slin. Your babe is safe, you need not worry."

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end prologue