Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Capture ❯ Chap4( Crystal eyes) ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Well here we are again. Uhm.... your gonna find this weird, but stay with it! I know they might be.....Ah I don't know you tell me what you think. This took me a long time to write and I really like how it turned out. So enjoy and give me feed back, cuase this is .....uh yeah. Well enjoy~!

Lady Une stared at the reports on her desk. Her concentration was shot and all she wanted to do was go out there and look herself. Sighing she rested her head in her hands then stood up and paced by the window impatiently.

" Four months and no sign of any of them." She picked a picture up off her desk and looked at the five uniform clad teenagers that were the best in the solar system and now missing persons. Heero and the others were perfectly capable of disappearing when they wanted to, but this time was different. They had never returned from the mission they had been sent on four months ago. She kicked herself for not listening to Heero about bringing Quatre into the equation before time ran out. He had been taken anyway, kidnaped. There might have been a better chance had they all been together before what ever happened to them.

" I'll find you." She told the picture firmly. The Gundam pilots were her best and brightest and she wasn't about to just lose them. A lot of people cared about them now they just couldn't disappear like that and fade from so many lives.

Ryo Jamerson stared dejectedly at the small empty bedroom. The walls were painted a light blue with race car banner around the top edge. Sunlight streamed into it giving a pristine new look to it. He hated it.

Brushing earthy brown locks out of dark blue eyes he turned from the offending room and strode down the hall. He was tired of all the talk of this new change. They hadn't even asked him if he wanted to do this. Striding out the kitchen door and ignoring his mothers queries he broke into a run to the field stretching behind their house.

Reaching the middle he stopped and flopped down in the soft grass.

" I'm being stupid." He shook himself. He, Ryo 'Mr. Perfect', was acting like a spoiled little kid. " If they want to adopt another child who am I to stop them. I might even like the kid.....maybe not." Smiling he watched a butterfly alight on his jean clad knee. His smile turned to a look of puzzlement. He couldn't understand why these little moments were so important or why they seemed to be missing something too. Reaching up he fingered the small heart-shaped locket dangling there. He brought it up to eye level and inspected the small charm. He did not know where he had gotten it, nor why it was so important. Ryo pried for the thousandths time on the small clasp, trying to open it without success. It had never opened.

" Open you...." Giving up for now he contented himself with looking over the peculiar metal. It was five different colors all together. Midnight black that seemed to reflect the stars, bright somehow fiery green like a dragons scale, sun bright red, sandy grey brown, an the purest white, all melded together as one heart. But what it meant he had no idea. It was the most precious thing he owned. He would never take it off or let anyone handle it besides himself, not even his parents.

"RYO!" His head snapped up and he looked behind him to the house.

" Yeah Mom!" That sounded so weird to him but he suppressed the ' yeah what'.

" It's time to go!"

" Be right there!" Standing he brushed off his jeans and ran to the house in a hurry, they had an appointment in an hour. For some reason he actually felt exited, like something good were going to happen.

Ryo looked at the small stone building. It was the orphanage his parents had picked to adopt from. Children ran in the yard playing tag and a small dog yipped and chased after them. He let a small smile creep on his mouth as a tiny girl ran by being chased by a bigger girl.

" Alex! Helphelphelphelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Ryo nearly covered his ears. He heard a window open on the second floor and a voice sailed down to them as he looked up.

" Diana! Don't harass Cielia! Or the goblins might get tonight!" The older girl shrieked and scurried off leaving the little girl rolling around in hysterics. But Ryo eyes were caught up in the vision before him. His eye caught those of the boy hanging out the second floor window. Crystal blue met cobalt and held. A connection was made eternally. Feelings rushed him but he could not place them at all, they fit no where in what he called life. He felt like he was looking at someone out of another world that was his too.

" Ryo!" Eye contact broke and he wanted nothing more than to look back up. His mother waved an impatient hand in front of his face. "Come on dear." Her eyes lit up instantly. " They're going to let us talk with the children. Oh dear, don't pout. I know you don't like this right now, but give it a chance okay?" She placed a hand on his cheek and look questioningly in his bright eyes.

" All right ...Mom." He sighed out. Saying mom still sounded strange to his ears but comforting.

" Good! Come on your Fathers waiting for us." She jumped off pulling him along by a wrist.

Inside the living room was cool and welcoming. A few little children about three to eight sat in the room playing with some toys on the carpet. Ryo spotted his father talking to a couple of kids off to the side. His mother went off to talk quietly with the matron leaving him standing aimlessly in the entryway.

" Excuse me?" A quiet voice behind him nearly made him jump rather than calmly turn around. Behind him stood the boy named Alex. They stood once more, wide eyes locked, then carefully inspecting the other. Ryo couldn't shake the feeling that he knew this boy. He looked about his own age, maybe younger. Bright blue eyes that shimmered with life and honesty. Golden hair cut to the top of the perfectly white neck. It was the eyes that drew him though, beautiful crystalline depths that seemed familiar and welcoming to him.

Alex stood in a similar trance. He couldn't help but feel....home. In the endless starry expanse of the eyes looking through his to his soul he saw his home and family. Yet everything was so clouded. The other boy struck him as quiet but with a controlling air that was somehow familiar. He could not understand the feeling, only stare helplessly as the other boy carelessly brushed long fingers through ever unruly hair. 'I..know him. No, I couldn't?' He had thought he had knew the boy but something clouded his mind every time he tried to think of who he was. It was just like every time he tried to think of his own past. Something was wrong and he knew it, but even that speculation was washed away too.

" Alex!" Alex brushed past Ryo and walked briskly to Matron.

" Yes ma'am?" His wide blue eyes made him look older and younger at the same time.

" Alex this is Mr. and Mrs Jamerson." She gestured to the middle age couple standing next to her. He nodded politely and smiled. This brought a wide smile to the women's lips. " They want to adopt you!" His head snapped back to Matron.

" What?!" He couldn't believe his ears. " But, but, I'm fourteen. Who.. why..?" ' Fourteen? Why doesn't th..' The clouds rolled in again.

" Alex. I know how unlikely it is, but they do want you." Her eyes practically danced in happiness. Tears sprung to his own eyes, but only five prisms glided down his cheeks. The women seemed alarmed by this and stepped forward.

" Only if you want to hon." Her hands brushed his tears away gently. He was pushed back as a small form flung herself into his arms.

" Cielia?" Tears trickled down his neck as she buried her head against it. Muffled sobs where heard as she clung to him. " Ceilia? It's alright, I wont go anywhere until you have a home too." She stroked her back lovingly, leaning his head against the soft down of her feather soft hair.

" NO!" She lifted her head to look at his face. " I want you to have a mommy and a daddy and a big brother!" Her big brown eyes pleaded with him to go. " Please Alex. Go with them and have a family and not be sad anymore. I want you to be happy. You can write me when you get there. We'll always be together. right?"

" Right." He smiled at her. Leaning in he pressed a loving kiss on her forehead. As she snuggled once more into his neck he nodded his assent to the now weeping women and her husband. They moved off with the matron into her office to set things up while he cradled a sleeping little angel in his arms. " Love you."

" This is your room." Ryo moved for Alex to see. Alex walked slowly into the room, turning in circles to see every corner.

" It's....nice." He did not know what to say. Well, for one the paint needed to go.

" Hn." Ryo scowled at his new brother. " If you don't like it just say so." Alex whirled to face him dropping his suit case at the same time. He bit back a yelp as it landed on his foot.

" I did not say that." He shot back.

" You didn't have to. Listen, we both know you don't want to be here, and I don't want you here so lets just make a compromise alright?" The cold tone shocked even Ryo.

" Fine." Alex bit out.

" You stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." Turning Ryo rushed too quickly from the room.

Alex collapsed on the bed as sobs racked his thin frame. They had gotten so cold to each other before the ride 'home' was even over. It was true he did not want to be here. He wanted to be back with Cielia and the other children at the orphanage, but even there he wasn't home. It was painfully obvious that this was Ryos parents choice and he was no part of it. Yet something sparked hope in his lonely heart and belonging.

" We could be brothers." Two whispers from two rooms sailed on the wind to the others heart.

The next day was bright and sunny. Wispy white clouds floated along at a leisurely pace and the bird sang clearly. Then the sound of yelling broke the day and the birds flew away.

" NO! You can not just push me around like that!" A normally quiet voice hit a high.

" You can't just waltz around like you own the place!" A lower level voice never missed a beat.

" I live here too now. Get used to it."

" No one said I had to like the arrangement or you." Ryo kept his hand from flying up and leaving his mark on the pale cheek. He just walks around moping all day acting all polite then locks himself up in his room and hurts the women who took him in. And he doesn't even notice!

" Well then why are you here! I locked the door, you didn't have to break it down to get to me!"

" You hurt Mother and don't even realize it you idiot!" Ryo seethed. Alex quietly observed he kinda looked like a fluffy dragon with all that smoke coming out his ears. But he kept that to himself, after all he did want to have children someday.

" I..I didn't mean to." Alex lowered his head in shame as he realized what Ryo said was true. He had seen the hurt look in the kind women's eyes when he had turned her away when she offered an ear to him.

" Sure you didn't. You don't mean anything do you. If you don't like it here, leave. Your only hurting them." Alexs hurt filled eyes met Ryos.

" If that's what you want." He turned and gabbed his suitcase from the corner of his room. As he reached for the zipper a hand caught his and he looked up in surprise. " Ryo?"

" Just apologize to her. And try." Ryos glare was piercing, but Alex wasn't afraid of it like everyone else.

" Alright." Alex nodded sadly and walked out of the room to find their mother. Ryo watched him go then turned to the suitcase on the bed. Coming to a decision he picked it up and walked to the open window. He dropped it over the edge onto the trash cans a story below.

Alex found Mrs. Jamerson fixing breakfast in the small kitchen. Frying pancakes filled his nose and he walked up behind the women as she flipped them sadly. Not hesitating he slipped slim arms around her waist and laid his head on her shoulder. She jumped slightly looking down at the top of his silky hair. A huge motherly smile broke out on her face and she slipped both arms around his shaking shoulders and cooed to him. Mr. Jamerson stood beside his son as they observed the tranquil moment. Ryo felt that odd stirring in his chest again, almost compelling to join the hug. Yet he still did not like the kid, at least he tried not to.

Two weeks floated by with the two boys skating by each other like the other did not exist. Their parents weren't worried though, they had a feeling their boys would come around in time. They just had to be patient. School was starting now so Ryo and Alex would be together wether they like it or not.

" Alex! Lets go or were going to be late for the first day!" Ryo called up the stairs to his sleepy little brother. A crash was heard along with a muffled curse and Alex came flying down the stairs in a frenzied grace. Jumping the last few stairs he landed next to a surprised Ryo.

" Where'd you learn that?"

" I .. don't know. A friend I think." Circus popped in his head for some reason.

" You think? Baka."

" Ba..ka?" Ryos lips turned up in a teasing smile. Walking away quickly he head scurrying footsteps running after him. They hurried outside and strolled along the sidewalk to school. For once in a companionable silence. Their shoulders brushed slightly but neither seemed to mind, almost enjoying the contact of someone who was so close they did not even know it. Ryo wondered why he let the other get so close. He barley let anyone touch him, it just wasn't his nature. Yet here he was not minding some strange kid to be near him.

" Hey Ryo!" A voice called behind them.

" Jason!" Ryo raised his hand in greeting as he stopped. Alex stopped beside him, watching as the new boy ran up to them. He had a feeling this was going to be an interesting day.

" Yo buddy what's up?" He clapped a hand on Ryos shoulder eliciting a low growl from the other. The hand was quickly removed along with a sheepish smile. " Sorry."

" Huh." Ryo turned and continued down the street with Alex matching pace at his side.

" So uh, who's the kid?" Jason flicked a finger Alex way.

" Kid?" Alex raised a fine blond eyebrow.

" He's visiting us."

" Visiting you?" To glares shot at Alex's irritated face. ' Long day, very long day.' He shook his head and fell sadly behind the two quietly talking boys. ' I go home. Ryo...Hee..' " AH!" Alex fell to his knees gripping his head. Pain ripped through his sensitive brain. He felt hands gripping his shoulders and a voice called his name anxiously. The clouds rolled back in and the pain subsided. Alex slumped into the strong arms and breathed heavily. When his vision cleared he looked up into worried blue eyes. " Ryo?"

Ryo looked worriedly at the boy in his arms and fought with the emotions wreaking havoc on his own brain.

" alright?" He found this a bit hard to do.

" Uh, yeah......we should get going." Alex pushed himself up pulling Ryo with him.

" Do you want to go home?" Ryo didn't even realize his mistake at calling it 'home' for both Alex and him.

" No. I'll be alright. Lets go on to school." He pulled on Ryos sleeve. They walked past a stupefied and forgotten Jason and on to school. Ryo kept shooting worried glances at Alex. He couldn't seem to help it, it all seemed to familiar. All those protective feelings.

In the packed hallways of the local public school Ryo gripped Alexs pale hand in his own tanned one. Alex winced a bit as Ryo gripped a bit too strongly. He led him through the throng of kids to a row of classrooms in a slightly clearer hall. The lockers were actually somewhat visible here.

" I'm supposed to show you your classes."

" I trust you." Both stopped and stared at each other as the words left Alexs mouth unexpectedly. Ryo nodded after a moment and led his little brother to a few classes huddled together for his grade. It was a small school with a small population so not much was needed. At his last class a voice sounded behind them.

" Hey Ryo!"

" Oi." Ryo rubbed his temples as Jason bounded up behind them.

" Does he say anything else?" Alex whispered annoyed slightly as the boy started smiling dumbly. A slight snicker beside was all the answer he got.

" 'Ey, beat it squirt!" Jason waved Alex on as he reached them.

" Apparently so." Ryo jerked a finger in the opposite direction they were going.

" Jerk." Alex strode off to his first class.

The first classes past by in no time and lunch rolled around. Alex rubbed at his burning head trying to ease the headache. Who knew highschool could be so loud. He pushed his way through some wandering packs of students to the lunch line. He looked up as he bumped into something very solid. 'Uh,oh. This can't be good.' Four very large boy er guys er not quite men yet not boys. ' Bullies, yeah that fits.'

" Hey Chicken wuss. Where do you think your going?"

" What did you call him!" Alex left his mouth open as a livid Ryo stepped in and stood beside him.

" Chicken, Wuss. Got that?" The leader of the small pack stepped up to Ryo, staring down at him.

" I will not rise to your bait. Bullying may be your forte but I prefer to have intelligent conversations with people with I.Q.'s over 53." Five slack jaws stared at Alex as he blushed fiercely.

" Huh? Did he just insult me?" The leader look to his cronies for an answer. Getting shrugs all around he decided it was and rushed Alex suddenly. Just as suddenly he found himself on the floor looking up at Alexs face, his boot on his chest. Ryo dared anyone else to even move. Side by side they walked out of the circle of people gaping at the fallen boy.

" Where'd you learn that?" Ryo looked at him quizzically.

" I wanna say you." Alex looked back quizzically.

" O~kay." Ryo strode off leaving no time for Alex to thank him for the unexpected help. Alex watched his back as he left. Something about that defiant stride and confident air reminded him of someone.

" Boys! Dinners ready." Mr. Jamerson watched amused as two blurs sped by and flung themselves at the table. " Well, it's nice to see you to see you two too."

" So, how was your first day of school Alex?" Mrs. Jamerson kissed both soft cheeks of two embarrassed boys and sat down.

" Well there were som..!" Ryo promptly shoved a full fork of mashed potatoes in Alexs flapping mouth.

" He had fun. Didn't you Alex!" Ryo glared at him till he nodded his head, fork still lodged in between pink lips. Two very confused yet amused parents went back to eating. Ryo shook his head angrily and shoved some peas onto Alexs commandeered fork since his was being stabbed in Alexs own food.

" Did you hear the news honey?"

" What you mean those five boys?"

" Yeah ." Mrs. Jamerson shook her head sadly. " They still haven't found them. It's been months now and no sign. Oh and honey they were only Ryos age." Two heads snapped up to look at the adults across the table. Fog clouded their minds and they went back to eating.

They ate as speedily as they could. Excusing themselves they walked back up stairs to settle down for the evening. Alex grabbed Ryos arm before he could get to his door.

" Why'd you do that back their?"

" Are you clueless?" Alex stared at him blankly. " Apparently so... Do you want to get her all worried and flustered for nothing? She would never let you out of her sight, and go on a protective spree. You don't need to worry her like that. Just because you can't take care of yourself."

" Hey! I can take care of myself. I didn't need you to come to my rescue at all!"

" Fine!"

" Fine!"

They both huffed off in different directions, but the rug seemed to slip fro under neath them and they landed in a heap on each other. Un tangling themselves they stared at each other for a second, smiles twitched into full out laughter at the ridiculous situation. They fell against each other as laughter echoed through the house.

Alex surveyed his bedroom happily. Two months had passed and he and Ryo were best friends now. It was like they always had been. Ryo had even take to calling him little brother. Neither felt that it had only been about three months since they first met. More like years, entire lives. Pictures of days at the zoo and theme parks and hanging out lined his wall now. A stuffed camel sat nestled in his arms as he snuggled against it. The walls they had painted and sandy rose color together. There was a picture of that too. He laughed when he saw the too rose painted teenage boys with paintbrushes in hand smiling innocently at the camera.

Things really had changed in the past two months. Alex sighed, he still felt like he should be somewhere else. Only thing now is that Ryo belonged in that place with him. He didn't think he could leave Ryo behind and just run away. Though he felt the pull stronger everyday. ' I have to leave soon. I have to find out what this is.' But now wasn't the time. Besides his suit case was missing.

" Alex." He looked up to find Ryo hanging in the doorway beaconing him.

" Coming!" He hopped out of bed and place his plushy lovingly down. He scowled at the snickering back that he followed. " Where are we going?"

" You'll see."

" O~kay. Fearless leader." Ryo shot him a mock glare over his shoulder and led him out of the house.

A beautiful sight stretched before them. The long grasses looked liked they were on fire with the sunset that strangely reminded Alex of the desert.

" Wow." He took another step into the middle of the field and let the wind play with his open shirt and silky hair. He felt Ryo move up to him and turned to see look at him. " Why show me this? You always come out here alone to think." He frowned a little at that. Those were the times when Ryo withdrew into himself and went slightly stoic.

" I wanted to share it with you." He fingered the locket on his neck like he always did when he need comfort or reassurance. " I don't believe I have ever been so happy, truly happy until the last three months."

" Thank you Ryo." Alex smiled truly for the first time in a long time he really smiled, then Ryos fiddling finger caught his eye. " What's that?" And like any inquisitive little brother would he grabbed it before Ryo could stammer a syllable. But he didn't snatch it away either.

" I've always had it. Can't open it though." Alex hooked his thumbnail under the latch and flicked. Ryo gaped as it popped smoothly open.

" Baka." He playfully smacked the side of Alexs head. Holding the small locket open and up to his face he inspected the tiny picture inside. Sunset light fell on five boys standing side by side all smiling even the barest smile. As his eyes alighted on two figures in particular he felt the blood leave his face. Alex rested a worried hand on his shoulder and he showed him the picture. Clouds rolled over their minds, but this time holding onto that precious gundaniam heart they pushed the clouds back and let the sun in.

" Heero."

" Quatre."

They stared at each other for five minutes before either made a move. Suddenly as if in consensus they moved into a tight bonding embrace. Neither wanted this make-believe world of happiness to end but it had. They had each other to face the dangers once again though.

" That man, he poisoned me Heero." Quatre explained to him. " I fell asleep in the tub and woke up on a street corner in that small town."

" I know. He caught us all and did the same. The last thing I remember was you being taken away and the others shouts." Quatres eyes filled with fear.

" The others..."

" They can take care of themselves."

" He must of done something to alter are memories. Hypnosis of some kind?"

" Possible. We'll have to investigate it more and find out exactly what he did so we can undo it for these people."

" And find the other!" Quatre smiled happily at Heero. Life was getting back on track and they were unstoppable when it came to the Peace and each others. Heero fingered the clasp on his locket and watched sadly as it fell to his palm like water. Yet he would rather give up the necklace then never see Quatre again. ' Have I changed so much?' Looking back at the time spent in their house he knew he had. For a short time he had been given back the childhood he had never had. He had even gotten a brother. Heero looked over at Quatre who was staring into the distance. Make believe it may have been but those memories were real.

" Now I understand. That feeling that I belonged somewhere else, I do." Placing a hand on Quatres distracted shoulder Heero turned him to face him.

" This is yours." He pushed the locket toward Quatre but it was pushed back into his hand.

" It's your now. I want you to have it Heero, a reminder of these memories." Heero nodded stoicly but the emotion shone in his eyes for anyone who cared to look.

" Don't clam up on me now Heero!" Quatre laughed as Heero mock glared.

" All those people are either working for Rosald Winner or are like we were." Heero stated, getting back to business. He caught the look of surprise and recognization in Quatres eyes at the name.

" I should have known. He always was stirring something up, and now this. He always opposed are families ways and the government but I never thought he would do something like this." Quatre shook his head sadly.

" Don't blame yourself." Heero ordered, assuming the big brother role again. Quatre humphed lightly and stared into the distance once more. Then something hit him.

" They assumed I was fourteen!" Heeros laughter filled the dusk one more time.