Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: God, I hate doing this...don't own. Sniff, sniff!
Thanks for the kind comments and hell, thanks for reading!

Catch Me by gethmane8

Chapter 2

It had unexpectedly turned into a battle. Women vs. Men. And the casualties were mounting. Once word of Relena's sprint to freedom had trickled down the friends grapevine, the women gathered to praise one of their youngest members and vilify their male counterparts.

"So Duo's mad at you, Hilde?" Noin asked the small, pixie faced girl.

"Hmph. Probably even more so since he's sleeping on the couch. I can't believe him. All this time he's been in contact with Heero and didn't tell anyone, not even me. Bozo." Hilde growled, hands crossed over her chest.

The other women nodded in unison. Except for Une, who was stuck at work, they were all over Sally and Wufei's home. Wufei had made himself scarce when they all arrived on his doorstep.

"I have something to say that may shock you all silly. Wufei, my Wufei now, actually agrees with us." Sally remarked.

Shocked gasps were heard around the living rom. Noin almost dropped the piece of chocolate cake she was eating.

"Wufei? The same egotist that claims women are weak? Did you fall and hurt yourself, Sally?" Dorothy asked sarcastically.

"Ha, ha! Seriously, Wufei told me and I quote, 'Serves the idiot right. He shouldn't have made the woman wait so long', unquote. Believe me, I almost fainted myself." Sally grinned.

"Marriage has done wonders for him, Sally. Now if we could do something with our men, then it would be perfect." Hilde quipped.

Trowa was currently single, so there wasn't any woman there to complain about him or his disadvantage being born male. And he was probably at the moment on a shuttle with Heero to aid in protecting Relena and hopefully keeping Heero from running amuck with his pistol.

"Quatre had the gall to feel sorry for Heero. He infuriates me so much at times." Dorothy said, tearing off a piece of cake with a fork and putting it her mouth.

That statement raised a few eyebrows in the room since Quatre was the sweetest and tamest of all the men. He must have really done something to get the normally protective Dorothy mad at him.

"And then he asks me to marry him again. So stubborn!" she said, exasperated.

"What? He's proposed to you and you're mad?! I can't get that idiot Duo to even spell the word marriage, let alone say it!" Hilde exclaimed in outrage.

All eyes turned to the most outspoken and outrageous woman in the group.

"Marriage is for fools, no offense to you two." Dorothy stated to Noin and Sally, looking displeased with the subject.

"None taken." The women said in unison, before looking at one another and laughing.

"I've always felt marriage was a trap designed by imbecilic men so tied to their mother's apron strings, they wish to marry to have another woman continue the practice. Washing for them, cooking for them. I don't think so! I have servants to do that. And I'm rich. I don't need a man for anything except to warm my bed and I certainly don't need marriage for that." Dorothy replied.

"But Quatre loves you. The idea of settling down with him forever and having children doesn't appeal to you?" Sally asked.

"Forever only happens in fairy tales. I love Quatre, but forever is a hell of a long time. The reason they call marriage an institution is because it's like being locked away behind bars without your freedom. Marriage...yuck!" Dorothy shuddered dramatically.

"Then I pity Quatre because he's an old fashioned guy and won't be content to let things stand like that, Dorothy." Hilde said.

Dorothy whispered to herself. "You'd all be surprised what innocent little Quatre is really like."

"Enough about our men, what about this Chris guy? Is he on the level?" Sally asked.

"I can tell you Chris is a nice person and no one needs to fear for Relena's virtue." Hilde said smirking.

"Why? Is he ugly? Fat, bald, stupid, impotent?" wondered Dorothy.

"Dorothy!!" Noin scolded, while laughing at the same time.

Hilde had to take a few moments to contain her laughter before speaking again. "He's none of those things...well, the last one I don't know. But he's just friends with Relena now. But if a certain someone thinks otherwise..."

"Did she plan this to make Heero jealous?" Dorothy asked.

"No. Relena's honesty burnt out. She needed this getaway. And though I'm furious with Duo, I agree that Heero and Relena are perfect together. Maybe the thought of losing her will kick his ass in gear. If he can't, she's better off." Hilde said, a little sad about the situation.

The four women sat quietly after that. Of all the relationships, Relena and Heero's was needlessly the most complicated.

"Oh, I get it now. This Chris guy is gay, isn't he? I knew Relena was a fag hag." smirked Dorothy arrogantly.



"Get away from me!" Relena screamed playfully as Chris chased her into the ocean, teasing about showing her his piercing again.

He splashed her with water and tackled her from behind, throwing them both in. Soaking wet, they laughed and played like children.

"So are you happy I had to almost twist your arm to get you here?" asked Chris, pushing his wet hair out of his eyes.

"Yes, I'm having the time of my life. You've been a great friend, Chris." Relena smiled at him as she splashed him.

"I know." He licked his tongue at her when she rolled her eyes back at him. "Okay wild one, how about I race you back to shore? Think you can take me?"

"I know I can." she challenged, swimming up beside him.

"Okay, on your mark, get-GO!" Chris shouted, breaking off to dive forward in a head start.

Relena gaped in surprise before giggling. "You cheater!" She happily yelled, swimming after him.


"Well, this is the place. Whoa, this guy is loaded! Hell, if I were gay, I'd run off with him too!" Trowa remarked just to get a rise out of his silent compainion.

Heero had been stonefaced as a statue from the first meeting at the shuttle, and hadn't said a word the entire ride to the Wellas' estate. A man of few words himself, even he was unnerved by Heero's brooding. But I guess it was only natural when the love of your life runs off with another guy. Of course, it being your fault said love runs away because of your stupidity, doesn't help matters.

Trowa knew he shouldn't be poking at a wounded animal with a pointy stick, but he couldn't control himself. Relena was perfect for Heero but he continued to fight it. To quote Wufei, "Injustice".

"I'll check around the place before I set up survillance." Heero said, unlocking the car door and getting out of the rented car. Slamming the door with undo force, Heero bent into the open window. "And Trowa, friend or not, you keep picking at me, you won't like the results."

Heero walked away after that and Trowa watched as he easily climbed over the gated security fence and headed for the mansion.

Trowa fought to keep the grin off his stoic face. Being threatened by Heero was becoming a normal event, but this time he knew he'd been angry enough to mean it. This little excursion might just be what that doctor ordered to get his act together.


Relena suddenly felt an unknown chill run down her spine. Why did she suddenly feel ill at ease? Like someone was walking over her grave site?

"What's wrong, Lena? You've gotten quite." Chris asked, keeping his arm around her waist as they walked the boardwalk.

"I don't know? Just a feelling I-" Relena broke off, eyes widening a fraction.

The only time she ever felt this particular feeling was when...Heero! She felt her heart beat speed up and cursed herself for the reaction. She was supposed to be trying to get over him, not excited he might be there.

Chris pulled her closer as she stopped and stared up at him.

"If I'm correct, my little vacation just got more interesting." Relena sighed with a crooked smile.

"Why?" he asked.

"Heero. I know he's here, I can just feel it."

"Heero Yuy? The same Heero you've been in love with for the past three years? The same guy that stalks you and you're obsessed about? Gun toting, ex-assassin, Heero?!" Chris exclaimed in horror.

"Yes." Relena said, sheepishly.

"Do you think I should buy a bullet proof vest or be more worried he shoots for my head?" Chris asked in dismay.


I didn't mean to make this a war of the sexes, but it turns out it's more fun that way. Well, next chapter Heero and Relena meet and all hell breaks loose. That's all for now. Keep hitting me up with reviews and ideas on what would be interesting to happen next with this three-way love triangle?