Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Catch Me ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine...ain't that a @#$%!
Thanks to all the nice things everyone has said, keep reading more.

Catch Me by gethmane8

It was well after nine before Relena and Chris arrived back at his home. With the new ominous threat of Heero lurking about, Chris was more than eager to get to the safety of his property. He parked his car in the driveway, getting out to open Relena's passenger door.

"Stop looking around like someone's chasing you. I said it was just a feeling, Chris. It doesn't mean Heero's out to get you." Relena said, watching as Chris nervously checked his surroundings. He put his arm protectively around her waist as they walked to the front door.

"So you say. Believe me, any sane man would be jealous and ticked his girl was with another guy." Chris answered, unlocking the front door, ushering them inside.

"That's the problem. I was never his girl." Relena sighed despondently.

Chris mentally kicked himself for touching onto a painful subject. He'd brought her here to recover from her heartache, not stick another dagger in.

"Sorry, Lena. I trust your judgement. I know how painful this is for you." he said, bending to kiss her on her forehead.

"Just trying not to get capped in my ass." Chris joked.

The oddity of the statement set Relena laughing and that lifted tensions. Chris joined in as they stood giggling in the foyer.

"You are a strange one, Chris. Funny but strange. Well, I'm going to go shower and change for dinner. See you later." Relena smiled, wiping a tear from the corner of her left eye.

"Need any help scrubbing that back?" Chris gave a wolfish wink.

"No. I think after 19 years, I've gotten the hang of washing alone. Thanks." she called over her shoulder, bouncing up the stairs.

"If only..." Chris remarked.

In the surveillance car, Trowa and Heero listened on. Heero had bugged certain rooms in the mansion and they could overhear every conversation from the cooks in the kitchen to the foyer where Relena and Chris were. Listening to their not so private conversation, Trowa was beginning to worry what effect this was having on Heero. The only indication of anger was a slight tightening of his features as he listened in on their conversation.

Heero said nothing, but his eyes had followed Relena's every step the minute she stepped out of the car until the front door closed. The bathing suit she wore was daring and he'd never seen that much of her skin in all the time he had known her. She was beautiful. She was sharing a part of herself he'd been too afraid of with someone else. Having fun with. She had moved on. And he'd never hated or wanted to hurt someone as much as this Wellas character.

Trowa was starting to wonder if he was needed more to offer protection for this Wellas guy than for Relena.


Duo sighed as he tried for the hundredth time to find a comfortable spot on the couch. Having grown in height, he'd sprouted up quite nicely and almost gave Trowa a run for his money in the height department. Problem was, he was now longer than his couch was and it wasn't a comfortable sleeping arrangement. Right now he blamed Heero and Relena for the mess he was in...and maybe felt a little guilty for keeping secrets from Hilde.

Hilde had been giving him the cold shoulder and kicked him out of his own bed! It wasn't fair. How could anyone get any sleep on such a lumpy couch? He was definitely buying a new couch in the morning.

"Good night, Maxwell." Hilde said, putting his pillow on the couch with a blanket incase he got cold. She turned away to go to the bedroom.

"Okay, that's it. Look Hilde, I'm sorry, okay." Duo said, exasperated. He sloppily jumped over the couch and quickly grabbed her around her waist and held tight.

"Duo-" Hilde said, trying to push him away.

"But you kept a secret from me too, Hil. Just like you were protecting Relena, I was watching Heero's back. Their dysfunctional romance is their problem though, no matter how much we want them to get together. I really am sorry. No secrets from you ever. I promise. You know how I hate it when you're upset with me." Duo said, putting on his best puppy dog face.

"You evil rat! You know I can't stay mad at that face. Ohh! Okay, I'm sorry too." Hilde sighed, hitting him in the chest with her hand, already weakening under his persuasion.

Duo bent and kissed her on the lips and was relieved she put her arms around him and held him tight. Hilde was the first to break the kiss and tugged at his braid playfully.

"So does this mean I don't have to sleep on the couch?" Duo asked, smiling.

"You've just gotten a reprieve from the governor, Maxwell. Let's go to bed. I'm sleepy." Hilde said.

"Hmm, really? Because I'm not!" Duo said, picking her up in his arms, grinning as he ran into the bedroom. Hilde's laughter ringing out into the night.


Relena came down to dinner in a casual pale green summer dress and matching sandals and was pleasantly surprised to see the beautiful dinning set up. Dinner had been set out on the terrace and by candle light. It would be quite romantic if it wasn't so sad. She was in love with one man and another man who was perfect for her was out of her reach. Not that it mattered anyway.

"What's with the frown? I told you that was forbidden here." Chris said, taking her hand and leading her on the terrace. He pulled out her chair for her and sat her down before seating himself across from her.

"I thought you were afraid of snipers? Why the change of heart?" Relena asked.

"You only live once. Besides, I don't think I'll be shot anytime soon. I hope." he said.

"You have nothing to worry about. He doesn't care enough to actually get upset to want to hurt you. Probably doesn't know I've left." Relena said, eyes watching the night's sky, not looking at him.

"Lena, it's time to move on. He's a part of your past you have to let go. That's why I'm here. I'll do anything I can to make you happy, Lena." Chris said, grasping her hand from across the table.

"I know. Thank you." Relena felt herself start to cry, so she put on her fake political smile and squeezed his hand.

"None of that either, Lena. I come from a political family, so I know false emotions. If you want to cry, cry. Curse, yell or scream, but be honest with yourself. Be honest with me."

She tearfully nodded. "I will."



Dorothy giggled as Quatre kissed around her neck, before slowly going down and stopping at her shoulder. She was terribly ticklish and he enjoyed teasing her when they went to bed. He smiled at her before he moved one of his hands to her stomach. Lying on her back, she stiffened as his hand hung menacing over her middle area. The gleam in his eye didn't bode well either.

"Don't you dare!" Dorothy said, trying to contain her laughter.

"Don't what, Dorothy?" Quatre smirked, lowering his hand inch by inch slowly.

"I mean it, don't you...heh,heh, NO!" She shrieked as he relentlessly started tickling her stomach. She tried to roll away from him, but he kept her in a firm grip beneath him.

This went on for a couple of minutes until Quatre mercifully quit. Still laughing, they shared a kiss as they rolled about their bed. Rolling around the rumpled bed, Dorothy rolled on top of him and sat with her knee around his chest, trapping him.

"I will have my revenge, you know. I always do." she said, smirking.

"I'm counting on tha-" Quatre smiled, running a hand through her long, blonde hair. He was about to lean forward when he heard a noise in the hallway.

"Quatre, I let myself in. I hope you don't -AHHHHHHH!" A voice screeched from the doorway.

Quatre and Dorothy turned in horrified shock to see Quatre's older sister Iria, walking into their bedroom. Dorothy quickly scrambled off Quatre's chest and reached to pull the bed sheet around her naked body. Quatre blushed every shade in the spectrum at the disbelief on his big sisters face. Well, finding your little brother naked with a woman on top of them was bound to ruin someone's day!

"Who the hell is she?" Iria gasped, pointing her finger at Dorothy.

Quickly getting over her embarrassment, Dorothy resorted to what she knew best, sarcasm and anger. "Hey, you ever heard of that new invention that's popular now, it's called knocking! And the names Dorothy Catalona."

Iria lifted her eyebrow at that, before looking at her red faced brother as he wrapped the bed sheet around his middle.

"Iria, what are you doing here?" Quatre asked. He placed himself in front of snippy Dorothy to shield her from his sisters questioning gaze.

"I hadn't heard from you in weeks. We were worried about you. But now I can see you've been busy." Iria said, looking pass him to an angry Dorothy sitting on the bed.

"Who's your little friend, Cat?" she asked again, arms folded,expecting an answer.

"This is Dorothy fiancee." Quatre said, suddenly inspired by the situation.

Dorothy stiffened behind him on the bed, but remained silent. Iria took the whole situation into account before his words finally registered.

"FIANCEE?!" Iria gasped happily.

Quatre turned to Dorothy silently and awaited her reaction. She lifted one of her unique eyebrows at him and smirked sardonically. She got up from the bed to stand beside him and grabbed one of his tense hands.

"You better buy me one hell of an engagement ring, Quatre!" Dorothy whispered angrily in his ear.


Dinner had been pure hell for Heero. Listening as that scum bad mouthed him and tried to convince her it was time to move on with her life, made him reach for his gun more than a few times. He was there only as protection, but the need to see her was overwhelming. He honestly didn't know why after telling her to move on with her life, did he have such a hard time doing the same.

After dinner, they'd gone to his bedroom and watched movies the rest off the night, Heero had been worried the other man would have made a pass or something intimate would happen, but it never did. Chris had remained a gentleman all evening. Relena had went to bed around eleven and Chris never left his room. It was well after midnight before Heero gave into impulse to check on her.

"I'm going to do a sweep." Heero said

Trowa nodded and kept his mouth shut, knowing exactly where Hero was really going. He watched the ex-pilot leave the car and prayed seeing her up close would make him realize what he was missing. If not, he might shoot him himself.


Like the may times Heero had done this before, he easily got past the home security installed and climbed the outside of the building, before entering a window he'd unlocked from before. He knew which room was Relena's from his earlier investigation of the property, and quickly made his way there. Opening her door silently, he stepped inside to see her laying with her back to him. Walking around the bed, he gazed down at her while she slept. Her long hair fanned around her head like a golden halo.

Crouching low, he hesitantly touched her hair, enjoying the texture of it. Only in these quiet moments did he ever allow himself this weakness.

"What are you doing here, Heero? If you're here to take me back, then forget it. I'm not going." Relena whispered, opening her eyes.

Heero stiffened as those soulful eyes turned to him. She wasn't asleep like he'd thought. He backed away from her, when she lifted up and pushed the cover aside.

"What are you doing here, Heero?" Relena said, voice rising. She stood up with her hands on her hips.

Unused to being on the receiving end of her anger, Heero didn't know what to do. She kept coming toward him and he kept backing up.

"Answer me!" Relena shouted. She was two parts thrilled and scared to see him. Scared to let herself hope he was there for her out of love not obligation.

He remained silent and Relena almost screamed in frustration. Reaching behind her, she grabbed her pillow and started beating Heero with it. Full of unbridled rage, she kept swinging furiously at him. Not expecting this reaction, Heero bent down and let her continue hitting him. After one particularly hard hit, she knocked him off his feet. Jumping on him, she sat on his legs and pummeled him senseless. Finally letting her wear herself out, Heero snatched the pillow away from her. He grabbed quickly and pulled her close to him and held tight when she would have pushed away.

"I couldn't stay away. No matter how I try, I can't stay away." Heero whispered into the side of her neck as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"You're here because you were ordered to get me. Not for me. You can just go because I'm not leaving. Not until I'm ready." Relena said, wiping a tear from her eye.

He heard her softly crying and he cursed. Pulling away from her, but this keeping hold of her, Heero wiped at her eyes.

"Relena, I -" Heero started, before watching at the corner of his eye the bed room door opening.

"Relena? What's all this shouting? Are you- oh, hell? Is that Yuy?" Chris shouted as he came into her bedroom. He stood shocked at the door seeing Relena sitting on a man laps in her nightgown.

Heero turned his glacier cool prussian blue eyes on his preceived competition and the room temperature dropped. Chris, though taller and slightly more built than the other man, still sweated in genuine fear.

And Relena...she prayed for her sanity.

How was that? Poor Chris. It's hard to compete with a first love. Sike! Check out the next chapter for more angst and whatnot. C-ya! ^_^