Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Crule Summer ❯ Hello ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Usagi was about to step through the portal which Pluto opened.
She stopped just before she entered and hugged Pluto.

Usagi: Thank you.

Pluto: For for what?

Usagi: For being there for me, and forgiving me a chance to live
my life normal.

Pluto: Goodbye Serenity-Hime.

Usagi: Goodbye. Watch out for the others.

Pluto: I will.

Pluto watched sadly as Usagi disappeared through the warp.

Pluto: What will happen now? Kami-sama help me.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^On the other side of the Portal^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Usagi: Hello? Is anyone there?

Usagi waited for a reply.

Usagi: Hello?

Usagi looked around the room. There was a grand piano, and some
other instruments.

Usagi: 'This guy must be loaded

???: Hello miss, Can I help you?

Usagi look at the person who addressed her. He was very handsome.
He had platinum blond hair and aquamarine eyes. He stood a few
inches taller then herself. SHE blushed when she finally caught
herself looking at him.

Usagi: Oh yes, sorry. My name is Usagi Tuskino and I am looking
for a Quatre Reberba Winner. My friend sent me.

???: May I ask you friends name?

Usagi: Setsuna, Who are you?

???: Oh forgive me! I am Quatre Reberba Winner. I talked to your
friend Setsuna just a few hours ago.

Usagi: Hai, I know.

Quatre: Would you like a tour of the place? Seeing as how you
will be staying?

Usagi: And pass up a chance to walk with a cute guy? You couldn't
pay me enough to say no!

Quatre blushed a deep crimson.

Quatre: uhh, this way.

He lead her down a bunch of hallways and up a bunch of stairs,
pointing to this room and that.

Usagi: How much do you wanna bet I get lost?

Quatre: You don't have to worry. There is normally some who can
help on every floor.

Usagi: Great. So are you the only one I'm living with?

Quatre: No. There are four other guys, my friends, that live here
with me.

Usagi: Are they as cute as you?

Quatre blushed again.

Usagi: Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Quatre: I'll take you to the living room now.

Usagi: Cool.

Quatre once again lead her down a hall that opened up into a huge
room. The rest of the Gundam pilots.

Duo: Woohoo Quatre's got a girlfriend! You dog you.

Usagi smiled.

Usagi: No I am just a friend of Quatres.

Duo: Even better.

Quatre: Guys this is Usagi Tuskino. She's going to be staying
with us a while. Usagi this is Duo Maxwell.

Duo: I may Run, I may hide, But I never tell a lie.

Usagi shook is hand.

Usagi: Nice to meet you.

Quatre: This is Trowa Barton.

Trowa: Hello.
She shook his hand as well.

Usagi: Hi.

Quatre: This is Chang Wufei.

Wufei: Great another weak onna.

Usagi: Nice to meet a fellow weak onna then Mr. Weak Onna.

Wufei: Injustice!

Duo: Just a little.

Quatre: And this is Heero.

Heero pulled his gun out and pointed it at her.

Heero: Who do you work for?

Usagi: I don't work. I did work at a milkshake place but they
fired me. What about you?

Quatre: Heero, please put the gun down.

Usagi leaned down and whispered to Duo.

Usagi: Put it down? Where was he keeping it?

Duo burst into laughter. Usagi just smiled innocently at the rest
of them.

Usagi: What?

Quatre: Well would you like to see you room now?

Usagi: Sure.

Usagi gave a slight bow to everyone left in the room and followed

Quatre: What did you tell Duo?

Usagi: I just said "Put it down? Where was he keeping it?"

Quatre laughed a little.

Quatre: I don't really know either.

Usagi: Your friends seem really nice.

Quatre: They may not act like it all the time, but they are as
good as friends get.

Usagi: I thought I had friends like that once. But they betrayed

Quatre: Thats horrible.

Usagi: It's ok, I got to come here didn't I?

Quatre: Yeah.

Quatre stopped at a oak door and opened it. Usagi was shocked.
They room was beautiful. The walls were forest green, and the
rugs were a dark green. The bed was made of cherry wood, giving
it a slightly red color, and a dark green comforter topped it

Usagi: This is so cool.

Quatre: Hope you like the color green.

Usagi: Are you kidding? I like all colors.

Quatre: Do you need some help unpacking?

Usagi: No, I don't have alot.

Quatre looked at the small bag she was carrying.

Quatre: Are you sure thats enough clothes?

Usagi: For a few day I guess.

Quatre: I know, how about I take you shopping tomorrow for a new

Usagi: I love shopping, but I wouldn't want to spend your money.

Quatre: It's okay, I don't mind. Who knows we may be able to pull
the others out of the house for a day.

Usagi: Thanks Quatre.

Quatre: No problem. Well if thats all, I'm going back to the
living room.

Usagi: Ok, I'll be there later.

Quatre: Ok, don't get lost.

Usagi: I wont, I think.

Usagi gave Quatre a smile and turned back to unpacking.

She put her clothes in a small wardrobe on the other side of the
room and sat up a few pictures. One was of her and Mamoru. Even
though she wasn't dating him, they were still friends. She thinks
so atleast. The next one was the one of the entire group. Usagi
stared a it a minute then put it up on the desk. The last on she
was sitting up was a picture of her and her mother on the moon.
Pluto had given it to her. She sighed and quickly joined it with
the others.
Usagi turned when she head a knock on the door.

Usagi: Come in!

Duo stepped though the door.

Duo: Hi Usagi.

Usagi: Hey Duo. Whats up?

Duo: Nothing, I just got bored.

Duo glanced at her pictures.

Duo: Who are they?

He pointed to the one of all the scouts.

Usagi: Those are my friends. Well some of them anyway.

Duo: There cute.

Usagi: Your just like Minako and Makoto.

Duo blinked.

Duo: Who?

Usagi pointed to them in the picture.

Usagi: Thats Minako, and Makoto.

Duo: What about al them?

Usagi: Well thats Ami, Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, Setsuna, Rei, and
thats Mamoru.

Duo: Whats a Mamoru?

Usagi: He's my ex. future fiance.

Duo: Ex? Future?

Usagi: It's hard to explain. Maybe I'll tell you later.

Duo: ok, I'll hold you to it.

Usagi: Deal, Well lets go back to the living room.

Duo: Okay, I'm hungry anyway.

When they walk back in Duo takes a seat in the floor but not
before asking when's dinner. Usagi meanwhile takes a seat next to
Trowa. Usagi tries to strike up a conversation but all shes
getting is a 'Hn' here and there. Quatre got up a few minutes
later and began to cook.

Usagi: hey Quatre, I'm going to go out side for a bit and get a
feel for the world. I'll be back soon.

Quatre: Ok.

Usagi walked out the door. She followed a path that was covered
by trees.

Usagi: This is beautiful.

She found a white gazebo and sat in the swing that hung from the
ceiling. She gently pushed off the ground. Perfect. Thats what
this place was. Then she stopped. She remembered something Pluto
had said. She would have to fight in a war to become normal

Usagi: Figures

She thought.

She heard Wufei call her to dinner.

Wufei: Come and eat onna!

As she slowly walked back to the house memories began to fill her
head. The fight with Beryl, and Wiseman and all the other battles
she had been in. She entered the house and walked into the
dinning room where everyone was sitting. She quickly put back up
her smile and sat down beside Duo. She was beginning to eat when
she noticed Duo ate just like her. She laughed in her mind. The
dinner though disturbed her. It was quiet. She cant remember ever
eating a quiet dinner before. At home her family would talk about
there day and when she at with Makoto, or any of her friends for
that matter they would always be talking. She sighed catching the
attrition of Quatre.

Quatre: So Usagi, where did you live?

Usagi was glad Quatre was at least trying to have a conversation.

Usagi: I lived in the heart of Tokyo.

Duo: Really? Cool. I know Japanese, only one word though, baka,
and thats thanks to Wu-man.

Usagi: Wu-man?

Wufei: My name is Wufei! Not Wu-man! You will die Maxwell!

Wufei then proceed to pick up his katana and chased Duo around
the room. Usagi was laughing her head off and the other guys look
at it like nothing had happened.

Quatre: Usagi?!?! Whats wrong with your head?!?!

Usagi saw her crescent moon glowing. She brought her hands up to
hid it but that only resulted in Heero making a grab for her
wrist and pulling them back down. The others crowded around her
to get a better look at it. After a minute or so it faded.

Usagi whimpered in pain.

Usagi: Heero! My wrist don't bend that way!

She shouted at him. She glanced back down at her wrist to find
them swollen and red.

Quatre: Were sorry Usagi, here let me see.

Quatre grabbed her forearm and brought it closer.

Quatre: It's just sprained.

Duo: Heero did it!

Heero just glared at him.

Heero: Whats the best way to kill him?'

Quatre disappeared for a few minutes and then came back with an
ACE bandage. He wrapped her wrists up and began to apologize

Usagi: Quatre, It's ok I forgive you but, why are you

Quatre: I feel bad for letting it happen.

Usagi: But you couldn't have stopped it.

Quatre: Still.

Duo: It's no use Usa, Quatre loves to blame himself for
everything if you let him. Sooner or later, he'll start saying
that there's no air in space because he didn't work on it hard


Usagi giggled.

Wufei: Weak onna.

Usagi turned and looked him in the eye.

Usagi: Wufei, you've said that a million times since I've been
here. want me to prove I'm not weak?

Wufei: All onnas are weak.

Usagi: Fine. You me! Right now.

Wufei: Fine.

Quatre: Please no fighting in the house.
Usagi: Fine well go out side.

The group walked out side into a grassy opening.

Wufei: Ready?

Usagi: Almost. Moon Prism Power!

The guys watched amazed as Usagi appeared in a short skirt and
the whole sailor outfit.

Duo began to shout.

Duo: Shorter! Make it shorter!

Usagi: Ok now I'm ready!

Wufei let out a war cry as he charged at her. Usagi faked to the
left and dodged the attack. As Wufei turned around her foot
connected with his face. This sent Wufei back alittle as he
stumbled. But he got back up and took the defensive. Usagi
charged at him as the meet blow for blow. They had been fight for
about 30 minutes and it was beginning to show. Wufei kicked her
in the stomach and sent her flying. She staggered back up in time
to evade Wufei's attack. She jumped over him and landed a spiral
kick in his back. Wufei then brought out his katana.

Duo: He cant do that! She doesn't have a weapon!

Trowa: Look.

The went back to watching. Usagi was dodging the katana
skillfully and slipped on the wet grass and he got her arm. Blood
now was gushing from the wound.


The attack grazed by Wufei's side causing him to stagger. Then
surprising the other 4 pilots they walked up to each other and
shook hands. Then they walked back to the group.

Duo: You rule Usa!

Usagi detrasformed and smiled. She then began to sway as the loss
of blood finally got to her. She had began to fall when Duo
picked her up and walked over to Quatre.

Duo: Quatre! Usa fainted!

Quatre: Ok, ummm, Heero and Trowa you fix Wufei up and me and Duo
will get to work on Usagi.

They nodded and went to work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Chapter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So what do you think? I'm sorry it took longer to get out. I had
it done but when I read through it it just was horrible. Well 3
will be out ASAP and keep voting for a couple!

Heero/Usagi - 9

Trowa/Usagi - 5

Duo/Usagi - 2

Quatre/Usagi - 1

Wufei/Usagi - 6

Come on guys! Review! Oh and this chapters prise is...........a
lock of Duo's Braid.


*Pets Duo* It will be ok wittle dewo!