Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Cyren Song: Reading Between the Lines ❯ Forced Control ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Reading Between the Lines: Cyren's Song

Chapter 2: Forced Control

By: Kellendraysia

Heero needed no prompting from his sister, leaping up into the air the Wing Gundam transformed into its sleek bird form and took off. The gryphon with one powerful leap spread its wings and followed closely after. The other pilots paused just long enough to glance at one another before following Heero and the other mysterious pilot. Flying inside the hanger, at what was now considered the Gundams base, the Wing transformed back into its mobile suit form as Heero brought it to rest in its customary spot. The gryphon winged in a few moments later, landing the suit paced back and forth as the other pilots arrived.

"Boy do ya think that she's a little irritated or what," Duo commented off handedly to who ever was listening as he watched the pacing form. Then one after another the pilots emerged to stand on the platforms before there respected Gundams and watched the gryphon pace. Then the pilots, one after another, walked down the ramps to the hanger floor, each making sure to stay clear of the massive taloned feet and paws of the highly unique mobile suit. After a few more moments the gryphon stopped and sat down on its hunches. A soft hiss noted the pilot's emergence as the door within the chest of the gryphon opened.

Cyren stepped out onto the platform door, she was extremely irritated. Lowing herself to the ground by the foot platform she made her way to where the five other pilots stood. She looked at each one in turn, her mind connecting faces and personalities of pilots to their Gundams. She started with her twin, her face an emotionless mask till her eyes came to rest upon Wufei, then her eyes narrowed slightly.

"You're the one who doesn't know how to listen," she said in a deadpan tone, irritation beginning to rise once again, she walked over to him.

Wufei looked at the girl, "I find women and bleeding hearts to be an unfulfilling battle," he retorts with a sigh, as he turns away thinking that to be the end of it.

"If that is the case, I am no bleeding heart and if you have troubles fighting women, then don't think of me as one," the tone of Cyren's voice does not change as she lunges towards Wufei, her fist leading the way.

Wufei hearing the comment turned just in time to narrowly avoid Cyren's fist connecting with his jaw. Her furious attack has left him totally on the defensive.

The pilots looked on in shock as the fight started within a blink of an eye, except for Heero who mainly watched ill at ease, though he does not show it. The light and happiness that his sister had once possessed when they were growing up has been replaced with the lack of a better word a dark brooding. What has happened to her, he thought.

The onslaught of Cyren's attack was brutal. In all actuality she wasn't all that strong but what she lacked in strength she made up for in speed. It wasn't to say that her blows didn't hurt; it was just she lacked the strength of her male sibling.

The other pilots had no true time to react, with possibly the exception of Heero who was not going to get involved, between the recovery from the shock and the furiously of the attack. For the fight seemed to end just as quickly as it had started with Wufei lying in the middle of the hanger floor flat on his back. He was conscious and sore and though he never truly left the defensive in this fight he felt satisfied with the outcome. He knew well that she did not leave the fight unscathed either. As soon as Wufei had went down Cyren was off walking towards the hanger's exit where she disappeared from sight out the open doors.

"Wufei are you alright?" Quatre asked, a twinge of concern in his voice as he made his way over to his `fallen' comrade.

"I'm fine," Wufei said blandly as he sat up, his dark eyes gazed in the direction that Cyren disappeared. He practically dismissed everyone else as his mind whirled with thoughts and unanswered questions that were now formulating about this new worthy opponent.

* * *

Cyren was furious with the chain of events that have happened recently and looked for some other way to release the pent up agression that she felt, without drawing blood. She took off around the side of the hanger and up a slight rise till she came to a small cliff, the slight wind ruffled her hair gently as she knelt down to pull a bowie knife free from it's sheath upon her lower right leg. Placing the blade between her lips to free her hand she pulled out a piece of cord that she had left in her pocket and tied off the top of her braid, then she took the knife and cut it off. She dropped the braid to the ground, sheathing her knife she turned and walked back towards the hanger, leaving the braid behind, its soft tassel end stirred slightly by the wind.

Inside Wufei got to his feet and dusted himself off, looking towards the hanger doors for a few lingering moments then he turned and started out of the hanger in the opposite direction. He paused by Heero for a moment and was about to ask him something but instead of asking he just shook his head and continued on his way. He needed some time to think before asking too many questions.

Heero just watched Wufei go, he too had several questions in which he wanted answered. The only thing is that he was having a difficult time trying to figure out how to reach a conclusion to the answers that he sought. He wasn't comfortable asking her about her past at this point in time. He has just found that after six years that his twin was alive and that had to be enough for now, even though he knew that it wasn't going to be. He wanted to know what happened, why she has become so bitter towards the world to wash away the ever-present smile that he was used to seeing, what seemed a lifetime ago. A smile that was replaced with violent bloodshed, seemingly without remorse, pity, or compassion of any sort. His gaze wandered towards the hanger doors as well for just a brief second before he too turned and left the hanger behind Wufei. He had to come to terms that his sister was not who she once was.

Duo, Trowa, and Quatre glanced over at one another trying to figure out what was going on.

"I wonder what's going on," Quatre commented softly. "Heero doesn't seem to be himself."

"What do you mean," Duo retorted back, as he placed his hands upon his hips. "He seems like his normal moody, I don't care about anything but the mission self." The mouthy one just shook his head sending his long braid swaying behind him. "But I know what you mean… I think…aw man what the hell is going on here!" He reaches up and scratches his head. "Since when have we ever picked up a stray pilot before? For crying out loud, since when did Heero have a girlfriend other then Relena?" He finished in an exasperated tone.

Quatre and Trowa both shook their heads at Duo's raving, unable to answer the questions that he posed. Both lost in their own thoughts as to what was going on. They knew that answers needed to be found but they were not going to be easily sought and neither of them were too willing to ask at this point in time. Neither of them wanted to provoke this new addition to the team. At least that's what they gathered from Heero not objecting to her being there.

"Well I'm sure that everyone has things that they need to do and repairs to make," Quatre said to the others as he turned to leave the hanger. "The only question that we have to face is what are we going to do with that," he points to the gryphon. "Do we really have enough space to house it?"

Duo just shook his head, "Quatre, Quatre, Quatre, you worry to much. The hanger has plenty enough room to spare…we just need to talk to our new friend so that she can move the suit to a better spot where it's not taking up so much room."

Quatre just sighed, "Maybe you're right but…." He shook his head, leaving his statement to just trial off. He was unsure of what to think about the entire situation, so he just turned and left the hanger.

"And see if we can get her to clean it up," Duo then paused as he looked up at the Quadra pedal unit and nearly shuddered. "Seeing it sit there covered in blood kinda gives me the creeps."

Trowa looked up at the gryphon thoughtfully for a moment then he turned to leave.

"A penny for your thoughts," Duo asked looking over at Trowa, then to the mobile suit, and back to Trowa again.

"I have nothing to say on the subject," Trowa stated simply. He looked up at the blood covered machine again. "I just wonder what is to come of all of this." He added then he turned and left the hanger.

Duo just stood rooted in one spot for a moment trying to digest everything that has happened in the last couple of hours after Trowa left. Then he turned and headed towards the hanger doors. "Man I need some fresh air," he muttered softly under his breath. "This has sure been one long and interesting day." With that he shoved open the door and walked out, not really paying attention to where he was heading, lost in thought.

Cyren hearing the hanger door open as she was nearing to enter, leapt up onto a small outcropping and crouched down, not wanting to be seen. She watched the form of the boy in black walk out the door and off around the way she had just come not paying attention that she may be there at all. Taking that advantage she dropped down on the opposite side of the door, out of sight, and slipped back inside the hanger. She made her way back over to her suit and took herself back up to the cockpit to grab a duffel bag full of supplies for herself, and then she got back down. Looking around and taking note that no one was about she again decided to take advantage of the situation now that the other mobile suits were free of their respected pilots. She had some theories and statistics that she wanted to authenticate all of which she stole from Oz before she left. The first Gundam that she was going to check out was that of her own twin the Wing Gundam. She had a feeling that most of the information that she had upon that particular mobile suit was highly inaccurate. Not that it mattered all that much if the information was wrong, she was worried about which information may be accurate. Right now all she really wanted to do was to give Oz or more pointedly to her, the Romafeller Foundation a good swift headache. She made her way up the ramp and over to stand before Wing. She just stood there for a moment, thinking.

"What makes you so special, I wonder? I remember another pilot having troubles with you," Cyren spoke softly aloud, and then she chuckled. "I actually believe that the one I'm thinking of has more of a grudge with your pilot then with you but," she shrugged. "One can never be certain. I hope that your going to be nice and give me the information that I am searching for, it would make my job so much easier."

Cyren then opened the cockpit of the Wing Gundam and walked out onto the platform, setting her duffel down she began to rummage though it. She pulled out a small laptop computer and several connection cables. She hooked the cables up to the computer, then entered the cockpit to plug them into the console and a few other areas. Then she started to sift though the data within the Wing. Once she started to pull valid information from the machine, she sat down on the platform and began to cross-reference the data with that which she got from Oz.

Outside Duo muttered to himself all the while he walked along about everything that was going on, when something caught his attention. He could see something moving slightly before him as he drew closer to the edge of the cliff.

"What the…" Duo commented softly as he looked down upon the long braid on the ground. "Well it's mine now," he added as a grin spread across his face. "I wonder what our mysterious pilot is gonna say about this? Not like it's gonna matter none." He shrugged as he held the nearly three and a half foot braid, then he folded it up and placed it his pants pocket. Turning around he looked towards the way he had come and decided to go for a bit of a longer walk. It wasn't like the hanger and its contents were going to get up and walk away unnoticed.