Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Drastic Measures ❯ chappy 2 Ligers easy win and the offer ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: WAHH SORRY I forgot to write this in the last chapter, but I don't own G-gundam or Zoids just Ookami and Blind Sneer YAY!!!!

~*~*~*~*~*~*A/N: ok ok my first G-gundam fic so don't be mean, well actually you can be mean just send lots of reviews!!!!!! I LOVE SAI SAI!!!!!!!!! WHEEEE!!!!! Anyways check out this fic, it's called Old Acquaintances, cause Katie will kill me if you don't, I like cheese cutters, and I ABSOLUTLEY LOOOOVE PAJEUGE!! I would love it if you sent reviews, I probably don't have ten but please I want at least 15 I tried to make this one long honestly I did :'( ANYWAYS ON WITH THE FIC!! **salutes** ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When I say Liger that's Blind Sneer fused with him in the battle Kks!!

~…~- What there thinking

((…)) -My comments

~*~*~*~* -End of chap, or switch of P.O.V

Drastic Measures chap2. The fight, and welcomes

Ookami's P.O.V about the fight/ and after it

Liger was standing, scanning his opponents, there was three: Spike Gundam, Blade Gundam, and Rock Gundam. He let out a low growl, eye glowing, symbolizing that he had just mobilized.

There's not a lot of Zoids left, after the war all zoids just vanished from earth and the colonies, just five are left, mostly all in the Guardian Force, they are very rare and most people will do anything to get there hands on them.

Spike Gundam and Blade Gundam both flew at Liger, but from different directions, there weapons bared and ready to strike, Liger struck out his blades, and with his booster dodged there attacks, catching Blade Gundam's blade in his nearly cutting it off.

"SHIT!!!" yelled the ((you guessed it)) pilot of Blade Gundam, as the blade fell to the ground.

Liger had turned and was heading at Spike Gundam, his right foreleg ((front leg)) was glowing, goldish, to his claw, he let out a roar ((?)) as he slashed out at the gundam cutting it in half and blew up with contact of the ground, you could see the pilot running off toward the city cursing himself, and his Gundam for being so careless, the other two gundams retreated following him

~He must have been the leader~

Liger let out a victory howl and Blind Sneer unfused with Liger and ran over, I kneeled down as he licked my face, laughing, but then heard footsteps behind us. I turned quickly in a fighting stance ready for the attack that I assumed was going to come but,

To my surprise the just was a man, he had a big red cape, I'd guess he was in his twenty's, he had black hair, that was sorta sticking out, the cape covered his whole body, except his head of coarse, but it seemed possible

((A/N: I WANT A CAPE!!! Super man!! Ok ON WITH THE FIC!!!))

Next to him was a boy, my age I guess, he had black hair, which was tied back in a braid/ponytail, and he has reddish/brown/gold eyes, his clothes… were um ((Sai sai's clothes!!)) I could see he was blushing a bit,

~He's sorta cute, sorta? Man he's HOT!! Wait, WHAT AM I THINKING, he's probably the enemy, here to steal my Gundam and Zoid, heck even Blind Sneer and me! ~

I stood my ground glaring at them, they had stopped and were looking me over, and for weapons I guess. Blind Sneer was growling, baring his teeth at the strangers, he was inching in front of me protecting me from what could come.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Sai sai' P.O.V!!! YAY!!!

Bro and me stood there and watched the battle, between the Wolf Machine and the three Gundams, he seemed to predict the tactics of the fight, but I got bored of that and my gaze crept to the girl,

She was standing there, smiling watching the battle, it seemed she made up her mind to watch rather than retreat,

~She's so close to the blasts, why doesn't she run?! ~

I don't know why I was so concerned for her safety but I guess it's just something inside, or something like that.

She has light blue hair that goes down just below her shoulders, from here it seemed to curl at the ends, I couldn't see her eye color but I could tell over all that she was beautiful. She looked my age, which was around 16.

I blushed and turned, pretending to observe a tree. I didn't want Bro to see me blushing cause, after all I was sort of trying to prove that I wasn't a kid anymore.

He kept his eyes on the battle the whole time though ~phew! ~.

When the battle was over a beaten up pilot came running bye without his Gundam, followed by two Gundams I could tell they were retreating

~The one with out the Gundam must be their leader~

I shrugged and my gaze went back to the girl, but a wolf came out of/unfused?? I didn't know but a ball of light came from the wolf machine, and formed into a wolf, It looked real enough, anyway it ran over to the girl and she knelt down and embraced it, it was then that I noticed I was all alone, and that Bro had started walking toward her a while ago, so I hurried up over to him right before the girl quickly turned into a fighting stance, her wolf was next to her, growling.

She looked at Bro, then at me causing me to blush again, I stood there looking into her eyes, yes they were a blue/green color. I watched her for a moment then looked at her wolf,

He was silver coated, his paws, tips of his ears, and the tip of his tail were a black/gray color darker than his coat, his claws seemed to be gold, sometimes glowing but that's my opinion.

The wolf machine, which I assumed had a pilot, was just a silent statue, looking as if he never went in to battle, after a while I could see it didn't have a pilot which seemed a little weird for me, but that's ok! ^-^ Bro was the first to speak

"So… your part of the Guardian Force, Ookami I suppose," he paused and turned to the Wolf Machine "and that, the famous Liger Zero, Am I right?"

She hesitated to answer but then said in a low, cautious voice "yes, and who might you be?" she lowered her guard down seeing we didn't oppose to a threat.

"I'm Domone Kasshu"

"Ah, Neo-Japan's fighter, Burning Gundam, King of Hearts" she then turned to me, looking strait into my eyes, causing me to blush slightly,

"And you?"

"I-I'm Sai saishi" her wolf sat seeing no threat, but not taking his eyes off Bro and I

"Neo-China's fighter, ^-^ Dragon Gundam, Ace of Clubs"

"How do you know our crests and Gundams?"

"Lets just say I've done my home work ^-^, well you already know who I am but here" she pointed to her wolf "is my friend, Blind Sneer, he's an Organoid"

~Organoid? ~

"I've heard of those, they fuse with zoids, but in some rare cases with gundams, to make them stronger and have better tactics"

I felt left out so I spoke up "hey why were those Gundam pilots after you?"

"Well my dad had told some friends of his that I was part of the Guardian Force, so they came after me… they seem to put a high price on us these days" she sighed and looked over at her "zoid" I could tell she was depressed,

"We have to wear crappy disguises just to go out side, sometimes even in our home, but after all we don't have a home anymore" she let out another sigh, but then Bro said something that really surprised us both

"You and your Organoid can stay with me and Rain" she seemed as surprised as I was

"Uh, ok sure ^-^ thanks"

"So what do you do with your Zoid, after your done with it"

"My Zoid has its places, I let'em roam, right now his system is cooling off he dose that after every battle, he wont let anyone pilot him unless its by me, or Blind Sneer"

I sat there feeling left out.

"Hey Sai saishi, why don't you come and talk to the girl??" I blushed, she smiled. I looked from Ookami to Bro, and then I sat next to her. We then started talking about Zoids and Gundams and stuff like that, but I didn't really care about that stuff, I don't know why but I was just interested in her.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~**~

A/N: YAY!!!! Finally whew!! So how'd you like it? I like it ^-^ SEND THOSE REVEIWS PLEASE!!!!!! Oh and also, rate this story from 1-10 please ^-^ and please, I want around 15 reviews until I post chap. 3 cause I'm mean ~-^ I already have it typed I just want reviews please please, please, please, please!!!!!!! I kno I didn't even get ten yet. PLEASE I WANT REVEIWS, oh and in your reviews type your fav word at the end, u probably think that mine was Tootles BUT ITS NOT!! ITS:

Coolie-O!!!!!!!!! I love that word!!! It's soo cool!

Pagoogle Rocks, and please review!!

-Tootles Chels-Dawg ^-^