Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Duo: Reflection on the Thing They Call Life ❯ The Cosmic Implications of Thinking ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Standard Disclaimers: Gundam Wing is not mine, as much as it pains me to say so.
Warnings: Duo's POV, philosophical
Beta: Gunnmsangel
A/N: Warnings will be given by the chapter, as they apply. If the warnings squick you, please don't read it just so you can flame me. This fic is all from Duo's perspective. It is supposed to be real, not fluffy or fantastic. I want the guys to be like people you could meet at the store or school. The chapters will be short and based on specific topics of Duo's thoughts. This first chapter is simply an intro into the rest of the fic. I hope you enjoy.

Duo: Reflections on the Thing They Call Life
by Solanum Dulcamara

Chapter 1: The Cosmic Implications of Thinking

Who knows where thoughts come from? They just sort of appear. I figure that when thoughts happen, they're meant to happen. We may not like each and every thought we have, but oh well. Perhaps there's some cosmic thought database...

Anyway, I'm still not sure if I believe in God, but I definitely believe in fate or destiny or whatever you want to call it... otherwise, I wouldn't be able to explain half of what I'm going to tell you.

I've read lots of things on life, "life is too short to drink cheap wine," "life is short, play hard," "life is a penny; you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once." I find some truth to all of these... the way I see it, life is short, so live the way you want to be remembered, don't waste time regretting, and love a lot. that last part may throw you a bit, but it's true. If you take some time to observe, respect, and love, you'll find that very few things stress you out. What? You don't think I can spend quiet time observing? Oh ye of little faith. Not only do I observe, but I ponder and reflect (hence aforementioned cosmic thought bank). Everyone's life can be broken down into segment, categories, and tidbits of wisdom. Listen closely, this is a learning experience.