Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eagle In Flight ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a disclaimer. Please note the dis before claimer. As in, I make no claim. In other words, the characters in this work are not my own. I'd like to think the storyline at least somewhat original, any similarity to other works, fiction or non-fiction is entirely unintentional.
Eagle in Flight
Chapter 3
Heero spent the brief flight from L2 G117L66 to L2 RC54VH9 sitting stiffly in his seat, glaring at the door that separated the open passengers bay from the cockpit. Logically he understood that Trowa was right in that his guide, Duo, needed some time away from him to process things. If they were in the same room there would be no way he could keep from staring, straining, wanting to touch, and that would make his Guide even more upset. But still . . . his Guide! He had found him, after all this time and Trowa was keeping them apart . . . he snarled softly.
“No, Heero. I know you want to but leave him alone. We'll be at the colony soon, and I'll make sure he comes to the Ganymede offices with us but if you were with him you'd just distract him.” Trowa sighed and rubbed gently at the bridge of his nose. Talking Heero down when he went into Sentinel overdrive was always a long and tiresome process. Sentinels were highly territorial and protective, particularly of their Guides and stress or extreme emotion could send them into states where their higher reasoning stopped inhibiting these drives. Heero normally had excellent control, being of a naturally calm temperament but the stress of the last few weeks, combined with this very public `rejection' by his Guide . . . He was wound tighter than a clock-spring, barely holding on to control.
Quatre placed a hand on Trowa's shoulder and leaned across him towards Heero. “Heero, it's fine really. We'll be at L2 RC54VH9 soon and then we'll all sit down and figure this out. He's not going to leave you, I swear.”
Heero turned away from the door for a second to glare at Quatre, grumbling low in his chest.
“Okay fine. Just hold on okay? We're nearly there,” Quatre smiled brightly despite the glower aimed at him.
“Ship will be landing in five minutes. All passengers should return to their seats and fasten the safety belts. Ship will be landing in five minutes.”
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Duo stood up and walked to the door from the cockpit to the passenger bay. As soon as he walked through his passengers would have him out the door and on the way to wherever they were headed. He didn't know what to think. On one hand, being a Newtype wasn't that bad, in fact it was the sort of thing children dreamed about. On the other hand, he had a life, a job and ship. To give that all up and become Guide to a Sentinel meant forging a bond as deep and meaningful as marriage, a bond that was for life. Duo sighed, shook his head and opened the door.
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“Duo!” Quatre leapt out of his seat and ran towards the door as it opened, “I know we have some things we need to talk about. Please come with us? We're heading for the local Ganymede branch office, they'll have someplace we can all sit down in private.”
“Um,” Duo looked nervously at them, “What about my ship? I'm not going to just leave it here.”
“Don't worry about it.” Quatre smiled, “I'll pay the docking fees and we can pick it back up on our way off colony. Everything will be fine.”
“Umm, well,” Duo stammered, still unsure.
“Come.” Heero stood and walked over to him, placing his hand on his arm. “If Quatre says it will be fine it will be. We need to sort this out, my Guide. I'm not letting you go, but I don't want to ruin your life either. Please.”
Duo nodded once, “Okay, I'll come. You go sort out the docking fees and I'll close up the ship.”
Heero frowned, “Quatre and Trowa will take care of it. Wufei will go with them. I will stay with you until they come back.”
“Okay.” Duo gestured toward the door, “Everybody out, I need to lock up.”
Trowa and Quatre headed towards the docking office with Wufei behind them scanning the area for signs of danger. Heero stood beside the ship, attention focused on his Guide as he went about the lockdown procedures for his ship.
Heero's total concentration could probably be credited for the fact that he spotted the glint of light only milliseconds before Wufei and that neither of them had time to knock Quatre to the ground before the sharp crack of a gunshot rang through the receiving bay.
Trowa's instincts were on the mark as he launched himself at Quatre, knocking both of them to the ground. The move saved Quatre's life, but the bullet had been launched from above and went through Trowa's arm to lodge itself in Quatre's hip.
Heero and Wufei were instantly on the move. Heero grabbed Duo's arm and dragged him over to where Quatre and Trowa were lying. Wufei took off across the bay to where he had seen the light glinting on top of a shuttle. As Wufei and the bay's security personal tracked the shooter Heero knelt down beside Quatre and Trowa on the bay floor. Taking off Quatre's belt, he wrapped it tightly around Trowa's arm to stop the bleeding. Then he leaned over and began applying pressure to the wound in Quatre's hip.
“Call for an ambulance.” Heero's command to Duo was short and to the point. He could feel himself starting to zone on the blood as it absorbed all his senses on one point. “Hurry.”
Duo pulled out his personal communicator and called colony emergency services to request an ambulance. He then turned to Heero and reported, “Okay, done. What else needs to happen?” When Heero didn't respond he leaned over and put his hand on Heero's shoulder, “Heero?”
Just then the ambulance crew arrived, toting stretchers into the bay. They stopped beside them and lifted Trowa onto one of the stretchers. They nodded approvingly at the belt strapped to the wound. They went to lift Quatre only to find that Heero wouldn't let go of him.
“Hey, it's all right, we're here, you can let go now,” one of the medics attempted to reason with him. When that didn't work they turned to Duo, “What's wrong with him?”
“I don't know. He's a Sentinel, maybe that has something to do with it?”
“Shit, probably zoned. Where's his Guide?”
“He says I am, but we just met,” Duo sighed with frustration. “His other friend went after the shooter I think but maybe if I can find him he would know what to do.”
“Stay here. You're his Guide, you can bring him around. It's much safer than attempting to startle him awake or using chemical methods.”
“But how? I'm not trained for any of this stuff. I'm only here because he insists that I am his Guide. What if I break him or something?” Duo glared at the man while absentmindedly twitching the end of his braid with one hand.
“It's okay. Look, my little sister's a Guide so I'm going to talk you through this. Then the two of you can get to the branch office and get things sorted out, okay?” a medic stood up, leaving the others to tend to Trowa, “Now I want you to walk over there and put one hand on each of his shoulders,” Duo did as instructed, “Good, just like that. Now talk to him. Ask him to wake up, or come back. Be calm, but firm, he'll hear you.”
“Okay. Heero? Man, I need you to come back now. Quatre's hurt I know, but the medics are here now and they can't take him until you let go of him. Come on. Wake up now so the nice men can help your friends. Come on buddy.”
Heero groaned and opened his eyes. Disoriented, he raised his hands to his face and found them covered with blood. This instantly reminded him where he was, “Quatre! I oh . . .”
Duo stood up straight and removed his hands from Heero's shoulders, “He'll be fine. The ambulance is here now but they need you to move so they can help Quatre, so why don't you stand up, okay?”
Heero nodded his head and slowly stood, “Okay. What happened? I could feel myself zoning and then . . .”
“You zoned and then the nice ambulance worker helped me bring you around. Now he's helping Quatre.” Duo placed a hand on Heero's shoulder, “You should go with him. Your other friend, Wufei wasn't it? He's off chasing the bad guys. I'll stay here with my ship so I'm not in your hair. I'll stay and wait for you don't worry; but let's face it, I don't even know any of you really. I'd just be in the way anywhere else.”
Heero growled softly and turned to face him, the hand falling of his shoulder as he turned, “No, my Guide, you will not stay here. We will both go to the hospital, make sure Quatre and Trowa are being taken care of and then we will go the Ganymede offices on this colony.” He turned to the ambulance crew, “We have to get the ship taken care of and arrange for a message to be left for my other friend. Is it okay if we catch a transport to the hospital in a few minutes?”
“Yes, of course. There really isn't any spare room in the ambulance any way.” One of the medics came forward with a clipboard, “If we could have some basic information about your friends first, however, it would be very helpful
“Of course,” he pointed to Trowa, “Trowa Barton. Twenty-three years old. Telepath. No known allergies.” Turning, he pointed to Quatre, “Quatre Winner. Twenty-two years old. Empath. Allergic to chocolate.”
The medic nodded, “Thank you. That is enough for now but someone will need to come to the hospital as soon as possible and fill out more information. We are going to Shady Grove Medical Center.”
“Thank you,” Heero turned to Duo, “We will go back to the ship and clean up, then go pay for a berth and go to the hospital.”
Duo nodded, “Okay.” He walked back to the ship and began typing in the series of codes to unlock it. A minute or two later Heero came on board and joined him, walking inside as soon as the doors opened.
“You're fine, but I need to wash up.” Heero whispered in Duo's ear as he passed by. “Bring the black duffle from out side the ship to the bathroom? I need to wash up quick before I touch anything, and my clothes . . .” Heero made a vague gesture at his blood spotted clothes before walking into the bathroom and beginning to clean his hands and arms.
Duo reached outside the ship to where everyone had left their bags while going to get the ship berthed. After dragging all the bags into the ship he grabbed the black duffel and headed to the bathroom. He knocked on the door and waited until it opened before he passed the bag inside. “Here.” He then walked back to his personal quarters onboard the ship and grabbed a couple of things to add to his own bag. He took them out to the front and found Heero waiting, bag in hand. “One second,” he quickly shoved the items into his own duffel, closed it and tossed the strap over his shoulder. “Okay, lets go.”
They got off the ship and walked over to the docking office, where they paid for the ship to be kept for the immediate future and left a message for Wufei to find them at Shady Grove Medical Center. They then walked out the front and hailed a transport to take them to the Medical Center.